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Dev blog: Shadow of the Serpent: Signal the Dawn

First post
Robert Parr
Iron Tiger T3 Industries
#101 - 2016-07-24 16:24:09 UTC
Hello CCP,

First, thank you for an event that the everyday player can participate in without being bullied out by either big corporations or players that know mechanics better than you do. I was excited to dive in and did not mind so much the grind of it.

(For all the folks just dying to tear this post apart as "too carebear", it is only one persons opinion and is not meant to insult anyone with a different viewpoint or style of play. Please keep that in mind before getting too angry and posting something personally insulting)

That said, for the next event, can you please make "the grind" worth it? To put it simply, for that much time, I could have done better (that is, earned slightly more isk) mining veldspar. I don't have the time to devote to earn the 25,000 points and when I opened the 10,000 point can, I felt like a sucker. A skill accelerator (+10 to all attributes) that lasts for 16 hours, a skin, and 2 items of clothing. It's OK, really don't like to complain about it but, for the amount of time it took, it just was not worth the effort. My suggestion, in order to make this attractive, the rewards need to be at least two or three times what you can do L4 missioning (and if I really had my choice, it would be 10X) otherwise, it just isn't something that is worth the time. Oh, and if you do that, don't change anything else like oh, I don't know....the spawn rate.....or bounties......or anything else because it was difficult enough to find sites before the 20 man fleet got there to roll the site and steal the loot and bounties before you could get your slow as$ battleship to the can. Thanks for taking the time to read.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#102 - 2016-07-24 21:10:19 UTC
Robert Parr wrote:
Hello CCP,

First, thank you for an event that the everyday player can participate in without being bullied out by either big corporations or players that know mechanics better than you do. I was excited to dive in and did not mind so much the grind of it.

(For all the folks just dying to tear this post apart as "too carebear", it is only one persons opinion and is not meant to insult anyone with a different viewpoint or style of play. Please keep that in mind before getting too angry and posting something personally insulting)

That said, for the next event, can you please make "the grind" worth it? To put it simply, for that much time, I could have done better (that is, earned slightly more isk) mining veldspar. I don't have the time to devote to earn the 25,000 points and when I opened the 10,000 point can, I felt like a sucker. A skill accelerator (+10 to all attributes) that lasts for 16 hours, a skin, and 2 items of clothing. It's OK, really don't like to complain about it but, for the amount of time it took, it just was not worth the effort. My suggestion, in order to make this attractive, the rewards need to be at least two or three times what you can do L4 missioning (and if I really had my choice, it would be 10X) otherwise, it just isn't something that is worth the time. Oh, and if you do that, don't change anything else like oh, I don't know....the spawn rate.....or bounties......or anything else because it was difficult enough to find sites before the 20 man fleet got there to roll the site and steal the loot and bounties before you could get your slow as$ battleship to the can. Thanks for taking the time to read.

I'm not trying to be insulting BUT you just spent however long it took you to write your post, completely contradicting yourself.

Remove the first 2 sentences from your post, take out the "don't really like to complain but" and you sum the event up pretty well.
It was / is for the most part, a low value, tedious grind.

Even the overall "prize" (blueprints) are a low rent handout for effort - They will be available in LP stores after the event, which negates any real value as a "prize" for the effort required to get one. Anyone running missions to gain LP for one of them won't need to put in half the effort the top scorers in this "event" have.

Like much of the new Eve game play design - Event Devs have lost sight of the fundamental nature of Eve - Risk vs Reward.
No risk, fixed value, limited, overly time consuming, rewards and a grind that makes building highway one with a pick and shovel seem easy.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Robert Parr
Iron Tiger T3 Industries
#103 - 2016-07-26 00:53:36 UTC
I'm not trying to be insulting BUT you just spent however long it took you to write your post, completely contradicting yourself.

Remove the first 2 sentences from your post, take out the "don't really like to complain but" and you sum the event up pretty well.
It was / is for the most part, a low value, tedious grind.

Even the overall "prize" (blueprints) are a low rent handout for effort - They will be available in LP stores after the event, which negates any real value as a "prize" for the effort required to get one. Anyone running missions to gain LP for one of them won't need to put in half the effort the top scorers in this "event" have.

Like much of the new Eve game play design - Event Devs have lost sight of the fundamental nature of Eve - Risk vs Reward.
No risk, fixed value, limited, overly time consuming, rewards and a grind that makes building highway one with a pick and shovel seem easy.

Nope, didn't find it anything but civil, and thank you for that!!! And, I can't argue with your post either; but, I did want to at least acknowledge the effort put forth by the company rather than simply not doing anything at all. For me at least it was fun right up until I opened the reward can. Thank you again.
Angharradh's Aegis
#104 - 2016-07-26 21:21:23 UTC
Question to the devs: the Ouroboros boosters state an expiry date of 2016.08.19 00:00:00. While I assume that any unused boosters will become inert (or outright vanish) at that time, what happens to time remaining on active/already consumed Ouroboros boosters at that time? I.e. if I consume a Gold booster at 2016.08.18 23:00:00, will I still get 10 days of accelerated training (given Biology V), or will I only get 1 hour?

Until all are free...

Andy Baer
Another Co.
#105 - 2016-07-27 12:04:40 UTC
Kueyen wrote:
Question to the devs: the Ouroboros boosters state an expiry date of 2016.08.19 00:00:00. While I assume that any unused boosters will become inert (or outright vanish) at that time, what happens to time remaining on active/already consumed Ouroboros boosters at that time? I.e. if I consume a Gold booster at 2016.08.18 23:00:00, will I still get 10 days of accelerated training (given Biology V), or will I only get 1 hour?

+1 ?
Angharradh's Aegis
#106 - 2016-07-29 15:13:16 UTC
Question to the devs: the Ouroboros boosters state an expiry date of 2016.08.19 00:00:00. While I assume that any unused boosters will become inert (or outright vanish) at that time, what happens to time remaining on active/already consumed Ouroboros boosters at that time? I.e. if I consume a Gold booster at 2016.08.18 23:00:00, will I still get 10 days of accelerated training (given Biology V), or will I only get 1 hour?
As the deadline moves ever closer, the urgency for an answer increases...

Until all are free...

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#107 - 2016-07-31 21:39:59 UTC
Kueyen wrote:
Question to the devs: the Ouroboros boosters state an expiry date of 2016.08.19 00:00:00. While I assume that any unused boosters will become inert (or outright vanish) at that time, what happens to time remaining on active/already consumed Ouroboros boosters at that time? I.e. if I consume a Gold booster at 2016.08.18 23:00:00, will I still get 10 days of accelerated training (given Biology V), or will I only get 1 hour?
As the deadline moves ever closer, the urgency for an answer increases...

The answer is in the Attributes of the Boosters - Expiry Date 2016.08.19 00.00.00 - The same as previously with the Blood Raiders event, when the times up, they stop working.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Angharradh's Aegis
#108 - 2016-08-06 14:51:54 UTC
After 5 days of waiting for a GM reply, I can now certify that on 2016.08.19 00:00:00, the Ouroboros accelerators will cease to exist, whether consumed or not. So if consumed on 2016.08.18 23:00:00, any Ouroboros accelerator will only net 1 hour of accelerated training.

So Sgt. Ocker was right. I was unsubscribed during the Blood Raiders event, so I had no reference frame against which to verify the veracity of his statement.

Until all are free...

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2016-08-09 19:25:18 UTC
it looks like the end? How's anyones result?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

The Initiative.
#110 - 2016-08-10 15:46:59 UTC
Any word on final top ten yet? The suspense is killing me