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EVE General Discussion

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Can we all please stop being apathetic?

Solecist Project
#41 - 2016-08-13 21:24:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
Serene Repose wrote:
"Thank-you for your post" (if you agree with me)

"Change how you play" (if that's different from me)

If everyone who's not like you left the game, oh self-exaulted one, only you would be left. Then, you'd be complaining about nobody's here to play the game. Fortunately, for us, diversity is how we got here, and it's how we'll remain. Even more fortunately for us, OP, we get to remain like us and don't have to be like you! (Amazing, no?)

Your psycho-ranting, then use of pejorative language ("...if you're not like me, you must be apathetic....") serves only to demonstrate (rather ably) that you are not one to be taken for an authority on much of anything, and your opinions are far from well-taken, however vehemently and visciously you may throw them about.

tl;dr? Owning the Vitriolic Thesaurus doesn't make you someone who should be heard.

Nowhere did I ask anyone to leave.
You do not seem to understand that I want to preserve diversity while others want to remove it.
You're being way too personal about this.

You added nothing of relevance and only talk about your distorted opinion about me instead of the topic.

Of course I'll dismiss that. It's non-constructive, shows you assume to understand when you don't and just a waste of time.

If you manage to change your attitude I'd love to know your actual input! :)

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Serene Repose
#42 - 2016-08-13 21:36:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Repose
Solecist Project wrote:
Nowhere did I ask anyone to leave.
This is a device you use. It's a form of changing the subject to reorient a discussion onto your preferred trajectory. I did not say you asked anyone to leave. It's also a form of a dodge. Your pretending to take what I said this way, then insisting that's what I meant, you alleviate yourself of the need to actually address what it was I did say.

Solecist Project wrote:
You do not seem to understand that I want to preserve diversity while others want to remove it. You're being way too personal about this.
which then of course lets you call my general understanding into question, which is a passive/aggressive device to dismiss my view entirely.

Solecist Project wrote:
You added nothing of relevance and only talk about your distorted opinion about me instead of the topic.
So, then of course, you now have permitted yourself to attack me personally for attacking you personally. (I could almost call this a smooth move...if I hadn't seen it a thousand times before.)
Solecist Project wrote:
Of course I'll dismiss that.
Need I say more?
Solecist Project wrote:
It's non-constructive, shows you assume to understand when you don't and just a waste of time.
like shooting fish in a barrel. The next quote I can't put in, as it's "too many quotes in one post"...but you go on to then do your coup de gras. After your massively misdirected reaction you get to be instructive...couched in a "positive" note of..."Gee. I'd really love to know what you actually THINK."

So transparent. But, isn't that what we want...everyone to be transparent? Nice try. No cigar. (You gotta love how I pulled the quotes...another thing that's been done ad nauseum in the annals of forum posting....or did that get a -us?)

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Solecist Project
#43 - 2016-08-13 21:41:38 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
... extensive post ...

I like this. I really do. It highlights that there are issues and I am not denying that.
Though it's also rather limited towards those who generate tears, which are only a small part of the whole.

The toxic elements tend to be self attracting.
Those who won't shed tears won't end up being milked.
People on both ends of the spectrum always exist.

If we remove these two, the milkers and the milked, what remains?

Who is toxic against whom?

Let me explain this:

People who only PvE (including mining) don't do anything else but PvE.
People who PvP also do PvE.
While the latter is inclusive, the former is exclusive.

PvErs project their playstyle onto PvPers, believing that every one has a role ("what would you do if all miners left?" and thus exposing a fundamental misunderstanding about the other group or how it works in general.

PvErs constantly claim that PvPers want to force their playstyle onto them, yet fail to understand that it is them who constantly demand that the playstyle of PvPers is being nerfed, which leads to reduced game play and reduced possibilities for interactions.

Contrary to PvErs do PvPers not want to REDUCE their gameplay, but to actually expand it or at least add a proper amount of immersion to it. Something that makes the game more realistic and more accurate to what it is and has been marketed for.

The fact that PvErs don't want that should not, in any way or form, lead to a reduction of freedom.

It should instead make those who are inclusive question who actually benefits from this completely broken shituation and why they're not doing anything about it despite perfectly being able to do so.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Serene Repose
#44 - 2016-08-13 21:48:58 UTC
That's a load of bollux. PvE-ers don't constantly do anything. Furthermore, just because someone PvEs doesn't make them exclude anyone else from anything. I'm sorry (no really). You're all over the map with this. Methinks it's a ruse to fill the bandwidth with your text.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#45 - 2016-08-13 21:59:58 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
... extensive post ...

I like this. I really do. It highlights that there are issues and I am not denying that.
Though it's also rather limited towards those who generate tears, which are only a small part of the whole.

The toxic elements tend to be self attracting.
Those who won't shed tears won't end up being milked.
People on both ends of the spectrum always exist.

If we remove these two, the milkers and the milked, what remains?

Who is toxic against whom?

Let me explain this:

People who only PvE (including mining) don't do anything else but PvE.
People who PvP also do PvE.
While the latter is inclusive, the former is exclusive.

PvErs project their playstyle onto PvPers, believing that every one has a role ("what would you do if all miners left?" and thus exposing a fundamental misunderstanding about the other group or how it works in general.

PvErs constantly claim that PvPers want to force their playstyle onto them, yet fail to understand that it is them who constantly demand that the playstyle of PvPers is being nerfed, which leads to reduced game play and reduced possibilities for interactions.

Contrary to PvErs do PvPers not want to REDUCE their gameplay, but to actually expand it or at least add a proper amount of immersion to it. Something that makes the game more realistic and more accurate to what it is and has been marketed for.

The fact that PvErs don't want that should not, in any way or form, lead to a reduction of freedom.

It should instead make those who are inclusive question who actually benefits from this completely broken shituation and why they're not doing anything about it despite perfectly being able to do so.

To ask "who is toxic against whom" is to look for a target where there is none. The community as a whole has become toxic. You have people taking the appearance of (real or perceived) malice into the game with actions that don't help arguments against that notion and you have the others, PVEr's or otherwise (explorers, industrialists, etc. ) who won't even talk in local out of fear at the least, and refuse all interaction with other players for the same reasons (and a lot of them are vets who have had their fill of the drama).

Having known players who got wardecced for just saying something even mundane in local, who could blame them?

To say they would be the problem, or "toxic" to use the term I have brought into this debate, is to expect them to present themselves for potential loss, which is not the name of the game. Eve players generally don't risk things without reward, be it a foray into a wormhole for some sleeper loot or gankers betting on the good graces of the loot fairy. Since too much risk without reward is a built in nerf in any case, even those who like to play for the sake of playing become averse to being beaten in circumstances they could otherwise control. If control is left to being apathetic (and apathy is a form of control that a person can take in their lives) then that's the route they would take.

In fact I would say we are using different words to describe the same thing from different directions.

Proper community management in an endeavor to reduce this toxicity/apathy would anger BOTH sides of the toxicity/apathy dynamic (one side would claim we were being forced to sing Kumbaya together, the other side would claim they are being forced to interact with people they don't want to interact with), but if it must be bitter medicine for the game I'm left wondering why a game developed by people descended from Vikings has not taken such a bold step. It's not like WiS you can't opt out of.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Wanda Fayne
#46 - 2016-08-13 23:04:05 UTC
My game started the day after I left the NPC corp. We targeted and killed a stabbed Miasmos.
And subsequently got a Concord visit.

The excitement of both destroying a ship and being destroyed is what kept me in the game.
And still does!

I never tell anyone else how to play, or what to do.
But if you have never felt the excitement of leaving your peaceful "comfort zone"
I recommend that you at least give it go.

"your comments just confirms this whole idea is totally pathetic" -Lan Wang-

  • - "hub humping station gamey neutral logi warspam wankery" -Ralph King-Griffin-
Elite Harvester
Elite Harvesters
#47 - 2016-08-14 01:31:47 UTC
Gank them all and let James sort them out.

Visit to find out how you can help save Highsec.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#48 - 2016-08-14 01:36:19 UTC
BTW sol, i think this was the thread you wanted to start.

Chopper Rollins
#49 - 2016-08-14 03:54:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Chopper Rollins
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
It's the community that's toxic...

That quote by a military man talking about the difference between a house being wrecked by weather and a house being wrecked by a bunch of scallywags is dumb.
(Incidentally, people used to blame God/s or 'spirits' for any mishaps, as they wrestled themselves out of the tarpits of magical and mythical thinking.)
Maybe you misread what he was trying to say, maybe it really was that dumb. The fact that in both situations a house was wrecked is incidental and in no way ties them together.

Get on SISI, sit afk in a belt far from the places where pvp is allowed. Maybe rats will asplode your ship. That's weather. Who cares?
Now put up a POS, some labs, maybe start up some moon mining, get into T2 manufacture.
You will be in a coma from boredom very quickly, you've built a sandcastle that no wave will ever push over and no scallywag is allowed to threaten.
That's because SISI is the test server and not EVE.
The whole value of anything done in EVE is that it's done DESPITE the odds against it. Sometimes working in concert with others. "Trust nobody" is the creed of wimps, the value of trust earned, given or granted is that there's consequences you care about if that trust is broken.
The community is not toxic, it's very human and the whining efforts to "fix" the toxicity stem from a lack of understanding that without the threat of Certain Doom and Total Failure there is no pressure to be good or evil.
Hisec barnacles are 'nice' to each other, which is a false front used by people who are afraid of being treated badly.

TLDR Hisec is eating people's minds.

Get out of hisec.

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Lex Gabinia
Res Repetundae
#50 - 2016-08-14 04:08:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Lex Gabinia
March rabbit wrote:
Lex Gabinia wrote:
Vash Bloodstone wrote:
Don't be so concerned with what other people are doing, it's none of your business anyway. You fly your way and I will fly mine.

Fine, but that works both ways. No more whines about ganking and other destructive game play within game mechanics.

ganking is not 'personal business'. It involves 2+ players. So nope, these things are different.

To OP: Eve is real. We have model of real society here. And lots of people just model themselfs (me included).

Yes, this is game, etc.... But it's not for everyone to completely change their mindset when you log in. Personally i cannot. I still play myself 'in space': mostly peaceful person minding my own business.

Every part of this game involves two or more people or do you sell the ore you mine or the loot you collect or the PI you produce to yourself?

You think they are different and you want them to be different but they are both allowed by game mechanics. So if you want people to leave your playstyle alone then the same goes for you as well. If they want to gank then they get to gank because there are mechanics in game for them to do so.

Your exact attitude about how your playstyle is legit and other is not IS one of the biggest problems in this game. Thank you for pointing out so clearly the problem for everyone to see.
Dirty Forum Alt
Forum Alts Anonymous
#51 - 2016-08-14 04:11:49 UTC
Chopper Rollins wrote:
Get on SISI

Actually that isn't an awful suggestion...

Anybody who wants to play EVE without PvP - they *do* have a server where you can do that. Just hop on SiSi and knock yourself out. If anybody bothers you anywhere but the designated combat system, report them and they'll get banned from the test server.

So no need to change the game for such players - they just need to log in to the correct server for their PvP free desired lifestyle.

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool. They lay. They rotted. They turned Around occasionally. Bits of flesh dropped off them from Time to time. And sank into the pool's mire. They also smelt a great deal.

Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings (Sussex)

Serene Repose
#52 - 2016-08-14 04:29:53 UTC
At this point I do believe this discussion has fizzled out altogether.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#53 - 2016-08-14 04:51:14 UTC
A few minor things need to be cleared up. Concord is an in game mechanic, not a malevolent group out to ruin your game. CCP (crowd control productions) Are the makers of said mechanic and the ones you should level your silliness towards.

There are huge swaths of space where Concord does not go. WH space, low and null. Fly there if you want to be beyond their plans to make you into an apathetic drone of a player. If the mechanics offend you then adapt or move on. Sole, above, I know adapts and adjusts to suit the locale.

Apathy? Who cares if someone decides to be apathetic?

You play your game within the structure of the program or you ask the writers of the program to consider making changes. (Hint: appeal to their bottom line) Yelling at a part of the game directly? Personally, I am surprised you have not been mocked more.

Tldr? Lots of space for you to play your way and others to play theirs.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Pixel Piracy
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#54 - 2016-08-14 05:54:28 UTC
They believe they have the freedoms to pursue what they "want" ...
... yet don't realize that what they actually can "want" is actually laid out by CONCORD for them.
Freedom of choice to them, deliberate limiting of potential to me.

Isn't this basically what society is IRL?
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2016-08-14 06:05:29 UTC
Read every post ... I'm still not getting your point beyond a typical highsec is too safe rant mixed with some role play references ... What?. One thing, when you all are talking about a "toxic" community, you are referring to the loud minority of forum and chat whiners, maybe 0.1% or less? of the active player base.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Dirty Forum Alt
Forum Alts Anonymous
#56 - 2016-08-14 11:48:41 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
Apathy? Who cares if someone decides to be apathetic?
So you are apathetic about apathetics....but you obviously care about people who are not apathetic enough to demand that they become apathetic...

I haven't had enough caffeine yet to find a creative way to point out how silly that is to you - so hopefully you can figure it out on your own...

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool. They lay. They rotted. They turned Around occasionally. Bits of flesh dropped off them from Time to time. And sank into the pool's mire. They also smelt a great deal.

Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings (Sussex)

Solecist Project
#57 - 2016-08-14 11:52:21 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Proper community management in an endeavor to reduce this toxicity/apathy would anger BOTH sides of the toxicity/apathy dynamic (one side would claim we were being forced to sing Kumbaya together, the other side would claim they are being forced to interact with people they don't want to interact with), but if it must be bitter medicine for the game I'm left wondering why a game developed by people descended from Vikings has not taken such a bold step. It's not like WiS you can't opt out of.
I cut the quote short to save space.

The reason why this or any other community grows toxic is growth. I've seen it over a dozen times by now in the last half year. I've seen it happen one time personally in the end of the nineties. It happens all the time and the reasons are always the same.

Growth and a lack of proper moderation. The reason why toxicity increases is because idiots and assholes start coming in. When they come, smart ones start to leave. More idiots come, because idiots attract idiots, which leads to even more smart people leaving. It's like this everywhere and always, unless there is heavy moderation happening.

The same reason why forums of free to play games generally are rather ****. My personal experience was the Archage General Discussions forum, where people would have never ever talked like that IRL to the face of the respective persons they addressed. It would have gotten them either locked up or beaten up.

The increase in toxicity is something that grew in EVE over time, because more and more assholes came in and the core community simply left for various reasons. In the end, thanks to the generational gaps, eventually there won't be enough people left who remember the core values of the game and CONCORD is able to change it.

And people aren't scared of talking. There's way too many of them around to make such a statement. Plus, new players aren't talking either and have no idea why they would even be scared. It's an issue regarding the system. Lack of proper interaction and social activity leads to isolation. They start in isolation and they keep staying in isolation. Those who join a corp are definitely exceptions, else retention rate would be higher!

Mike: I hope that you never ever visit any RP forums, because they'd just ban you for being a boring party-pooper.

And Serene again completely missed the point. I'm sorry for not strictly pointing out that I summed up certain activities as "PvE", like mining. It does not change the fact though, that those who only do PvE don't do PvP. Those who PvP absolutely do PvE also, because it helps them fund their shenanigans! If you don't believe me just go ask people. How you want to break this apart is beyond me, but you can sure as well try.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Solecist Project
#58 - 2016-08-14 11:54:41 UTC
Dirty Forum Alt wrote:
Mike Azariah wrote:
Apathy? Who cares if someone decides to be apathetic?
So you are apathetic about apathetics....but you obviously care about people who are not apathetic enough to demand that they become apathetic...

I haven't had enough caffeine yet to find a creative way to point out how silly that is to you - so hopefully you can figure it out on your own...
Mike does not seem to be aware that "apathetic" isn't something one decides to be.
People don't go "I now choose to feel this or that way"

I also doubt he understands what the word means and the long-term consequences of masses of people who care about nothing but themselves anymore.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Max Fubarticus
Raging Main
Bullets Bombs and Blondes
#59 - 2016-08-14 19:06:51 UTC
Proof positive that a certain genus of the "Mushroom" species can cause you to see the light in a totally different spectrum than the normal laws of physics allows for!

Big smile


Civil discourse is uniquely human. After all, when is the last time a pride of lions and a herd of water buffalo negotiated SOV over a watering hole? Never. Someone either gets their ass kicked or eaten. At the end of the day someone holds SOV.

Solecist Project
#60 - 2016-08-14 19:46:33 UTC
Max Fubarticus wrote:
Proof positive that a certain genus of the "Mushroom" species can cause you to see the light in a totally different spectrum than the normal laws of physics allows for!

Big smile


It's all pearls before swine anyway.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia