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Balancing Feedback: Assault Ships

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Axel Greye
Unlikely Suspects
#801 - 2012-01-15 16:30:38 UTC
Best start selling those caldari navy invulns. Big smile
Gallente Federation
#802 - 2012-01-15 21:30:28 UTC
As my question went unanswered, I am asking it again:

So the point of the role bonus is to make AFs more usable in big fleets, though if I was going to take a t2 frigate for the purpose of tackling in a fleet I would just take an inty. Or am I missing something? It's not like AFs can be really of any use for DPS output in bigger engagements
m0cking bird
#803 - 2012-01-15 22:07:17 UTC  |  Edited by: m0cking bird
Ninevite wrote:
As my question went unanswered, I am asking it again:

So the point of the role bonus is to make AFs more usable in big fleets, though if I was going to take a t2 frigate for the purpose of tackling in a fleet I would just take an inty. Or am I missing something? It's not like AFs can be really of any use for DPS output in bigger engagements

Ninevite wrote:
As my question went unanswered, I am asking it again:

So the point of the role bonus is to make AFs more usable in big fleets, though if I was going to take a t2 frigate for the purpose of tackling in a fleet I would just take an inty. Or am I missing something? It's not like AFs can be really of any use for DPS output in bigger engagements

warning flood of words below:

Retribution, will be able to do alot of damage and have the effective hit-points of a cruiser. So, anything that would be able to pop it. Would be able to do the same to a Vagabond. Same with the Harpy. Those 2 ships are able to field large tanks and do 200 + damage 20k or more. The Jaguar can be set-up like a interceptor and can mitigate alot of damage threw sig alone (wolf too). However it can have a large tank while doing so and out damage most combat interceptors. all assault frigates that are able to go 1900 or more. With heat! Can Mitigate damage like a interceptor. With gang-links it can be pretty insane. Try them in a gang v gang fight of 20 pilots (10 on each side, 2 logi on each side). Logistics can rep them easy.

They're alot more difficult to engage, with my Rupture unlike before in the past. Not so much with afterburner, because I would just kite, but I almost always had to go in if I wanted to explode z ship (armour rupture v ab assault frigates). I use 2 small neuts so it does shut down sh!t, if they have no cap boosters. However, not so much of a help when they have massive buffer tanks. Against ships like the wolf. Scram goes offf and on. Hwoever still able to do alot of damage to the rupture and stay alive.

P much the Ishkur, Hawk, Jaguar, Wolf, Vengeance. Are very difficult to destroy with afterbuners. With mwd. You can remove the Wolf from there. Using these ships against none close range ships like a Cynabal or Vagabond is murder. IF you can catch them you win. If you cant you leave in a mwd set-up. Same with Battle-cruisers like the Hurricane and Harbinger. The Hurricane is tougher. However it often ends up with the assault frigate winning depending on how you set-up the ships above.
These assault frigates changes make them not as squishy as they're now.

Drake is still good in web range for the most part. However, not against some of these. Dual web Hurricane with neuts still pwn them though. That is what it takes tbh. For larger ships. It takes dual webs and dual neuts to STOMP these super flies.

With that said. If pilots make glass cannon damage setups. They will pop as fast as they do now. More well rounded setups are very dangerous. So are heavy tanked setups. What they're able to do on a smaller scale is alot better than what they're able to do in fleets. But they are better in fleet compared to any other frigate class on sisi

Anyhow, fock this thread....

Keep on trying CCPTallest

Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#804 - 2012-01-15 23:14:36 UTC
Frigates are skirmish ships. You will see them alot more on roams and small fleet actions. Interceptors and now AF might show up in large fleet actions but a good FC will hold them in reserve until it looks like the opponent is making a run for it - then unleash the hounds to get points as they can. You don't usually see the "I was there" crap.
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#805 - 2012-01-16 00:25:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Prometheus Exenthal
For the record, against an MWD fit AF you dont need dual webs.
Blasters & ACs can track them reasonably well up close, and drones do hurt a fair bit.
For those of you who want better tracking or use lasers, tracking implants are dirt cheap, as are rigs & drugs.

Neuts will ruin ANY AFs day, and they won't be able to maintain an active tank. Only the Vengeance can be exempt from this.
However, if an AF is running an injector & mwd, any cruiser with web/scram is faster and can pull range to shred them.
AB fits remain unchanged, and if they can catch the Cruiser, stand a very good chance of winning (like they do now on TQ).

And Proxyyy, you're entire first paragraph is false, or at the very least, highly exaggerated.
It's very difficult for the AFs to actually have a Cruiser-sized tank. The average hitpoints is somewhere around 11-12k effective hitpoints, with the larger of the omni tanks being the Retribution & Vengeance. The AFs have strong T2 resistances against their nemsis race, that's about it.

As for the ranged damage dealing, they are not what you imply. A Retribution can't do 200dps @ 20+km without being paper thin, especially with an MWD. The Harpy can do 200dps @ that range as well, but like every other AF at that range, will be swatted out of the sky for even attempting something so foolish. ALL of these ships are capable of said feats on TQ right now.

And in regard to the Jaguar, you have been so consistently wrong about this ship I don't know why you keep posting about it.
Not only is it (currently) the lowest damage ship of the lot (on sisi), but it also has the worst range projection, tank, and (at range) tracking. The only thing it has going for it right now is the speed, and even when nanofit is STILL much slower than an Interceptor and would be absolutely obliterated by a Crow or Raptor (the *worst* interceptors).

And on one last note, they are not easily repped by logistics.
If you're in an engagement large enough to actually require logistics the AFs would have very little to gain.
If a fleet wants your AF dead, they will assign a couple webs to it (possibly paint it) and alpha through what little HP you have.
These are still frigates, and if someone wants them dead, they will pop like frigates.

Please, stop posting such nonsense you uninformed cretin.


Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#806 - 2012-01-16 01:31:00 UTC
Prom - any news on a dev update soon?
Stukkler Tian
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#807 - 2012-01-16 02:15:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Stukkler Tian
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
would be absolutely obliterated by a Crow or Raptor (the *worst* interceptors).

the crow is actually a very dangerous intercepter when flown properly standard missle fits are brutal vs other kiters and very effective against other frigates. also it has one of the best targeting ranges of combat cepters wich is a huge advantage. I know its off topic but people moaning about the crow is a pet peeve of mine. the raptor is indeed awful . Everything else you said is true though i stand by my previous statement that this buff is a bit to much.
m0cking bird
#808 - 2012-01-16 02:20:23 UTC  |  Edited by: m0cking bird
You're p dumb. What are you on about? Do you even know? Guess someone who's ******** wouldn't. You're so deluded it's unbelievable. The first question I would ask someone if I'm not aware of what they're referencing. Would be. What set-ups are you using? ****** brought up active defence set-ups. Those were never mentioned in my post @ all. There were multiple uses of the word afterburner and situations in which micro-warp drives are used. To easy, for a player to just go back in this thread and see @tleast some of the set-ups I quickly posted and have used. Do you have a learning disability? Are you incapable of basic comprehension? I made one serious none plain written post and it seems you're not able to understand that. Maybe you should go back to using crayons and crazy glue.

With these changes assault frigate:

-You're able to field significant buffer tanks. Whether shield or armour hit-points. FACT

-Assault frigates are able to mitigate significant damage actively (armour or shield). FACT

-The role bonus: 50% reduction in MicroWarpdrive signature radius penalty. Is equivalent to Interceptor skill @ 4. FACT

-@ 3,000m/sec and above (with or without heat). Assault frigates absorb 10 - 35% more damage (Hurricane) than a Interceptor would. With 200% more effective hit-points. When inducing transversal.

With these changes. How assault frigate interact with other frigates and other classes in are current environment is difficult to foresee. However, if warp scambler did not disable micro-warp drives. What would be the difference between 50% bonus to afterburner velocity and 50% reduction in MicroWarpdrive signature radius penalty. Assault frigates with 40m Signature radius. Going @ 1,500m/sec or a 120m Signature radius assault frigate, with a velocity of 2,200m/sec. Answer = warp scrambler turning off a micro-warp drive and 49% more damage taken (under-perfect conditions) from a general shield-Hurricane. In perfect condition (heh!). Around the same ability Interceptors have to mitigate damage now. With Interceptor Skill Bonus: 15% reduction in micro-warp drive signature radius penalty per level. Even if a assault frigate where taking 50% more damage. Most are able to field 200% more effective hit-points of Interceptors @ warp disruptor range (24-28km). Which is the Operation range of most ships.

Just screwing around on SISI with these. They're P OP. Once optimal set-ups have been settled on by the player base. There will most likely be 3 options: Damage/glass cannon, hit-point stacking or active defence. Some ships like the Harpy and Retribution have the option to kite (skirmish). Some will have the ability to dictate range within warp scrambler range (Jaguar, Hawk, Harpy (x2 stasis webifier)). I suppose you could also set-up these ships up like Interceptors (one or 2 overdrive injectors) and lose some damage and defence, but still be able to school all Interceptors.

Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#809 - 2012-01-16 05:04:07 UTC
An AF can do all those things, yes, but not at once.

For some reason you fantasize about scrams not disabling MWDs, which is just silly since there has been no talk or even hinting that such a change would ever take place. Your right, there would be no huge difference, but the fact is that scrams disable MWDs. On top of that, no AF can MWD and tackle without severe capacitor issues, let alone maintain an active tank.

You also (for some reason) try to factor in 3000m/s as if the AFs can easily attain that.
Fact of the matter is that only the Jag can do it without crippling it's setup, and then the Jag is still slower than any Interceptor and still retains all the terrible cap issues that Interceptors do not. The only way they can achieve such speed is via fully specced Loki links and/or Snakes, both of which benefit Interceptors more.

AFs could always mitigate large amounts of damage via active tank. It's be said several times prior to this post.
The only ship that has gained a notable increase in tank is the Harpy. The rest don't gain anything significant over their current TQ counterparts.

And to use your own example, a standard shield Hurricane would have two medium neutralizers. AFs in tackle range of such a Hurricane would be gasping for cap, never mind avoiding all it's damage.

Once again, stated over and over and over.
AFs will not replace Interceptors, and have no means to get tackle on them. The AFs are no more agile than they are on TQ, and they are no faster. If an AF manages to get tackle on an Interceptor, it's because the pilot screwed up.

And as for your setups, they were discredited from the time you posted them.
Injected MWD fits only work to serve very few purposes. One is e-peen and amusement, and the other is for tight niche pvp. Neither of which is desirable over comparative setups that work in more than one scenario. Every single one of those is cap sensitive and without being able to web, slower than every Cruiser.

Yes, we get it, links are powerful. Links are (imo) too powerful.
But everything you claim to make the ships overpowered can easily be applied to another class to disprove your one-sided theories. My nano-Deimos does 430dps @ 25km while permaburning @ 3k with snakes and links. We'd better nerf HACs too, right?

You seem to be the one ignoring information, Proxyyyy.
You're trying to argue in a vacuum with one-sided testing. Heck, the other day I saw someone testing a fit similar to yours, and the person was complaining about losing tackle on an Omen because he was too slow without a web.

I mean, I asked you to put together an *Intercepting-AF* without the use of faction/officer modules, T2 rigs, links & pirate implants. You've yet to present your case but you keep spouting off these fishbowl statistics.
I know they can be made, but they remain inferior to combat Interceptors.

You spend too much time failing to prove a point and just end up looking like a ponce. FACT

That's why I put the asterisks around the word worst. I know the Crow & Raptor are capable ships, but they're widely acknowledged as the worst of the bunch. The Crow lost much of its bite before Quantum Rise, and the Raptor is generally inferior to the Taranis & Ares. Not bad ships on their own, just comparatively.


Bent Barrel
#810 - 2012-01-16 07:17:13 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
They'd still remain slower than cruisers, and therefore useless for most cases, and overpowered in the rest.

Just a simple Q. How is the cruiser going to be faster with a scrambler on him ? I mean you cannot go fast without a working MWD.

Overall I like the changes, because I'll profit on the inflated AF prices and my Ishkur use will not be affected by them in any way. Other than that, the MWD bonus just adds a requirement to use a module that heavily taxes an already vulnerable frigate capacitor.

Add a cap penalty reduction to the MWD bonus and I am completely fine with the changes.
J Random
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#811 - 2012-01-16 07:24:58 UTC
Not reading all 41 pages but have to say I don't like this. Nobody is flying inti's or destroyers as is and this will render them both even more irrelevant. Trying to figure out the logic here other than CCP's continual race to the bottom by nerfing the large ships and introducing smaller cheaper ships that can dps parity them. I don't need dust or rainbow six in space.

How about instead of bumping the AF"s you get the destroyers figured out (maybe a new T2) or fix th inti's.

PS: Also this is going to completely screw up the AF v. pirate balance. Right now they are pretty much equiv (or in some cases the pirates outperform) but this is balanced by the pirate cost. AF's are cheap throw away ships and this change is going to allow them severly out perform the pirates without having the cost to balance it.
Tore Smith
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#812 - 2012-01-16 12:02:08 UTC
i like the changes themselfs. but i have to agree to the poster above me, pirate and faction frigs will be as useless as they were a year ago. and that makes me sad.
Kahega Amielden
#813 - 2012-01-16 12:15:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Kahega Amielden
J Random wrote:
Not reading all 41 pages but have to say I don't like this. Nobody is flying inti's or destroyers as is and this will render them both even more irrelevant. Trying to figure out the logic here other than CCP's continual race to the bottom by nerfing the large ships and introducing smaller cheaper ships that can dps parity them. I don't need dust or rainbow six in space.

How about instead of bumping the AF"s you get the destroyers figured out (maybe a new T2) or fix th inti's.

PS: Also this is going to completely screw up the AF v. pirate balance. Right now they are pretty much equiv (or in some cases the pirates outperform) but this is balanced by the pirate cost. AF's are cheap throw away ships and this change is going to allow them severly out perform the pirates without having the cost to balance it.

People fly inties. People aren't flying destroyers much because they exist to **** on frigates and...frigates aren't all that common in all areas. They've always been pretty specialized and rare.

Pirate/faction frigates were described in the initial rebalance as intended to be somewhere inbetween interceptors and AFs. And they do that. The daredevil MWDs at 3.9 km/s. The Succubus and Worm, while slow by pirate faction frig standards, move along at 2.6 km/s which is still faster than most AFs - and they align in 3.4/3.6 seconds for the worm/succubus, which is better than a lot of AFs.
The story is the same with the empire faction frigs. Comet is 3.5 km/s with 3s align time.

The fastest AF is the Jag, which moves at 2.7km/s with MWD and aligns in 4.2 seconds.
Zaine Maltis
Innsmouth Enterprises
#814 - 2012-01-16 12:24:29 UTC
J Random wrote:
Nobody is flying inti's or destroyers as is and this will render them both even more irrelevant.

That really doesn't seem true based on the low sec jaunts I've been on. Lots of destroyers post Crucible patch.

Sahara Wildcat
Wild Amazons EVE
#815 - 2012-01-16 13:20:41 UTC
Add the Jaguar has:
+200 shield hp
+10 CPU
Caldari State
#816 - 2012-01-16 14:28:25 UTC
So... eight days until these changes are set to go live - will there be any responses to player feedback?
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#817 - 2012-01-16 15:06:19 UTC
Bent Barrel wrote:
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
They'd still remain slower than cruisers, and therefore useless for most cases, and overpowered in the rest.

Just a simple Q. How is the cruiser going to be faster with a scrambler on him ? I mean you cannot go fast without a working MWD.

The problem here is getting the scram on the cruiser. For example, a rupture with an mwd and a plate will be doing about 1200m/s depending on skills. In comparison, a Jaguar, the fastest AF, does a little over 1000m/s with a t2 afterburner. Unless the Jag lands right on top of the rupture, he will have to chase it, and while it's not impossible for him to get the scram, the rupture pilot will have plenty of opportunity to string him out and tear him to pieces.

So, while the Jaguar may well be able to get a scram on the rupture if he lands nearby, starting at any range outside of scram range, things will go badly for the Jag pilot. Things aren't exactly easy for him even if he does get the point. Most armor ruptures have a web, and one or two small neuts. You see the problem Smile

She's mad but she's magic, there's no lie in her fire.

This is possibly one of the worst threads in the history of these forums.  - CCP Falcon

I don't remember when last time you said something that wasn't either dumb or absurd. - Diana Kim

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#818 - 2012-01-16 15:29:56 UTC
So, goons simply want make new HACs out of AFs to get cheap counter to nasty arty mael fleets... could just have written so in the OP.
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#819 - 2012-01-16 15:39:51 UTC
Ovella wrote:
So, goons simply want make new HACs out of AFs to get cheap counter to nasty arty mael fleets... could just have written so in the OP.

Goons fly Arty mael fleets more than anyone else.

She's mad but she's magic, there's no lie in her fire.

This is possibly one of the worst threads in the history of these forums.  - CCP Falcon

I don't remember when last time you said something that wasn't either dumb or absurd. - Diana Kim

Dani Lizardov
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#820 - 2012-01-16 16:14:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Dani Lizardov
41 page lol
and still noone have proposed a viable AF role in this game :)

- interseptors, they are not ... the closest friget that got the ceptor was the Dramiel but it got neft
- Whit MWD it can catch Cursers and BC but will get raped very fast... Whit AB it can not reach them... So will exclude the heavy tackler roles as the *wet dream that will never gonna happend.
-A friget whit Curser's DPS ... well it turns out we have destroyers for that

Any other sugestions? O right! The solo PVP ship, that hunts for frigets and crusers, but can't catch them Big smile
It will get some slots and grid fixed :) and what? I wont fly it again thanks...

CCP you are waisting resorces! You are afraid that something might get OVERPOWERED ... well look at what you have done whit the new tier 3 BC :) Peaople are having a blast whit them.

I will repeat my post:
Sugestion: Remove the AF from the game or change them for good, even that means that they will become overpowered.

What is next? HACs ... are we looking forward for another 41 pages of "overpowered sugestions" that will make the game more fun?!

And to the CSM you have compleatly lost me here? 41 page saying you they want AB bonus and yet you continue to ignore what people want?

Have a nice day of more head bashing Cool