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EVE Profit - Revival Project

First post
Serene Python
#1 - 2016-06-10 06:48:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Python
Original Thread:

What is EVE-Profit?
It is a webpage showing your loss/profit on all your market orders (not station trades nor contracts). It does take broker fee and tax into consideration and it gives some statistics so you can follow your progress month by month or see your most profitable items. You can merge your characters which give you the possibility to have for example a buy-character in Jita and a sell-character in another region and see those two characters as one virtual character - calculating the profit for the virtual character.
The webpage is very simple and clean and you can always delete all your information (no history kept).

So after ironing out most of the bugs, I feel more comfortable to bringing this over to Market Discussions where I'm sure it will be appreciated by many more!

First and foremost, I am a large advocate of open source initiatives so in the event I no longer wish to manage this, the source code will be available to all and database will be cleaned of user records. Due to all the issues I had originally setting this up, I have made several changes so this can easily be migrated to a new host.

If you are familiar with the original website you will feel at home with this. I plan on it looking the same with any features I add being subtle and not bothering you if you don't want to see them. One notable change I have added is being able to sort the listing under "Most-profitable Sell", just click the column you want to sort(does not work with period separator, yet).

If you can suggest a feature that can be implemented in a way that isn't going to ruin others experience with this, I'm more than happy to hear you out and look at putting it in.

If you find any bugs/issues feel free to eve-mail me and I'll look into it as soon as I can and keep you updated with what's going on.

Find it HERE
You can see what the website looks like from this screenshot from original developer
Serene Python
#2 - 2016-06-10 06:53:39 UTC
Reposted thread as I'm hoping to have updates released soon.

I've been in the works for a few months slowly working on migrating some core code that is deprecated now to the current functions, this has resulted in a lot of things breaking(currently transactions don't pull, woooo). The bitbucket page will have a full novel of changes I've made once I'm done.

Current news:
I'm updating the server to try and address a security issue that has been long present that was pushed to the side thanks to firewall rules
I will be looking for a new server host
I'm going to set up a DNS in the next day or so so when the host change happens it'll be a smooth transition.
I am also subbed again, thanks CCP for the SP injectors these keep me playing free Big smile so you can eve-mail me if you wish instead of email.
Serene Python
#3 - 2016-06-12 07:09:42 UTC
We are up and running on an actual URL now! Website should display correctly if you are using the IP address or the actual website address.

Get your trade on here -

Please try to migrate to this address as I may be changing hosts in the near future. Using the above website will ensure a migrate from hosts will be as painless as possible. If you notice any display issues please contact me. If you have no script you will need to enable it on, I just spent an hour wondering why the website design looked different. I'm not very bright some days.
Russian SOBR
#4 - 2016-06-12 15:02:00 UTC
thanks for doing this. I really enjoyed it the last few rounds you did.
All Good CO2 Inc.
#5 - 2016-06-14 00:19:04 UTC

I'm getting a " Duplicate entry '2147483647' for key 'PRIMARY' " error, in both old and new servers

Am I doing something wrong?....
Piter Presley
Silent Nomads
Nomads - Reloaded
#6 - 2016-06-14 07:27:06 UTC
I get the same error message when I try to update my transactions.

Duplicate entry '2147483647' for key 'PRIMARY'

Serene Python
#7 - 2016-06-15 21:29:15 UTC
Piter Presley wrote:
I get the same error message when I try to update my transactions.

Duplicate entry '2147483647' for key 'PRIMARY'


I was getting this as well, I'm not entirely certain what causes this cause even my local copy was giving the same error. The code on the website has remained the same however(haven't gotten around to syncing them).

Refreshing the page fixes it easily enough. When I have some time I'll look through the server error logs and see if anything specific is showing in there.
All Good CO2 Inc.
#8 - 2016-06-15 23:33:56 UTC
Serene Python wrote:
Piter Presley wrote:
I get the same error message when I try to update my transactions.

Duplicate entry '2147483647' for key 'PRIMARY'


I was getting this as well, I'm not entirely certain what causes this cause even my local copy was giving the same error. The code on the website has remained the same however(haven't gotten around to syncing them).

Refreshing the page fixes it easily enough. When I have some time I'll look through the server error logs and see if anything specific is showing in there.

I tried the refresh fix, but it only shows me buy orders. Sell orders not appearing...

Piter Presley
Silent Nomads
Nomads - Reloaded
#9 - 2016-06-16 05:26:15 UTC
Same with me. Only buy orders Show up.
Serene Python
#10 - 2016-06-19 20:43:05 UTC
We've gone down!

I poked the security issue too hard and I think this caused the server to get automatically shutdown.

Waiting on the host to revive the rival project.
Serene Python
#11 - 2016-06-24 06:15:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Python
We are back up!

Please try to switch to the domain name as I plan on doing a server migration sometime in the next month.

Beginning July 16, any transactions or account changes made on the IP address host will not be carried over to the domain name. I will implement a notice in the coming days advising people to change the domain they are using.

I will start with just a text based notification and as the day nears I will change it to a pop up notification if I find too large of a number of people using the old host.

If someone is familiar with how I can implement the mysql database changes across hosts, eve mail me and I'd love to just do that instead so there's a reduced server load on the late comers switching hosts.
Serene Python
#12 - 2016-06-28 06:51:31 UTC
Notice has been added. I have also changed the date to allow for more time to migrate.

The old server transactions will not be migrated over as of July 16 and the server will be shutdown July 22. If there's still people using the old host July 16 onwards I will have a pop up notification at that point advising the domain has changed, I will not force a redirect as I do not like when websites do this to me so I won't put it on other people.
All Good CO2 Inc.
#13 - 2016-06-30 21:21:47 UTC
I still get the same error in the new server.... :(
Serene Python
#14 - 2016-07-05 20:11:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Python
Tralminia wrote:
I still get the same error in the new server.... :(

I believe this is due to some form of API change that was done since i haven't made any changes(beyond file reference, which the API functions shouldn't be touching).

I will take a look at the sell order issue during my free time today, I have created an issue ticket on bitbucket for both of the annoying issues that are occurring.

The duplicate key issue is due to max integer value being reached while querying the station API information, I haven't looked into that just yet since a page refresh fixes it with no noticeable delay.

I have been keeping track of the sell order issue since I started working on it here -

I have managed to have sell orders display on my local copy, profit calculations still were not performed however.
Serene Python
#15 - 2016-07-24 16:02:20 UTC
Cat update - My cat threw up last night and I just seen him eating it. I'm pretty sure I have a dog in a cats body.

Sorry for the horrible delays, I've been really busy at work(grrrr hard worker/greed for overtime). As I've been poking in my spare time, this appears to be a database issue. The variables are stored in an integer column type, I believe changing everything to big integer will fix this, when I made a quick attempt to implement this it didn't work. My next attempt will be just implementing a dirty bypass that ignores the transactions.

What is happening is citadel stationIDs are higher than the maximum integer value which is why there were duplicate entry errors. I will try to wipe all my current modifications(it's Frankensteins monster currently) and get the bypass put in which should be a work around until I correct this.

Fingers crossed this theory isn't wrong like my previous ones, but having a logical explanation for the error now makes me confident this isn't wrong.
Serene Python
#16 - 2016-07-25 06:24:47 UTC
I made the integer changes to the installation SQL file and managed to successfully pull my transactions and calculate(I think, I don't station trade anymore) profits. I have sell and buy orders showing now. If time permits in the next day or so I will attempt to implement this fix into the official database without breaking it, only one line of code needed to be changed regarding this.
Piter Presley
Silent Nomads
Nomads - Reloaded
#17 - 2016-07-25 09:09:04 UTC
That are great news Serene! Thx for taking the time to look into this.

Serene Python
#18 - 2016-07-29 16:44:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Python
Update 1:

So I assumed the database export I downloaded would actually have been complete, shame on me! Have been short on time so I only ran the import command I went on with my day since I didn't have time to verify everything was successful.

I am downloading it again and will verify whether or not it exports successfully this time.

Same thing, some tables aren't being exported for some reason. I have imported the export to my local machine, I will correct the database tables that are missing by this time tomorrow, work finally has let up(my irl wallet cries) so I will finally have free time again.

Update 2:

I think the export file was too big, it cut off at user transactions but otherwise kept everything up to a certain point. I slept in this morning so I was unable to get to this before work(yay cold/gym fatigue).

I have no obligations tonight/tomorrow before/after work so I will have ample time to correct this.

Update 3:

Server is back online, I will work on fixing the database tables in the next few days, latest by Thursday.

Once I'm done some stuff in EVE I'll work on what tables I need to modify and then make a script to update everything.

Update 4:

I have corrected the database and one file with code on my local copy, there's a new bug that is appearing that would only affect traders who use citadels(just came up after everything ran successfully, it's not site breaking however. I will detail this once I release the fix).

The current live copy has had the database table and code fixes implemented, I haven't checked to see how transactions are going to react at this time as the stationID stored will be max int value(I may have to make CCP API hate me when I make the script to correct the transaction tables).

I need to write the script to correct the transaction tables, this may take a few days due to lack of time. If you delete your character and transactions however this will correct itself as the code change has been implemented for new character creations.
Serene Python
#19 - 2016-08-02 20:22:55 UTC
If anyone receives the duplicate error, just eve-mail me what characters you have and I will manully correct your character(s) in the mean time until I correct all the tables.
ISD Decoy
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#20 - 2016-08-02 21:59:08 UTC
Excessive replies removed at the request of the OP.

ISD Decoy


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

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