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Wormhole Town Hall Aug 13th 19:00

First post
Hidden Fremen
#61 - 2016-08-10 10:58:57 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Any corp that can field 50 member fleets can also just field 5x 10 member fleets with their own boosts so it doesnt fix anything.

This, pretty much, yea. Although, you'd still be removing 10 pilots from being pure combat capable. Not a lot have booster alts, either. That's also going to take a lot more discipline than 90% of wspace has.
Nou Mene
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#62 - 2016-08-11 20:12:18 UTC
Looks like I would not be able to make it... I hope it gets recorded.
Issues in my opinion:
- Re-evaluate the way isk access is balanced through wh classes (I dont neccesarilly subscribe to the risk/reward paradigm, but choose one paradigm and apply).
- Maybe add a less "faucet-y" income, if you dont want to mess with the market. i.e. mats, salvage instead of blue loot which it has fixed value.
- I would like a clarification on where CCP sees wh-space going (and dont need an ego-boost, so something like : "we considered wh a big important part of eve so we'll put a lot of effort on creating new and engaging ways in which player living in wh-space can impact the game" of some sort).
- Add value to C6 space: More isk, more connections. 2nd, or even 3rd static (JS, KS)
- Fix c5/c6 data/relics so they spawn the frikin drifter (I feel thiss issue has lowered wh income by a lot).
- Is it possible to rotate anoms/sigs at a higher rate?
- Can we get an ingame wh mapper? (now that IGB its being phased out)
Haile Korhal
Professional Amateurs
#63 - 2016-08-12 03:57:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Haile Korhal
I've been preparing a proposal for a serious issue I feel we currently have in wormhole space regarding asset security, and the risks it poses to both the member and the leadership of a wormhole corporation. I'll be updating my post before the meeting with a link to my document once it is finished going through a review and editing process, as well as mailing a copy of it to Noobman, once complete. I do not think I'll be able to make the meeting, so this document will have to serve as my contribution to our community. Here's the document.

Bloodoff wrote:
I will add things separately so that we can know if the community supports or doesn't:
Arrow Rolling Yachts are still able to roll a hole quite fast if you have 3+ of them (even w/o Higgs Anchor Rigs). Because of the server tick/lag they cannot be pointed and tackled by an interceptor with 5000+ scan resolution. Invulnerable.... invlulnerable... invulnerable... Gone What? So I guess it shouldn't be that way.

I can confirm this is still a thing. He was trying to catch me on my alt, I remember this event distinctly. They rolled into us, or maybe we rolled into them, and we lacked the people to fight them. So we did the only thing a small corporation can, and combat-yachted the hole into oblivion. They sat on their side with 16+ people actively trying to catch us for hours, as the 3 of us tried to collapse the hole. It took a very long time (definitely over an hour, probably 2 really), but it worked. I ended up miscalculating and getting myself trapped in their hole without a scanner, so I died off in a dead space, but it is a thing still. No higgs rig, no plates, just an oversized after burner and they couldn't catch us no mater what they tried. Battleships with cloak drag nets, interceptors with the scan res, not even the cancer could catch me. I was never even yellow-boxed.

Honestly, I feel two ways about this tactic. While it is scummy, and content denial is a *****, there really needs to be a way for a smaller group to be able to defend themselves. We couldn't field 16 people on a good day, let alone at all. I understand some groups are super honorabru and would limit their forces, but if they start losing, who wouldn't bring in the rest of their friends who are totally waiting on the other side of the hole? Sometimes content denial has a place, because if we couldn't "deny them content" then they'd "deny us content" as they camp us. Someone will get their content denied, it's just a mater of whose. Deny content to the larger fleets "over power" as they sit out of a fight? Should content only be guaranteed to the largest of groups and denied to the smaller ones? Should the smaller groups have the ability to, with skill and a lot of luck, deny said content to the bigger groups and thus protect themselves? No mater what you do, content will be denied, and there's no easy way to solve it.

Just my thoughts on that matter. My actual proposal for the townhall meeting is a Google Doc.

Ps. Nothing but love, Bros Before Holes, that was a fun chase even if you didn't get the chance to catch me. I hope you found that dead space, it was literally off d-scan from everything (and I hope you didn't throw a citadel there!).

Egregious Spreadsheet Services - For Spreadsheets as a Service to businesses, corporations, and higher, look no further!

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2016-08-12 09:08:58 UTC
Simple message in local saying "dudes we are a 3 man corp, pls" is enough for a lot of people to leave you alone. When an entity knows they won't get any content out of you, smart and logical thing to do is roll away and find something else.
Max Caulfield
Caldari State
#65 - 2016-08-12 09:17:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Max Caulfield
Frig holes are alright.

Income doesn't need buff (hisec incursions need nerf).

Spawn range in certain C1 anoms should be reduced.

Also in support of buffing mining anoms to nullsec levels.

Sleeper data and relic cans could use buff (reduce drop rate of ancient relics?).
Nosferatu Security Foundation
#66 - 2016-08-12 09:40:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Vasama
Idea of the Frig holes was to stir up more content. I don't think that they have been really successful on that. I think it would be time to bring something new to the WH's and maybe more "WH Like" content. How about if there would be wormholes that would go only one way? So once you enter you cannot return to the same system, the return would go to different system (WH or K-space) or it would be only one way...the end must be somewhere, otherwise there will be insane amount of WH's.

Duo Roman
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#67 - 2016-08-12 14:08:58 UTC
The long anchor timer coupled with the difficulty in rolling C1 connections makes is really risky to anchor citadels in C1s, specially for small corps.

The 24hours anchor time and constant popping of wandering wormholes makes it certain someone will see your citadel anchoring and form a fleet to attack it. Small corp takes hours roll C1 connections with medium sized ships.

One suggestion is to reduce Astrahus anchor time to 12hour or 8hours.

But be my guest and suggest better options if you have them.
#68 - 2016-08-12 14:52:18 UTC
Duo Roman wrote:
The long anchor timer coupled with the difficulty in rolling C1 connections makes is really risky to anchor citadels in C1s, specially for small corps.

Nope, it's very easy if you know how. Smile

Selling WH CFC Standings 10b/month for +10 with: Lazerhawks, Hard Knocks, Overwatch This, Many Vacancies, Golden Showers, Friendly Probes, Isogen Memed.

Join up for swag C3 Gila/Osprey ratting fleets daily! We also rent C2s out with CV effect!

Sullen Decimus
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#69 - 2016-08-13 01:38:00 UTC
NoobMan wrote:
Sojourn wrote:
Is this going to be moderated fairly, or is it just going to be full of Hard Knocks folk sperging all over the place and getting only their own voices heard? I can imagine there will be no love for the PvE crowd during this meeting.

... Wait, I already know the answers to these ...

Even HK members will be muted. HK Directors and other CSM and people helping moderate will be given open mic.

And yes PvE will be discussed. If you know me I'm probably in the top 3 of the biggest krabs in the history of Wspace. :)

confirmed :D

CSM XI Member

Twitter: Sullen_Decimus

Tweetfleet: @sullen_decimus

Sullen Decimus
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#70 - 2016-08-13 01:44:15 UTC
Duo Roman wrote:
The long anchor timer coupled with the difficulty in rolling C1 connections makes is really risky to anchor citadels in C1s, specially for small corps.

The 24hours anchor time and constant popping of wandering wormholes makes it certain someone will see your citadel anchoring and form a fleet to attack it. Small corp takes hours roll C1 connections with medium sized ships.

One suggestion is to reduce Astrahus anchor time to 12hour or 8hours.

But be my guest and suggest better options if you have them.

Normally i am all for defending wh dweller's homes, but the problem is that for about 95% of the corps out there once your citadel is anchored, they wont' do anything at all. popping it during the anchoring phase is about the only opportunity most will have. this is mainly because even an astrahus can field fighters in wh space which btw, i have personally witnessed send a fleet running for the hills after hilariously nuking their battleships. not to mention only 3 hours of vulnerability a week means that very few corps will every encounter it during it's vulnerable period. this isn't to say that astrahus are too powerful, just that without that it's hard to argue the vulnerability window considering how powerful they are once online.

I could see possibly a small reduction in onlining time so people aren't literally sacrificing their lives to online a space house, but def nothing below 12 hours.

CSM XI Member

Twitter: Sullen_Decimus

Tweetfleet: @sullen_decimus

Caldari State
#71 - 2016-08-13 03:58:12 UTC
Teamspeak Info:

If that doesn't work TS Server: Password: CSM

I will see you all there! I have to work 1 hour after the meeting so I'm gonna be sleeping up until 17:00-18:00, So if you try and get a hold of me in EUTZ tomorrow I might be passed out.

Feel free to join and chit chat before the meeting.

OP updated

Operations Director of Hard K(n)ocks Inc.

Caldari State
#72 - 2016-08-13 21:26:26 UTC  |  Edited by: NoobMan
The Event was an amazing success. Thank you all for coming out.

I didn't record personally but there will be some recording published soon.

I have to leave straight to work. But we talked for about 2 hours and 20 mins. If someone wants to take the recording and make an outline or notes that would save me a lot of work. Otherwise I'll take care of that myself and have it for the Summit.

Thanks again.

Operations Director of Hard K(n)ocks Inc.

Seraph Essael
The Initiative.
#73 - 2016-08-13 21:37:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Seraph Essael
Wormhole Townhall Recording.

Topics covered during the Townhall:

  • Scanning and wormhole connectivity. Including frigate holes

  • PvE. Sites spawn rate and lifetime. Lowclass. Highclass. Battleships or Capitals. (Included in this topic was a discussion on Wormhole Mining).

  • PvP and PvP meta. How FAX's, Dreads and content creators fit into the current PvP meta.

  • Citadels. Future of POS degradation. Missing features.

  • Bugs.


00:01:53 - Scanning and Wormhole connectivity.
00:47:15 - PvE
01:23:55 - PvP
01:40:39 - Citadels
01:59:08 - Bugs

Quoted from Doc Fury: "Concerned citizens: Doc seldom plays EVE on the weekends during spring and summer, so you will always be on your own for a couple days a week. Doc spends that time collecting kittens for the on-going sacrifices, engaging in reckless outdoor activities, and speaking in the 3rd person."

Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#74 - 2016-08-14 00:24:14 UTC
-colors and brightness of scan window, it is hard to see the red dots. THIS, so mch THIS

Also keep frig holes. In fact, more frig holes. From lowsec. I mean, i don't often blog Rattlesnakes, but when i do it's hilarious with frigates.
Skremar Ogan
#75 - 2016-08-14 02:52:31 UTC
Trinkets friend wrote:
-colors and brightness of scan window, it is hard to see the red dots. THIS, so mch THIS

YES THIS. 10% of males are red-green colourblind to some degree and can't see the brown dots. We make terrible scanners and hunters because of the current colour scheme. At least let us pick the colours, or go fancy like Call of Duty and let us pick the type of colour blindess we are, which for me required a lot of googling to figure out lol..
Delt0r Garsk
Shits N Giggles
#76 - 2016-08-16 05:19:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Delt0r Garsk
So these things often lack a quick overview of what happens in the thread. So here are my very brief notes of the meeting. If no one really wants this here, salted with my personal opinions when i have em. I can always delete it/edit it into oblivion.


Making scanning easier by having sigs come up with identification sooner. So you can focus quicker on what you want to scan down to 100%.

My take: Meh. I spend a small amount of my day scanning compared to recon the sigs i find (including c5/c6 chains). As someone who did spend some time helping larger null groups find chains for them, this change would have little effect. In terms of a lower barrier to entry for new players however this could be great.

The Scanning map/interface needs lots of fixes. I don't think anyone disagrees with this.

Wormhole Connectivity:

It is thought that c5 dual statics won't happen. C6 duel statics could attract some ppl from c4s. ppl disagreed and claimed your in a c4 to avoid capitol ship based evictions. C6/5 people in the channel complained that high class space is dead (well then you shouldn't' have evicted me :P).

It was asked how null/low folk using WH chains helps interaction in WH space. There was no clear answer on this.

It was discussed that a c4 connection with moderate mass but very high regen would not encourage null/low groups but WH roamers could still use em.

Wormhole despawn bugs and perhaps better info on how long till EOL: Yea we all agree with this don't we? Accept some ppl said they don't want better EOL warnings. The getting stuck or the uncertainty is what makes WH space interesting.

Frig WHs:

A bit mixed here. Options go either way. Some people dislike the t3d meta, but that is hardly restricted to WH space.

PvE site spawn Rate & lifetime:

Idea is have combat sites have 4 day lifetime wrapped to or not. Stops accumulation of sites in empty WHs. People may be on more often to run em. People where a bit mixed about this, but over all the impression is that this would be a good thing. It was said that 4 days is too low for small corps (As someone from a small corp, I strongly disagree. This would be a great change). It was pointed out that spawn rates right now in C5 is ****. Yes it is. Even solo i could often run out of sites to run, and that was before the current changes made c5s even more empty.

Cap escals:

The nurf in isk means that many don't run them with caps. However at least one corp disagreed. highsec incursions was brought up. (about +80M an hour in highsec incursion practically 100% risk free, per account In My experience anyway). Others pointed out than non cap corps find the new sites better. Since they can run them with less skill and isk outlay. It was discussed that there is simply no reason to commit caps for the current sites.

This ended up being quite a good discussion. I recommend listening to it. It goes for bit and i won't put it here. But many good ideas where put forward.

PvE minning:

High risk with bad rewards. Perhaps make em all high yield ore. this was a very brief point, but was generally well received and perhaps something to consider.


FAXs op in WH space? The consensuses is that with cap boosters they are op since they can just tank too much for too long. Different ideas where suggested. The most intriguing was reducing the mass of Dreads compared to FAXs. So there can be enough dreads to overcome FAXs, while not screwing up the balance for nullsec. Personally I have no direct experience. But if FAXs really are tanking that much more than the old school triage carriers i can see the problem.


it was stated that the new dread is awful for WH. The lower number of pvp dread fights means its hard to say. No real consensuses here. tied in with the FAX discussion a lot.


"i can't defend my timer as a small group", but at the same time they seem very powerful once onlined. More discussion of reducing the anchoring timer of at least mediums was considered a good idea. To as low as 8 hours.

The DD was considered more or less balanced with cap. Anyone who can afford it/consider taking it on should be able to deal with it.

Directors and access to stuff was discussed. Shared hanger/inventory space is a something that many want and will be asked for. But programmatic apparently it is hard to do.

Citadel missing list:

Drones spread out and its stupid. Glitches with drones and you can't recall them can be a problem.

Dead sticks, Dead citadels. The idea of very very low fuel use was floated, so that eventually dead citadels do infact become dead.


Scanning bugs. We all know em. Bugs with WH collapsing before they say they are going to. Drones and repairing them when tethered. C4 sites relic/data are broken. Things showing up on overview when they are cloaked. Random decloaking. Super bright gas clouds.. should be fixed apparently. Warp to BM end up at sig..Been there forever most of us know about it (but then i almost lost a dread to that in a C5 when i forgot.) sigs not despawing across accounts is inconstant. CREST reliability when IGB is gone.

Personally I think they are not going to keep the IGB browser no matter what. A little bird told me that they think having in the game at all was a massive mistake. So yea lets get CREST reliable.

General conclusion: WH space is better and we are cooler, more awesome and less salty than k spacers. :D

Even though i am currently not in a WH, i am a one in spirit. And i will be back. Once i make all my iskies back :(.

AKA the scientist.

Death and Glory!

Well fun is also good.

Haile Korhal
Professional Amateurs
#77 - 2016-08-16 06:41:42 UTC
Delt0r Garsk wrote:
It is thought that c5 dual statics won't happen. C6 duel statics could attract some ppl from c4s. ppl disagreed and claimed your in a c4 to avoid capitol ship based evictions. C6/5 people in the channel complained that high class space is dead (well then you shouldn't' have evicted me :P).

I agree, if High Class corps want content in high class then they need to stop evicting their content! Beat them up, and then go away. Don't go the extra mile and completely cut their throats. Unless of course, that is their chosen content, then they have absolutely no room to complain because they're doing a good job at it. Haha, still; since my corp moved out of high class (after being evicted twice, we gave up) we've been so much happier. Perhaps a second static in c6 would make it more attractive, still, it's mostly used for farm by bigger alliances right? Crap, no politics, right. >snips self< I'd never heard of the concept of multiple statics for c6 space before, a great idea imo. Multiple statics for c5? Terrible idea. I don't think c5's need any more attraction or connections. The c5 super highway has its place.

Lowering the bar for scanning would get more folks into wormholes, maybe. People just don't like doing it. So, why not make more sites scannables again? If you're going to make scanning easier, make more sites scannable rather than instantly warpable. If citadels are so "big" on the radar that they don't need to be scanned, why is a collection of rocks so big? A combat site? Do they have some massive beacon the sleepers use to attract unsuspecting victims? I thought they wanted to be left alone... IMO make all signatures scannables, no warpables, but make scanning easier. *shrug* Otherwise it's fine the way it is and needs no change other than bug fixes and colour changes.

Citadel Access
I had an idea about citadel access, check my previous post, third on page 4, for a link if you're interested in my proposal for a solution. I haven't had a chance to listen yet to see if it was brought up.

While 24 hours is tough to do for a medium citadel, I don't think it is unreasonable. Anything less than 12 hours is absolutely a bad idea I think. They are incredibly powerful "once onlined" and that is definitely a fact. If you sneak in a siege citadel, it is magnitudes harder to deal with than a siege tower. Easier to find, so much harder to get rid of. Chances are if someone has a siege citadel going up in your system they're already ready to take you down, and are going to have a much easier time of killing your citadel than you have of killing theirs. Honestly, I don't know how to modify the anchoring process to make it easier.

Perhaps changing how the damage cap works with the repair timer. Raise the "minimum amount needed" to keep it in a vulnerable state maybe? That way it gives the attackers a bit more of a challenge, from what I've heard it is super easy to knock one over. What about making them vulnerable for the first 15 minutes as well as the last 15 minutes? Finding a way to reincorporate strontium into the citadel reinforcement timers? If we had stront then we could push reinforcement timers off the attackers prime time, instead of a full 24+ hours of stront we could have 16 or 18? Just another idea.

Yes Citadels are hard to defend as a small corporation, but so are POS if someone wants to evict you. Don't be a **** and pray you don't get found by a purger corporation whose content is as I described above.

Frig Holes
My corporation loves the concept of frig holes. Yes, they're a royal pain in the butt when they popup around vulnerability time. It just means we have to be extra vigilant, anchor some warp bubbles, etc. Don't get rid of them please, it's too much fun to go through a frig hole into a null system with a ratting carrier who thought he was safe with a small fleet of hictors.

Capital escalations
I think there needs to be a reason to use capitals in c5/c6 space, other than burning each other out. If we remove capitals from sleeper sites that removes a lot of content I feel. Sure, most of that content was lazerhawks and hard knocks owned (and they're good at it, keeps us on our toes they do), but I'd love to have the opportunity to stumble upon someone doing what we got evicted for, and giving a little payback in eve style effigy.

Egregious Spreadsheet Services - For Spreadsheets as a Service to businesses, corporations, and higher, look no further!

Doom Generation
Best Intentions.
#78 - 2016-08-16 13:29:40 UTC
I've always laughed when I hear "Your just living in a C4 to avoid capitals fights and evictions". My current Corp has tried C5 and C6 space on a few occasions. It was some of the most fun I've had in EVE. However, we were never big enough to defend that type of space(see H0neybadger eviction via BU). It became clear that we were whelping caps because we couldn't support them, we loved using them and fighting against them but our numbers almost always dictated a loss.

We've used our current C4-C4/C5 not only to rebuild the Corp but to grow it as well. There will come a day we return to the "motherland" but for now I see absolutely no reason to. We have gotten some incredible fights/skirmishes out our C4 chain. Our C5 chain however ends up being our best way to HS to sell our dank loots. Hardly ever do we get fights from it, mostly because it's empty. After the Town Hall and the discussion of C6 getting a dual static myself and others in Corp got really excited at the thought of returning to High Class WHS. A C6 with C4/C5 statics would be the dream, use caps when we want to and still have the huge C4 chains that seem to be filled with people to shoot.

Other than the trolling of 1 or 2 I loved almost every idea that was discussed. I feel like Noob is definitely looking out for WHs....not just "his" whs but all of us. For the C1-C3 guys that feel like they are being put on the wayside in favor of high your mouth and voice your WH. Collect reasonable thought out ideas/concerns/complaints.

Currently medicated and feeling emotional, love you guys!
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#79 - 2016-08-17 04:57:48 UTC
High class corps complaining about high class space being dead is irony in its purest form.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#80 - 2016-08-17 15:11:28 UTC
Why is that? The reasons why high-class space is dead is because of changes to the pve side of things mostly.