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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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75 mil SP Combat Pilot

Ministry of Furious Retribution
#1 - 2016-06-20 10:46:16 UTC  |  Edited by: DrMaddog
75 Mil SP pretty much all in combat and im horrible at this game.

Nyx Alt with Hull
Titan Alt without Hull, mostly flying carrier/dread/blops
JF Alts along with other misc indy skills. Can build up to titans

Null, Low, High Experience, some WH experience.

I am just looking for a place to chill and make some isk. PVP would mostly be a side focus for me. Please dont insist on RL first along with fun, then complain you don't see me doing anything for a week or two.

No empire. Only if you run incursions frequently. Shield or armor doctrine doesn't matter. Please no space renters.

Corp size isn't to important. Activity and the fact 90% are not your alts is important. If you have 5 people and you want to gate camp Ihakana dont try and string me along with conquering New Eden.

Yea, just dont be ******, have double standards or care to much about this game and we're cool.

I look forward to your ****** copy-pasta replies.
Seraph Essael
The Initiative.
#2 - 2016-06-20 12:14:02 UTC
DrMaddog wrote:

I look forward to your ****** copy-pasta replies.

Some of us actually read and don't copy-paste P

I'm guessing you would like a home where all your characters can be used? Which would probably put us out of the question for now (as Nyx's and Titans can't be used in a C2). If that's an issue, not a problem man.

Either way, if you're looking for a wormhole corp with a laid back attitude and small gang PvP. Drop by our public channel for a chat: Binary Adaption.

Also check out our recruitment post for a little bit more info...

Quoted from Doc Fury: "Concerned citizens: Doc seldom plays EVE on the weekends during spring and summer, so you will always be on your own for a couple days a week. Doc spends that time collecting kittens for the on-going sacrifices, engaging in reckless outdoor activities, and speaking in the 3rd person."

#3 - 2016-06-20 14:44:58 UTC
C.Q.B is a lowsec corp that believes in fighting outnumbered and against the odds.
We are the few unafraid of the many.
Every pilot in our fleet fills an important and necessary role. Every member matters..

Join our ingame channel 'C.Q.B Public' or Join our Discord and ask for a recruiter or pm/msg me directly.

Corp KB:

What we do:
◙ Fleet PVP (Large and small scale fleet engagements, roams and structure op's)
◙ Capital escalation
◙ Black Ops (Force Projection)
◙ Higher tier PVP

We are looking for:
◙ Min 50m skill Point
◙ 300+ kills on an active kb
◙ Full slave clone
◙ Able to fly CAPS on alt or main
◙ Alt account required
◙ Active EU and US TZ PvPers
◙ Willingness to learn & communicate
◙ Mature gamer's
◙ Teamplayers
◙ Self sufficiency in terms of ISK
◙ The ability to fly higher tier doctrine's (Tec 3 cruiser's, HAC's, Faction BS and T2 Logi)
◙ Working headset

What we offer you:
◙ Target rich environment
◙ Content focused
◙ Member of the Snuffed Out Alliance
◙ Active member base
◙ Very experienced FCs and members to learn from
◙ TS3, Forums and Discord

Applicants are required to provide full API keys for all their accounts.
Gyn Steel
Into the Ether
Out of the Blue.
#4 - 2016-06-20 22:18:44 UTC
So I saw you wanted my copy pasted messsage to there it is.

Hey m8! I might have what you are looking for!

We are a corp member of The Culture. We currently live in fountain and pewpew! The corp is not the eldest in this game but we are a vets team woking really hard. Corp have many great FC looking to give you content! We provide everything you would want. Ratting space, pvp everyday. Content and well for the laurel of it..We even have a citadel!

What we offer.

- Drunk Fleet!
- A LOTS of pvp
- Black Ops drops
- Good ratting space
- Experimented FC
- Drama Free corp
- Help to make you better at pvp if you aren't experienced.

Join us in game: DWSQD

Growing everyday!

That message asside you might fit well in here. Up to you to see in our recruitment chan.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2016-06-21 02:24:31 UTC
Try us out. We're part of the culture. Live in fountain, good isk, good pew, super laid back ground of duders that just love to pvp when we log in.
Ministry of Furious Retribution
#6 - 2016-06-21 12:13:42 UTC
Thanks for the replies guys.

I have sent mails to most of you, if not you should get one. Im selective with corps unlike my women.

Still looking and keeping my options open. Will make a choice eventually.
Jonn Duune
Wrong Hole.
#7 - 2016-06-21 18:32:44 UTC
You want a step up from the Chafe that floats through new eden. Look at us, Darkness Consumed, we're a c6 static c6 WH corp. We're primarily based in the UStz, but are working to recruit a good EU presence as well.

We fly some seriously pimp ****, and have the skills to back it up. If there's a fight in WH space, and we have a connection to it, we'll be there.

Check me out, or shoot me a message if you're interested. Or feel free to join our public channel "Darkness Consumed" for more info.

My name is Jonn Duune, and I wholeheartedly support the message posted above.

Ministry of Furious Retribution
#8 - 2016-06-23 10:05:03 UTC
Still looking for a place.

Please no WHs I wont have enough time and simply don't want to dedicate time to them.

Mostly going for PVE focus however I know i'll get bored of this and pew. I do want to actually utilize the supers I have and not mothball them.

If you link me your ****** forum post and you have absurd requests like personal email, mandatory anything or contradictory incentives like RL friendly with mandatory ops/cta/paps, or tons of chances to jew but must be self sufficient i'm ignoring you.

Please no corps with plans of taking over new Eden or becoming the next Pandemic Legion lets all be realistic.

Yes im being anal and picky. Rather be in your ****** corp for a year+ than make another forum post in a few months. You Vet me, I vet you.
Missy Bunnz
Shadow Legion X
Seriously Suspicious
#9 - 2016-06-23 13:27:08 UTC
We flew together back in the day. I know you say "no wormholes", but if you change your mind at some point, poke me.

Enjoy eve, welcome back etc!
Jony Bigodes
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2016-06-23 13:35:21 UTC
I'll just leave this here to make you mad then:


"Take all, give 'em nothing"

Marco Mangeiri
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2016-06-23 15:42:01 UTC
WE have a nice little slice of 0.0 if you wanna come check it out. Shoot me an in-game m8.

-40K- dont play!
Talon White
The White Smoke Company
White Smoke and Black Mirrors
#12 - 2016-06-23 15:43:20 UTC

Sadly, all we (RvB) offer is PvP - lots of it - but alts are welcome for some light PvP relief :)
Gaven Blands
Pandemic Horde
#13 - 2016-06-27 17:29:26 UTC
Take alook at our thread maybe it will interest you :]
Verlayn Delia
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2016-06-28 20:23:03 UTC
Mosquito Squadron are looking for active PVP pilots across all TZ's to come and live with us in our 0.0 Sov Home. We are mostly UK/EU with some AU/US pilots with a great killboard at both corp and alliance level. We are looking to expand across all TZ's as our Alliance is always active in all and steadily growing with quality members.

(There is some flexibility):

  • 50mil skill points
  • TS3 capable with working mic.
  • Must be willing to use services such as Jabber.
  • Must be able to fly, or willing to train for, doctrine fleet fittings
  • Full API KEY – This is non-negotiable.
  • You must be financially Self-sufficient!


  • You have or plan on PURCHASING a dread!! (or even better if you have an alt with a dread)
  • If you are an aspiring super pilot: THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE WITH THEM! We are eager to use them at any chance!

If you are interested in applying, then here is a link to the Mosquito Squadron Application. Please feel free to fill it out and convo for any questions!

Or join public channel "633 Public" in game.


  • Don't fall for up-starts promising the world only to fall short due to internal conflicts and lack of real goals!
  • Fly with what's been named 'BL 2.0 / EU Edition' minus the toxic BS atmosphere!
  • Stable leadership from both corp and alliance!
  • We grew slow, and had time to adjust with our fellow alliance mates!
  • 0.0 Sov with great isk space. (Fountain)
  • Relaxed atmosphere
  • We know RL comes first and foremost!


W-4NUU - The Culture vs. Cloud RIng
C-N The Culture vs Fcore
Davos Azizora
Dissident Aggressors
Mordus Angels
#15 - 2016-07-03 20:13:51 UTC
We are a bunch of null-sec jack of all trades, masters of none, kind of players. We do BLOPS, small gang, big fleet, cap, mining, building, high sec, wh space, D all of the above kind of corp. The leadership has an average of 8 years in game experience in all aspects. Most of the members have been in the game an average of 3 years. We are a very social, teamspeak based corp that prides itself in that if you are in Modro, you are treated like family. We get RL. We understand that everyone wants to play the game based on different interests.

AttentionAttention Some points that make us Full of Awesome-sauce! AttentionAttention

- 5 mill minimum SP required (if not, we can work something out)
- Full account api required (mandatory)
- TS required (mandatory)
- Mainly PVP minded with great FC`s
- Daily fleets ( Alliance/Coalition )
- CTAs
- Strat Ops
- No minimum kill amount
- FC training
- Mine, Rat, or PewPew we have it all
- Good null sec, not ******
- Large group of BFF's that love to create content
- Diverse group and very interesting, non censored conversations

In short we are the next best thing around at the moment. And we are growing rapidly. Come join us and be a part of something great bound to happen. Remember it is not the size of the organization, it is the quality of the stuff we spew out. And I assure you, we are chock full of goodness!

Feel free to join "Modro Recruit" channel or mail me anytime

Looking forward to hearing from you and flying with you!
State War Academy
Caldari State
#16 - 2016-07-04 10:39:08 UTC
Snuff Box, the premiere corporation of Snuffed Out Alliance is recruiting capable PVP pilots.
Are you an active pvp player, willing to join the ranks of the best? Willing to learn, willing to be a team player? If that sounds like you, then join our public channel: "SNUFF Box Public" and ask for a recruiter.
You can also directly contact one of the following characters ingame via convo or email.
Dread Operative
Alliance Killboard:
What we offer:
Base in Low Security Space, Black Rise.
Fight in Lowsec and Nullsec.
Currently fighting everybody in space.
EU/US tz primarily.
Mumble/TS3, Forums, Discord
The Best Fleet Commanders.
High level capital warfare.
Pirate Faction BS doctrines.
T3 doctrines.
HAC doctrines.
Black Ops
Ship Replacement Program.
Small gang roams.
Jump Freighter Service.
What we want from you:
50 million SP minimum; Lower SP Characters will be screened to determine applicability.
Capital ALT requirement.
Self-Sufficient for making ISK.
Voice Comms - Availability of a microphone utilizing Mumble/TS3.
Killboard that shows PVP experience.
Ability to use a FULL set of Slave implants.
FULL API keys during recruitment process.
We fight in the spacelanes, on the stargates, and wherever the fight brings us, we're there.
Snuff Box 2015:
Snuffed Out vs the world:
Fishbowl 007:
Welcome To The Beeb:
Lathen Yi
#17 - 2016-07-27 05:55:45 UTC
Hey I'm Lathen CEO of Eredan Light Horse. I'm looking for quality individuals to sign up with me and the Eredan Light Horse. We have a huge amount of experience and history in Eve. We conduct industrial operations, we mission, and most importantly we will PVP!!!

We have Sub-Capitals, Citadels, and pie, lots of pie.

Our short term plan is to become a dominate force in Faction Warfare. And we need your help!

Arrow Fully Fitted ships on contract
Arrow Citadels0
Arrow Teamspeak
Arrow Killboards
Arrow Forums
Arrow Faction Warfare, provides limitless opportunities for P.v.P and P.v.E
Arrow Combat focused but not 24/7 combat roams, we need to make isk too or die trying.
Arrow Active members in US, EU, and AUS time zones
Arrow Training for people new to Faction Warfare

Arrow Team speak (Microphone is a must)
Arrow Ambition to learn and adapt
Arrow Full API key
Arrow Active during EU, US, AUS tz
Arrow A character that can fly a t2 fit Frigate, Destroyer and cruisers or best Meta
Arrow Some P.v.P experience
Arrow Talented noobs or bored vets
Arrow 5 mil sp minimum, dependent on where you have your sp allocated
Arrow Armor and shield skills are a plus

Ugh Elitist pricks, stupid mongoloids, and 'internet tough guys' are not wanted, go away.

Contact Info:
Contact: Lathen Yi
Recruiting Channel: ELH-Recruitment
Public channel: ELH-Public

E L H Info:
Area of Operations: Link
Killboard: Link
Forums: Link
ThisEnd Up
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2016-07-27 16:57:36 UTC
DrMaddog wrote:
Thanks for the replies guys.

I have sent mails to most of you, if not you should get one. Im selective with corps unlike my women.

Still looking and keeping my options open. Will make a choice eventually.

Haha thats what prostitutes are for oh wait I mean in game only.....

DrMaddog wrote:
Still looking for a place.

Please no WHs I wont have enough time and simply don't want to dedicate time to them.

Mostly going for PVE focus however I know i'll get bored of this and pew. I do want to actually utilize the supers I have and not mothball them.

If you link me your ****** forum post and you have absurd requests like personal email, mandatory anything or contradictory incentives like RL friendly with mandatory ops/cta/paps, or tons of chances to jew but must be self sufficient i'm ignoring you.

Please no corps with plans of taking over new Eden or becoming the next Pandemic Legion lets all be realistic.

Yes im being anal and picky. Rather be in your ****** corp for a year+ than make another forum post in a few months. You Vet me, I vet you.

Stronghelm is a member of the SLYCE alliance with activity in both our sov in the north (Deklein) and south (Deteroid) so there is no shortage of PVP opportunities with Tri nearby in the south or settling Deklein in the north now that Goonswarm has been ousted. You'll find your supers don't get mothballed in Deklein plus for convenience sake there is an ally nearby with an online Keepstar for when you want to get out do a beer tour with me. Condition #1 don't drink my tequila bottle you must buy your own! Condition #2 Mas tequila!

Quite frankly RL comes first without it can't have fun in game if **** isn't right outside the game. Like I have to keep my dating filter open to net those kinky bdsm women. Stronghelm has wormhole access however we have been busy in other ventures so it hasn't gotten attention. I personally focus on the isk farming with what time I have: moving & setting up my PI in the north and moving assets around to do some PVE farming. Your JF alts and indy skills will keep you busy with orders regardless of being in the north or south as the market demand is higher than the supply.

I'd ask a few things of you which I'm also going to answer - after all we're vetting each other and being honest. Feel free to evemail me instead of replying.

What drew ya away from your last corp?
-I had IRL issues come up with a long term relationship so I had to resort out life to not let life get to me. Now there's aplenty of kinky gals in the ocean to pick from

What time are you normally on and your timezone?
-I'm in Portland, OR PST-8 from 7pm-midnight if i'm online it'll be in that window.

If you had one choice what would you choose:
-a fix it button that actually worked
-million bucks

I'd choose a fix it button so I could infinitely fix that talking voice in my head at work

You join "Stronghelm Corp" channel in-game to speak with a recruiter or evemail me what time you're online so we can interview on TS3.

I look forward to flying alongside ya mate
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#19 - 2016-07-27 17:15:08 UTC
Come to a look at VREGS

We've recently moved to NPC null to meet new people and pew against them.

We also have plenty of members that are horrible at the game, you'd fit right in. There are isk making opportunities including anoms, ded sites, pirate missions, raping alliance members and Russians on the market etc.

We're relatively small compared to a lot of the corps out there and the RL does come first, saying that, we would like to see you now and again, you know, to play the game.

We're partial to the odd derp, welp and wipe but have fun playing the game and don't generally take things too seriously.

Come along to Voltage regulators blues