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Factional Warfare - OVERHAUL PROPOSAL for more diverse gameplay

Faruzen en Divalone
Bohemian Hawks
#1 - 2016-08-14 17:50:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Faruzen en Divalone
Hey guys,


after flying in Factional Warfare for quite a long time, I found a lot of things, that seemed unlogical or outdated with regards to actual Factional Warfare mechanics, goals and lore and also noted things, that limit fighting and faction force projection, and promote boring farming. I would like to make FW a better and more dynamic gameplay and fuel it with new mechanics, that can actually make system conquest and player cooperation in gangs and fleets more fun and rewarding while making newbros participate. And make capitals usable in FW.

I came up with some possible solutions, and I would like your feedback on this. CCP feedback would be lovely Roll

Current situation:

1) System control is all about station in system, or just about the fun of tanking it, or for tier points. There are NO REAL BONUSES for upgrading the system and anyone can assault any system, no matter how far behind enemy lines the system is. Isnt that strange?

2) Fighting over systems, or focused assaults on systems are unprofitable and only a handful of dedicated corporations and alliances in FW do them. Rest just farm LP (which is in my opinion not healthy for FW in general, which should be about fighting mostly which should pay for itself).

3) Players are spread around the warzone, with majority of new players in FW not knowing, where the fighting is, or how to effectively contribute. A lot of people is just trying to farm LP solo and not get cought. This is not what FW should be about in my opinion.

4) You do not feel any difference, while flying in your faction space, or enemy faction space apart from icon in the corner, or station docking possibilities. There is no system wide bonus to allied forces in conquered systems, which makes conquering systems almost unprofitable, as you lose offensive plexing possibilities while not gaining any advantage apart from possible station docking.

5) Third parties Pirate !! Pirates roaming FW area are huge nuisance and they limit possible force projection of factions. I know that it provides some sort of content, but I would love to replace that content with FW content, see capital battles between factions, but nobody will use capitals with neutral power blocks imediately hot dropping them with supers. Content in FW should be mainly about interactions between warring factions, which are severely limited by third parties.

Solutions, and proposed new machanics:


Lets make a meaningful system upgrade bonus:

Bonus to allied ships per upgrade level of system:

+2% to Shield, Armor and Hull HP
-2% to Shield Booster (+ Remote) and Armor Repairer (+ Remote) cycle time and capacitor use
+2% all turret, drone, missile and smartbomb damage
+4% warp speed and warp acceleration

(no targeting and damage projection bonuses to keep ships susceptible to EWAR)

All the above bonuses increased by 50% apply negatively to neutral players in upgraded FW system.
Additional -3% to all Shield, Armor and Hull resistances to neutral players per system upgrade level.

Current bonuses for manufacturing and trade can stay as they are.

Lore and effects: The idea is to make defender WANT to upgrade the system (thus naturally supporting tier progression AND CREATING LP SINK), have a defenders advantage and be able to intercept enemy in warp in upgraded system. Lore-wise: Factions deploy something like links, providing bonuses to allied ships in system. Only upgraded systems will provide these bonuses scaling with upgrade level, so unupgraded systems will be third party heavens. Upgraded systems will keep third parties out, or if they have balls, will leave them fighting in disadvantage. I believe game mechanics are already in place , it can use incursion, or WH effects coding. Assaulting enemy upgraded system will be a daring task for enemy faction and will require some numbers, or EWAR support, or just a good ship. From my experience, bonuses like I propose are not a game changer due to the sheer amount of strategies and fits used in FW, but they will motivate, give little edge and help a bit in fleet fights.


To promote attacking upgraded systems and prevent stagnation in conquering activity, I propose these bonuses when attacking enemy upgraded systems

+20% bonus to FW complex capture LP payout per system upgrade level, both for offensive and defensive plexing

This could make upgraded systems focal points of combat and defense, providing lot of stable content. But as you will need more numbers sometimes, how to make it profitable?

I propose to increase LP payouts of complexes when several players are capturing one complex at once and sharing LP, to at least +50% LP payout per another player capturing complex, capped at some fixed number of players involved. After that, the cap LP amount will be divided. Goal is to make capturing in enemy upgraded systems, even in gang, more profitable, than going for the unupgraded system to farm LP solo.

But this will put more LP into the system. Solution?


Honestly, lvl 4 FW mission payout is overpowered. I am able to make 1 MILION LP in one or two days of concentrted missioning,when I have the time. Thats just too much. Of course I love the ISK income, but it demotivates me from going to the frontlines and actually fighting. The LP gained through missioning should be earnable through fighting. Make system upgrades expensive.

4) SYSTEM CLUSTERING (just experimental idea :))

Each captured system gives +20% to the total contested point value of allied neighbouring system, making them harder to capture. Capped at 100% for example.

So, what do you thing guys?
Titus Heldane
The Vomit Comets
#2 - 2016-08-14 18:19:31 UTC
yeah lets handicap any neutrals in FW space, effectively removing most pvpers in fw areas, and give bonuses for not attacking enemy systems, im sure this will provide more content.

are you stupid?

Faruzen en Divalone
Bohemian Hawks
#3 - 2016-08-14 18:21:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Faruzen en Divalone
Titus Heldane wrote:
yeah lets handicap any neutrals in FW space, effectively removing most pvpers in fw areas, and give bonuses for not attacking enemy systems, im sure this will provide more content.

are you stupid?


Did you read it far enough, to get to the LP reward bonus for plexing in enemy upgraded system? Also when roaming, 70% of time I fight enemy faction throughout the entire warzone. Sure, neutrals add some content, but this content could be replaced with faction fighting if focal points of interest are created.
Fenris Dallocort
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2016-08-14 21:45:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Fenris Dallocort
Nice to see that you've put a lot of thought into this post, but there are some points which I definitely can't agree with

The NPC links suggestion is wrong and counter productive, this negatively affects both solo plex warriors and organized fleets. Reduced rep amounts in doctrine fleets will make it very easy for defenders to simply alpha through the reps of the offensive logi ships (just an example). On the other hand the majorly used defence in solo PvP that is active tanking will beome nerfed and will discourage many pvpers from crossing the borders into enemy territory. And any organized defence force will have links (whether on grid or off it) giving such bonuses on top these is just unfair

Simply increasing monetary gain through plexing is not enough to counter this effect. Since the loss of ships will be too expensive. This means FW space will stagnate even more rather than getting revived. Big fights will become scarce as FCs will not want to risk
ships against an inherently stronger fleet.

Discouraging Neutrals from operating in FW space is wrong. Mercenaries are hired and third parties are involved in real life wars too

Also you underestimate the advantage of being able to dock in stations, for a solo pilot being able to switch to an MWD by docking in a station to catch that Kitey Tristan is a huge advantage ( while to do this in enemy territory you'll need to carry a mobile Depot, limiting cargo for extra ammo, cap charges etc.) For a big offensive you'll need to either establish a citadel or a POS which involves a great deal of risk, time, resources and logistics, While a defending force can simply JF resources into that system's station. Buffing defensive sides in terms of mechanics will completely tilt any battle in their favour

Although yes CCP should put more thought into making station less systems more attractive to capture
Faruzen en Divalone
Bohemian Hawks
#5 - 2016-08-15 10:21:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Faruzen en Divalone
Fenris Dallocort wrote:
Nice to see that you've put a lot of thought into this post, but there are some points which I definitely can't agree with

The NPC links suggestion is wrong and counter productive, this negatively affects both solo plex warriors and organized fleets. Reduced rep amounts in doctrine fleets will make it very easy for defenders to simply alpha through the reps of the offensive logi ships (just an example). On the other hand the majorly used defence in solo PvP that is active tanking will beome nerfed and will discourage many pvpers from crossing the borders into enemy territory. And any organized defence force will have links (whether on grid or off it) giving such bonuses on top these is just unfair

Simply increasing monetary gain through plexing is not enough to counter this effect. Since the loss of ships will be too expensive. This means FW space will stagnate even more rather than getting revived. Big fights will become scarce as FCs will not want to risk
ships against an inherently stronger fleet.

Discouraging Neutrals from operating in FW space is wrong. Mercenaries are hired and third parties are involved in real life wars too

Also you underestimate the advantage of being able to dock in stations, for a solo pilot being able to switch to an MWD by docking in a station to catch that Kitey Tristan is a huge advantage ( while to do this in enemy territory you'll need to carry a mobile Depot, limiting cargo for extra ammo, cap charges etc.) For a big offensive you'll need to either establish a citadel or a POS which involves a great deal of risk, time, resources and logistics, While a defending force can simply JF resources into that system's station. Buffing defensive sides in terms of mechanics will completely tilt any battle in their favour

Although yes CCP should put more thought into making station less systems more attractive to capture

Well you are working with the idea, that both sides wil be even in numbers and ships. Yes, if that happens, defender will have an advantage. Which is what he should have in my opinion. It could get some stacking penalty with player links, so its not too OP. Also, it can be a lower margin, just to be still felt but not make a too much of an advantage. Still, being even in numbers rarely happens. Its true that its a stagnation factor, that I hope would be offset with LP rewards. But yea, I am not sure how that will work out in reality. It would need some mass testing.

I do realise the importance of station in system, I would just like to see more depth in the systems conquest and other factors as well, not just the station itself, which is of course great. Maybe decouple the tier from rewards and make tier entirely dependant on number of conquered systems?

The problem with neutrals is, that they are generally much stronger in both numbers and ships, whan any FW faction. That makes larger faction battles never escalate, becase neutrals would come and decimate bowth sides. Thats the issue I would like to adress. Maybe cynosural field inhibitors for neutrals at least?
Titus Heldane
The Vomit Comets
#6 - 2016-08-15 11:16:55 UTC
Faruzen en Divalone wrote:
Fenris Dallocort wrote:
Nice to see that you've put a lot of thought into this post, but there are some points which I definitely can't agree with

The NPC links suggestion is wrong and counter productive, this negatively affects both solo plex warriors and organized fleets. Reduced rep amounts in doctrine fleets will make it very easy for defenders to simply alpha through the reps of the offensive logi ships (just an example). On the other hand the majorly used defence in solo PvP that is active tanking will beome nerfed and will discourage many pvpers from crossing the borders into enemy territory. And any organized defence force will have links (whether on grid or off it) giving such bonuses on top these is just unfair

Simply increasing monetary gain through plexing is not enough to counter this effect. Since the loss of ships will be too expensive. This means FW space will stagnate even more rather than getting revived. Big fights will become scarce as FCs will not want to risk
ships against an inherently stronger fleet.

Discouraging Neutrals from operating in FW space is wrong. Mercenaries are hired and third parties are involved in real life wars too

Also you underestimate the advantage of being able to dock in stations, for a solo pilot being able to switch to an MWD by docking in a station to catch that Kitey Tristan is a huge advantage ( while to do this in enemy territory you'll need to carry a mobile Depot, limiting cargo for extra ammo, cap charges etc.) For a big offensive you'll need to either establish a citadel or a POS which involves a great deal of risk, time, resources and logistics, While a defending force can simply JF resources into that system's station. Buffing defensive sides in terms of mechanics will completely tilt any battle in their favour

Although yes CCP should put more thought into making station less systems more attractive to capture

Well you are working with the idea, that both sides wil be even in numbers and ships. Yes, if that happens, defender will have an advantage. Which is what he should have in my opinion. It could get some stacking penalty with player links, so its not too OP. Also, it can be a lower margin, just to be still felt but not make a too much of an advantage. Still, being even in numbers rarely happens. Its true that its a stagnation factor, that I hope would be offset with LP rewards. But yea, I am not sure how that will work out in reality. It would need some mass testing.

I do realise the importance of station in system, I would just like to see more depth in the systems conquest and other factors as well, not just the station itself, which is of course great. Maybe decouple the tier from rewards and make tier entirely dependant on number of conquered systems?

The problem with neutrals is, that they are generally much stronger in both numbers and ships, whan any FW faction. That makes larger faction battles never escalate, becase neutrals would come and decimate bowth sides. Thats the issue I would like to adress. Maybe cynosural field inhibitors for neutrals at least?

TL;DR: guy is butthurt about getting blobbed and wants to screw over EVERYONE except him so he doesnt get blobbed anymore
Faruzen en Divalone
Bohemian Hawks
#7 - 2016-08-15 12:58:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Faruzen en Divalone
Titus Heldane wrote:
Faruzen en Divalone wrote:
Fenris Dallocort wrote:
Nice to see that you've put a lot of thought into this post, but there are some points which I definitely can't agree with

The NPC links suggestion is wrong and counter productive, this negatively affects both solo plex warriors and organized fleets. Reduced rep amounts in doctrine fleets will make it very easy for defenders to simply alpha through the reps of the offensive logi ships (just an example). On the other hand the majorly used defence in solo PvP that is active tanking will beome nerfed and will discourage many pvpers from crossing the borders into enemy territory. And any organized defence force will have links (whether on grid or off it) giving such bonuses on top these is just unfair

Simply increasing monetary gain through plexing is not enough to counter this effect. Since the loss of ships will be too expensive. This means FW space will stagnate even more rather than getting revived. Big fights will become scarce as FCs will not want to risk
ships against an inherently stronger fleet.

Discouraging Neutrals from operating in FW space is wrong. Mercenaries are hired and third parties are involved in real life wars too

Also you underestimate the advantage of being able to dock in stations, for a solo pilot being able to switch to an MWD by docking in a station to catch that Kitey Tristan is a huge advantage ( while to do this in enemy territory you'll need to carry a mobile Depot, limiting cargo for extra ammo, cap charges etc.) For a big offensive you'll need to either establish a citadel or a POS which involves a great deal of risk, time, resources and logistics, While a defending force can simply JF resources into that system's station. Buffing defensive sides in terms of mechanics will completely tilt any battle in their favour

Although yes CCP should put more thought into making station less systems more attractive to capture

Well you are working with the idea, that both sides wil be even in numbers and ships. Yes, if that happens, defender will have an advantage. Which is what he should have in my opinion. It could get some stacking penalty with player links, so its not too OP. Also, it can be a lower margin, just to be still felt but not make a too much of an advantage. Still, being even in numbers rarely happens. Its true that its a stagnation factor, that I hope would be offset with LP rewards. But yea, I am not sure how that will work out in reality. It would need some mass testing.

I do realise the importance of station in system, I would just like to see more depth in the systems conquest and other factors as well, not just the station itself, which is of course great. Maybe decouple the tier from rewards and make tier entirely dependant on number of conquered systems?

The problem with neutrals is, that they are generally much stronger in both numbers and ships, whan any FW faction. That makes larger faction battles never escalate, becase neutrals would come and decimate bowth sides. Thats the issue I would like to adress. Maybe cynosural field inhibitors for neutrals at least?

TL;DR: guy is butthurt about getting blobbed and wants to screw over EVERYONE except him so he doesnt get blobbed anymore

What the hell man? Change that attitude. I am not butthurt. I want to make FW deeper in strategy with more fleet and gang fights. Does that seem like a crying for better solo pvp? Its not about screwing anyone. Is any party somehow screwed in my idea of FW, except neutrals? Changes dont mean screwing. People will get used to changes. All my idea of FW is, is somewhat isolated arena, where FW factions clash over systems with massive fleets and capitals not being afraid of neutrals. Doest THAT seem like crying because of getting blobbed? Neutrals screwing over FW factions in FW space is in my opinion bad, almost everyone in FW hates being limited by neutrals while doing FW objectives. Only other faction should limit you.

Or does this idea screws your multibox alts so you are butthurt? YOU pretty much sound butthurt to me.
Maximus Decimal
#8 - 2016-08-15 18:55:12 UTC
Congrats on being the 9 BILLIONTH FW repair/overhaul/changes/fix post.

The grand prize is the weight of your penis in candy.

Call 555-333-777 to claim your tic-tac.

Thanatos Marathon
#9 - 2016-08-15 19:27:20 UTC
nerf the svipul.
Fenris Dallocort
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2016-08-15 21:54:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Fenris Dallocort
Thanatos Marathon wrote:
nerf the svipul.

That's the solution to eve, if the svipul gets nerfed we all win
Maximus Decimal
#11 - 2016-08-16 17:36:40 UTC
Fenris Dallocort wrote:
Thanatos Marathon wrote:
nerf the svipul.

That's the solution to eve, if the svipul gets nerfed we all win

and after that you will cry about the next ship.
Thanatos Marathon
#12 - 2016-08-16 18:07:08 UTC
Maximus Decimal wrote:
Fenris Dallocort wrote:
Thanatos Marathon wrote:
nerf the svipul.

That's the solution to eve, if the svipul gets nerfed we all win

and after that you will cry about the next ship.

Nothing but tears.
Degnar Oskold
#13 - 2016-08-18 21:23:15 UTC
Disagree with the bonuses concept.

The only thing FW needs is a clear front line. Systems not connected to a system your faction controls should not be plexable by you. Non-FW systems owned by your faction count as control, so when you lose control of the warzone you can still attack any border systems.

This would probably need more stargates created for additional entry points into the FW warzone to make it harder to lock a faction out.
erg cz
Federal Jegerouns
#14 - 2016-08-22 10:56:34 UTC
Faruzen en Divalone wrote:

1) System control is all about station in system, or just about the fun of tanking it, or for tier points. There are NO REAL BONUSES for upgrading the system and anyone can assault any system, no matter how far behind enemy lines the system is. Isnt that strange?

Upgrade rank of the system is a kind of tool for measuring the influence, how effective you are there, how much do you care about the system etc. IMHO. But not a combat modifier. Just a color, but not a crucial game mechanic thing. At least for me. You do not like it - do not upgrade systems. Farmers will suffer, but who cares.

Faruzen en Divalone wrote:

2) Fighting over systems, or focused assaults on systems are unprofitable and only a handful of dedicated corporations and alliances in FW do them. Rest just farm LP (which is in my opinion not healthy for FW in general, which should be about fighting mostly which should pay for itself).

And why it should be profitable? Its a PvP zone, go make money eslewhere and happily spend them in warzone ;) I see there is a hint to null sov but FW is not the same as null sec. People farming LP in PLEXes will be partly solved in comming FW rewamp by adding opposide faction NPC into defensive PLEX. People farming LP in missions is a content creation cause mission beacons are visible for every one. Amount of LP per mission is a good question - let CCP use their statistics to estimate if it should be nefred or not.
Faruzen en Divalone wrote:

3) Players are spread around the warzone, with majority of new players in FW not knowing, where the fighting is, or how to effectively contribute. A lot of people is just trying to farm LP solo and not get cought. This is not what FW should be about in my opinion.

There is a militia chat, killboards to find active local teams in your vicinity etc... So who wants - finds the ppl to team up, IMHO. Northern PlacId is place where Villore accords regulary makes some fleets, for example. Limiting fighting to " clear front line" only suggestion is also a possible solution but ... Sometimes ppl want to have solo fights in not so crowded places. After all you can always go to Tama and quickly die, as you very well know, Franto. If the FW rewamp will really make FW 4-sided, as planned, content will be stretched even more, so I believe CCP is not going to push "clear front line" approach.
Faruzen en Divalone wrote:

4) You do not feel any difference, while flying in your faction space, or enemy faction space apart from icon in the corner, or station docking possibilities. There is no system wide bonus to allied forces in conquered systems, which makes conquering systems almost unprofitable, as you lose offensive plexing possibilities while not gaining any advantage apart from possible station docking.

As already mentioned, docking is important. For me FW is the way to get fights with at least some sort of match making, in the first place. I can not be ambushed in novice plex if I press D-scan often enough so I can decide if i choose to fight or not. Except for cloaky astero, of cause ;) And I think that possibility is what attracts many players to the FW. Not some territorial gains and loses (though also important, yes, but not that much). So I am OK with not feeling "any difference, while flying in your faction space, or enemy faction space" as long as I can use plexes in both
Faruzen en Divalone wrote:

5) Third parties Pirate !! Pirates roaming FW area are huge nuisance and they limit possible force projection of factions. I know that it provides some sort of content, but I would love to replace that content with FW content, see capital battles between factions, but nobody will use capitals with neutral power blocks imediately hot dropping them with supers. Content in FW should be mainly about interactions between warring factions, which are severely limited by third parties.

On the one hand that is very much true - local pirats in high sec told me exactly same thing: why risk expensive ships in place with bazzilions of cheap frigates if I can shoot PVE-fitted missioner in low sec pocket with 0 risk of being scrammed. For most 1337 PVP people here in forums and in game, killboard is more important than fight itself so no wonder it looks like that. But large ships are still used for POS / citadel fights even by militia. And in comming FW rewamp everyone, who jumps into PLEX, will get suspect timer, so no security hit for militia members to shoot neutrals any more.
Naga's Be Trippin
#15 - 2016-08-26 18:04:45 UTC
erg cz wrote:
And in comming FW rewamp everyone, who jumps into PLEX, will get suspect timer, so no security hit for militia members to shoot neutrals any more.

Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#16 - 2016-08-27 23:43:24 UTC
still same things to whine after years of complains Big smile

how about learn to play, things are not always easy and clear but others have problems and others does not, i wonder why, maybe it is IQ question.

I find lot of thing that actually needs fixing but none of those are on your list. I am not going to list anything because most of those can be considered as exploits.
Tristan Valentina
#17 - 2016-09-12 15:21:21 UTC
CCP should warn people that Fac War is a social experience. You need to talk in your chats, you need to join a corp, Solo is not how eve is ment to be played. That is why when you see epic solo play people be like WOW!! That was TIGHT!! The FW system is only broken in the case of why are Gallente and Minmatar on the same team. All Nations should shoot all nations! Two sided PvP is very hard to make interesting. They should add some sort of system that makes moving suppiles in the warzone more lucrative if anything.

We will always see complaints about FW, it is just a little more boring then people would like to see it.
Blue Canary
Watch This
#18 - 2016-09-14 11:55:47 UTC
I'm all for a true four-way.

Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise.

Nameira Vanis-Tor
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2016-09-14 19:20:37 UTC
I've seen enough of these threads to figure that FW is not likely to be high on CCPs list f things to revamp.

My two cents as a FW bitter vet to 'change FW' is as follows:

Faction Coalition commanders all get together in a mature fashion (yeah I know!) and discuss how they can influence their coalitions and FCs to create a unique player enforced FW experience. For example in mechanical terms Red vs Blue was always 'just a high sec war dec' but the community involved made it more than this and created a mutual experience. I know most of the main groups in each faction have the capacity to pull this off because for one thing I've worked with individuals from all of them at one point or another.

For example do you want a pitched battle to last for a week? A four way conflict? 'Special events' like trying to get a convoy from one system to another against an opposing force suitable to your engagement capability?

Neutrals have a place in the warzones and Gal Mil have had some success fighting them in the past. Perhaps every so often such a community could form 'FW Voltron' and give the Pirates a surprise.

Laugh if you want but that sort of community wide effort is the only real way FW will change for players who want to have the best possible experience. Waiting for CCP to implement mechanics changes of any sort is not a great Plan A.
sero Hita
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#20 - 2016-09-18 09:18:45 UTC  |  Edited by: sero Hita
ALUCARD 1208 wrote:
erg cz wrote:
And in comming FW rewamp everyone, who jumps into PLEX, will get suspect timer, so no security hit for militia members to shoot neutrals any more.


It was mentioned in the 2015 csm minuttes on page 8 together with 4 front factional warfare. After Brain in a box, I read somewhere from a CCP dev that 4 front fw was postponed to an unknown time, due to citadels and capchanges (Do not have the energy to find the source of this one). So I assume without knowing that getting a suspect timer was thrown in the same box as 4 front fw. They have the intention at least, so it might happen. But in my opinon it is not set in stone if/when

Here is an overview of the promised changes and their implementation so far

"I'm all for pvp, don't get me wrong. I've ganked in Empire, blobed in low sec. Got T-shirts from every which-where.. But to be forced into a pvp confrontation that I didn't want is wrong ccp." RealFlisker

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