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Can we all please stop being apathetic?

Solecist Project
#141 - 2016-08-17 15:08:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
Pandora Carrollon wrote:
What I've discovered is that posters here are very good at projecting, I count myself in that crowd as well but I'm trying to be better about it.

We all want to see the kind of game in EVE that we like to play be enhanced, but that's just projecting our desires onto the game. It's not like you can't go someplace to get a fight.

Who cares if HiSec is peaceful. If the creative play styles want to be left alone to create, let them. If you like a fight, Lo/Null bekons you.

It's why the various security status states even exist. Go find your game and play EVE your way. Don't worry about other play styles. If you want to suggest a game change, make sure all the play styles are taken into consideration.

1. Stop with the "playstyle" nonsense please.
The game has rules, lore, mechanics and playstyles don't matter beyond the silly egos. This is the number one crap that comes from people who want to force others to stop playing by the rules and mechanics of the game. Carebears.

2. The game isn't seperated in "zones".
Telling someone to go somewhere for fights shows ignorance of how the game works. This most often comes from carebears who want to force others to leave them alone in highsec.

3. Security status. Which one? Personal or system? Sheesh...

4. Peace is boring*, bad for the economy and kills off interactivity. See also apathy, selfishness and ignorance.

Can you try again?

*for the game as a whole. Nothing going on, silent locals, nothing to see, no immersion (which comes mostly from players)

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#142 - 2016-08-17 15:25:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Pandora Carrollon wrote:
What I've discovered is that posters here are very good at projecting, I count myself in that crowd as well but I'm trying to be better about it.

We all want to see the kind of game in EVE that we like to play be enhanced, but that's just projecting our desires onto the game. It's not like you can't go someplace to get a fight.

Who cares if HiSec is peaceful. If the creative play styles want to be left alone to create, let them. If you like a fight, Lo/Null bekons you.

It's why the various security status states even exist. Go find your game and play EVE your way. Don't worry about other play styles. If you want to suggest a game change, make sure all the play styles are taken into consideration.

This is totally incorrect, and it's why people get so upset in the game, because they think they should be left alone. It's the "High sec is PVE space" fallacy.

ALL of EVE is open to conflict, even high sec (it's HIGH security space, not TOTAL security space).

High sec just has different consequences. If the people in envisioned and made the game wanted people to be safe anywhere, it would have been a very easy thing to make guns not work on people in high sec. But EVE lets you shoot people anywhere. EVE has war decs for the same reason.

I've heard this same nonsense (in reverse) from "pvp supremacists" in null sec. The whole "go back to high sec if you want to shoot rats, this is a pvp alliance!" (Not in my current alliance thankfully). Bull...****.... EVE has PVE content (ratting, mining, building, exploring) as well as pvp everywhere, and everywhere EVE says "you can PVE (or pvp) where ever you want as long as you can defend yourself while doing so".

I can, so I do, which is why the Angels and Guristas and Blood Raiders in null know my name (lol)

Well, you can be some kind of 'creative' type in high sec if you want to, but if you undock, you just undocked in a game that features - UNIVERSAL NON-CONSENSUAL PVP- (by intentional design of the game creators). So either learn how to protect yourself in space, or screw off to some themepark "consensual pvp only" game and be happy.
Pandora Carrollon
Provi Rapid Response
#143 - 2016-08-17 16:45:00 UTC
Both of you misinterpreted not only my tone but my point.

I'm saying putting all this energy and effort into something that you can't likely change is a waste of electrons. If 'everyone' has this fallacy then who do you think actually has the fallacy?

I'm not saying HiSec is SUPPOSED to be peaceful, I'm saying... it *IS* peaceful and the vast majority of the occupants want it that way. You guys are ice skating uphill.

Solecist, that was your entire OP observation. I'm just telling you, you're barking up the wrong tree and the ONLY way you are going to actually win this argument is to get CCP to drop the security status zones... good luck with that.

You guys have this picture of EVE in your heads, lore, history, what not, but all of that is absolutely irrelevant to the current reality. If it bugs you so much, go teach the newbies all about that stuff, but don't be surprised if you don't get many converts.

I started playing in January. I'm completely unburdened by all of that past stuff. I don't have to fight that fight against my own perceptions on these points. I don't want to make it what it was, but accept what is and suggest tweaks to make it stronger and more interactive on all fronts, not just the way I like to see it played.

I'm out in Null now. I don't give a flying flip about HiSec. I don't need to care about anything else but my own game. I let CCP worry about their game. If they screw it up, I have other things to play. I'm happy to give them my advice on what I think might be for the game but I certainly don't try to tell them what to do. I am not in a position to judge other players and how they like to play.

Thus my comments about play style. I'm not giving that up Solecist until I see something better and more productive for the game itself, thus far I'm unimpressed with both sides of the argument over HiSec. You might have your crusade against peace but my crusade is to wake players up as to the real power they have, not over the game, not over each other, but over themselves.

As my sig says, fix yourself first. That means a lot of different things but one of them is find your happy spot and do what you like to do, make EVE your game and don't care so much about someone else's. If your game is blowing them up, go do it. If it's endlessly orbiting an asteroid, not my style but more power to you. If it's squeezing that last 0.01 ISK out of a transaction... hey, whatever blows your skirt.

You will have a far greater level of sanity and serenity if you let it go guys. Post up your gripes, sure, but we have pages and pages of hammering each other here on the forums, for what? It doesn't generate good will between players, and when CCP sees that, they are less inclined to believe anything we have to say.

Hammering on me, trying to get me to see your perspective is understandable but I've heard all the arguments and so far I'm moved more toward tolerance and less toward some singular vision of EVE... in any direction. I like you guys, I really do, but apparently I'm really not successful at all in getting you guys to step outside of your perspectives and look at anyone else's. That's my failure here. I have to own that failure entirely.
Solecist Project
#144 - 2016-08-17 17:21:52 UTC
The issue isn't my perspective, it's yours.

My "perspective" is observation, not interpretation. Something most people are completely lost on.
They think everything is opinion, which allows them to ignore everything including "the sky is blue".

There are no arguments... there is no discussion to have. All that is, is that there are a shitton of people who are completely lost and somehow think they have control, while all they do is being little drones that hunt imaginary goals that mock them every day and they don't even realize it.

They can't get it right in life and not even in a game.

You tell me to fix myself? Into what? You? So i spread the same egalitarian nonsense about "let everyone do as he wants", "everyone's entitled to an opinion no matter how dumb it is" and "mind your own business" ? Do you not see that this brought us right to this day in the first place? No? Well, then you're a part of the problem and should fix yourself!

You can't say "let people do what they want" unpess you understand how this "want" is created in the first place. How it is being manipulated or formed. The concept of "free will" and "let people do what they want" breaks completely apart if you consider marketing, media, politics and consumerism!

What do we get when everyone is entitked to an opinion? We get today! Unrestricted nonsense that only gets worse with every generation, because the smart people were always in a minority! You think that's good? Aha?

And you can read that in every perspective.
People in this game are real, they work the same was as everyone in and out of game.
The same mechanisms apply here and there.

Egalitarianism achieves nothing but forcing everyone down to the most common denominator and if you look around you without those rose coloured glasses, you can observe that that's nothing anyone should tryto achieve.


That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#145 - 2016-08-17 17:28:34 UTC
Pandora Carrollon wrote:

Hammering on me, trying to get me to see your perspective is understandable but I've heard all the arguments and so far I'm moved more toward tolerance and less toward some singular vision of EVE... in any direction. I like you guys, I really do, but apparently I'm really not successful at all in getting you guys to step outside of your perspectives and look at anyone else's. That's my failure here. I have to own that failure entirely.

You weren't trying to get someone to 'step outside their persepctice', you were parroting a line that has been trotted out here for 13 years.

To wit:
Pandora Carrollon wrote:

Who cares if HiSec is peaceful. If the creative play styles want to be left alone to create, let them. If you like a fight, Lo/Null bekons you.

You may have meant something else, but that's what you wrote. It's nonsense, it's telling people "if you want pvp, leave high sec" , which (as I said) is no different from how people told me to gbtHighSec because I lived in null yet wasn't some pvp fanatic (I'm glad that alliance is dead now btw).

Solecist Project
#146 - 2016-08-17 17:45:22 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Pandora Carrollon wrote:

Hammering on me, trying to get me to see your perspective is understandable but I've heard all the arguments and so far I'm moved more toward tolerance and less toward some singular vision of EVE... in any direction. I like you guys, I really do, but apparently I'm really not successful at all in getting you guys to step outside of your perspectives and look at anyone else's. That's my failure here. I have to own that failure entirely.

You weren't trying to get someone to 'step outside their persepctice', you were parroting a line that has been trotted out here for 13 years.

To wit:
Pandora Carrollon wrote:

Who cares if HiSec is peaceful. If the creative play styles want to be left alone to create, let them. If you like a fight, Lo/Null bekons you.

You may have meant something else, but that's what you wrote. It's nonsense, it's telling people "if you want pvp, leave high sec" , which (as I said) is no different from how people told me to gbtHighSec because I lived in null yet wasn't some pvp fanatic (I'm glad that alliance is dead now btw).

And worse, (s)he says the same ignorant selfish stuff like the rest.

"I don't care about there, i am here" and thinks that's OKAY! But WE need to fix ourselves!

She mentioned creatives in highsec, ignoring that the peaceloving highseccers are all BUT creative!
The most creative people in EVE have been always those who weren't boring, apathetic,
peaceloving workerbees for big brother!

Of course there's exceptions ...
... but these are not the rule!

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Jasmine Deer
Caldari State
#147 - 2016-08-17 22:38:39 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:

The issue isn't my perspective, it's yours.

There are no arguments... there is no discussion to have.

So why start a thread if you don't want discussion ?

>> I want to know your thoughts, seriously ... i put actual effort into this. :p

Why ask for thoughts but get out the flamethrower when they differ from yours?

This is a forum. You need a blog.


They can't get it right in life and not even in a game.

And that sums up the rest of your post.
Wanda Fayne
#148 - 2016-08-17 22:39:09 UTC
Eve is a single shard. There is no place isolated or unaffected by every other place. Sure, there are differences between the spaces, but that doesn't change the fact that you cannot ignore ANY space as it affects YOU whether you know it or not.

Hisec is the most populated space and therefore has the largest impact on every other space. I used to think that nullsec people didn't have the right to want changes or criticize hisec. I was wrong.

Giving people what they want is not at all the same as giving them what they need (or deserve). We must be the change we wish to see.

"your comments just confirms this whole idea is totally pathetic" -Lan Wang-

  • - "hub humping station gamey neutral logi warspam wankery" -Ralph King-Griffin-
Dirty Forum Alt
Forum Alts Anonymous
#149 - 2016-08-17 23:02:10 UTC
Wanda Fayne wrote:
Giving people what they want is not at all the same as giving them what they need (or deserve). We must be the change we wish to see.

Well what we *deserve* is probably complete and utter annihilation, by this point - so probably a good thing if we can delay getting that a while P

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool. They lay. They rotted. They turned Around occasionally. Bits of flesh dropped off them from Time to time. And sank into the pool's mire. They also smelt a great deal.

Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings (Sussex)

Wanda Fayne
#150 - 2016-08-17 23:22:31 UTC
Dirty Forum Alt wrote:
Wanda Fayne wrote:
Giving people what they want is not at all the same as giving them what they need (or deserve). We must be the change we wish to see.

Well what we *deserve* is probably complete and utter annihilation, by this point - so probably a good thing if we can delay getting that a while P

Positively pessimistic?

"your comments just confirms this whole idea is totally pathetic" -Lan Wang-

  • - "hub humping station gamey neutral logi warspam wankery" -Ralph King-Griffin-
Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#151 - 2016-08-18 00:11:34 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
the bears spirit broke, there are no great pro/antagonists (depending on how you look at it) right now ,
no movements aside from code. and the mercs internal drama .


It's horrible!

We live in a time of mediocracy! Everyone is only caring about himself and gaining personal wealth!
And when they reach that wealth, what happens?

They bore themselves and leave ...
... OR WORSE, they stay and worsen the shituation!

Just as CONCORD wills it!

And now-- Mediocracy! That describes the company I work in and the country I live in just right!

Anyway, as for the high sec non-apathetic hatred in high sec, it's still there. CODE lost at least one flamboyant and vocal fanner of flames. That toned down the psych war some. Anti-Ganking core people are still steadily but quietly waging war on CODE and other gankers. Quietly, because they don't want to tip their hands and show their methods to the guys casually coming into and leaving minerbumping channel. And because the vehement guys coming into Anti-Ganking channel are mostly newbros, who don't know PVP yet. Not even insta-grata fleet PVP. Much less solo hunting and stunting PVP, under CONCORD rules and Faction Police ships. The isk/hour isn't that great either. (Loot a Cat, albeit T2 fit).

But I hear you OP, there's some apathy in high sec. Last time I undocked in Hek, ganker was present, and the local guys accepted it like it was today's weather. Might be rainy, nothing you can do about it, take your umbrella.

Beta Maoye
#152 - 2016-08-18 04:46:45 UTC
Concord can be removed if everyone starts with thirty million skill points, but I don't want that happen. So Concord must be there to protect my time investment in the game.
Solecist Project
#153 - 2016-08-18 05:46:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
Khergit Deserters wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
the bears spirit broke, there are no great pro/antagonists (depending on how you look at it) right now ,
no movements aside from code. and the mercs internal drama .


It's horrible!

We live in a time of mediocracy! Everyone is only caring about himself and gaining personal wealth!
And when they reach that wealth, what happens?

They bore themselves and leave ...
... OR WORSE, they stay and worsen the shituation!

Just as CONCORD wills it!

And now-- Mediocracy! That describes the company I work in and the country I live in just right!

Anyway, as for the high sec non-apathetic hatred in high sec, it's still there. CODE lost at least one flamboyant and vocal fanner of flames. That toned down the psych war some. Anti-Ganking core people are still steadily but quietly waging war on CODE and other gankers. Quietly, because they don't want to tip their hands and show their methods to the guys casually coming into and leaving minerbumping channel. And because the vehement guys coming into Anti-Ganking channel are mostly newbros, who don't know PVP yet. Not even insta-grata fleet PVP. Much less solo hunting and stunting PVP, under CONCORD rules and Faction Police ships. The isk/hour isn't that great either. (Loot a Cat, albeit T2 fit).

But I hear you OP, there's some apathy in high sec. Last time I undocked in Hek, ganker was present, and the local guys accepted it like it was today's weather. Might be rainy, nothing you can do about it, take your umbrella.

Post with your main. I know this isn't it.
Gtfo with your code nonsense.
You haven't been in hek in ages obviously.
They achieve nothing on their own, just tons of air and wannabeism.
Just look at how pathetic they are now because their big brother wolf soprano got banned.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Galaxy Chicken
Galaxy Farm Carebear Repurposing
#154 - 2016-08-18 13:17:04 UTC
I remember when Solstice used to rant about how gankers should fly around grid for no apparent reason and are cowards for not doing so. He just likes to make long-winded, incoherent rants and tell everyone they're playing wrong.

I do however appreciate the thread for harvesting some quality AG tears.

Excuse me, I have to go destroy someone's retriever purely out of malice.
Solecist Project
#155 - 2016-08-18 13:35:33 UTC
Galaxy Chicken wrote:
I remember when Solstice used to rant about how gankers should fly around grid for no apparent reason and are cowards for not doing so. He just likes to make long-winded, incoherent rants and tell everyone they're playing wrong.

I do however appreciate the thread for harvesting some quality AG tears.

Excuse me, I have to go destroy someone's retriever purely out of malice.

That "no apparent reason" was the one thing that kept everyone who runs his ass about "how gankers only sit in station" and how "gankers have it too easy" etc etc away. That's the one big issue when it comes to using a scouting alt. It gives them a ground to complain about how you avoid any meaningfull consequences of your actions.

What they think isn't relevant per se, but literally handing them an argument isn't necessary.


Besides, sitting in the safety of a station only relying on a scout to find targets makes you look like a coward. Like, holy ****, you guys are worse than carebears avoiding any and all dangers. No, 30 seconds of actual gameplay can't be considered any danger whatsoever! You're horrible players and you should be ashamed of yourselves for dragging ganking into the mud like this! And the bullshit about the faction police, like WTF, they're the only thing making ganking actually fun because all these useless wastes of bandwidth don't engage anyone anyway!!!111oneoneone

Heh, good times. ;)

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Discordia Duenna
Caldari State
#156 - 2016-08-18 14:39:31 UTC
It's hard not to be apathetic with this shizzle:
Pandora Carrollon
Provi Rapid Response
#157 - 2016-08-18 14:53:51 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
The issue isn't my perspective, it's yours.

(snip... Pandora's being milquetoast)

Egalitarianism achieves nothing but forcing everyone down to the most common denominator and if you look around you without those rose coloured glasses, you can observe that that's nothing anyone should tryto achieve.


Sadly you're making some assumptions here that I think completely undermine your argument, and yes, it's an argument.

Your points require you to take a position... EVE is X, Y, Z and that *IS* a perspective. Claiming you're just an observationalist and posting your original post is a contradiction in viewpoints, you can't have it both ways. You are either observing or advocating. You can make an observation then advocate a position based upon it, but that's still advocating.

I'm fine with your position, it doesn't bother me, but it has no more 'merit' than the miners wanting less ganking in HiSec. Both positions are based on a form of fear (One side is "EVE isn't what it was!" the other "I can't play without being attacked!"). The "HiSec Carebears" have ruined the game mantra may be true, but to ruin something you have to have a point of what it was, meaning what you felt it to be. Have they forced changes, certainly, but change requires a perspective to judge if it's good or bad.

My position and point has been that if we all stopped trying to denigrate how someone else plays in the sandbox and work together to make sure the sandbox has enough sand and tools in the box for everyone to play the way they like, then the game stands improved, changed perhaps, but improved for everyone. If you want to call that egalitarian then fine, but I don't agree that it automatically changes the game for the worse, if done right, it should change the game for the better for everyone. Egalitarianism does not equal BAD.

I would submit that the game got to the way it is because CCP wants a broader appeal to the MMO community. That's not egalitarianism, that's intentional design choice to meet some goal, but it could be confused with egalitarianism as someone might spout it as such for marketing purposes. That makes it an excuse.

As for me being selfish about the HiSec statement, yes, I was being flippant. I was in HiSec for a long time and I was growing tired of the arguments from both sides. What you guys are discussing has been beaten to death, so yeah, I'm growing tired of caring about HiSec. Call that selfish or whatever you want, but that doesn't mean I don't care about the game or what it has in the future. What it really means is I don't care how players play in HiSec or anywhere for that matter. It's up to ME to make the adjustment to the play around me, not me try to change the game to fit how I want to play. Thus my comments about changing yourself first.

From my perspective, only the watchlist change truly impacted anything in recent times that couldn't be overcome with some minor play style change on my own part. Thus, I'm completely with Ralph on what it did to the Mercs. Other than that though, it's only been relatively minor adjustments that could be pushed another direction any day by CCP.

So, if wanting to allow everyone to play in the sandbox and have fun is egalitarianism, I guess I have to own that too.
Pandora Carrollon
Provi Rapid Response
#158 - 2016-08-18 15:11:45 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
You may have meant something else, but that's what you wrote. It's nonsense, it's telling people "if you want pvp, leave high sec" , which (as I said) is no different from how people told me to gbtHighSec because I lived in null yet wasn't some pvp fanatic (I'm glad that alliance is dead now btw).

You know that's not true. You can PvP in HiSec if you want to. I was generalizing about the nature of the different security zones. If you like ship to ship PvP then you can get your fill of it in Lo/Null was my implied point since it's less restricted and easier there. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear on that I will attempt to do better.

You can do it in HiSec as well but you have to follow the tactics and rules to make it happen. Some people THRIVE on the bait games, scams and various other forms of PvP in HiSec. It's just that ship to ship PvP is pretty clearly NOT the focus of HiSec. Continually trying to change that is a waste of time from where I sit.

I've yet to hear any valid way to change HiSec to allow greater ship to ship PvP and STILL allow low risk/reward PvE. Instead I keep seeing arguments that people should be allowed to pounce on any ship, anywhere, for any reason, basically turn everything into Null Sec. If that's the case, then CCP would commit financial suicide doing that it and that WOULD be the end of EVE, again, from where I sit, which is apparently a dark, selfish place.

So Jenn, Solecist... please tell all of us of EXACTLY what you want. You guys like RISK, put it all on the line right now, tell us your grand plans for EVE to make it more fun for everyone because clearly we are all missing the point.
Solecist Project
#159 - 2016-08-18 15:44:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
Pandora Carrollon wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
You may have meant something else, but that's what you wrote. It's nonsense, it's telling people "if you want pvp, leave high sec" , which (as I said) is no different from how people told me to gbtHighSec because I lived in null yet wasn't some pvp fanatic (I'm glad that alliance is dead now btw).

You know that's not true. You can PvP in HiSec if you want to. I was generalizing about the nature of the different security zones. If you like ship to ship PvP then you can get your fill of it in Lo/Null was my implied point since it's less restricted and easier there. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear on that I will attempt to do better.

You can do it in HiSec as well but you have to follow the tactics and rules to make it happen. Some people THRIVE on the bait games, scams and various other forms of PvP in HiSec. It's just that ship to ship PvP is pretty clearly NOT the focus of HiSec. Continually trying to change that is a waste of time from where I sit.

I've yet to hear any valid way to change HiSec to allow greater ship to ship PvP and STILL allow low risk/reward PvE. Instead I keep seeing arguments that people should be allowed to pounce on any ship, anywhere, for any reason, basically turn everything into Null Sec. If that's the case, then CCP would commit financial suicide doing that it and that WOULD be the end of EVE, again, from where I sit, which is apparently a dark, selfish place.

So Jenn, Solecist... please tell all of us of EXACTLY what you want. You guys like RISK, put it all on the line right now, tell us your grand plans for EVE to make it more fun for everyone because clearly we are all missing the point.

Look, the whole point is that more peace means more stagnation, more isolation and less interaction.
I can't source that, it's common sense.

I'll explain via an example so you understand I'm not just for "one side".
I don't care about the sides. What I care about is how utterly silent and boring highsec has become.
The issue with the "carebear" side is that this side leads to stagnation, boredom and quitting.

You don't believe that? Then think about what you would do if you would never face any walls,
never faced any opposition and always succeeded in what you do.
People who "level their ravens" quit for a reason: boredom of success and richness.

You probably don't know "Suddenly Ninjas". People who were all about raiding highsec missions,
stealing their loot, salvaging their wrecks, getting into fights.

These guys brought immersion into the game, because it made it feel alive for everyone involved.

The more security there is, the less people will clash together. That means less talk in local (notice the silence?),
that means less things people can watch or talk about, it means less walls that you have to overcome.

The worst part here really is the silence, because it means that people aren't talking.
Lack of communication between strangers is *bad* and I hope I don't need to explain that part.

As a sane person you can not deny that silence and lack of action in space is a bad thing.

Saying "get out of highsec" in that context is outright bullshit, because literally everyone *starts* in highsec
and thus there needs to be more action and things to see and participate in for it to be interesting.

The perspective of a carebear is "leave me alone". It's "isolation".

Now extrapolate that to several thousand and you might understand why that's bad for the game?

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Dirty Forum Alt
Forum Alts Anonymous
#160 - 2016-08-18 15:59:39 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
These guys brought immersion into the game, because it made it feel alive for everyone involved.

I do miss Suddenly Ninjas - I actually kept a stockpile of cheap PvP fit ships specifically to fight them whenever they found one of my missions back when I was a serious L4 farmer - and win/lose they were always good for a fun fight.

These days even when someone shows up to shoot an MTU you can generally even *see* their logistics + OGB on d-scan...and if you try to warp out and reship they'll scurry away as fast as their warp engines can take them (over-generalizing here, I know there are exceptions, but as a general rule)... The point being that as you said both sides are opposed to real risk these days.

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool. They lay. They rotted. They turned Around occasionally. Bits of flesh dropped off them from Time to time. And sank into the pool's mire. They also smelt a great deal.

Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings (Sussex)