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Can we all please stop being apathetic?

Colman Dietmar
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2016-08-13 18:22:11 UTC
I like how in one sentence you preach about "oppressive governments" and in another make it clear that you are so very superior to the people that you know better what they should do with their own time. Surely the stupid masses are lost and in need your supreme guidance.

You know, just keep on trying to enforce your playstyle upon everyone else in a game that was supposed to be a sandbox (not just a battleground) and thus draining the playerbase untill there's no one left but your own kind. It's amusing because your ideas of fun are parasitic to the core and therefore completely dependant on the carebears that you hate so much. If you didn't need carebears, if you weren't so dependant on exploiting them, "collecting their tears", then you'd be gone from the despised highsec in no time and all of your wails would be over. But no, you stay, and in your failure to create your own content you cry and blame others on the forums. Pitiful, even code is better than this.

You blame others for not playing your game, for having their own personal interests, for not being food for you. Why is it that you can't feed yourself? What is it that makes you so dependant on carebears that you start caring about how they spend their own time?
Solecist Project
#22 - 2016-08-13 18:34:59 UTC
Colman Dietmar wrote:
I like how in one sentence you preach about "oppressive governments" and in another make it clear that you are so very superior to the people that you know better what they should do with their own time. Surely the stupid masses are lost and in need your supreme guidance.

You know, just keep on trying to enforce your playstyle upon everyone else in a game that was supposed to be a sandbox (not just a battleground) and thus draining the playerbase untill there's no one left but your own kind. It's amusing because your ideas of fun are parasitic to the core and therefore completely dependant on the carebears that you hate so much. If you didn't need carebears, if you weren't so dependant on exploiting them, "collecting their tears", then you'd be gone from the despised highsec in no time and all of your wails would be over. But no, you stay, and in your failure to create your own content you cry and blame others on the forums. Pitiful, even code is better than this.

You blame others for not playing your game, for having their own personal interests, for not being food for you. Why is it that you can't feed yourself? What is it that makes you so dependant on carebears that you start caring about how they spend their own time?

And here we have a typical supporter of the CONCORD ...
... demanding safety and protection from a hatred he himself keep fueling.

I have to dismiss your post, because it literally only consists of your personal hatred against players who actually would have nothing against you, if it wasn't for people like you who keep forcing their false PEACE upon us!

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#23 - 2016-08-13 18:35:35 UTC
Vash Bloodstone wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:

It seems to me that everyone out there just wants peace.
May it be that this peace is merely ignorance, the wish to be left alone, but in the end it's still peace!

I only quote the above because I didn't want to take too much space. Anyways..not sure why I am posting this reply, but I guess I got nothing better to do.

Anyway, this crazy rant of yours is just that..crazy.. I am going to make some assumptions about you, correct me if I am wrong. You believe the primary goal or 'activity' in EvE should be pvp. Well, look, while pvp certainly can be an important activity, it's not the primary goal of EvE. As you should know, Eve is a sandbox where people are free to do as they wish.

You are not respecting the freedom or rights of other individuals. If people want to do trading, industry, mining, exploring, missioning and etc, why shouldn't they be able to do so in hi-sec? As you know, the safety of Hi-sec comes with the trade-off of significantly less rewards and payoffs. If people make that trade-off, what business is it of yours? You want to force people to play your way, because you think that the best way? Are you a tyrant?

You rant against peace as if it some great evil to be extinguished. Peace is a great thing and I would argue that the vast majority of people do want peace, except for a vocal minority which wants constant violence.

Look, if you want to constantly shoot something and get in fights, than you ought to know what you should do already. Either stay in dangerous space or play a game with more non-stop fighting. (of which there are plenty).

Don't be so concerned with what other people are doing, it's none of your business anyway. You fly your way and I will fly mine.

Its not that people don't want you to do pve, its that people have been stopped from doing pvp to you.

Take ice mining for example. Safety has been massively buffed over the years which has yes made mining safer but at the expense of making it much much more boring, removing choice in not only fitting your ship but also what ship you fly, lowered ice mining income, removed an entire playstyle and greatly reduced demand and thus profit for manufacturers.

Colman Dietmar
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2016-08-13 18:37:54 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
I have to dismiss your post

Good to know that your ideas aren't worth defending even for yourself.
Serene Repose
#25 - 2016-08-13 18:43:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Repose
Alas. We all can't be like you.

One child grows up to be somebody who just loves to learn.
The other child grows up to be somebody you'd just love to burn.
Both kids are good to mom. You see, it's in their blood.
Mother loves the both of them. The blood is thicker than the mud.
It's a family affair....

I find people tend to do what they want to do, and have no need to complain about it.
Then, there are those who want others to do like them, but find they don't. These people....

...seem to have so much to say, they can just fill a thread...much like this one.

Fly safe, y'all. Cool

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Solecist Project
#26 - 2016-08-13 18:44:38 UTC
Vash Bloodstone wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:

It seems to me that everyone out there just wants peace.
May it be that this peace is merely ignorance, the wish to be left alone, but in the end it's still peace!

I only quote the above because I didn't want to take too much space. Anyways..not sure why I am posting this reply, but I guess I got nothing better to do.

Anyway, this crazy rant of yours is just that..crazy.. I am going to make some assumptions about you, correct me if I am wrong. You believe the primary goal or 'activity' in EvE should be pvp. Well, look, while pvp certainly can be an important activity, it's not the primary goal of EvE. As you should know, Eve is a sandbox where people are free to do as they wish.

You are not respecting the freedom or rights of other individuals. If people want to do trading, industry, mining, exploring, missioning and etc, why shouldn't they be able to do so in hi-sec? As you know, the safety of Hi-sec comes with the trade-off of significantly less rewards and payoffs. If people make that trade-off, what business is it of yours? You want to force people to play your way, because you think that the best way? Are you a tyrant?

You rant against peace as if it some great evil to be extinguished. Peace is a great thing and I would argue that the vast majority of people do want peace, except for a vocal minority which wants constant violence.

Look, if you want to constantly shoot something and get in fights, than you ought to know what you should do already. Either stay in dangerous space or play a game with more non-stop fighting. (of which there are plenty).

Don't be so concerned with what other people are doing, it's none of your business anyway. You fly your way and I will fly mine.

First of all do we need to get something straight here, because you're kind of out of the loop.

I am playing a game. Within this game, the global storyline eventually involved CONCORD directly. Since the rubicon has been crossed they were a completely valid entity to bind into the actual game which means players like me are free to address them. You can also check the RP forums; they do it too.

I have to dismiss your post, because you are trying to tell me to stay apathetic in a game that allows literally everyone to be whoever the **** he wants.

You prove me right! You defend CONCORD and the mediocrity!
You want me to stay silent so you can just go on living this false PEACE of yours ...
... that only benefits YOU but none of us!

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Solecist Project
#27 - 2016-08-13 18:46:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
Colman Dietmar wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
I have to dismiss your post

Good to know that your ideas aren't worth defending even for yourself.

No. You imply your opinion is of value, while it actually contained none.
Your post was nothing but a rant, empty of information and filled with personal hatred.

Of course I dismiss that ...
... and there's nothing I have to add to this until your horrible attitude changes.

baltec1 wrote:
Its not that people don't want you to do pve, its that people have been stopped from doing pvp to you.

Take ice mining for example. Safety has been massively buffed over the years which has yes made mining safer but at the expense of making it much much more boring, removing choice in not only fitting your ship but also what ship you fly, lowered ice mining income, removed an entire playstyle and greatly reduced demand and thus profit for manufacturers.

This is a part - or consequence - of the whole problem, but not limited to it.

Let's not get lost in details, please, it would only lead to derailment.

There will be no consent among us ...
... as long as those who defend and benefit from the current system will be allowed to derail ...
... and divide us ...
... via discussions!

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#28 - 2016-08-13 18:56:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Herzog Wolfhammer
A lot about this game has simply become "meh" for a lot of people for a lot of reasons. The Great Malaise of 2014 was just the start and the bandaids applied to the game (not necessarily in the form of nerfs and buffs to favorite/unfavored playstyles either, these biased arguments ring hollow in the big picture) have not been helping. Some of the changes made to this game would have been welcomed as "epic" 5 years ago, the sorts of things people were begging for 5-6 years ago. But those people are long gone.

Now it's like nobody cares. Spergers will min/max new content for 2-3 weeks then move on, and time+resources spent on bringing in more of them for 2-3 weeks is only good for... 2-3 weeks. The actual community who gets more out if this game than just distraction from - something - is left in a sea of content they didn't really clamor for.

Ultimately it's not really the fault of the game nor the developers. They are doing a fine job with a legacy system that when you step back from it, it's really a marvel how it works and that it works at all. Games will grow and progress and that's simply that. Progress or die.

The problem is in the community and the community has become toxic. When you drive off the casuals, stack CSMs, and make entire movements out of butthurt or treat the sandbox like a litterbox, a time comes when all you have left are the kind of people who are into that, and the rest of the people won't pay money to put up with it. "Play Something Else" tanking will win every time. Remember they built a monument and it got vandalized.

It's as if lowsec has infected the rest of the game.

CCP has the power and leadership to address this and make some positive changes but it will take some turnover of the people in charge of this aspect.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Shallanna Yassavi
qwertz corp
#29 - 2016-08-13 19:05:45 UTC
It would help us sell more stuff if the "mercs" wouldn't run and hide at the first sign of a serious threat.
They might actually lose ships and have to buy new ones!

More seriously, the only way we would get meaningful competition over resources is: if overgrazing caused depletion. Then, if we wanted to keep grazing, we would have to go and seek new pastures, and fight over some of them.

Right now, we have three main reasons to go to war:
1: POCOs. Burn down other peoples' POCOs, put up your own, charge higher taxes, control the local market for planetary commodities.
2: HIgh-end industry. Wipe out competitors. T3s can't be built or researched or built on stations.
3: Hub and chokepoint farming. There's always someone who will undock solo for a bunch of hub campers. Sometimes with shiny.

Ye olde fight over resources isn't in that list.
In hisec, there are just so many resources. About the only things in even remotely limited supply are anomalies and signatures.
In null, there is sov grinding.

A signature :o

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#30 - 2016-08-13 19:15:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
Shallanna Yassavi wrote:
It would help us sell more stuff if the "mercs" wouldn't run and hide at the first sign of a serious threat.
They might actually lose ships and have to buy new ones!

More seriously, the only way we would get meaningful competition over resources is: if overgrazing caused depletion. Then, if we wanted to keep grazing, we would have to go and seek new pastures, and fight over some of them.

Right now, we have three main reasons to go to war:
1: POCOs. Burn down other peoples' POCOs, put up your own, charge higher taxes, control the local market for planetary commodities.
2: HIgh-end industry. Wipe out competitors. T3s can't be built or researched or built on stations.
3: Hub and chokepoint farming. There's always someone who will undock solo for a bunch of hub campers. Sometimes with shiny.

Ye olde fight over resources isn't in that list.
In hisec, there are just so many resources. About the only things in even remotely limited supply are anomalies and signatures.
In null, there is sov grinding.

Another nerf hisec post...

Look hisec will have something to fight over, indy structures will come soon and I am betting that CCP will not enable the indy players to pull them down within 24 hours. There you go, you will get your wish.

But level 4's are terribly boring, Incursions set my teeth on edge and mining is already a damn chore on small roids that last one and a half damn cycles, and don't get me started on ice. Level 5's were fun to do as a group until CCP made them low sec only.

From my perspective its players like that who want to kill the game by removing any fun for more relaxed and casual players, if they want their fun go and fight in low sec, null sec and WH space, why do people want to screw up hisec just because they want security to pick who they fight in hisec. And I can say that as someone who spends my time in hisec, but when I want to do PvP I JC to Stain. Shocked

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Solecist Project
#31 - 2016-08-13 19:22:52 UTC
Shallanna Yassavi wrote:
It would help us sell more stuff if the "mercs" wouldn't run and hide at the first sign of a serious threat.
They might actually lose ships and have to buy new ones!

More seriously, the only way we would get meaningful competition over resources is: if overgrazing caused depletion. Then, if we wanted to keep grazing, we would have to go and seek new pastures, and fight over some of them.

Right now, we have three main reasons to go to war:
1: POCOs. Burn down other peoples' POCOs, put up your own, charge higher taxes, control the local market for planetary commodities.
2: HIgh-end industry. Wipe out competitors. T3s can't be built or researched or built on stations.
3: Hub and chokepoint farming. There's always someone who will undock solo for a bunch of hub campers. Sometimes with shiny.

Ye olde fight over resources isn't in that list.
In hisec, there are just so many resources. About the only things in even remotely limited supply are anomalies and signatures.
In null, there is sov grinding.

thank you for your post.

Imagine how much it would help if there wasn't such mediocrity.
The issue isn't attitudes of players, it's cultural.

An issue within society itself, caused by CONCORD.

The root for the shituation is beyond "mercs who don't fight when they know they'll lose" ...
... and closer to "why did mercs band together to big groups in the first place?".

Anyhow, you can see an issue when mercs do not defend themselves when they know they'll lose ...
... and i can see an issue when you don't bait them or use other means to make them regret it.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Shae Tadaruwa
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#32 - 2016-08-13 19:42:45 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
Shallanna Yassavi wrote:
It would help us sell more stuff if the "mercs" wouldn't run and hide at the first sign of a serious threat.
They might actually lose ships and have to buy new ones!

More seriously, the only way we would get meaningful competition over resources is: if overgrazing caused depletion. Then, if we wanted to keep grazing, we would have to go and seek new pastures, and fight over some of them.

Right now, we have three main reasons to go to war:
1: POCOs. Burn down other peoples' POCOs, put up your own, charge higher taxes, control the local market for planetary commodities.
2: HIgh-end industry. Wipe out competitors. T3s can't be built or researched or built on stations.
3: Hub and chokepoint farming. There's always someone who will undock solo for a bunch of hub campers. Sometimes with shiny.

Ye olde fight over resources isn't in that list.
In hisec, there are just so many resources. About the only things in even remotely limited supply are anomalies and signatures.
In null, there is sov grinding.

thank you for your post.

Imagine how much it would help if there wasn't such mediocrity.
The issue isn't attitudes of players, it's cultural.

An issue within society itself, caused by CONCORD.

The root for the shituation is beyond "mercs who don't fight when they know they'll lose" ...
... and closer to "why did mercs band together to big groups in the first place?".

Anyhow, you can see an issue when mercs do not defend themselves when they know they'll lose ...
... and i can see an issue when you don't bait them or use other means to make them regret it.

Add faction police to the cause too.

Faction Police are hostile to many players that normally pvp in lowsec, and who under a wardec, would come to highsec for a fight, or to defend someone who asks for assistance.

CONCORD then, also prevents many players from taking pro-active action (eg. just ganking the wardeccer ships).

As a result, the mechanics currently reduce the amount of aggression and pvp based player interaction that can take place in highsec.

Get the mechanics out of the way and let the players both create and resolve issues.

Dracvlad - "...Your intel is free intel, all you do is pay for it..." && "...If you warp on the same path as a cloaked ship, you'll make a bookmark at exactly the same spot as the cloaky camper..."

Solecist Project
#33 - 2016-08-13 19:53:27 UTC
Shae Tadaruwa wrote:
Faction Police are hostile to many players that normally pvp in lowsec, and who under a wardec, would come to highsec for a fight, or to defend someone who asks for assistance.

CONCORD then, also prevents many players from taking pro-active action (eg. just ganking the wardeccer ships).

As a result, the mechanics currently reduce the amount of aggression and pvp based player interaction that can take place in highsec.

Get the mechanics out of the way and let the players both create and resolve issues.

I'd like to repeat that the root of the whole issue is far from simply changing mechanics.

It would be a token gesture by CONCORD to change some rules ...
... and would be effective crowd control ...
... because it would not touch the root issues.

Personally I believe that the faction police is a completely different topic simply because they're not CONCORD.

They don't make the rules and laws.

But don't misunderstand me, I thank you for your post!

It's input! :)

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Solecist Project
#34 - 2016-08-13 20:05:05 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Its also true to point out that higher conflict in highsec drives up profits for industrial players, gives them engaging content and keeps them interested in EVE a lot longer. 85% of the people who quit eve after the first 15 days do so with zero deaths.

Say ... can you expand on this?
Or link it, so I can do so myself?

I don't question it, but it's worth expanding on.

That plus the other part about CCP Rise and how interaction increases retention instead of lowering it.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Vash Bloodstone
State War Academy
Caldari State
#35 - 2016-08-13 20:44:31 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:

Imagine how much it would help if there wasn't such mediocrity.
The issue isn't attitudes of players, it's cultural.

An issue within society itself, caused by CONCORD.

The root for the shituation is beyond "mercs who don't fight when they know they'll lose" ...
... and closer to "why did mercs band together to big groups in the first place?".

Anyhow, you can see an issue when mercs do not defend themselves when they know they'll lose ...
... and i can see an issue when you don't bait them or use other means to make them regret it.

Okay, maybe you can clear things for me, what is your goal in making this post, really?

You talk about the culture of the players, about them wanting safety and stuff. But this isn't caused by CONCORD as you say. How do you explain the fact that people form large groups in all sections of space, including, low-sec, null, and WH space? Where is concord there? I would think you would want people to band together? Are you against people joining corps?

It's only natural that people would want to protect those things which they've worked hard for. Do you think people should just risk their stuff all the time? Should people just fly reckless and go crazy? Are you advocating for a chaotic new Eden?

Look, I don't mind the occasional fight here or there, but EvE is more than just about fighting. Its also about building and exploring and I think you should show respect to those players who may of built that ship your flying.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2016-08-13 20:47:02 UTC
Lex Gabinia wrote:
Vash Bloodstone wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:

It seems to me that everyone out there just wants peace.
May it be that this peace is merely ignorance, the wish to be left alone, but in the end it's still peace!

Don't be so concerned with what other people are doing, it's none of your business anyway. You fly your way and I will fly mine.

Fine, but that works both ways. No more whines about ganking and other destructive game play within game mechanics.

ganking is not 'personal business'. It involves 2+ players. So nope, these things are different.

To OP: Eve is real. We have model of real society here. And lots of people just model themselfs (me included).

Yes, this is game, etc.... But it's not for everyone to completely change their mindset when you log in. Personally i cannot. I still play myself 'in space': mostly peaceful person minding my own business.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Solecist Project
#37 - 2016-08-13 20:54:42 UTC
Vash Bloodstone wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:

Imagine how much it would help if there wasn't such mediocrity.
The issue isn't attitudes of players, it's cultural.

An issue within society itself, caused by CONCORD.

The root for the shituation is beyond "mercs who don't fight when they know they'll lose" ...
... and closer to "why did mercs band together to big groups in the first place?".

Anyhow, you can see an issue when mercs do not defend themselves when they know they'll lose ...
... and i can see an issue when you don't bait them or use other means to make them regret it.

Okay, maybe you can clear things for me, what is your goal in making this post, really?

You talk about the culture of the players, about them wanting safety and stuff. But this isn't caused by CONCORD as you say. How do you explain the fact that people form large groups in all sections of space, including, low-sec, null, and WH space? Where is concord there? I would think you would want people to band together? Are you against people joining corps?

It's only natural that people would want to protect those things which they've worked hard for. Do you think people should just risk their stuff all the time? Should people just fly reckless and go crazy? Are you advocating for a chaotic new Eden?

Look, I don't mind the occasional fight here or there, but EvE is more than just about fighting. Its also about building and exploring and I think you should show respect to those players who may of built that ship your flying.

There is no respect involved in any of this.
Please keep clear of your "feels", they have nothing to do with this.

You have to understand that your perspective on the issue is a completely different one than ours.

From your perspective you would be a perpetual victim who will constantly have his stuff blown up, which is completely out of scale and only mirrors your misunderstanding of how things really work in an environment where you're not being constantly under protection.

From my personal perspective: who you should be, is someone who grew up in an environment that taught him to stand up for himself and not be a victim. An environment that affords that you care about existence, instead of merely participating in it and thus doing what CONCORD has in mind for you to do.

The fact that you are living a life that allows you to not having to care about your survival makes this thread foreign to you and while I don't blame you, i have to ask to rethink your position with this in mind first!

Thank you for your input! :)

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Serene Repose
#38 - 2016-08-13 20:56:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Repose
"Thank-you for your post" (if you agree with me)

"Change how you play" (if that's different from me)

If everyone who's not like you left the game, oh self-exaulted one, only you would be left. Then, you'd be complaining about nobody's here to play the game. Fortunately, for us, diversity is how we got here, and it's how we'll remain. Even more fortunately for us, OP, we get to remain like us and don't have to be like you! (Amazing, no?)

Your psycho-ranting, then use of pejorative language ("...if you're not like me, you must be apathetic....") serves only to demonstrate (rather ably) that you are not one to be taken for an authority on much of anything, and your opinions are far from well-taken, however vehemently and visciously you may throw them about.

tl;dr? Owning the Vitriolic Thesaurus doesn't make you someone who should be heard.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Solecist Project
#39 - 2016-08-13 21:17:57 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Lex Gabinia wrote:
Vash Bloodstone wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:

It seems to me that everyone out there just wants peace.
May it be that this peace is merely ignorance, the wish to be left alone, but in the end it's still peace!

Don't be so concerned with what other people are doing, it's none of your business anyway. You fly your way and I will fly mine.

Fine, but that works both ways. No more whines about ganking and other destructive game play within game mechanics.

ganking is not 'personal business'. It involves 2+ players. So nope, these things are different.

To OP: Eve is real. We have model of real society here. And lots of people just model themselfs (me included).

Yes, this is game, etc.... But it's not for everyone to completely change their mindset when you log in. Personally i cannot. I still play myself 'in space': mostly peaceful person minding my own business.

Thank you for your post! :)

You're absolutely correct that people often model themselves and that they might not be able to change their mindset instantly. I am not saying "YOU'RE NOT A REAL CAPSULEER!" just like I'm not screaming "MAKE HIGHSEC GREAT AGAIN!". I am also not saying anyone just needs to flip a switch and adapt. That's not how these things work!

Worse, most protected people seem to create sudden images of constantly imminent danger and destruction for which there isn't even an iota of proof ... not even an indication for it. It's all just based on the fear of losing protection from the overlord who governs their existence.

When you grow up in a cave the fear of going outside can be overwhelming.

Anyhow, we need to differentiate between those who just play "as themselves" and those who "identify with their character". It's an important separation to make, because we can't just put all of those who "model themselves" into a single bad and think that'll work out.

And no one minds if you're a peaceful person minding your own business ... but that peace needs to be honest and should not be taken for granted. The current false peace is a misunderstanding of fear of punishment for behaving against the laws of a political entity defining your whole existence.

Or in other words: Where you see peace I see oppression.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#40 - 2016-08-13 21:24:08 UTC
I should lend a deeper explanation to the toxicity to which is referred in recent posts.

In the book "On Combat" by Lt Col Dave Grossman, the term "toxic" is used to describe the environment in which you have people trying to kill each other. That is a given, presumably, for situations regarding real fighting.

But as a primer to the topic, the author goes on to explain a situation with the same end result but in a contrast of sorts. In the end a house is wrecked and a family ending up without a home. But two scenarios are described to achieve it.

In the first, the house is destroyed by a storm.

In the second, it's destroyed by a gang who did it simply out of malice.

Then the author goes on to point out the stark differences between these two scenarios that we can logically claim has the same outcome, but beyond that, we would view this as two entirely separate incidents.

When you have people who will destroy your in game progress seemingly out of malice that's all it takes. That the same people bandying about some min/maxer on a rant in comms like a trophy and/or publically shaming people in their blogs then go and try to claim "it's just a game" rings as hollow as the gang in the second scenario saying "it's just a house" (note they would not be inclined to say "it's just a home"). We can say in the first scenario that if it were your family and everybody got out alive you can say it was just a house but in the second scenario such a statement, even by the perpetrators, would be viewed entirely as distasteful.

The "It's just a game" excuse had the height of its distaste in the E1 fiasco. The monument being vandalized didn't help, and an entire movement of highsec ganking being described by and for and founded on being mad over the removal (or limitation) of can flipping and added difficulty to mission baiting surely does not help the "it's just a game" cause.

On the flip side, we can imagine that the family in the second scenario would be quite perturbed at the gang who destroyed their home out of malice and the notion that "hey man, it's just a house!". Now I know the HTFU crowd would use this opportunity to claim it was just a game after all and most players know this, but in the daily human condition, the results of and response to the 2 scenarios is the norm. And when not playing a video game, people are living in that norm. It's next to impossible to shed all humanity and human conditioning by logging into a video game. But those who might have the appearance of doing things out of real world malice do take their basking in their "accomplishements" into real world blogs and that one well known scandal. (that surely does not help).

So getting back to the flipside you have some players who do act like they are on some revenge against some gang that wronged them simply out of malice. But the choice is usually made at that point (or there are those who can't make it who are truly food for those who want to make it for them, or as I like to say "yes you made the carebear blow a gasket and claim that this person has emotional problems but what does that make you as the one who goaded them into that state?") for some people to either deal with it (HTFU approach) or not play the game. Many gank victims I have contacted wondering if they would join AG only to find that the loss of an occasional freighter was already factored into their costs and they simply didn't care. They shrugged and moved on. But there are those who do froth at the mouth but more often I see them get kicked out of the AG channels. The reason being is that they are somewhat of a drag on the game.

Now we can consider game mechanics. Again: we cannot expect the average player to shed all humanity and say everything is "just a house" on the one hand, but on the other, in the human sphere of existence, a gang that goes about wrecking houses out of malice would have a harder time going about it. There would be no point where they reach an equilibrium where they can still operate. We can build stronger houses and shoot on site gang members for example, but remember the malice is still there and in as much as I have known martial artists and firearms specialists who can pretty much kill everybody they meet, they don't go hanging out in ghettos or trailer parks getting into such situations that require this outcome. (This is also one of the points brought up in "On Combat" that even those who can prevail in the toxicity of people killing people, they won't gravitate towards it unless they have some mental issues). But on game mechanics, it matter not who wins the argument over who is getting nerfed more, the gankers or the carebears (via ganking buffs), but the appearance of it matters more than the reality. Because people are trained on the reality, they cannot manage the time to shed it on the short term for a game, and the objective of a GAME is to be entertained, not exercised in putting off malice as "just a house".

This is the conflict as I see it and while such things have always been elements of Eve (and even AWOXing too), they become more problematic because the community has become toxic. Or even worse: there is no more connection between pirate and pirated. Once upon a time everybody had a comeraderie of sorts where players understood each other even if they did things differently or disagreed with it.

Hence why I say that the community has become toxic. Perhaps the solipsism and self-absorbtion of millennial players has lent these elements? I don't know. But CCP does have the leadership and ability to bring back this sense of community if they wanted to. "Community management" of Eve Online is in a state of mismanagement and at it's worst IMO and this need to be addressed lest all the skins in the world will change nothing.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!