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Anyone else find the docking/undocking thing annoying?

First post
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#81 - 2016-06-29 20:07:56 UTC
Anyone else find the docking/undocking thing annoying?

I keep trying to rotate the camera.

It is pretty, but appears to be a time-waster while waiting for the animation to complete.
Numbers Inc
Mekharist Combine
#82 - 2016-06-29 20:53:31 UTC  |  Edited by: FIX IT
Camera movement that follows the ship and spins just abit when first loging in or redocking is making me phisicaly ill. Never had this in 10 years in eve. For the love of god please add an option to disable this. Posts in this thread make it clear some other players have had similar phisiological reaction.
Empress Sarum
Star Helix Dynamics
#83 - 2016-06-29 21:24:16 UTC
Please give us the ability to just disable this "feature". It really adds NOTHING to the game but a useless, distracting, and often nauseating visual.

How do things like "every time I change ships" it plays a "ship docking" animation, and "every time i LOGIN (when i was already docked) it plays a "ship docking" animation pass any form of QA? or rather, common sense?

Publicly Owned Customs Offices
#84 - 2016-06-29 22:59:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Buliki
nauseating visual.

is making me phisicaly ill

It makes me feel ill. Please provide a way to turn it off.
Tara'Quoya Rax
Atlantis Asteria
#85 - 2016-06-29 23:21:38 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Tara'Quoya Rax wrote:
Annoying? The fact that it crashes my video driver every time... game breaking!

First, check that you're running the latest drivers for your video card. Once you've done this, please submit a bug report by clicking "Report Bug" from the F12 menu so that we can look into it.

Upgrading my nvidia drivers from 340.52 to 368.39 seems to have resolved the issue.

Sustrai Aditua
#86 - 2016-06-29 23:33:41 UTC
(Majority? My hind parts.)

If we get chased by zombies, I'm tripping you.

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#87 - 2016-06-30 00:52:48 UTC
Umm... what happened in this thread

Don't like my post.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#88 - 2016-06-30 02:11:33 UTC
I want these new camera tricks gone. At best, they're distracting and useless. I wish CCP would stop screwing around with useless stuff like this.

Either get rid of it or give us the option to turn it off. That goes for both the camera crap when you undock, and where your ship moves into the bay when you log in or dock.

Again, CCP. PLEASE stop spending your time on useless and distracting crap like this.
Johnno Ormand
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#89 - 2016-06-30 03:26:38 UTC
Kalyri wrote:
I want these new camera tricks gone. At best, they're distracting and useless. I wish CCP would stop screwing around with useless stuff like this.

Either get rid of it or give us the option to turn it off. That goes for both the camera crap when you undock, and where your ship moves into the bay when you log in or dock.

Again, CCP. PLEASE stop spending your time on useless and distracting crap like this.

At least the thrill of the hunt feature GAVE us something for killing a rat, all this new camera trick does is gives me (and my PC's CPU) a headache! I'd rather have the free SP thank you CCP.
Thead Enco
Valkyre Black
#90 - 2016-06-30 03:34:33 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Aramatheia wrote:
Even at the best of times from the start of that transition where the ship disappears to gaining access to station facilities has increased by at least 20 seconds for me.

Can you bug report this by pressing F12 and clicking the Report Bug button?

Please mention in your bug report whether you have "Download everything" checked in your launcher settings when you start the game.

Darwinism at it's finest. And you wonder why no one is resubbing. gg
Nat Silverguard
Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#91 - 2016-06-30 03:51:41 UTC
Freelancer117 wrote:
CCP when your customers say your "fixing" of the undock/dock camera sucks,

you should take it on face value the customer is always right, else you lose $ Roll

Regards, a Freelancer

ps: would it not be better to spend your scarce Company resources on features we actually want Question

your half-@ssed threats are useless here, you are free to leave anytime you want.

anyway, can i haz your stuff?

Just Add Water

Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#92 - 2016-06-30 05:03:41 UTC
Julanna Egnald wrote:
And that saying about the customer being right is bogus. I work in customer service, and most of the time, they (the customers) are selfish, greedy people that are either too dumb to know what they are talking about, or they're trying ro takke advantage of the system.

That's exactly the kind of prejudice we have to deal with on a daily basis from people who profess to work in customer service.

Do you not understand that some of those people that you think are attempting to take advantage of the system are just asking for much needed help? Do you not understand that you are rejecting them on the basis of your assumption that they don't actually need it?

Please understand that discrimination is actually a thing and just because you think you are right doesn't mean you cannot be totally wrong.
Julanna Egnald
Del's Industrial Strip Mining
#93 - 2016-06-30 05:44:50 UTC
Bad Bobby wrote:

That's exactly the kind of prejudice we have to deal with on a daily basis from people who profess to work in customer service.

Do you not understand that some of those people that you think are attempting to take advantage of the system are just asking for much needed help? Do you not understand that you are rejecting them on the basis of your assumption that they don't actually need it?

Please understand that discrimination is actually a thing and just because you think you are right doesn't mean you cannot be totally wrong.

I work in a call center doing customer service. Over the last 5 years I've dealt with well over 40,000 people from all over the country. Some need some basic help, some need a lot of help, some make you wonder how they can ever remember to breathe, and some do try to take advantage of the system. I see it every day. When you've done it long enough, you can typically figure out what kind of person they are within 30 seconds from the start of the call. It was practically a required skill when I was in telesales.

And yes, you can tell when someone is trying to work the system (e.g. "The last person gave me a refund and store credit."). Fortunately there's usually systems in place to deal with those people.

What we're dealing with here, though, is none of that. I still have yet to see any special undock animation. I actually let my ship drift for a minute and nothing happened. Usually I just warp off right away, so I wouldn't see it anyway. When I docked up later, the animation ran in the background while I checked today's prices for the goods I acquired today. I didn't have to wait for any animation to finish. I barely noticed it was there.

I suppose I can conclude with a big I don't care. Keep it, take it, it's all the same. If it makes you sick, turn your head for a few seconds. It's not like it's a huge surprise. Other than that, you can just htfu and deal with it.
Lighting Build
#94 - 2016-06-30 05:45:18 UTC  |  Edited by: morion
Undock i'm looking to the overview most the time.

The overview I enjoy using is transparent.

The swimming rotate background behind is "annoying" for me.

Dock view transparent windows with rotate swim.

Face camera to floor.

If I could disable. +1 F-
Daemun Khanid
Corbeau de sang
#95 - 2016-06-30 06:09:17 UTC
Really like the new lighting. +1 million for that.

The docking camera was distracting for a while but now I've just kinda stopped noticing it. I don't like how the camera is kinda wonky when I try to rotate it when undocking but it's not a major issue for me. Now if I was undocking into the middle of the fight I might be getting salty but so far since the patch I haven't had to deal with that situation.

Daemun of Khanid

#96 - 2016-06-30 06:20:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Cattriell
I don't mind it all that much except for how you can't drag the camera around while docking. The undocking part is just awful though. Having to actually click before you can then click and drag the camera around is a terrible design flaw.

You should be able to click and drag from the get go.

*while I was writing this up I docked and was greeted with a nice view of the wall and couldn't even move my camera* Might want to look into that.
Shayla Etherodyne
Delta Laroth Industries
#97 - 2016-06-30 06:46:38 UTC
Luckily I don't suffer from motion sickness, but when I have some window open and the hangar is partially covered, having that animation in the background is disturbing.
I wouldn't be surprised to discovert that that can be problematic for someone that suffer from motion sickness.
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#98 - 2016-06-30 07:06:11 UTC
Julanna Egnald wrote:
Bad Bobby wrote:

That's exactly the kind of prejudice we have to deal with on a daily basis from people who profess to work in customer service.

Do you not understand that some of those people that you think are attempting to take advantage of the system are just asking for much needed help? Do you not understand that you are rejecting them on the basis of your assumption that they don't actually need it?

Please understand that discrimination is actually a thing and just because you think you are right doesn't mean you cannot be totally wrong.

I work in a call center doing customer service. Over the last 5 years I've dealt with well over 40,000 people from all over the country. Some need some basic help, some need a lot of help, some make you wonder how they can ever remember to breathe, and some do try to take advantage of the system. I see it every day. When you've done it long enough, you can typically figure out what kind of person they are within 30 seconds from the start of the call. It was practically a required skill when I was in telesales.

And yes, you can tell when someone is trying to work the system (e.g. "The last person gave me a refund and store credit."). Fortunately there's usually systems in place to deal with those people.

What we're dealing with here, though, is none of that. I still have yet to see any special undock animation. I actually let my ship drift for a minute and nothing happened. Usually I just warp off right away, so I wouldn't see it anyway. When I docked up later, the animation ran in the background while I checked today's prices for the goods I acquired today. I didn't have to wait for any animation to finish. I barely noticed it was there.

I suppose I can conclude with a big I don't care. Keep it, take it, it's all the same. If it makes you sick, turn your head for a few seconds. It's not like it's a huge surprise. Other than that, you can just htfu and deal with it.

Yep, that is why we call it discrimination.
Sputt Nick
New Eden Motion Pictures
#99 - 2016-06-30 07:12:32 UTC
Yep it gets me with the queezies a bit.

Undocking isn't so bad as although it is turning, the station moving away gives my head a frame of reference. The one that I have to look away for is the docking entry and rotation, as that seems to throw off my inner ear as it doesnt correspond to an action I am taking, nor do I have a solid frame of reference.

It's similar to being in a car. I can drive without issue, but I make for a very green passenger. Evolution... or something. *Shrugs*
Lighting Build
#100 - 2016-06-30 07:13:39 UTC  |  Edited by: morion