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Warfare & Tactics

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Asking fit suggestions for beacon-sitting brawling pvp.

Lucy Lollipops
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2016-05-13 06:56:18 UTC

My idea for learning PvP is to sit in a novice or small plex, at the beacon, defending it, and waiting enemies/pirates jumping in to web/scram/brawl them for some pvp fun.

So I am asking you Veterans some suggestions about ships/fits to adopt for this FW tactic, in particular:

1. A cheap t1 frigate with t2 modules, let's say 5-10 mils value fully fitted.

2. A navy frigate, let's say 15-20 mils fitted (?)

3. Pirate frigate

4. Maybe also a destroyer for bigger plexes in the future?

I'm interested about savage wild grab and fight tactic, something to learn brawling, if any ship/fit good for it exists.

I've also read about double web and so on, not clear how to use it, I began to do FW some weeks ago, dying all time and I needed to pause for rl, so I'm back with this idea but I'm not clear about how to make it into practice.

I really hope to receive good suggestions and fits to have some pvp fun until I skill up for offensive plexing....
erg cz
Federal Jegerouns
#2 - 2016-05-13 08:20:39 UTC  |  Edited by: erg cz
Basically you need some huge passive tank to at least see what is going on before you explode. So since you are a squid - your natural choice is merline with medium shield expander. The rest is up to you - dual web or dual prop, tank rigs or damage rigs etc... Try and repeat you will find what suits you most.
Griffin navy can be a navy option. Hookbill is not for sitting on beacon, IMHO.

Do not ever dare to use our gallente ships! We are OP and it should stay like that. :-P (check my killboard for tristans with autocannons I've lost to get an idea of true beacon newbie brawler; rails were stupid attempt to scram kite in a slowest frigate out there)
Switch Savage
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2016-05-13 09:26:10 UTC
Try this Incursus fit.

[Incursus, Dual Web Beacon Brawl]
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
IFFA Compact Damage Control

1MN Afterburner II
Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier
Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier

Light Ion Blaster II, Void S
Light Ion Blaster II, Void S
Light Ion Blaster II, Void S

Small Transverse Bulkhead I
Small Transverse Bulkhead I
Small Transverse Bulkhead I

Hobgoblin II x1

The idea of this fit is to sit on a beacon as you described and it is very simple to fly and will guarantee you some kills.

1. Find Novice plex in reasonably active system and sit inside on the beacon.
2. Ensure your default keep at range is set to 1000km.
3. Keep scanning .1 AU scan until a target appears.
4. When someone comes inside approach them with AB running and activate all modules. It is very important you get both webs on them as soon as possible.
5. Keep checking your range to them once it begins to decrease and you are sure you have range control set "Keep at range 1000".
6. Make sure Guns are heated and rep as needed.

Avoid Slicers/Firetails/Comets/Hookbils.

Fight Kestrals/Merlins/Punishers/Tormentors/Atrons/Incursus/Tristans/Slashers/Breachers/Rifters. Most of these you should kill in standard fits but feel free to try and fight other things as well as you would be surprised what you can kill in this fit.

Be aware 90% of people will not notice that you do not have a scram and will die too quickly to realise. Some will however realise and just warp away. This is quite a gimmicky fit but i guarantee you some kills.

Raging Bull Unchained
Signal Lost
#4 - 2016-05-13 09:38:03 UTC
No idea how the Hobgob will hit dual webbed frigates, but it is the drone with the worst tracking (compared to the other light drones; please correct me if i´m wrong).
I´d bring a warrior.
Dreaded Vengance
Godless Horizon.
#5 - 2016-05-13 10:34:48 UTC
Personal favorite faction frig right now:

[Vigil Fleet Issue, Vigil Fleet Issue]
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
Damage Control II
Ballistic Control System II

1MN Afterburner II
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Scrambler II

Rocket Launcher II, Inferno Rage Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Inferno Rage Rocket
Small Energy Nosferatu II

Small Bay Loading Accelerator I
Small Transverse Bulkhead II
Small Transverse Bulkhead II

Acolyte II x3

Little bit more than your budget, you can meta all that T2 stuff and T1 the rigs.

170 DPS cold, and quick for an AB ship.

If you're set up in a plex, you're looking to pin close range brawling ships on the beacon, get an orbit of around 7km to test the water. If they're hitting you, do whatever you need to mitigate that depending on how they're fit in terms of tackle/neuts - but you've always an option to just pull range and gtfo from scram fits.

You can also get into an occupied plex, heat the AB and apply webs to pull range but look out for dual web high DPS stuff.

Will also kill turret T3Ds and Cruisers in the right circumstances. Avoid light missiles/rockets if they're going to apply more DPS than you. Don't forget to launch the drones :)
Lucy Lollipops
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2016-05-13 11:13:16 UTC
Loving your answers so far, very useful Smile
Switch Savage
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2016-05-13 11:44:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Switch Savage
Raging Bull Unchained wrote:
No idea how the Hobgob will hit dual webbed frigates, but it is the drone with the worst tracking (compared to the other light drones; please correct me if i´m wrong).
I´d bring a warrior.

Huh? I think you are a bit confused It is a light drone and hits anything going sub 2k m/s with ease let alone if it is dual webbed...
Raging Bull Unchained
Signal Lost
#8 - 2016-05-13 11:54:23 UTC
Switch Savage wrote:
Raging Bull Unchained wrote:
No idea how the Hobgob will hit dual webbed frigates, but it is the drone with the worst tracking (compared to the other light drones; please correct me if i´m wrong).
I´d bring a warrior.

Huh? I think you are a bit confused It is a light drone and hits anything going sub 2k m/s with ease let alone if it is dual webbed...

It´s nice from you that you changed to a nicer language. It´s appreciated :)

I thought rad/sec of 2.178 compared to 3.24 would make a (little) difference. My bad.
Though the warriors are quite fast(er) as everything else.
Switch Savage
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2016-05-13 13:08:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Switch Savage
Raging Bull Unchained wrote:
Switch Savage wrote:
Raging Bull Unchained wrote:
No idea how the Hobgob will hit dual webbed frigates, but it is the drone with the worst tracking (compared to the other light drones; please correct me if i´m wrong).
I´d bring a warrior.

Huh? I think you are a bit confused It is a light drone and hits anything going sub 2k m/s with ease let alone if it is dual webbed...

It´s nice from you that you changed to a nicer language. It´s appreciated :)

I thought rad/sec of 2.178 compared to 3.24 would make a (little) difference. My bad.
Though the warriors are quite fast(er) as everything else.

Yeah my apologies that came off a bit harsh. Comparing the tracking on paper does seem quite a difference however in reality they all track fine on webbed frigates so it is always best to go with the highest damage/best damage type.
Dreaded Vengance
Godless Horizon.
#10 - 2016-05-13 13:16:49 UTC
Acolytes are a good middle ground between deeps and speed if the damage type suits
Lucy Lollipops
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2016-05-22 10:46:14 UTC
Some more fits, please... Evil
Kerensky Initiatives
#12 - 2016-05-22 22:11:35 UTC
Lucy Lollipops wrote:
Some more fits, please... Evil

Why don't you suggest something now, as you've already been provided with several fits. Put something together and we'll let you know what we think?

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

Lucy Lollipops
State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2016-05-24 18:28:38 UTC
I cannot give any suggestions so far, I had little time to play recently ( being going to have my first child soon ), the only time I tried to enter a plex with a brawler plexes entrances were camped so I soccumbed....I succeeded only with a kiting condor because I'm learning manual pilot and I can discourage other players to chase me too long, but kiting is not the topic here so...
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2016-05-24 22:48:05 UTC
Turret destroyers fit with multiple webs are quite amusing. Point is optional as things will often pop before they can warp out. I've had success with a triple web arty thrasher and I have seen some other players do great things with dual web coercers. The benefit of those ships is that they can project out past 20k and are thus pretty immune to kiting.
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2016-06-07 08:05:44 UTC
Hey man :)

I know you said you were interested in a web fit, but i thought id share a brawl fit I've personally had pretty decent successes with. Its not super cheap, but does about 220 (with good skills) and has a very strong active tank:

[Brawler Incursus]
Damage Control II
Small Armor Reper
Small Ancillary Armor Reper with Nanite paste (of course)
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
J5b Enduring Warp Srambler
Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I

Light Ion Blaster II, Fed Navy Antimatter / Null
Light Ion Blaster II, Fed Navy Antimatter / Null
Light Ion Blaster II, Fed Navy Antimatter / Null

Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator
Small Hybrid Burst Aerator
[rigs to increase damage]


Small Transverse Bulkhead II
Small Transverse Bulkhead II
Small Transverse Bulkhead II
[rigs to increase tank]

1 x Acolyte II / Warrior II

The general strategy is pretty simple. Sit about 1km off the warp in beacon in a plex, with everything overheated but make sure none of your modules burn out, if any module does, then you have mostly likely lost the fight. Get a scram on them immediately, keeping within 1-2.5km range from them (might require a bit of manual piloting). Due to a lack of Web, the AB might need to stay overheated most of the fight.

Dont try engaging into a PLEX that already has a kitey ship (slicer/kestrel/hookbill/tristan/etc) cos you will lose. You should be able to fight any MWD fit kitey ships if they warp into you sitting on the PLEX beacon. If they are AB fit, then you will unfortunately die xD