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Planetary Interaction overhaul - the time has come

LUH-3417 Ormand
Gallente Distribution Manufacturing Mining
#1 - 2016-06-30 18:57:53 UTC
Planetary Interaction is certainly due for an overhaul. The fact that there are only 5 skills available in order to completely master PI should be all the evidence you need. The information provided in the PI interfaces lack clarity. The controls are crude, lack precision, and require an excruciating amount of clicking. There are some who will say that all this clicking is what keeps the value of PI so high. I will retort by saying that poor game mechanics should not be the driving force in market value. More skills, more structures, and greater initial investment; these are the most effective ways to keep up the value of PI.

There is tremendous potential for enhanced gameplay with PI. Not all EVE players are interested in PvP exclusively, or even at all. Incorporating a strategy / simulator element to EVE could be very positive. The best part is that it has nothing to do with the way that EVE currently works. What players do on the planets would have very little to do with what players do in outer space. Yet a skilled PI player could grow to hold great influence in the EVE universe.

Currently, PI is considered “passive” income. Why does it need to stay that way? Is there not room in the EVE universe for other styles of gameplay?


A list of structures and planetary links is desperately needed. Trying to click on a link between two adjacent structures can be one of the ragiest activities in all of EVE.

Being able to toggle between m3 and units would be very nice when calculating space and link capacity.

Skills for increasing CPU and power grid efficiency for all and/or specific structure types.

Skills for increasing extractor head output, and cycle duration.

Skills for increasing processor efficiency and cycle duration

Skills required for advanced and high-tech processors

Skills for increasing storage space, launchpad storage space, POCO storage space, and planetary commodities cargo space in ships.

Skill that multiples the number of planets you can control by the skill level+1, for a total of 36 planets (requires Planetary Consolidation V, and should require an extremely large amount of SP.)

Layout templates would be AMAZING. Perhaps even a template building tool that incorporates a grid for more precise layouts. And when you are looking at a planet, the template will display planet specific stats (CPU and power grid reqs) based on planet size.

Structure fittings would be logical since everything else uses fittings. This opens the door for PI structure modules and rigs (more industrial goodness!)

Obviously we need blueprints for structures, and why do structures just appear out of thin air anyway? Shouldn’t we be building processors, storage units, extractors, etc?

Habitation modules for workers. More workers increases productivity, or perhaps effect output, efficiency, CPU usage, power grid usage, etc. Workers consume food, luxuries, and other commodities which are currently on the market yet have absolutely zero purpose. Let’s consume that stuff! (and make that stuff!)

Dare I even suggest giving capsuleers the ability to bombard PI structures from geo-synchronous orbit? This would open the door for PI defensive structures, shields, orbital defense structures, etc… This also gets the POCO owner more involved since they’re making ISK from taxes. Maybe they should take a more active interest in protecting their customers… just saying.

Finally, how about security forces (boots on the ground)? When two players are attempting to extract in the same area (within X km) they can attack with squads (think of them like carrier fighter units). This opens the door for security structures, and skills for the units.

These last two suggestions opens the door for bringing DUST back into the picture, while not requiring it. Whether anyone is playing DUST or not, PI players are still creating content for it right here in the EVE universe.

OK haters and thinkers. Fire away!
Kei Nagasai
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2016-06-30 22:31:04 UTC
To much like common sense, so CCP will stay well clear of it.
Keep in mind, these are the same people who think firing a laser at a building makes it yours, buy stocks in laser pointers people, you'll make a mint.
LUH-3417 Ormand
Gallente Distribution Manufacturing Mining
#3 - 2016-07-01 07:05:14 UTC
Kei Nagasai wrote:
To much like common sense, so CCP will stay well clear of it.
Keep in mind, these are the same people who think firing a laser at a building makes it yours, buy stocks in laser pointers people, you'll make a mint.

Say it ain't so...
Jednota Inc
#4 - 2016-07-01 12:28:40 UTC
good work, OP. Thoughtful, comprehensive, creative, respectful. All the things I look for in a "how to make it better" post.
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#5 - 2016-07-01 15:03:18 UTC
I like the concept but there seems to be a lot of development effort. Perhaps something simpler to start.

1. Player built Command Centers. Simply replace the existing NPC stock with BPO's seeded at the same stations.

2. Advanced planetary consolidation skill. Rank 8 skill that increases the number of colonies 1 per level to a maximum of 11. Prerequisite planetary consolidation 5

3. Advanced command center upgrades. Rank 8 skill that increases CPU and Power Grid by 2% per level. Prerequisite command center upgrades 5

4. Re-purpose remote sensing skill to provide a maximum range (in jumps) for colony management. Perhaps 5 jumps per level similar to scientific networking and supply chain management.

5. Anything that could reduce then number of clicks would be a bonus!

It seems to me that this would require relatively little development effort while making PI a viable profession without needing an army of ALTs. The new structures need a LOT of PI, I doubt these upgrades will lead to oversupply.

Not to suggest the other enhancements are without merit but something quick and easy that benefits the new structure gameplay has a better chance of getting on the roadmap.
LUH-3417 Ormand
Gallente Distribution Manufacturing Mining
#6 - 2016-07-01 15:30:45 UTC
I tried to combine the easiest, with the most important items first. I agree that we have a better chance of getting the easy stuff first. However, I truly believe that if they put a tenth as much development into PI as they did into citidels, PI would be pretty incredible, and could pave the way for many new aspects of politics and content creation in the future. I've done a little programming in my day, and making a little window thingy with a little bit of aggregate data isn't too terribly hard. Adding skills that affect existing objects would also be fairly simple. Now, a PI template system would probably take a little bit of effort, but since very little effort has been put into PI since forever, maybe it's not too much to ask? Shocked
Nicola Romanoff
Seker Solutions
Seker Academy
#7 - 2016-07-01 15:32:15 UTC
Some of the points are good; some I think are too far like habitation modules. I would also like to get a few more planets although I think 36 per toon is too much, perhaps a maximum of 9 or 10.

Since they removed NPC pocos in high sec and couple with the abysmal yields in high sec I think that area needs looking at, I don’t think that in reality having POCO in high sec has produced much in the way of conflict (CCP may have figures to disprove this) but I think that both of those things has really done is kill off high sec PI.

I would like to see more skills for PG and CPU though I think that would be handy as well as templates, and clever routing of goods, also and something that has bugged me for ages is let’s say I set up a basic factory for toxic metals, I would like all subsequent factories to be toxic metals until I change it to something else.

Arianne Kass
Goonswarm Federation
#8 - 2016-07-01 15:48:13 UTC
As per captain Chode: "You mean to tell me that with all the crap that's broken on this ship you start with the ******* ice machine?". PI is a mess but looking at all the other issues EVE has, including the citadels and the still-to-be-released industrial platforms I would certainly not say that "the time has come" for a PI revamp.

That said the single biggest improvement that could be made for player PI participation right now is a single button "restart extraction on all colonies on the same cycle as previous", at the risk of plummeting prices on P1 and P2 materials for myself.

In my experience - sitting in Sov nullsec with very decent tax rates - about half the players I know have stopped milking their PI planets due to the sheer tedium of the PI interface.
LUH-3417 Ormand
Gallente Distribution Manufacturing Mining
#9 - 2016-07-01 15:53:37 UTC
Nicola Romanoff wrote:
Some of the points are good; some I think are too far like habitation modules. I would also like to get a few more planets although I think 36 per toon is too much, perhaps a maximum of 9 or 10.
Obviously CCP would do whatever they feel is best, but I think if someone wants to lock up their skill que for half a year to get that many planets, let them. Who knows what kind of madness could be caused by someone generating that much activity? 36 planets is a full time job! LOL

Nicola Romanoff wrote:
Since they removed NPC pocos in high sec and couple with the abysmal yields in high sec I think that area needs looking at, I don’t think that in reality having POCO in high sec has produced much in the way of conflict (CCP may have figures to disprove this) but I think that both of those things has really done is kill off high sec PI.
I agree 100%. Player owned POCOs in high sec have made highsec PI utterly pointless. Who wants to wardec over a crappy garbage planet anyway?

Nicola Romanoff wrote:
I would like to see more skills for PG and CPU though I think that would be handy as well as templates, and clever routing of goods, also and something that has bugged me for ages is let’s say I set up a basic factory for toxic metals, I would like all subsequent factories to be toxic metals until I change it to something else.
Little things like this are very useful. The more ideas we can throw at them to mull over, the easier it will be to make some useful changes for us!
LUH-3417 Ormand
Gallente Distribution Manufacturing Mining
#10 - 2016-07-01 16:02:09 UTC
Arianne Kass wrote:
As per captain Chode: "You mean to tell me that with all the crap that's broken on this ship you start with the ******* ice machine?". PI is a mess but looking at all the other issues EVE has, including the citadels and the still-to-be-released industrial platforms I would certainly not say that "the time has come" for a PI revamp.

That said the single biggest improvement that could be made for player PI participation right now is a single button "restart extraction on all colonies on the same cycle as previous", at the risk of plummeting prices on P1 and P2 materials for myself.

In my experience - sitting in Sov nullsec with very decent tax rates - about half the players I know have stopped milking their PI planets due to the sheer tedium of the PI interface.
EVE will always have ongoing development and issues that need to be resolved. That is exactly why PI has remained the redheaded stepchild for so so so so so so so loooonnnng. I'm saying it's time to put it on the development calendar. It's time to start talking about it. And I think everyone can agree that a few small changes could make a world of difference until a full project team can be allocated to really ramp up PI development.

And that's another really great idea that could be implemented without too much trouble!
Vincenzo Arbosa
Locust Assets
#11 - 2016-07-01 20:56:41 UTC
I like all of the above suggestions. Some of them are slight adjustments to ideas that others have made over the years, while others seem fresh and interesting.

I only hope CCP is reading.
"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli." 
LUH-3417 Ormand
Gallente Distribution Manufacturing Mining
#12 - 2016-07-01 22:23:35 UTC
I am positive that there have been many great ideas over the years. Let's compile as many of them as possible in this thread. I plan on throwing together a proposal for a new PI skill tree. I'm sure someone has already done one (or a few). I'd love to see them, revamp them, build upon them, or just stand in awe of them. Definitely don't want to reinvent the wheel, but I couldn't possibly sift through years of neglected forum posts to find those gems.

I'm sure someone from CCP has already looked at the thread. We'll just keep going until they give us the changes we need! CoolCoolCool
Kalido Raddi
Crown Mineworks
#13 - 2016-07-09 20:03:33 UTC
One simple change I'd like to see is the ability to save a "layout" of extractor heads in a similar (but 2D) way to how you can save a layout of scan probes.

Rather than having to drag each head individually each time, you'd only have to select the saved layout you want and drag the whole layout to where you want it.
Lighting Build
#14 - 2016-07-10 08:42:29 UTC  |  Edited by: morion
I never understood why when POCO transitioned to player assets collecting player tax.

Tax collected is used to buy zero Ice fuel to keep the structure operating.

I know terrible game play to just farm free tax.

requires zero thought whether or not the structure is profitable they all are.

1x fuel block per hour would not be unreasonable.

720 x blocks per month per POCO that's 14.4mill in 20,000 isk blocks

The 10% -15% rates I see are those planets doing greater than 145,000,000 isk transfers my guess is likely yes.

This also puts a LOT of soft targets in space.
Morphs hope
Pure Pleassue Seaker
#15 - 2016-07-11 15:17:08 UTC
Take out the first sentence and this can generally be applied to any or most of eves specialised areas. Trading, research, manufacturing ect. It's a shame all in all as their is scope for so much more but that's not the direction CCP seems to want to follow.
Hound Halfhand
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#16 - 2016-07-12 11:39:15 UTC
Add a new structure called a Spaceport. It can only be fitted to a Fortizar or Keepstar. Allows the import of PI from a planet to the structure for a an "import tax" without the player having to go pick everything up from the customs office everyday. Remove the "export" tax from the customs office. It is very misleading anyways. Lots of players view a %5 tax as only 5%, regardless of how much they import from one planet to the next.

Make everything more Sim City like. The longer you have your planets and the better managed they are, the more you produce from them. Also, make everything more realistic such as having domed cities on barren planets, regular cities on temperate planets, robotic factories on storm planets, floating cities on ocean planets, etc.

CCP can add a lot of depth with PI and now that the materials produced are so integral to game play, they have lots of options.
Scotsman Howard
S0utherN Comfort
#17 - 2016-07-12 16:51:43 UTC
How about they just get rid of all the different kinds of structures and have it all self contained.

- The command center becomes the only building and can move around the planet.

- There is a radius around it where it pulls resources from.

- You still are limited by CPU and Grid

- You can "Fit" you command center how you want.
- A mod for launch pad
- A mod for extractor (could have more than one obviously and each one can pull different resources if desired)
- A "factory" mod to make what you want.
- A "storage" mod to hold stuff.

Note: When I say "mod" I am not meaning a physical mod that you have the transport. Have them still appear out of no where like the current buildings. They could still cost isk.

Keep it fairly simple and use the ship/citadel fitting window as a template to get started.
LUH-3417 Ormand
Gallente Distribution Manufacturing Mining
#18 - 2016-07-28 16:15:38 UTC
Scotsman Howard wrote:
How about they just get rid of all the different kinds of structures and have it all self contained.

- The command center becomes the only building and can move around the planet.

- There is a radius around it where it pulls resources from.

- You still are limited by CPU and Grid

- You can "Fit" you command center how you want.
- A mod for launch pad
- A mod for extractor (could have more than one obviously and each one can pull different resources if desired)
- A "factory" mod to make what you want.
- A "storage" mod to hold stuff.

Note: When I say "mod" I am not meaning a physical mod that you have the transport. Have them still appear out of no where like the current buildings. They could still cost isk.

Keep it fairly simple and use the ship/citadel fitting window as a template to get started.

At first, I absolutely hated this idea. To me, this idea seems to kill the whole concept of planetary interaction. You're basically turning your CC into a giant extractor head and launch pad. Sounds pretty boring to me, like the final nail in the PI coffin.

But then again...

Perhaps, this is the entry level mechanics. For new players, and for players that don't want to invest a great deal of time into their PI. The CC has slots based on the CC skill, and you can fit a myriad of modules based on other skills. In the beginning, you can only fit basic structure modules. It seems logical that storage and launch pad modules would be low power slots, factories would be mid-power, and extractor heads would be high-power. But I still think you should physically install the modules, and that those modules should be made by players (like everything else in EVE.) However, as you increase your skill, you can purchase or manufacture extra buildings (extractors, storage, factories) and place them on the planet. This would free up your CC slots for other modules to boost power, CPU, extractor efficiency, factory efficiency, storage space, etc. Each building would have its' own slots as well (only a few though.)

Perhaps this is the best way to keep PI accessible to the average capsuleer, but still allow PI to grow into something more for the players who prefer that style of gameplay. SimCity didn't become one of the most popular gaming platforms in history by "keeping it simple". You can't tell me that more advanced PI would hurt current subscriptions. I believe it would help to expand it, and in doing so it would create a larger market for courier contracts and greater opportunities for pirates. Juast sayin.
Raker Plaude
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2016-07-28 22:26:43 UTC
It keeps in line the system with other systems within Eve (ships, citidels) quite nicely. And you're right Complicated-Named-Poster-above-me, it would allow for some nice ways to expand.

I enjoy the complexity of PI (routing all the goods to the correct places etc) but could see it getting old quickly as you scale up between other accounts.
Gallentian Legitimate Businessmen
#20 - 2016-07-29 20:02:52 UTC
I really want the ability to streamline PI among multiple coordinating players/corp members/alts. It could really be fun as a group enterprise.

Would love to be able to share links and buildings with corp mates on the same planet to build super factories, super storage, or a great web of extractors.

Would make my life so much less stressful if trusted allies could send my materials to and from the POCO. It would be great if they could also unload things from the POCO and haul it for me.

Right now it's like I go to the PI interface and play a frustrating game of minesweeper by myself for 10-20 minutes where the interface is defective and I'm constantly getting blown up, doing that multiple times per week, then at the end of the week I get to sell a 2-hour video of myself playing minesweeper to people that are too lazy to play it themselves.
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