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EVE Launcher for Linux

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#121 - 2016-06-07 07:57:01 UTC
Carson Moore wrote:
I am very excited about this so I tried to get it to run.

I have been wanting to switch to Linux from Windows and only eve was keeping me from that so yesterday I installed the latest Linux Mint with Cinnamon on my machine after verifying the launcher and client worked just fine on my Manjaro VM (very slow though).

After a clean install of Mint the launcher starts up but when i click "play" it changes the triangle next to my account to a square and the statusbar is doing its animation, but it never actually launches the client. After a while the square turns back into a triangle and it is like I never pressed the "play" button.

I have a feeling that I am missing something.

I am running on an i5 with a AMD radeon r9.

I tried installing the latest drivers by AMD but the installer says it is incompatible to my version of X. The driver I tried comes from here:

Mint comes with a different version of the same driver, which I have installed.

Thanks for any help!

By default the launcher uses a local installation of Wine on your computer, you need all libraries for the game to run. I encountered the same problem as you to begin with.

On Arch Linux i ensured that everything was installed with this command.
sudo pacman -S $(expac "%n %o" -S wine) wine_gecko wine-mono
Which just means install Wine with all optional dependencies and then wine gecko and mono packages locally.

The optional dependencies that might have done the trick, though i did not check: lib32-libldap, lib32-libpulse, lib32-mpg123.

/ Zabell
#122 - 2016-06-07 08:09:13 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:
Please let us know how this goes, and if you install any packages to get it to run, please keep track of them and let us know.

Ubuntu 15.10, EVE Launcher 1046098. To get the IGB to work with https, had to install libgnutls-dev:i386 and run "ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ .../path/to/evelauncher/". No other packages were required, but I already have EVE installed and working.

Seems like creating the symlink (in evelauncher, not in /usr/lib) could be automated if you cannot figure out how to link Wine against unversioned But I don't know how to do that cleanly.

Why does the launcher create a SharedCache directory one level above the evelauncher directory? (Eg. if extracted to /home/user/evelauncher, then running /home/user/evelauncher/ will create /home/user/SharedCache.) It does not appear to be used.

The system tray icon is broken (image-missing is shown instead), but the menu works. (With the Windows launcher under Wine, the icon is shown but their is no menu.) "Show in File Browser" (labeled as "Show in Explorer" in the Windows launcher) has no sub-entries; though when access through the E icon in the upper-right of the Launcher window, it does have sub-entries. ("Network diagnostics" options for ping and traceroute are broken, but that's probably low priority.) "Start LogLite" works, but running does not (was that "/bin" in its LD_PREFIX_PATH left from a previous version?).

I toyed around with desktop files and icons and ended up with a script to install them plus the launcher. (It works on FreeBSD 10.2 and Ubuntu 15.10 here, and I tried to make it generic.)

o/ fly crazy

Sander Okaski
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#123 - 2016-06-07 10:54:46 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:

The ingame browser works fine on my machine, Ubuntu 15.10. Not sure what is causing it to crash for some players.

Installing corefonts + tahoma through winetricks fix IGB crashes for me. But https doesn't work. At this night I'll try to check advice about 32-bit version of gnutls.
Alka Freak
Gallente Federation
#124 - 2016-06-07 12:08:00 UTC
Thanks a lot for this Linux version. It's works well on my ubuntu 16.04.
Adara Starkiss
Argentum Holdings
#125 - 2016-06-07 12:29:43 UTC
Apart of the shared cache, can I copy also the normal game files? :) (before running the script)

Ubuntu Mate 16.04.2 64bit // Amd A8-5600K with RX460 4GB // 6GB DDR3 // Sandisk 120GB SSD Plus // Wine Stable 2.01 // Native Linux Launcher // TS3 working // Happy to be back in Ubuntu :)

Adara Starkiss
Argentum Holdings
#126 - 2016-06-07 13:18:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Adara Starkiss
Oh wow, I can see the 'launcher' :)

(before I could play, but the launcher was just a grey box I couldnt interact with)

Ok, new linux launcher works.

I copied the SharedCache from the old game path to the new at ./eve, installed 2 sets of 87MB, then another 187MB update, and then I went to run just one game client to see how it would work.

I ran it from the Server List option, loaded the client, input user and password and... it started downloading the shared cache :(

Had to force close the client and restart the xserver because it crashed so hard I couldnt see anything except the ALT TAB menu (where you see which apps are open).

After the xserver restart, I went into the ./eve folder and sure enough, it made the ResFiles folder and was downloading it all over again... and that eated up my data plan lol, so I had to go out and get another data plan to try again (but of course, before I tried again, I copied the ResFiles folder from the SharedCache to this new location, now lets see what else breaks (hope nothing :) )

Ok, it didnt continue downloading other things.

I copied the old folder for the overview and settings and such, but its not looking as it is on my other wine installation. As I check everything again I noticed I put it in the wrong folder, but also I can see that the folder name is different, so Im just moving the cache and settings_Default folders contents to the correct locations.

I think the reason why the folder name was different is that I had specified a custom location for the shared folder, as its spelled exactly as I had named that location. Once I put the cache and settings to their right locations, I loaded the client and it has the UI scaled as it should, and all the overview and channels are exactly as I have on the other wine installation.

IGB works, and I have the old bookmarks showing up. Only issue I have... I was having it as well in windowsXP and my other wine installation. Sound works, so another success story :)

Ubuntu Mate 16.04.2 64bit // Amd A8-5600K with RX460 4GB // 6GB DDR3 // Sandisk 120GB SSD Plus // Wine Stable 2.01 // Native Linux Launcher // TS3 working // Happy to be back in Ubuntu :)

Carson Moore
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#127 - 2016-06-07 16:53:37 UTC
Zabell wrote:

By default the launcher uses a local installation of Wine on your computer, you need all libraries for the game to run. I encountered the same problem as you to begin with.

On Arch Linux i ensured that everything was installed with this command.
sudo pacman -S $(expac "%n %o" -S wine) wine_gecko wine-mono
Which just means install Wine with all optional dependencies and then wine gecko and mono packages locally.

The optional dependencies that might have done the trick, though i did not check: lib32-libldap, lib32-libpulse, lib32-mpg123.

/ Zabell

Thanks a lot, I just did a 'apt-get install wine' and it works.

However, when I go to the display settings it only shows a single screen even through I have two screens attached to my Radeon.
It also says that the graphics card is an ATI Radion 5600 series but its actually an R9.

What do I need to do to multibox?
Kama productions
#128 - 2016-06-07 17:37:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Dalumne
Works like a charm!

I have LinuxMint 17.2 desktop which has sat unused (and unupdated) for almost a year. Switched the GPU driver to nvidia binary driver version 352.62 from the driver management and just ran ./ and logged in. I have wine 1.7.55 installed but no steam installed so got a message about that and also it couldn't find locales for Qt but it runs!
AnTiZ Sunji
Caldari State
#129 - 2016-06-07 19:30:31 UTC  |  Edited by: AnTiZ Sunji
Coming from a working (including IGB) EVE installation under wine 1.9.11 (libldap already installed) this launcher and the client started-up fine. However, I ran into the same issues with the IGB crashing as some other people in this thread:

Sander Okaski wrote:
CCP Snorlax wrote:

The ingame browser works fine on my machine, Ubuntu 15.10. Not sure what is causing it to crash for some players.

Installing corefonts + tahoma through winetricks fix IGB crashes for me. But https doesn't work. At this night I'll try to check advice about 32-bit version of gnutls.

+1 This fixed my crashes, as well!

Do keep in mind to set the correct wine prefix when you run winetricks. For example:
WINEPREFIX='/home/USERNAME/.eve/wineenv' winetricks corefonts tahoma

As for the "libgnutls" library:
If you've symlinked it and it's still not working, double check that you've really linked the 32bit version!
For example on an arch-based distro:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

does not work.


sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/

does work (for me)!
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#130 - 2016-06-07 20:06:34 UTC
AnTiZ Sunji wrote:
Coming from a working (including IGB) EVE installation under wine 1.9.11 (libldap already installed) this launcher and the client started-up fine. However, I ran into the same issues with the IGB crashing as some other people in this thread:

Sander Okaski wrote:
CCP Snorlax wrote:

The ingame browser works fine on my machine, Ubuntu 15.10. Not sure what is causing it to crash for some players.

Installing corefonts + tahoma through winetricks fix IGB crashes for me. But https doesn't work. At this night I'll try to check advice about 32-bit version of gnutls.

+1 This fixed my crashes, as well!

Do keep in mind to set the correct wine prefix when you run winetricks. For example:
WINEPREFIX='/home/USERNAME/.eve/wineenv' winetricks corefonts tahoma

As for the "libgnutls" library:
If you've symlinked it and it's still not working, double check that you've really linked the 32bit version!
For example on an arch-based distro:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

does not work.


sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/

does work (for me)!

One should check the location of the libs before typing commandes from the Internet :)

32 bits libs can be in /lib or /lib32
64 bits libs can be in /lib or /lib64
Swamp Panthers
#131 - 2016-06-08 06:52:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Algathas
I tried this new launcher and it works great. Thank you so much for making this work!

Because there was no way to change the shared cache folder in this launcher, I made a link to the folder where my old cache was and named it ".eve" in my profile. Now it uses the old cache location (on another drive) just fine without issues.
Cietra Vorvald
#132 - 2016-06-08 08:54:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Cietra Vorvald
I do have an issue: the launcher doesn't seem to persist profiles.
Did I mess something up or do we have to reconfigure overview settings et al. on every start up?

[EDIT]: Problem on my end, disregard profile issue
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#133 - 2016-06-08 10:28:14 UTC
Another issue since switching the launcher: The market history (graph version) doesn't show any numbers anymore, i.e. the prices on the axis are gone.
AnTiZ Sunji
Caldari State
#134 - 2016-06-08 11:11:20 UTC  |  Edited by: AnTiZ Sunji
Rumat wrote:
Another issue since switching the launcher: The market history (graph version) doesn't show any numbers anymore, i.e. the prices on the axis are gone.

I remember running into the same issue, but I just checked and the graphs are working fine now. I'd imagine the fonts I've installed to get the browser to work have something to do with it so if you haven't already, try installing corefonts and tahoma through winetricks.
CCP Snorlax
C C P Alliance
#135 - 2016-06-08 11:19:58 UTC
AnTiZ Sunji wrote:
Rumat wrote:
Another issue since switching the launcher: The market history (graph version) doesn't show any numbers anymore, i.e. the prices on the axis are gone.

I remember running into the same issue, but I just checked and the graphs are working fine now. I'd imagine the fonts I've installed to get the browser to work have something to do with it so if you haven't already, try installing corefonts and tahoma through winetricks.

That should work - the graphs use the Arial font.

CCP Snorlax - Software Architect - Team RnB - @CCP_Snorlax -

TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#136 - 2016-06-08 12:00:16 UTC
confirming that issuing (had to stop running clients before)

WINEPREFIX='/home/USERNAME/.eve/wineenv' winetricks corefonts tahoma

fixed the issue with the market as well as making the ingame browser useable on http connections. https connections now report error code -9.
CCP Snorlax
C C P Alliance
#137 - 2016-06-08 13:35:33 UTC
Rumat wrote:
confirming that issuing (had to stop running clients before)

WINEPREFIX='/home/USERNAME/.eve/wineenv' winetricks corefonts tahoma

fixed the issue with the market as well as making the ingame browser useable on http connections. https connections now report error code -9.

That is likely due to Wine not finding See discussions about that earlier in this thread.

CCP Snorlax - Software Architect - Team RnB - @CCP_Snorlax -

TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#138 - 2016-06-08 13:52:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Rumat
Gathered notes on using this launcher with Debian Jessie 64Bit ...

If I got this right users of Debian Jessie 64Bit should be able to get relevant dependencies by issuing the following commands:

root@machine:~# dpkg --add-architecture i386
root@machine:~# apt-get update
root@machine:~# apt install libgnutls-deb0-28:i386 libldap-2.4-2:i386 libwine:i386 wine32:i386

This adds support for 32Bit architecture thus making the packages available. It will not change your system otherwise and you will need to specify whenever you want any package from that architecture. After updating the available packages the last command installs wine + a few in their 32Bit versions and thus also all needed libraries. Might be possible to use less than installing a complete wine, but this seems to work at least.

Now install the launcher. Afterwards consider the following steps (thx to Kismeteer for these) ...

  • To keep your settings, move the according settings-folder(s) (you might have several, each one has the folders "settings" and "cache") from $HOME/.wine/drive_c/users/$USER/Local Settings/Application Data/CCP/EVE to $HOME/.eve/wineenv/drive_c/users/$USER/Local Settings/Application Data/CCP/EVE/c_tq_tranquility (name it like settings_YOURNAME and you will be able to choose between different ones in the launcher with YOURNAME).
  • To keep your old logs in the same place as the new ones (from chats etc.) copy/move $HOME/EVE to $HOME/Documents/EVE.

And you will need the above mentioned (thx AnTiZ Sunji for this)

WINEPREFIX='/home/USERNAME/.eve/wineenv' winetricks corefonts tahoma

to get the fonts, which will make the ingame browser work in general (non-https connections) and provide the prices in the market history.

For the ingame browser to become capable of https you can provide a fake link to address the currently hard-coded dependency. The client currently will _only_ look for a library named it seems, but the ones installed have other names and versions. You can do the following to "dirty fix" this, but this might affect other applications and is not a proper solution. That said, find out how your library is named (might yield different results for you):

root@machine:~# find /usr/lib -iname "libgnutls*"

You are looking for the 32Bit version (i386). I tried to link the
like this:
root@machine:~# ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/

Iit actually works concerning the ingame browser and https. Remember though if you do this, that this is a manual and dirty hack that you will need to remember and adjust/remove later. So while not a proper solution, this seems to provide a workaround for the time being ...

Edit: Roesjka pointed out that the link should be placed in the i386-linux-gnu folder. Thx. I edited the above to reflect this.
Equinox Labs
#139 - 2016-06-09 05:26:30 UTC
I know you're looking for 'it didn't work' reports to try and help us out, but wanted to let you know, it worked like a charm. I'm a bit surprised actually, as even the CQ is working correctly. Mint 17.3 running Kernel 4.6.1 on AMD FX-8350 with an AMD HD8870 on my desktop, and a A4-3320M (HD 6480G on die) on my laptop.

As I can't say it runs 100% flawlessly, to report what I can, if I run in terminal, after initial run where it setup first-run information, it complains about not finding QT locales, and it can't find Steam API information, but neither have any effect on my usage. Those are the only things I've seen so far.

Your effort is really appreciated.
CCP Snorlax
C C P Alliance
#140 - 2016-06-09 09:48:59 UTC
Feliza wrote:
I know you're looking for 'it didn't work' reports to try and help us out, but wanted to let you know, it worked like a charm. I'm a bit surprised actually, as even the CQ is working correctly. Mint 17.3 running Kernel 4.6.1 on AMD FX-8350 with an AMD HD8870 on my desktop, and a A4-3320M (HD 6480G on die) on my laptop.

As I can't say it runs 100% flawlessly, to report what I can, if I run in terminal, after initial run where it setup first-run information, it complains about not finding QT locales, and it can't find Steam API information, but neither have any effect on my usage. Those are the only things I've seen so far.

Your effort is really appreciated.

Thanks, it's always nice to hear about the good things as well as the problems. You tend to get a skewed view of the world from the forums where people usually go to get help for issues.

Those errors from Qt and Steam are harmless, I just haven't found a way to silence them.

CCP Snorlax - Software Architect - Team RnB - @CCP_Snorlax -