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New Tax Rates and Standings

#1 - 2016-07-03 01:08:50 UTC
So I have a question on the new tax rates, do they make standings even more important to trading characters or is it still about the same?

I was told that on the character bazaar that people didn't value standings very highly on trading alts which I found weird... I figured I would come here and ask the traders...

I ask because I was considering making trading character with high standings and trying to sell them. Is that a good idea or a fools errand?

Any advice would be appreciated

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2016-07-03 05:24:52 UTC
High standing is not that important anymore for two reasons, the relative savings on broker fees are much less than before and citadels allow for small to zero broker fees on range buy orders (called "offshoring") independent of NPC standing, leaving only sell orders as subject of the NPC broker fee.

I'm my own NPC alt.

#3 - 2016-07-03 05:51:14 UTC
So CCP basically made it so a major aspect to the game, the standings mechanic, is essentially meaningless?

From what I understand it used to be needed to anchor structures, get clones, cheaper purchases, and to get better missions.

So now it really is only to get better missions?

Thanks again
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#4 - 2016-07-03 07:55:19 UTC
Justicia wrote:
So CCP basically made it so a major aspect to the game, the standings mechanic, is essentially meaningless?

From what I understand it used to be needed to anchor structures, get clones, cheaper purchases, and to get better missions.

So now it really is only to get better missions?

Thanks again

The standings system had some issues with it.

Firstly, you could only get standings from a very restricted set of activities, but those standings were essential for unlocking important abilities in entirely different professions. Standings needed to be more widely accessible.

Secondly, the abilities gained from standings were more often than not an on/off thing. You can either access that LV4 agent or you can't, you can anchor that POS or you can't, you can get clones or you can't, you can enter that area of space without being shot at or you can't. These needed to be cost/reward modifiers in proportion to the standings level, like the broker fee, not on/off switches.

CCP has more or less acknowledged these specific issues, but appear to be approaching the problem by allowing the standings system to fall derelict, possibly in anticipation of some future revamp... possibly not.
#5 - 2016-07-03 08:39:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Justicia
Well thats too bad, i thought i found a good way to make isk. I know its a bit presumptuous of me but I like to be the girl who has tons of whatever the currency is in whichever game I play be that gold, credits, or in this case isk. Normally i get into a game early so I have a fighting chance of attaining the status of a rich player. In this case it will be much more difficult but I think I will get there.

I was looking at mission running for standings simply because it seems to be something I can do with limited resources and skills. A lot of what I have seen for making large sums of isk ihave high barriers to entry. My cousin, she got me into this game loaned me some isk but i went and was a bit over zeslous and started my own couple character isk farm. So the isk is unavailable to me for now but it should at least fund my game play from month to month.

But as i said, i want to be the filthy rich girl so just getting by is not enough for me. Which brings me here trying to come up with some get rich quick schemes Blink

I have been talking to the science guys a bit about pi and that seems to be possibly lucritive but i assume its best to have multiple revinue streams.. so if anyone has any ideas how to get really rich please let me know, i am not exactly the sharpest blade in the knife drawer so trading seems intimidating plus it seems i would need a lot of isk to start and understanding of market trends and fluctuations which i do not have, so please keep that in mind when giving me tips.

Anyway, thanks for the help, and for anymore advice you can send my way. Big smile

Fare thee well and ta ta for now

P.S. sorry for typos, I dont weigh a lot and do love me some drinks, so slightly tipsy, and by that i mean to say drunk as a skunk.. which is an odd sang since i doubt any skunk has ever been drunk but you get the idea
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#6 - 2016-07-03 11:08:44 UTC
How much isk, time and SP do you have available? How rich is rich enough for you?
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2016-07-03 11:20:46 UTC
You're serious about becoming filthy rich?

There is the one way ... open an online casino, make it popular, rig the odds, rake in.

Another is to become the dictator of a big carebear alliance, and let your members work for you.

Forget everything else, it's not worth your time. P

I'm my own NPC alt.

Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#8 - 2016-07-03 11:24:53 UTC
Tipa Riot wrote:
You're serious about becoming filthy rich?

There is the one way ... open an online casino, make it popular, rig the odds, rake in.

Another is to become the dictator of a big carebear alliance, and let your members work for you.

Forget everything else, it's not worth your time. P

I'll grant you that both of those methods would be viable, but they're both 2nd jobs.

I didn't follow either of those two paths and I did just fine.
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2016-07-03 11:33:36 UTC
Bad Bobby wrote:
Tipa Riot wrote:
You're serious about becoming filthy rich?

There is the one way ... open an online casino, make it popular, rig the odds, rake in.

Another is to become the dictator of a big carebear alliance, and let your members work for you.

Forget everything else, it's not worth your time. P

I'll grant you that both of those methods would be viable, but they're both 2nd jobs.

I didn't follow either of those two paths and I did just fine.

I should have put a [sarcasm] tag around my post Lol

I'm my own NPC alt.

Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#10 - 2016-07-03 11:49:04 UTC
Tipa Riot wrote:
Bad Bobby wrote:
Tipa Riot wrote:
You're serious about becoming filthy rich?

There is the one way ... open an online casino, make it popular, rig the odds, rake in.

Another is to become the dictator of a big carebear alliance, and let your members work for you.

Forget everything else, it's not worth your time. P

I'll grant you that both of those methods would be viable, but they're both 2nd jobs.

I didn't follow either of those two paths and I did just fine.

I should have put a [sarcasm] tag around my post Lol


I started a big online investment scheme, made it popular, rigged the odds and raked it in.

Meanwhile I became the dictator of a succession of small PvP alliances, letting my pilots work for me.
#11 - 2016-07-03 11:54:42 UTC
From what i was loaned i have about 4 or 5 bill left and time is unlimited at least for the summer, someone close to me is dieing of cancer so i moved in to help make it do she doesnt spend the last few months she has in a hospital bed.

She takes around the clock attention but usually only a few minutes at a time, mostly she sleeps.

So i will have issues in fleets where if i go afk randomly people die, or talking on comms and waking her, but like i said other than those random 5 to 10 min here and there i can play...or sleep of course, a girl needs her sleep.

As for how rich? I want to start at breaking 100 billion then go from there Twisted I want to be able to buy any item i come across if i truly want it, even if its rare and expensive. I like my toys. Cool

Thsnks again

P.S. i didnt get drunk while here with the person i am helping, my brother also helps a lot so i do get time to unwind as does he. We both would go crazy if we couldnt get away here and there.
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#12 - 2016-07-03 12:11:47 UTC
From 5B to 100B in a few months is doable with station trading under the conditions you mention, but it depends if you can tolerate it or not.
#13 - 2016-07-03 12:18:52 UTC
So buying low in jita and selling high in amarr for instance?
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#14 - 2016-07-03 12:20:18 UTC
Justicia wrote:
So buying low in jita and selling high in amarr for instance?

No, buying low in Jita and selling high still in Jita.
The Executives
#15 - 2016-07-03 12:29:14 UTC
Or you worm your way into a position of power and authority in an alliance that is rich and then steal all their stuffs.

Otherwise known as the CCP recommended way.
#16 - 2016-07-03 12:34:07 UTC
Are the margins big enough for that? My cousin said listing things on the market in jita you need to play the penny game and usually the sell and buy are so close you cant make a profit.

SHe is not super rich though so very possible she does it wrong, or are we talking like the billion isk ships that very rarely sell?

She gave me the isk in the form of plexs to sell so i did list 1 in jita 4 4 tge big trading station, i think thats where, anyway the sell Order i listed woulda got me less then if i just sold it immediatly to a buy Order.

Or is tgat my sucky skills or just looking at the wrong item
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#17 - 2016-07-03 12:46:26 UTC
You'll need to fix your sucky skills before you can trade effectively, but there are very few trading skills to train and many are very optional.

It's true that the margins on some items are terrible even when you have maximum skills and high standings, but you just don't waste your time on those items. Trade the items that you can profit from, disregard the ones you cannot.

There are several threads about station trading that you can read up on. Your success or failure will depend on if it works for you. I personally would rather die than station trade any appreciable sum of money.