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EVE General Discussion

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Can we all please stop being apathetic?

Lex Gabinia
Res Repetundae
#81 - 2016-08-15 23:50:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Lex Gabinia
Serene Repose wrote:
Well. Not so fast with regard to the storyline. I advocate capital criminal status for pirates. No using gates. No using stations, and an NPC generated bounty....a fine can be discussed...a crippling know, like the good old days. You may think you want to be Blackbeard, but nobody wants to be Blackbeard the day they caught up with him.

So, in other words, no pirates. You just want to remove an entire playstyle from the game. You commit one act of piracy and you are stuck, undocked in one system forever. Yeah, that seems balanced.

I propose that standings become hardcore. If you are 0.0 or worse with any corp or faction then you are KOS to their faction police, gate guns, station guns and customs agents. Is that balanced as well?
Lex Gabinia
Res Repetundae
#82 - 2016-08-15 23:56:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Lex Gabinia
Serene Repose wrote:
Rationalizations fomented by the above mentioned carriers. Mischaracterizes and leaves most of the story out. There is no end to these, so stop trying to design a game to suit them. Temps generalize generalize generalize

I think you might be referring to me as a temp player looking for quick satisfaction before moving on to the next game. I was a beta player of this game and have three accounts, so, no I am not just passing through.

What did I mischaracterize and what part of the story did I leave out? Because the only story I've told is the basic, founding principles of the game not some FOTM idea or mechanic but the very heart of the game.

You are the one trying to change the game to suit you. I am trying to preserve the games foundations.
Kaldi Tsukaya
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#83 - 2016-08-15 23:57:21 UTC
Lex Gabinia wrote:
Kaldi Tsukaya wrote:

The Empires should control their own space. Not some omnipotent oligarchy bestowed by some afflicted reclusive race.

CONCORD was founded and funded by the empires.


I am well aware of the chronicles.

The time for peace is over.
Serene Repose
#84 - 2016-08-16 00:32:22 UTC
Lex Gabinia wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
Rationalizations fomented by the above mentioned carriers. Mischaracterizes and leaves most of the story out. There is no end to these, so stop trying to design a game to suit them. Temps generalize generalize generalize

I think you might be referring to me as a temp player looking for quick satisfaction before moving on to the next game. I was a beta player of this game and have three accounts, so, no I am not just passing through.

What did I mischaracterize and what part of the story did I leave out? Because the only story I've told is the basic, founding principles of the game not some FOTM idea or mechanic but the very heart of the game.

You are the one trying to change the game to suit you. I am trying to preserve the games foundations.
on and on and on we goooooo.....

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Lex Gabinia
Res Repetundae
#85 - 2016-08-16 01:36:55 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
Lex Gabinia wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
Rationalizations fomented by the above mentioned carriers. Mischaracterizes and leaves most of the story out. There is no end to these, so stop trying to design a game to suit them. Temps generalize generalize generalize

I think you might be referring to me as a temp player looking for quick satisfaction before moving on to the next game. I was a beta player of this game and have three accounts, so, no I am not just passing through.

What did I mischaracterize and what part of the story did I leave out? Because the only story I've told is the basic, founding principles of the game not some FOTM idea or mechanic but the very heart of the game.

You are the one trying to change the game to suit you. I am trying to preserve the games foundations.
on and on and on we goooooo.....

LMAO - can't answer a simple question to defend your position. What part of the story did I leave out?
das licht
Leremblompes Minerals
#86 - 2016-08-16 01:42:40 UTC
OP – don't post books! Idea
Serene Repose
#87 - 2016-08-16 03:07:34 UTC
Lex Gabinia wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
Lex Gabinia wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
Rationalizations fomented by the above mentioned carriers. Mischaracterizes and leaves most of the story out. There is no end to these, so stop trying to design a game to suit them. Temps generalize generalize generalize

I think you might be referring to me as a temp player looking for quick satisfaction before moving on to the next game. I was a beta player of this game and have three accounts, so, no I am not just passing through.

What did I mischaracterize and what part of the story did I leave out? Because the only story I've told is the basic, founding principles of the game not some FOTM idea or mechanic but the very heart of the game.

You are the one trying to change the game to suit you. I am trying to preserve the games foundations.
on and on and on we goooooo.....

LMAO - can't answer a simple question to defend your position. What part of the story did I leave out?
It's a disengenuous question. Those reading along know what partS of the story you left out. So do you. Oh wait. This is your infantile way of trying to put heat on someone, amirite? Way to go!

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Solecist Project
#88 - 2016-08-16 03:57:39 UTC
Please stop feeding the troll, Mr. Gabinia.
If I can do that, so can you.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Lex Gabinia
Res Repetundae
#89 - 2016-08-16 04:02:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Lex Gabinia
Serene Repose wrote:
Lex Gabinia wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
Lex Gabinia wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
Rationalizations fomented by the above mentioned carriers. Mischaracterizes and leaves most of the story out. There is no end to these, so stop trying to design a game to suit them. Temps generalize generalize generalize

I think you might be referring to me as a temp player looking for quick satisfaction before moving on to the next game. I was a beta player of this game and have three accounts, so, no I am not just passing through.

What did I mischaracterize and what part of the story did I leave out? Because the only story I've told is the basic, founding principles of the game not some FOTM idea or mechanic but the very heart of the game.

You are the one trying to change the game to suit you. I am trying to preserve the games foundations.
on and on and on we goooooo.....

LMAO - can't answer a simple question to defend your position. What part of the story did I leave out?
It's a disengenuous question. Those reading along know what partS of the story you left out. So do you. Oh wait. This is your infantile way of trying to put heat on someone, amirite? Way to go!

As you can tell by low relative number of likes, I am not an elite forum warrior. My position is that any change which calls for not allowing anyone to reach out and touch anyone anywhere at anytime violates one of the foundations of the game. I feel that has come under great threat recently, hence my engagement on the forums.

Instead of accusing me of something I am not doing, why don't you answer the question. I'm not trying to hide anything or misdirect anyone, and I've no idea to whom and for what you think I'm trying to "put heat."

So I'll ask again, what part of what story did I leave out?
Lex Gabinia
Res Repetundae
#90 - 2016-08-16 04:04:01 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
Please stop feeding the troll, Mr. Gabinia.
If I can do that, so can you.

Hey, I'm new at this forum stuff.Big smile

I'll learn eventually (without asking for nerfs or special treatment).
Solecist Project
#91 - 2016-08-16 04:04:32 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:

I don't recall Blackbeard being able to pull into any port and get rest and repairs either. Good call.

This is the kind of balance that Dracvlad keeps bringing up. And I will bet that many a new player has left the game wondering "why are these people allowed to be here where I'm still trying to learn the game"?

Sadly, driving people out of the game IS their game, and the community management of CCP has people who know this and are a part of it. Until this internal rot is addressed the game will not go forward and all these feature bandaids, fake live events, and skins won't save it.

How many left, becauye they were bored?
How many left, because there was zero immersion/player interaction?

CCP Rise stating that suicide ganking improved retention rate should give you a hint towards an answer.
He also said that they found no connection between ganking and players leaving.

You should incorporate tat into your thinking process.

And furthermore, recruiting by shooting has been a thing for many years and it worked
Which means it too helped retention rate.

But he, don't mind me using actual dev information and actjal history...

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Solecist Project
#92 - 2016-08-16 04:08:49 UTC
Lex Gabinia wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
Please stop feeding the troll, Mr. Gabinia.
If I can do that, so can you.

Hey, I'm new at this forum stuff.Big smile

I'll learn eventually (without asking for nerfs or special treatment).

Okay when you're really new I'll share some advise.

This forum eventually turns most people angry and bitter. I've seen it happen to me and so many others it's not even funny. The bitterness comes from all the nonsense some rather permaaggressive people continuously spread around.

A typical happening is when two start pingponging replies back and forth. It shows that their egos are way out of control and they don't have the willpower anymore to realize what actuall forces them to reply. ("You're wrong, i'm right" with lots of useless drivel")

If you ever catch yourself having a monologue (!) with with someone here, then it's time to take a walk.

I've been here for a while, don't make the same mistakes. :)

And now back to the regular program.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Nitshe Razvedka
#93 - 2016-08-16 05:59:37 UTC
I am not everywhere. You are just paranoid.

Thieving pirates discuss INTEGRITY; Anarchist gankers give us LAWS; and Whoring merc's cry then blow off clients with INSULTS.

Up is down and down is up in the C&P Forum.

Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
#94 - 2016-08-16 06:16:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaely Tanniss
You'll probably like this one applies so much to the forums..Blink

"And yet, will we ever come to an end of discussion and talk if we think we must always reply to replies? For replies come from those who either cannot understand what is said to them, or are so stubborn and contentious that they refuse to give in even if they do understand." - Augustine of Hippo


Nitshe Razvedka wrote:
I am not everywhere. You are just paranoid.

Are you sure? I'm starting to think you're stalking me or something... Blink

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#95 - 2016-08-16 06:26:33 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:

I don't recall Blackbeard being able to pull into any port and get rest and repairs either. Good call.

This is the kind of balance that Dracvlad keeps bringing up. And I will bet that many a new player has left the game wondering "why are these people allowed to be here where I'm still trying to learn the game"?

Sadly, driving people out of the game IS their game, and the community management of CCP has people who know this and are a part of it. Until this internal rot is addressed the game will not go forward and all these feature bandaids, fake live events, and skins won't save it.

How many left, becauye they were bored?
How many left, because there was zero immersion/player interaction?

CCP Rise stating that suicide ganking improved retention rate should give you a hint towards an answer.
He also said that they found no connection between ganking and players leaving.

You should incorporate tat into your thinking process.

And furthermore, recruiting by shooting has been a thing for many years and it worked
Which means it too helped retention rate.

But he, don't mind me using actual dev information and actjal history...

CCP is never wrong, eh?

And Stockholm syndrome only goes so far.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Nitshe Razvedka
#96 - 2016-08-16 06:41:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Nitshe Razvedka
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:
For all of you that insist that suicide ganking and pvp are the problem with new player retention... Im just going to leave this here. Between 1:00 and 5:00 is what you are looking for. Enjoy!

Typical codie rhetoric backed up with NO, I repeat NO empirical evidence. (sample gp is key)

Code looses again.

Send me a ticket to Iceland and I will apply proper quantitative research methods to CCP's vault of data.

Thieving pirates discuss INTEGRITY; Anarchist gankers give us LAWS; and Whoring merc's cry then blow off clients with INSULTS.

Up is down and down is up in the C&P Forum.

Serene Repose
#97 - 2016-08-16 07:58:19 UTC
Lex Gabinia wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
Please stop feeding the troll, Mr. Gabinia.
If I can do that, so can you.

Hey, I'm new at this forum stuff.Big smile

I'll learn eventually (without asking for nerfs or special treatment).
LOL. It threw the troll card. At last. It brings the tawdry commonplace. If this "questioner" is "beta" vetted, then this questioner knows what he/she left out and does not have to be told. Therefore, the persistent insistence for an answer is classic trolling....from someone "new at this forum stuff" and of course, abetted by our hero back from, shucks. How do we rate?

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Project Fruit House
#98 - 2016-08-16 08:11:32 UTC
I have not done the quantitative analysis, but logically ganking/newbie stomping can have muliple possible outcomes.

1. Emo rage quit this game sucks...
2. Holy ****! You can do this in this game? I want to do this myself!
3. Ah fock it. Let me read up on how to agoid this
4. I'm gonna PLEX and inject and get super bling to roflstomp thus guy

I can't say which reaction will be most likely, and there r probably more possibilities. But I think we can agree that any in game interaction with other players will not inevitably lead to only one possible reaction (e.g. Emorage quit).

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Solecist Project
#99 - 2016-08-16 08:14:27 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
CCP is never wrong, eh?
And Stockholm syndrome only goes so far.
I know what you´re saying, but it´s not really hard to crosscheck this.
And even though i´d never say "they´d never lie" ...
... considering what they´re doing to highsec ...
... it makes zero sense to assume it was dishonest.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Solecist Project
#100 - 2016-08-16 08:17:39 UTC
Toobo wrote:
I have not done the quantitative analysis, but logically ganking/newbie stomping can have muliple possible outcomes.

1. Emo rage quit this game sucks...
2. Holy ****! You can do this in this game? I want to do this myself!
3. Ah fock it. Let me read up on how to agoid this
4. I'm gonna PLEX and inject and get super bling to roflstomp thus guy

I can't say which reaction will be most likely, and there r probably more possibilities. But I think we can agree that any in game interaction with other players will not inevitably lead to only one possible reaction (e.g. Emorage quit).

that sounds very accurate.
You forgot the raging without quitting, but that´s pretty much it.

in the end of all possible reactions, "quitting" is not only in a minority ...
... anyone quitting because of that would quit anyway eventually.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia