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Distribution System Issues - 2016/06/29

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Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#81 - 2016-06-29 15:54:54 UTC
Keep Up the pressure, did 2 sites nothing was counted.
Zen Dad
Solitary Sad Bastard In Space
#82 - 2016-06-29 15:58:15 UTC
I miss Wormholes - I had got to like them.
Breaking Fast
Knights of the Dark Rose
#83 - 2016-06-29 15:58:27 UTC
Ran 2 Serpentis sites so far and not registering as being completed.

seems bugged, sites despawned after all rats killed, unless theres something hidden that i am missing
Emeilys Tarkhenir
Warp To Fare Forth Shipping
#84 - 2016-06-29 16:03:03 UTC
CCP RedDawn wrote:

Can you remember what sites you completed and the names of the challenges perchance?

I've run several Serpentis Mobilization Point sites, none of them got me points (challenge : Break Their Will)
I've run one Serpentis Shipyard and Research Facility that got me points, but a second one didn't (challenge : Keep Up the Pressure)

Important note : in the second SSRF I was able to loot the container twice a few minutes apart. I've been sitting in here for over 15 more minutes now, but until now the loot didn't respawn.
Abagah Khan
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#85 - 2016-06-29 16:08:53 UTC
Emeilys Tarkhenir wrote:
CCP RedDawn wrote:

Can you remember what sites you completed and the names of the challenges perchance?

I've run several Serpentis Mobilization Point sites, none of them got me points (challenge : Break Their Will)
I've run one Serpentis Shipyard and Research Facility that got me points, but a second one didn't (challenge : Keep Up the Pressure)

Important note : in the second SSRF I was able to loot the container twice a few minutes apart. I've been sitting in here for over 15 more minutes now, but until now the loot didn't respawn.

Ive done two shipyard and research sites with no points (keeping up pressure)
also done the kill angal cartel with a rookie ship with no point (beginners hatred)
Steve Atreides
Phoenix Interstellar Enterprises
#86 - 2016-06-29 16:11:19 UTC
Shadow of Serpentis is BROKEN - not working properly, kills are not being registered neither are completed sites.

Ive just ran quite a few sites including some level 4 angel missions. I realsied angel kills werent registering properly, must have killed around 35 or 40 but only 21 showing, after that killed another 48 and only up to 39 kills

Also completed one serpentis research facility with my alt, both had this objective but neither show a site as completed.

Also neither showing any positive Serpentis kills although 41 seprentis kills between them.

Its broken please fix it

Raigard Hornthrogger
F.U.N. Inc.
The Ancients.
#87 - 2016-06-29 16:13:36 UTC
Scope updates are not very consistent for me:
I've done 3 Angel Sortie sites but only the first one counted.
Esrevid Nekkeg
Justified and Ancient
#88 - 2016-06-29 16:16:07 UTC
CCP RedDawn wrote:
Longdrinks wrote:
done 6 sites, havent gotten any points yet Cry

Can you remember what sites you completed and the names of the challenges perchance?
Challenge: Pest Control, kill 5 Sleepers.
I did one random C1 site for this, the counter still states 0/5 Sleepers killed.

Challenge: Fracture the Operation, destruct an Angel Cartel Mining Outpost.
I did the site, even salvaged the wrecks for good measure. :)
the counter still states 0/1 Site complete

This is both at the log in screen as well as in game, even after two restarts of the client.

Here I used to have a sig of our old Camper in space. Now it is disregarded as being the wrong format. Looking out the window I see one thing: Nothing wrong with the format of our Camper! Silly CCP......

#89 - 2016-06-29 16:16:45 UTC
yeah sites are not counting...
#90 - 2016-06-29 16:19:22 UTC
On entering a site, the Serpentis/Angels fire at my ship.

Would be great if you could fix this a bit like faction war rats not shooting at their own militia.
Ilian Amarin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2016-06-29 16:19:24 UTC
Been doing sites while in standing fleet, and people who are not doing anything have been randomly "completing" sites while the people actually doing them get nothing.

Havent got a single completed site so far, and most of the angel ships ive killed have not counted towards the mission of killing angel pirate ships.

CCP, please just remove this again and fix it.
Bobb Bobbington
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#92 - 2016-06-29 16:19:47 UTC
CCP RedDawn wrote:
Bobb Bobbington wrote:
Is it intended that the wormhole sites are easier and drop less loot than the highsec site in addition to not having a can at the end with the new modified capital microprocessors or any additional loot?

All sites spawn in all areas from High sec to Wormholes, so there's no easier sec status for the sites.
It's by design that the capital microprocessors only drop from the Serpentis Shipyard and Research Facility sites.

alright, yea it's working as intended I jsut assumed that only the sorties spawned in wormhole space because those were the first 3 I saw. Confirmed the otehr 2 have spawned in wormhole space as well

This is a signature.

It has a 25m signature.

No it's not a cosmic signature.


Btw my corp's recruiting.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#93 - 2016-06-29 16:20:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Haidere
Just a little update, sites seem to be tracking properly now:
Thoryna Valays
Fireteam Minokawa
#94 - 2016-06-29 16:23:11 UTC
CCP RedDawn wrote:
Longdrinks wrote:
done 6 sites, havent gotten any points yet Cry

Can you remember what sites you completed and the names of the challenges perchance?

4 serpentis shipyards and 1 serpenntis information relay, havent got them in the scope window .
Omicron Benett
Kordan's Associates
#95 - 2016-06-29 16:31:11 UTC
PI is broken.
"Build" and "Scan" tabs don't appear, and I can't submit any change.

Nevermind : closing and relaunching the client did solve the problem
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#96 - 2016-06-29 16:32:43 UTC
4 serpentis shipyards, 1 serpentis information relay, and 1 angel sortie and none have populated in the Scope window. Sent a bug report to ccp also.
Nicolas Kion
Dark Enlightenment
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#97 - 2016-06-29 16:32:46 UTC
Omicron Benett wrote:
PI is broken.
"Build" and "Scan" tabs don't appear, and I can't submit any change.

Nevermind : closing and relaunching the client did solve the problem

Jita Market seems to be bugged as well..
Nicole McClane
Naval Construction Contract
#98 - 2016-06-29 16:44:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicole McClane
Omicron Benett wrote:
PI is broken.
"Build" and "Scan" tabs don't appear, and I can't submit any change.

same here ...

Nevermind : closing and relaunching the client did solve the problem

same here ... restart of each character (not each client) resolved the problem! (but also slower than before)

Also the Industry window is really slow ... takes about 3 minutes for 10 jobs.
Hamar Halltyr
Gallente Federation
#99 - 2016-06-29 17:01:00 UTC
and i think the site still not respawn
Uranus Intruders
#100 - 2016-06-29 17:08:54 UTC
I've done a Serpensis Shipyard from Keep Up the pressure that was tracked fine.

Next I did an Angel Mining Outpost from Terminate the Operation that also went ok and counted towards it's mission task bar.

From that point on I've done 3 more shipwards which haven't been counted in the progress bar and D.E.D. for Bring the law that has not been tracked also.