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LF mining corp who run mutliple ops a week - if not daily NS/LS

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-06-11 16:58:29 UTC

Although I've only played this game for a few months over a period of a few years I am spending more and more time in it, and see it as a game I'm going to play longterm.

I'm predominantly looking for a hardcore mining corp who run multiple mining ops a week, if not daily in low sec or in a sov owned part of null.

I have 31 million SP - most into industry.

I have all communication clients teamspeak/vent etc.

Thanks for your time.

Right Hand Of The Legion.
Nightshade Alliance
#2 - 2016-06-12 21:19:43 UTC

For your consideration, check .WADS out. If you have questions drop me a mail in game, happy to answer any.
