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is the game all about the blob?

Amarr Empire
#21 - 2012-01-14 13:17:35 UTC
Lady Spank wrote:
Hedion University is pretty big.

LOl Hydra.........

Your just as bad as the rest.
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#22 - 2012-01-14 13:20:48 UTC
Eve PvP is about kill mails while avoiding loss mails, followed very quickly by local trolling and forum based bragging.

Nothing gets more kill mails and avoids loss mails than blobs.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Ursula LeGuinn
Caldari State
#23 - 2012-01-14 13:32:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Ursula LeGuinn
I'm not sure why anyone expects fair fights in this game, unless they've been prearranged in tournament format. EVE has always been about getting the drop on (or outmaneuvering) unsuspecting targets and overwhelming enemies with superior numbers or firepower. Survival often depends on avoiding the notice of and/or escaping from superior forces.

When people have something to lose, they don't fight to fight. They fight to win. 100% kills and 0% losses is and should be the goal of most fleets.

In my years of valiant forum warrioring, I have yet to see any viable suggestion for "making" small gang engagements happen more often. I'm not saying they don't happen, mind you, but as for encouraging more of them, I don't think anyone has any good ideas. I've been away for awhile, though, so I might have missed something.

Two Ursulas in two identically fit blue Ibises versus one Ursula in an identically fit red Ibis equals two Ursulas in two identically fit blue Ibises. Probably. Actually, I suddenly want to go try this with three new characters while triple-boxing.

"The EVE forums are intended to provide a warm, friendly atmosphere for the EVE community." — EVElopedia

Jack Dant
The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre
#24 - 2012-01-14 13:47:59 UTC
No gang in eve will refuse to fight a smaller gang because "we have too much". PVP is hard enough to find, even if it's a boring gank. Plus, you never know when the smaller gang will be bait.

The blobbers are the ones who refuse to engage unless they have overwhelming numbers. The people who will run away from a similar size gang because they are too afraid to lose a ship. The defense gang that keeps forming up until they have one logi for every ship in the enemy gang. The gatecamp that disperses when someone shoots back because "if it engages us it must be bait".

What happens in lowsec, stays in lowsec, lowering the barrier to entry to lowsec PVP:

Nemesis Logistics
Goonswarm Federation
#25 - 2012-01-14 13:48:03 UTC
Dradius Calvantia wrote:
I get small gang good fights all the time....

You are doing it wrong.

Reilly Duvolle
Hydra Squadron
#26 - 2012-01-14 14:43:52 UTC
I found this recent article on the subject. In short, small gang pvp lives and thrives.

Incindentally, this is also my experience from living in null for the last 3 years.
Gods Holy Light Bringing You're Penance
#27 - 2012-01-14 14:47:55 UTC
Find a way to fight the blob like the rest of us and stop complaining, encountering larger gangs is an opportunity not the opposite
I like Duncan
Apollo Gabriel
Kill'em all. Let Bob sort'em out.
#28 - 2012-01-14 14:58:17 UTC
Come to w-space.
Always ... Never ... Forget to check your references.   Peace out Zulu! Hope you land well!
The Greater Goon
#29 - 2012-01-14 15:10:19 UTC
xxanjoahir wrote:

Small pvp corp wanting good fights is constantly being blobbed....

seems to be the norm these days ....

define blob

largest gangs we normally run into cap out at around 30-40
we call that a good fight
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#30 - 2012-01-14 15:15:02 UTC
xxanjoahir wrote:

Small pvp corp wanting good fights is constantly being blobbed....

seems to be the norm these days ....

One would say... "chose your fights more wisely"

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#31 - 2012-01-14 15:42:57 UTC
xxanjoahir wrote:

Small pvp corp wanting good fights is constantly being blobbed....

seems to be the norm these days ....

Everyone says they want small fights.

Yet nobody can find one.


"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Syphon Lodian
Fabled Enterprises
#32 - 2012-01-14 15:58:54 UTC
Null-blobs are the most insecure carebears in all the EVEverse.

Why u no fly into our blob, u scare, u cant pray game?
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#33 - 2012-01-14 16:30:10 UTC
I've noticed that people who whine about "blobs" are rarely above killing a lone guy they caught on the gate with their 7 man gang, but they're quick to complain about being killed by his 50 friends.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2012-01-14 17:02:35 UTC
"omg y do u use logi agenst our frig fleets"

**** off tia
Apollo Gabriel
Kill'em all. Let Bob sort'em out.
#35 - 2012-01-14 19:14:34 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
I've noticed that people who whine about "blobs" are rarely above killing a lone guy they caught on the gate with their 7 man gang, but they're quick to complain about being killed by his 50 friends.

That should be Malcanis' 2nd law
Always ... Never ... Forget to check your references.   Peace out Zulu! Hope you land well!
Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2012-01-14 19:20:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaroslav Unwanted
define blob


congratulation to Lady Spank ...
You used to be on your own if i remember... Hydra is good... well considering last year AT.

As i understand it blob is an question of sovereignty warfare. Altho i saw some irrational hot drops on few ships.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#37 - 2012-01-14 19:23:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Miyamato
xxanjoahir wrote:
1-Up Mushroom wrote:

That is exactly what it is like in eve.... so funny that video.... reminds me so much of the alliances we keep trying to have a gf against and keep getting WTF pwned due to ****** tactics.... We want the fights and end up being beaten due to serious overkill...

This does not make any sense. You are a small alliance looking for a fight and you whine about the fight being too much for your small gang?

That is like the taliban crying about the size of the American military that came crashing down on them .... oh wait ...

Look, thats just ummm .. reality. I am new to the game but have played plenty of others. If you plan to fight, you better bring as many people as possible because it is likely the other people looking for a fight are going to be more organized then you are, thus bringing more people.

Strength in numbers. That has been a motto of war from its outset. Your talking about war here, not friendly neighborhood competition.

I'd say, do what I always do. Build a strong squad of 30, train in .. i guess low-sec is what this game would be, in different scenarios with different types of squads and you will be more honed to handle whatever the other guys throw at you. Oh, and I'm guessing this Blob thing is aka Ganked, meaning you have 30 vs 5 or something. In this game, I think it would be smart to have someone in your squad sitting back and constantly keeping an eye on the sector. I mean, if he suddenly scans 40 new ships you can probably guarantee those ships are going to be interested in you. As much as it is strength in numbers, it is also knowledge is power. Combine the 2 and your a super saiyan.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#38 - 2012-01-14 19:38:37 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
xxanjoahir wrote:

Small pvp corp wanting good fights is constantly being blobbed....

seems to be the norm these days ....

Everyone says they want small fights.

Yet nobody can find one.


My guess is they did find them, and lost.

So then they come back and whine about inbalances of the combat system. Then they get a bigger squad together, kill smaller squads to " punish " those that did it to them, and then get ganked by a squad 4x their size when they become noticed. And again, they come back and whine.

Or just plain lie that " me find no fight! " ....

As you saw, this guy was complaining as well about being killed by bigger squads. So meh ... it is this way in every single game where PvP is even somewhat possible.
Fearless M0F0
Incursion PWNAGE Asc
#39 - 2012-01-14 20:35:13 UTC
xxanjoahir wrote:

Small pvp corp wanting good fights is constantly being blobbed....

seems to be the norm these days ....

In WWII, the ratio of allied v/s German soldiers got up to 8.6 to 1 in 1944.

The ratio of allied v/s German aircraft on D-day was 7.4 to 1.


I guess they blob because it works ... Roll
Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2012-01-14 20:38:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaroslav Unwanted
Fearless M0F0 wrote:
xxanjoahir wrote:

Small pvp corp wanting good fights is constantly being blobbed....

seems to be the norm these days ....

In WWII, the ratio of allied v/s German soldiers got up to 8.6 to 1 in 1944.

The ratio of allied v/s German aircraft on D-day was 7.4 to 1.


I guess they blob because it works ... Roll

or maybe because ally vehicles .. be it land or air ones was terrible and easy to produce and inferior to any german one..
include T34s

And just to put it in there.. since you used WW II .. kills by 3rd Empire vehicels vs ally was something about 150 : 1

and every ally who can count their finger on their right hand could use them.