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June release 118.6 - Issues

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Sophia Mileghere
Scandium Defense and Security Inc.
Sleeper Protocol
#141 - 2016-06-29 16:06:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Sophia Mileghere
If I want to buy something in Jita i get this:

"Workers on strike!
The underpaid workers in the market are not keeping up with the influx of new orders.

Please wait a while and try again."

Friends get this too. Anyone else? Is this a new "feature"?
Dark Drifter
Sons of Seyllin
Pirate Lords of War
#142 - 2016-06-29 16:09:38 UTC
same problem as above.

sites are not counting towards any of my challenges.
of the 10 or so sites my fleet has run only 2 have actually advanced an objective (foe 1 person only)
the guard rats count intermittently

also point rewards seem a little small considering the reward thresholds for the event....

Sykes Makar
State War Academy
Caldari State
#143 - 2016-06-29 17:23:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Sykes Makar
Searching for items in the Market during Citadel docking will results in a long (est. 30 seconds-1 minute) delay until the window is interactable again. Else it remains frozen.

The top-left System/Route/The Scope Mission interface is partly non-interactional, can't drag and drop Systems into the chat anymore, neither can I select the three buttons on the top to open/close the said windows.

Also, the Neocom can't be opened unless you click it on the top left end of the icon (when you have it on the top left corner on default)
Fer'isam K'ahn
SAS Veterinarians
#144 - 2016-06-29 17:23:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Fer'isam K'ahn
Dark Drifter wrote:
same problem as above.

sites are not counting towards any of my challenges.
of the 10 or so sites my fleet has run only 2 have actually advanced an objective (foe 1 person only)
the guard rats count intermittently

also point rewards seem a little small considering the reward thresholds for the event....

I experience similar issues.

So far:

Serpentis Shipyards and Research did not count towards 'Keep up the preassure'.

Angel pirate kills rarely count towrads 'Angels small Arms Fire' Got 2 counts from destroying 20 ships.

Serpnetis Sortie did count towrads 'Serpentis elimination'.
As far as I remember, the kills of Angel pirates vs Rookie Frig did also work.

Edit: Been running the event all day. Serpentis Shipyards and such do count. Either something changed or I might have missed a trigger to competitors (who had left) the first times.

I completed 'Angels Small Arms Fire', but it took a while, the count was off.
Oriens Vis
#145 - 2016-06-29 17:24:05 UTC
How is autopiloting to citadels supposed to work? If I right click on a citadel saved location and choose Set Destination, autopiloting there stops at the solar system, like it has been doing since the Citadel release... Is it just me? Am I supposed to do it differently, or what?
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#146 - 2016-06-29 17:26:33 UTC
Same here sites aren't updating in the Scope Network done 10 shipyards only got 1 credit Evil
Fer'isam K'ahn
SAS Veterinarians
#147 - 2016-06-29 17:36:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Fer'isam K'ahn
Oh, and I got another issue,

my 'mine 16.000 Scordite' in 24h mission for 1000 creds was just replaced by jumping through a gate, with 'Disrupt the Signal' for 100 creds... guess i can dock that Mackinaw again ShockedShockedShocked

Not sure I am going to start on the 80.000 Scordite on my other toon now Shocked

Edit: My 80.000 Scordite just switched to 500.000 Scordite after undock .. is this a joke ?
#148 - 2016-06-29 17:38:57 UTC
I undocked from a station last night and the camera froze in a position facing my ship and the station I just exited. None of the camera controls worked at all, I had to redock and undock again to fix it.
Just pixels bro
#149 - 2016-06-29 17:40:43 UTC
Jita market seems to be unresponsive at the moment.

Buying stuff, window closes, nothing happens ...
Fer'isam K'ahn
SAS Veterinarians
#150 - 2016-06-29 17:55:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Fer'isam K'ahn
With Notifications, Log & Messages disabled... why do I still see mined Ore amount and Wallet pop ups ?

Don't get me wrong, as a Miner I appreciate the info, but I only need it once per session and not with every cycle. It would have been better to include the data in the module mouse-over (as requested ages ago) . Ticking Numbers are not really something I appreciate in any game (and yes, I know a lot who only live for those).
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#151 - 2016-06-29 17:57:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
In the industry window, you cannot access the right click menu on the facility or on a job list entry in the Jobs or Blueprints tab in order to set destination, show info and the likes. This has been an issue since before Citadel and ought to be fixed because it was possible to do so before that release.

You also ought to fix the Amarr stargate textures. Right now, the entire gate is of the base sandy, creme-white color, as opposed to the before your "improvements" where gates like the Amarr constellation gates had different kinds of gold tones and dark parts for some variety. This glitch ought to be corrected.

And get to work on the sorting madness in the industry tab of blue prints (and in general). There is no logical reason why components/minerals are not sorted in alphabetical order like in the industry window.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Selleka Virpio
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#152 - 2016-06-29 19:02:22 UTC
Black Screen on login, can't even view character selection screen.
CCP Habakuk
C C P Alliance
#153 - 2016-06-29 20:09:28 UTC
Selleka Virpio wrote:
Black Screen on login, can't even view character selection screen.

Please try to verify your client through the launcher, if this does not work, then please try following the instructions, which CCP Maxwell gave earlier in this thread regarding deleting a part of the EVE client.

CCP Habakuk | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five 0 | (Team Gridlock)

Bug reporting | Mass Testing

CCP Habakuk
C C P Alliance
#154 - 2016-06-29 20:13:36 UTC
H'abba wrote:
Jita market seems to be unresponsive at the moment.

Buying stuff, window closes, nothing happens ...

The Jita market should have recovered for now, after it was under heavy stress earlier (probably caused by an old bug, not 100% verified yet).

CCP Habakuk | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five 0 | (Team Gridlock)

Bug reporting | Mass Testing

Samsara Nolte
#155 - 2016-06-29 20:48:06 UTC
This patch seems to have screwed with Planetary Interaction -
I and some corp buddies arenĀ“t able to submit any changes regarding PI be it decomission Survey and replacing extractorheads etc ... because the submit button seems to be missing as of today.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#156 - 2016-06-29 21:07:28 UTC
Fonts in Scope Network panels on Character Selection screen are too small to be read easily, particularly the descriptions of the challenges/events.

I was actually looking forward to these events, but, inasmuch as I can't even read them, I'd now prefer to have an option to turn it off completely.
POS Builder Inc.
#157 - 2016-06-29 21:24:51 UTC

Incomming Gate flashes only for the first ship comming through.
After that only outgoing ships makes the gate flash.

You need to either dock up or jump out and back in to see a new incomming gate flash.
And even then its only once tll you refresh by docking/jumping.

If you warp off (off grid) and warp back you will not refresh it either.

Does not matter if the (non-)flashes are generated by neutrals / blues / purples

Tested it with about 6 of our guyz all (not) seeing this effect.
Tested on Different gates in different systems.

Stargate (Gallente Constellation)
Stargate (Gallente System)

Both have the same issue

Also .. there is someone that does not have this issue.
So altho our group has the issue ... he does not.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#158 - 2016-06-29 22:09:57 UTC
When I zoom the camera out while in space, then dock/undock at a station, I have to zoom the camera out again - ie. it resets everytime I dock/undock.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#159 - 2016-06-29 22:21:34 UTC
The button to disable the ship docking animation seems to be missing.

There are buttons to disable a variety of unnecessary features, such as camera shaking, so I'm assuming that the missing button in this case is a bug.
Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#160 - 2016-06-29 23:50:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Sobaan Tali
Sizeof Void wrote:
The button to disable the ship docking animation seems to be missing.

There are buttons to disable a variety of unnecessary features, such as camera shaking, so I'm assuming that the missing button in this case is a bug.

Not a bug, they just never put one in. Considering EVERYONE and their mother has been screaming for one so far, I doubt that will be so for much longer (at least I hope not, the dock animation is getting annoying and undock animation is even worse).

Also, is anything suppose to happen with the Serp sites? I know the challenges are not clearing properly, but nothing so far has come from the sites I've ran; no loot of any kind, just some bounty and crap for salvage. Am I missing something? I'm only running in high sec, I know, but still. Feels like something's not triggering, like a second wave or something like all the other previous event sites.


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."