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Trf market orders to personal wallet from master corp wallet

#1 - 2016-05-31 07:57:27 UTC
Hi, i'm having to close down a corp but the only issue is that my main trader account has over 100 buy/sell orders active from master wallet. Is there a way to trf those orders to his main wallet without closing them and re submitting them? If i need to close them all down and resub them all i stand to loose about 1b isk, not a lot but i would rather not if i don't have to.
Hel O'Ween
Men On A Mission
#2 - 2016-05-31 08:13:44 UTC
I don't know any way to do this. I'm afraid you need to wait the orders out to be fullfilled/expired or do what you described: cancel + relist.

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