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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Rat in null.

Bra Gengod
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2016-05-20 02:49:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Bra Gengod
So would it better to tank a hurricane as shield or armor in Sansha's Nation null space? Just looking for some fitting ideas. I know drones are king of ratting but for me ammo is not an issue. Plus I like guns and I really want to use a hurricane if possible.
Meaal Contractors
#2 - 2016-05-20 03:11:59 UTC
Hi sir!
Seems a bit early to rat in null as a 5 day character.
You must have consumed some skill injectors or you are some alt if you are to survive.

Shield or tank, I have not to many preferences, but ship and skill will in my opinion decide. If you are only ratting, passive tank is relaxing. So if that is your preference, I would go for passive shield tank.

Just a reminder, tanking rats is you last worry in null sec. If you have other pilots in the system that is not "blue" to you. You will probably be hunted.

Your best way to null sec is joining a null sec corp. That way you can access null sec with "friends" and can filter out those who are a threat. And you are "Oscar Mike" to safe.

Memphis Baas
#3 - 2016-05-20 03:19:18 UTC
For starter fitting ideas, check out EVE University's fitting examples. But the Hurricane is a popular ship, so if you google "EVE Online Hurricane PVE fit" you should get a dozen guides.

Armor or shields, I don't think it's gonna matter. Try either, use whatever works for you.

Depending on how much of an expert you are at the game, you may want to read some generic "how to tank a ship" and "how to fit a ship to be effective" guides, and then come up with your own fitting for the 'Cane. CCP's rebalanced a bunch of modules recently, so the fitting examples out there may be outdated. Best bet may be to read up on the game mechanics and then invent your own fitting.
Roenok Baalnorn
Baalnorn Heavy Industries
#4 - 2016-05-20 04:00:49 UTC
Sansha shoot Em/therm( 70/30 i believe is the average) so a shield tanked ship, especially one thats not laid out specifically to shield tank is going to struggle. If you insist on a hurricane i would armor tank it. But if your planning on staying in sansha space awhile i would train up amarr ships. They are far better at killing and tanking sansha than minmater ships.

It also depends on your skill level. With barely any skills your going to struggle to stay alive in a BC. If you have good skills for cane and can t2 or faction fit it then it will be a slow go and some struggling.
Bra Gengod
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2016-05-20 05:32:26 UTC
Thanks for your help and advice. Think ill armor tank it but ill take stuff for shield as well and see how I do.
Cherri Minoa
Serendipity Technologies Inc
#6 - 2016-05-20 09:44:06 UTC
Remember that some areas of null-sec are NRDS which reduces the risk from other pilots - at least the local ones. If you are not in a null-sec corp that may be something to think about.

As far as the skills and the age of the character are concerned, a while back I sat (cloaked) and enjoyed the show as a 2 day old toon in a Coercer ran a Sansha Hub. He didn't quite complete it, but he killed enough to take home several million in bounties. So, get a cheap ship, go out and have fun. The worst that happens is you die, and even that will teach you valuable lessons.

"If I had been censured every time I have run my ship, or fleets under my command, into great danger, I should have long ago been out of the Service" - Horatio Nelson

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2016-05-20 10:49:31 UTC
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:
Sansha shoot Em/therm( 70/30 i believe is the average) so a shield tanked ship, especially one thats not laid out specifically to shield tank is going to struggle. If you insist on a hurricane i would armor tank it. But if your planning on staying in sansha space awhile i would train up amarr ships. They are far better at killing and tanking sansha than minmater ships.

It also depends on your skill level. With barely any skills your going to struggle to stay alive in a BC. If you have good skills for cane and can t2 or faction fit it then it will be a slow go and some struggling.

This is good advice except for the underlined part. The Hurricane has 60% base armor resist against EM and 35% against therm. EMP ammo works pretty well against sansha as well. While I agree that Amarr ships are ideally set up to work against Sansha just like minmatar ships are ideal set up to work against Angels, the Minmatar ships work well against lazor boats ( they did have to fight off their Amarrian slave lords after all ). I find the phrase "far better" to be very misleading. I would say slightly better. Also the Minmatar ship line up to me seems more versatile than the Amarrian line up.

Back to talking about tank, resists are very important. I believe that pretty much all T1 ships have 0% base EM resist on sheilds and very low Explosive resists on armor. Those huge holes are hard to fill. Learn more about how resist mods work and you'll see what I mean.

So with any rats figure out what kind of damage they deal and what they are weak against and set your ship up accordingly.

As far as drones being king of ratting I don't think that I can agree with that statement and I rat in Sansha space in a Domi. My ship works fine but I can think of a dozen turret based ships that would probably do it better. We are talking about small advantages here so don't get all caught up in what is "best".

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Memphis Baas
#8 - 2016-05-20 12:23:09 UTC
Drones used to be very good at a specific tactic, which was "send out the drones, set them to aggressive, and go have some cake for half an hour." It's a high-sec tactic, really; you won't be able to go afk in nullsec with all the roaming PVP gangs out there. And also, CCP got fed up with it and modified the AI of the NPCs to target drones; causing countless threads and complaints about "How do I keep my drones alive? Drones suck."

The current "meta" (the tactics that are preferred currently) is to have smaller, more agile ships, and rely on gun or missile firepower for quick kills. This works well because:

1. The NPC AI is programmed to just approach you and orbit closely; they don't kite, they don't pulse their MWD, etc. Because of this, you can kite the NPC easily if you wanted a long range setup, but the easiest is to let them come and shoot them up as they get close. And then the wrecks will be in range for looting, you don't have to fly all over the place to get the loot.

2. The short range guns (autocannons) do more damage than the long range guns (artillery) and require less power grid to fit on the ship, leaving resources to fit armor or shields.

3. It's easy to guess what resistances you'll need (EM, Thermal), so you can easily super-tank your ship to be able to take on a swarm of NPC enemies and just laugh. You don't need to try to stay out of range to "protect" yourself.

4. The "more agile" part comes into play because NPC's usually don't warp scramble you and don't follow you. Unlike players. So with some of the tougher rats, you can just shoot up a few, thin the herd, then warp out when you're in flames, repair a bit, then warp back in and thin the herd some more. Then for the final remaining boss, orbit fast and close so you get under his guns and avoid damage. Minmatar ships have speed / agility as their trademark, so you can use that.
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#9 - 2016-05-20 13:45:55 UTC
Most people I know who rat in Sansha space use sentry drones and/or cruise missiles: Dominix, Raven, Rattlesnake, Ishtar or navy Vexor. The risk when getting in close with turrets is the Sansha can web, scram and tracking disrupt if you're in range - watch out for anything with "loyal" in the name. In nullsec you will be kill on sight anywhere except Provibloc. The locals in Provi won't shoot you but anyone else will and, as a neutral, you can't tell them apart.

Roenok Baalnorn
Baalnorn Heavy Industries
#10 - 2016-05-20 16:25:36 UTC
minmatar ships are terrible at anything but pvp and killing angel rats. Sansha have very big orbits the Battleships will orbit at 40 plus KM( i think 1 or 2 types orbit at 20 KM). You will find most sansha ships orbit at around 20 km or more except the frigs with few exceptions. So in a cane your going to be either spending a lot of time chasing things down or a lot of time fighting in falloff( so you might as well cut your dps in half which makes the cane a poor choice again)

Angels on the other hand tend to fight close. Even their Battleships you can reach out the window and slap them. What ever pirate you are fighting their empire enemy is usually the best choice of racial ships to use against them with a few exceptions. Only newbs/noobs used canes to kill rats anywhere in null ive lived. Ive spent 7 of the last 8 years living in angel and sansha space and almost never have seen a cane ratting and for good reason.

Best choices in order for t1( considering effectiveness and cost):
1) Abaddon with pulses and scorch
2) Apoc with pulses and scorch
3) speed tanked Vexor navy issue( only using this faction because if the easy training and low cost)
4) Domi( slightly edges out raven because of tank resist and cheap)
5) Raven
6) Drake( long range, damage type selection and a brute of a passive tank when fitted properly but puts out relatively poor dps)
25) Armor tanked hurricane
26) any other tanked cane

Best ship for ratting(only for secure/safe areas): Deadspace fitted rattlesnake( cost 1-2 billion isk). It will tank god while mowing through rats like a lawn mower through grass. With a >75 KM range i can drop an MTU and just mow anoms down with it, grab a noctis spend 5 minutes( including travel time) looting and salvaging and move on.

Drones are good for ratting on certain ships. The rattlesnake vexor navy issue and domi are all drone boats and they all made the list of good or excellent ships to rat in. The vexor will always edge out the domi in ratting because its small and easily speed tanked leaving room for Drone damage amps in your lows. The domi has to be tanked leaving you with few to no lows for damage. Caldari ships tend to be the favorite race for general pve because they can apply all 4 damage types which means they can do 100% damage to the primary resist weakness. Since they are shield tanked most to all of your lows can be freed for damage mods. They also are ( or were) immune to tracking disruptors favored by sanshas.

You dont want to go to any null space you dont have permission from the locals to be in especially in a normal ship. You and your ship will quickly part ways. For example you would be considered extremely luckily to make it through HED-( the pipe system into catch from highsec) alive in a cane. And if you do your probably not going to make it more than a few jumps past that little lone able to actually rat.

You would have better luck in providence as the are NRDS. But you wont know who will and who wont shoot you. But you have a higher chance of surviving than catch or stain as long as you dont attack anyone that didnt shoot you first.

your best bet is to get in a corp that is in a 0.0 alliance. That will give you access to 0.0 stations/citadels and intel channels and a blue list which will exponentially increase your survival chances while ratting in 0.0 when used properly.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2016-05-20 22:59:57 UTC
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:
minmatar ships are terrible at anything but pvp and killing angel rats.

Again I disagree and think this is a gross overstatement. There might be ships that are better for killing Sansha than the cane but it is far from terrible.

We have a 5 day old character asking how to tank his BC and you recommend several BSs that would do the job better. For a new character to start training into large ships and weapons ( which take a very long time to train ) with little support skills is terrible advice.

If the guy has skills to fly a cane he is far better off learning how to tank and fly that ship than he is switching gears and training into Amarr ships at this point.

Also with a brand new character who is just trying stuff out the Minmatar ship line up gives him a lot more options for trying different things out like; different tank styles ( shield, armor or sig radius ), different weapons systems ( turrets, missiles and drones ), as well as different damage types to be able to move around in various parts of space and still be set up fairly decently.

While your advice may be technically true for an older pilot with a broad base of support skills already trained up and a decent amount of game experience to go with it, this is the NC Q&A and ideally we should advise him as if he were 5 days into the game.

When I see someone advising a new player to train into a BS it makes me cringe. Unless you are advising someone on how to train an alt to be able to farm PvE content for max isk that is terrible advice.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Roenok Baalnorn
Baalnorn Heavy Industries
#12 - 2016-05-21 04:59:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Roenok Baalnorn
Again I disagree and think this is a gross overstatement. There might be ships that are better for killing Sansha than the cane but it is far from terrible.
If your 5 days old, you dont want to be in null, unless you injected massive amounts of SP. And minmatar ships are " hard mode". They require good skills to fly even decently well, which is likely why angel rats are so weak. Eve already has a huge learning curve, minmatar only makes that far more complicated. Some minmatar are better long range some short, some shield tanked, some armor, some speed, etc all depending on what your doing with it and your skill level. I know you really want minmatar to be good pve ships, but they really arent. You need to tank a low amount of DPS for a long period in pve. They just arent designed for that. They are designed to be brawlers. He also knows nothing about velocities and tracking, making it even worse. He needs to be in a more forgiving ship.

We have a 5 day old character asking how to tank his BC and you recommend several BSs that would do the job better. For a new character to start training into large ships and weapons ( which take a very long time to train ) with little support skills is terrible advice.
You assumed that was a recommendation. I said what was better out of t1 ships for killing sansha . I gave examples in order of ships i would use. I could of stuck the Amarr BCs in that list but my point was moreso of how far down on a list of choices of just t1 ships a cane is rated for killing sansha. And nothing takes a long time to train. You can have max skills in 3 days of clickfest. Plus you never know he might of bought a character.

If the guy has skills to fly a cane he is far better off learning how to tank and fly that ship than he is switching gears and training into Amarr ships at this point.
not if he wants to kill sansha for whatever reason he might want too kill that specific rat. If he was going to hang out in angel space, then fine, play in hard mode. Also in 5 days unless your injecting or you bought the character, you would barely be able to get in a cane. Which means he is going to die soon after he gets agressed, and if he gets tackled by rats his chance of survival is next to nill.

Also with a brand new character who is just trying stuff out the Minmatar ship line up gives him a lot more options for trying different things out like; different tank styles ( shield, armor or sig radius ), different weapons systems ( turrets, missiles and drones ), as well as different damage types to be able to move around in various parts of space and still be set up fairly decently.
Again while this sounds good on paper, when you are new there is already a lot to learn. You need to stick to one weapon type and one tank type until you learn the rest of the game. No sense in trying to learn everything your first month. He needs to learn how to do one type of tank and do it well then move on to something else. Not have to switch tank types constantly and try to remember which ships to tank which way and how to use those tanks. Your trying to get him to do astrophysics before hes learned algebra.

While your advice may be technically true for an older pilot with a broad base of support skills already trained up and a decent amount of game experience to go with it, this is the NC Q&A and ideally we should advise him as if he were 5 days into the game.

When I see someone advising a new player to train into a BS it makes me cringe. Unless you are advising someone on how to train an alt to be able to farm PvE content for max isk that is terrible advice
IN which case i would tell him :
1) Dont go to null as a 5 day old pilot unless you like dying a lot.
2) Dont fly a BC unless you have all your core skills up, unless you like spending all your time fitting BCs
3) Dont rat in a cane in sansha space, thats just dumb.
4) If your insistent on killing sansha in null space( for example you have a friend that lives there), train gallente cruiser to 3 or 4, train up drones so you can use heavies, research speed tanking in a vexor navy issue, train speed tanking skills. Practice speed tanking in high sec anoms. then make an attempt at null. OR train up for amarr or caldari BCs and related skills. Or fly a cane and die a lot.
5) If your 5 days old with only 5 days worth of skill points, you shouldnt even be thinking about a BC. This game is NOT like other games. Bigger ships are not always better. You may think you are upgrading to a better ship but really your upgrading to going broke faster.

Again never advised him to train a BS, thats what you assumed. I just showed him how crappy of a choice a cane was for killing sansha. I would struggle in a cane or at least be very bored with how long it took me to eat through tanks and i have minmatar BC at 5 can use their t2 weapons and have 70 mil sp, 99% of which is combat related.
Nat Silverguard
Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#13 - 2016-05-22 03:47:42 UTC
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:
If your 5 days old, you dont want to be in null, unless you injected massive amounts of SP.

please stop giving stupid advice dude. 1 day old character can go where ever they want to go. the op just wants to know how to tank sansha, answer that please.

OP, use any ship and tank you want but consider this NPC Damage list and accordingly use the correct ammo to kill them.

Just Add Water

Roenok Baalnorn
Baalnorn Heavy Industries
#14 - 2016-05-22 04:38:09 UTC
Nat Silverguard wrote:
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:
If your 5 days old, you dont want to be in null, unless you injected massive amounts of SP.

please stop giving stupid advice dude. 1 day old character can go where ever they want to go. the op just wants to know how to tank sansha, answer that please.

OP, use any ship and tank you want but consider this NPC Damage list and accordingly use the correct ammo to kill them.

Really? Go back to your faction war, troll, and leave the new players be.

Op, out of all the advice you have received, definitely dont listen to this guy. Just because you "can" do something does not make it a good idea. And its a terrible idea to randomly fit a random ship and go roaming around eve like you own the place. You will be frustrated confused and broke for your very short eve career that will end in a "ragequit"
Nat Silverguard
Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#15 - 2016-05-22 08:13:29 UTC
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:
Nat Silverguard wrote:
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:
If your 5 days old, you dont want to be in null, unless you injected massive amounts of SP.

please stop giving stupid advice dude. 1 day old character can go where ever they want to go. the op just wants to know how to tank sansha, answer that please.

OP, use any ship and tank you want but consider this NPC Damage list and accordingly use the correct ammo to kill them.

Really? Go back to your faction war, troll, and leave the new players be.

Op, out of all the advice you have received, definitely dont listen to this guy. Just because you "can" do something does not make it a good idea. And its a terrible idea to randomly fit a random ship and go roaming around eve like you own the place. You will be frustrated confused and broke for your very short eve career that will end in a "ragequit"

please check all of my posts here at NCQA before you accuse me of being a troll.

you are what's killing this game. what's wrong for him going to nullsec even if he's 5 days old? if dying in EvE makes him ragequit, then it's better for all of us, he's not the type of player EvE needs.

yes, anybody can use any ship they want as long as they fit it properly (i.e. no dual tanking, same turret types, etc), not everybody wants to min/max dude. if he wants to fly a hurricane let him be, fix a fit for him or better yet give all the damage type NPC have and what ammos you need to use against them, LIKE I DID.

Just Add Water

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#16 - 2016-05-22 10:32:16 UTC
New players absolutely can succeed in null; but they should probably fleet up for most PVE, including sites that are commonly done solo by veteran players.

Once you've decided to fleet up, fitting strategies change entirely.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2016-05-22 13:42:15 UTC
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:

Again never advised him to train a BS, thats what you assumed.

I did not assume. The OP asked for advice on how to fit his cane you you told him:
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:

Best choices in order for t1( considering effectiveness and cost):
1) Abaddon with pulses and scorch
2) Apoc with pulses and scorch
3) speed tanked Vexor navy issue( only using this faction because if the easy training and low cost)
4) Domi( slightly edges out raven because of tank resist and cheap)
5) Raven
6) Drake( long range, damage type selection and a brute of a passive tank when fitted properly but puts out relatively poor dps)
25) Armor tanked hurricane
26) any other tanked cane

He asked for advice on how to fit his cane and you gave him a list of BSs that you stated are better suited for the job. I'm not reading anything in here, you are giving bad advice.

Roenok Baalnorn wrote:

I would struggle in a cane or at least be very bored with how long it took me to eat through tanks and i have minmatar BC at 5 can use their t2 weapons and have 70 mil sp, 99% of which is combat related.

I have an alt with about 20 million skill points that is currently in NPC null ratting in a Hurricane. Yes it's angel rats but the ship kills them amazingly fast and the cane warps from belt to belt better than most other BCs and in belt ratting killing stuff quick and warping from belt to belt quickly ( which BSs can not do ) are the keys.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with using the cane as a ratting ship it does well and with the ability to do: Explosive, EM, or Therm as primary damage the ship will work well in almost any space that he wants to move to.

I'm not sure what you have against the cane ( maybe your girlfriend left you for a cane pilot or something ) but it is a fine ship. Could you find a better Amarr ship for killing Sansha rats? sure but the cane will still do a fine job.

Some of the advice that you have given is good advice, but when you add in absolute black and white answers in a game that is nothing but gray areas, you begin to loose some credibility and colors all of what could be good advice with a poor viewpoint that in my opinion needs to be corrected so as not to send the new bro down a fruitless path.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2016-05-22 13:43:06 UTC
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:
I know you really want minmatar to be good pve ships, but they really arent.

This is 5 year old information.

I don't want the Minmatar ships to be good anything. You are talking about some min / max, max level, best in slot gear mindset that has no place in this game. Your advice is not helpful for new players. This is the NC Q&A please keep the advice to that which is helpful for new players or go argue your min / max BS on some other section of the forum. We are here to help new bros so please keep your posts in that mindset.

Roenok Baalnorn wrote:

Again while this sounds good on paper, when you are new there is already a lot to learn. You need to stick to one weapon type and one tank type until you learn the rest of the game. No sense in trying to learn everything your first month. He needs to learn how to do one type of tank and do it well then move on to something else. Not have to switch tank types constantly and try to remember which ships to tank which way and how to use those tanks. Your trying to get him to do astrophysics before hes learned algebra.

This is a game about game knowledge not skill points. The way that you learn this game is by playing around with stuff not sticking your head in the sand. It does not take long to train skills up to level 3 which is more than enough to give something a decent try. I'm not advising him to become an expert at everything in the first month just get a taste of varied styles.

While I am sure that your advice is great advice in WoW this is Eve and in Eve you don't get good by learning "your class" you get good by learning what everyone else's ship can do. Your advice here pushes a new player towards a mindset that he needs to focus on getting "the best ship" and getting his skills "maxed out" which is just a terrible mindset for Eve.

Roenok Baalnorn wrote:

IN which case i would tell him :
1) Dont go to null as a 5 day old pilot unless you like dying a lot.

The Goons built one of the biggest Empires that this game has ever seen by taking brand new players and sending them directly to null sec within minutes of logging on for the first time. Your advice is terrible please stop.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Roenok Baalnorn
Baalnorn Heavy Industries
#19 - 2016-05-22 14:21:11 UTC
Nat Silverguard wrote:
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:
Nat Silverguard wrote:
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:
If your 5 days old, you dont want to be in null, unless you injected massive amounts of SP.

please stop giving stupid advice dude. 1 day old character can go where ever they want to go. the op just wants to know how to tank sansha, answer that please.

OP, use any ship and tank you want but consider this NPC Damage list and accordingly use the correct ammo to kill them.

Really? Go back to your faction war, troll, and leave the new players be.

Op, out of all the advice you have received, definitely dont listen to this guy. Just because you "can" do something does not make it a good idea. And its a terrible idea to randomly fit a random ship and go roaming around eve like you own the place. You will be frustrated confused and broke for your very short eve career that will end in a "ragequit"

please check all of my posts here at NCQA before you accuse me of being a troll.

you are what's killing this game. what's wrong for him going to nullsec even if he's 5 days old? if dying in EvE makes him ragequit, then it's better for all of us, he's not the type of player EvE needs.

yes, anybody can use any ship they want as long as they fit it properly (i.e. no dual tanking, same turret types, etc), not everybody wants to min/max dude. if he wants to fly a hurricane let him be, fix a fit for him or better yet give all the damage type NPC have and what ammos you need to use against them, LIKE I DID.

Pretty sure the game is not dying and no one is killing it, drama club is that way>>>.

Giving a new player bad advice and then saying " oh if he quits cause of it we didnt need him anyway" is exactly the kind of players that should stick to being seen and not heard. Eve isnt like any other game. Its basically the opposite. flying a bigger ship is not always better, the devs do not protect players from other players, and players are allowed for the most part to con and scam other players as well as harass them. This game has absolutely no protection for new players except the limited amount that highsec offers and you want to encourage him to leave highsec before he can even fit a t2 mod to his ship. And you call that good advice?

So whats wrong with him going to null ifs only 5 days old?

1) he is going to struggle hard to kill anything unless he knows someone and fleets with them in which case he should of asked them not the forums. So this is unlikely.
2) He will get absolutely murdered by players as soon as he jumps in. If by some small miracle he manages to make it more than a few jumps and manages to make it to a belt, the rats will probably kill him before he leaves the belt.
3) He doesnt have the skill to do anything effectively in null. Its an utter waste of time.
4) Just because you can do something in this game doesnt mean you SHOULD do something in this game. I can pull the pin out of a grenade and we can play catch with it. It doesnt mean its a good idea.
5) Giving him advice like yours is only going to frustrate and confuse him and make him lose what little assets he has.

If you truly were sincere about helping new players you would never say "if dying in EvE makes him ragequit, then it's better for all of us, he's not the type of player EvE needs." If an older experienced player rage quits cause he is annoyed or aggravated thats fine. When a new person does it because people like you give him terrible advice, then the game doesnt need people like YOU. New players need to take it slow and learn the game better. That is why highsec exist in the first place. Your telling him to skip the best area to learn the game and jump right into null is terrible advice.

Furthermore, in my original post in this thread, i gave him advice on tanking. Only when "ergherghef" or whatever disagreed with my statement of " if your going to live in sansha space you might want to check in to training amarr ships up" did i jump further in to it. Then you had two chime in with your two cents likely ""ergherghef" is your alt. And you just want to support your alt in your forum warrioring.

You want to forum warrior fine, but stop giving new players bad advice and tell them its ok to go anywhere in eve. That gives them the impression that its safe for them to go anywhere in eve and its really not.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2016-05-22 16:55:57 UTC
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:

So whats wrong with him going to null ifs only 5 days old?

1) he is going to struggle hard to kill anything unless he knows someone and fleets with them in which case he should of asked them not the forums. So this is unlikely.
2) He will get absolutely murdered by players as soon as he jumps in. If by some small miracle he manages to make it more than a few jumps and manages to make it to a belt, the rats will probably kill him before he leaves the belt.
3) He doesnt have the skill to do anything effectively in null. Its an utter waste of time.
4) Just because you can do something in this game doesnt mean you SHOULD do something in this game. I can pull the pin out of a grenade and we can play catch with it. It doesnt mean its a good idea.
5) Giving him advice like yours is only going to frustrate and confuse him and make him lose what little assets he has.

1) What's wrong with making friends? This is an MMO and a sandbox MMO that that. There is no max level, structured anything in this game limiting the number of players that can participate and thus encouraging the "Max level / Best in Slot" mentality. Fleeting up with people to do stuff is not only totally fine but completely encouraged. If you want to solo dailies all day go back to WoW.
2)Not at all true. If he's deep in blue space he will rarely even see reds and even when he does intel will let him know they are coming from many systems away. Honestly a new player can be safer from PvP in null sec than he would be in most high sec carebear corps. I've brought plenty of new players into very active NRDS space. Yes they loose a ship or two at first but then they get the hang of it and do well. I've taken several days old players and turned them into full time null sec residents that are still in the game years later.
3) I've watched characters less than a week old successfully solo double BS belt spawns in dessies and cruisers. They can also hack just fine. That completely leaves out all the fleet stuff they can do. I've seen players less than 24 hours old make millions from their fair cut of loot from a PvP roam. There are plenty of newbie friendly null sec corps that you can join and get free ships and then go out and roam and when you get blown up: get insurance payout as well as ship reimbursement from the alliance and make isk PvPing on day 1.

He's got the skills to do anything he wants in null on day 1. Further this is a game and the only thing that he needs to effectively do is have fun. However even just being in fleet and giving the opponents another target to have to cycle through is helpful not to mention the added dps or Ewar or logi depending on what he's flying.
4) dude this is a game. It's space pixels. "Because I can" is the only reason you need to do anything. The guy is not asking for advice on what to do with his retirement fund FFS.
5) Nat's advice is far better than yours.

Roenok Baalnorn wrote:

New players need to take it slow and learn the game better. That is why highsec exist in the first place. Your telling him to skip the best area to learn the game and jump right into null is terrible advice.

Some new players need to take it slow. Some players like to dive right in to the deep end and figure it out as they go. Everyone is different. Stop making out like everyone is a carbon copy of you.

I am not sure where you get the idea that high sec is the take it slow path. Outside of starter systems high sec if full of gankers and scammers and people looking to war dec your "new player friendly" corp. I could argue that null sec is the take it slow path.

Roenok Baalnorn wrote:

Furthermore, in my original post in this thread, i gave him advice on tanking. Only when "ergherghef" or whatever disagreed with my statement of " if your going to live in sansha space you might want to check in to training amarr ships up" did i jump further in to it. Then you had two chime in with your two cents likely ""ergherghef" is your alt. And you just want to support your alt in your forum warrioring.

You want to forum warrior fine, but stop giving new players bad advice and tell them its ok to go anywhere in eve. That gives them the impression that its safe for them to go anywhere in eve and its really not.

He asked how to tank his Cane and you told him that Amarr ships are "far better", which I think many players would agree is an over exaggeration.

Since all the ship balancing in recent years my main complaint has been that there just isn't much difference between the races any longer. All race's ship line ups can pretty much do everything very effectively. Your concept that Minmatar ships are only good for PvP predate the rebalancing and are no longer valid.

I don't come into the NC Q&A to forum warrior. I come here to help new players. However when I see bad troll like advice I will correct it.

Nat Silverguard is not my alt.

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