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Story-sharing: The adaptation period post-patch.

Makeleth Riatu Solette
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-04-30 23:18:47 UTC
Now that we're in the age of Citadels and increased market fees, share your story:

How are you adapting (or already adapted) to the increased fees of market trading and the new addition of market content?
What have you done or are doing to continue your growth?
Have you even been affected, or are you just doing more of the same?

Let's have story time in here Smile

Mail me if you'd like some marketing advice or advice in general

Serena Darknight
#2 - 2016-05-01 07:39:11 UTC
I had to move out of Jita cause my broker fee went from 0.92% to 2.59%. The 8 to 9 percent margin I was working with in Jita wasn't doing it anymore so I ended up moving to a L4 mission hub and work from there. I got two career agent systems in my circle and doing the buy low sell high in the rookie systems.

According to Eve Trade Master, I have done about 13m profit in the last seven days, for which that is great for me. I am still fairly new and finding my way around deals and trade opprotunities. I had my friend put 200m isk into my corporation for me to do more investments and just testing the waters as of now.
Thermal Damage
Star Nation
Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2016-05-01 08:36:17 UTC
I liquidated a small amount of my stock and deposited 7bil to eve-bet. This morning I cashed out 20bil in winnings. 13bil profit in one day is more than I have made by trading, so I will continue this method instead.

I was found guilty of Nitshe by the CoCaP

Amy Inhibenson
Living Off The Land
Intaki-Business Logistics Union
#4 - 2016-05-01 09:31:10 UTC
Thermal Damage wrote:
I liquidated a small amount of my stock and deposited 7bil to eve-bet. This morning I cashed out 20bil in winnings. 13bil profit in one day is more than I have made by trading, so I will continue this method instead.

Seems legit...
Invisible Exchequer
#5 - 2016-05-01 11:55:08 UTC
While people were not doing trading because of bugs, lack of tools etc I took advantage of the lack of buy orders, and then flipped some of the new items at extremely nice profits :)

Koumak Ent
Small Mining and Trading Brotherhood
#6 - 2016-05-01 13:48:24 UTC
Jita old values (tax: 0.75%, broker's fee: 0.38%) and new values (tax: 1%, broker's fee 2.29%).
Adaptation? Sorry, i have a dilemma whether to cancel subscriptions. I do not care even a shooting or wars. I am industrialist and trader (may be i has been...)
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#7 - 2016-05-01 14:46:33 UTC
The PLEX crash I was expecting to see since the announcement of Citadel happened.

Or, more precisely, the value of ISK increased as I had predicted. Other PLEX-linked goods stayed at about the same price in PLEX (so a lower price in ISK).

So I sold a lot of stock (most was sold long before the patch) and bought into PLEX while they are at the lowest price they will ever be in the game's forseeable future. If null quietens down I will sell them when they hit 1600m, if null stays at war, 1300m is the goal price.

Might have missed the exact bottom of the PLEX price curve but these are a long term holding.

I have also stopped placing new buy orders for low margin items completely until 90 days pass (at which point most presently active orders will be gone, and the ones that remain will have been placed by people that understand that lower sunk costs mean higher profit, not lower resale prices).

Next step: Looking to set up or join a trader's channel that aims to circumvent market fees via private contracts.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Soriano en Marland
KRAKN Industrial
#8 - 2016-05-01 15:24:55 UTC
Being relatively new, I’ve always spent a great deal of time doing arbitration (buying / selling items across region boundaries). After the patch however, I’ve been amping this up even more.

Items between the major trade hubs have been swinging wildly as the market adjusts, which means that it's easy to find opportunities. Yes, you have to haul the items yourself, but you have the chance to make anywhere between 800k and 1 million ISK per jump. That’s almost double what I would make on other hauling runs.
Kaira Innovations
#9 - 2016-05-01 15:37:54 UTC
been sitting in jita watching ppl's marketing activities and noticing that orders are slow in adjustment to deal with the new tax while all my build slots are busy, busy, busy and that people have avoided to do as much marketing as before cos of the taxes.

I didnt bother jumping in on the citadel boat even though i could of probably made some nice isk from it. Instead I concentrated on certain niches within the game which has already netted myself a beneficial contract for supplying to "their" demand :)

as for the future I look forward to the new things coming and to see what happens with the pos's over christmas. xD
InterStellar Architect
InterStellar Architects Corporation
#10 - 2016-05-02 14:33:18 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
The PLEX crash I was expecting to see since the announcement of Citadel happened.

Or, more precisely, the value of ISK increased as I had predicted. Other PLEX-linked goods stayed at about the same price in PLEX (so a lower price in ISK).

So I sold a lot of stock (most was sold long before the patch) and bought into PLEX while they are at the lowest price they will ever be in the game's forseeable future. If null quietens down I will sell them when they hit 1600m, if null stays at war, 1300m is the goal price.

I think PLEX dropped to around 1 Bil mainly due to the skill injectors. Then it dropped to around 900 mil mainliy due to people liquidating for the patch, and there was a PLEX sale.

I doubt it'll go to 1600 any time soon, there's always gonna be a premium that people place on 2 x Skill Injectors for not having to wait.
Invisible Exchequer
#11 - 2016-05-02 14:43:08 UTC
InterStellar Architect wrote:
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
The PLEX crash I was expecting to see since the announcement of Citadel happened.

Or, more precisely, the value of ISK increased as I had predicted. Other PLEX-linked goods stayed at about the same price in PLEX (so a lower price in ISK).

So I sold a lot of stock (most was sold long before the patch) and bought into PLEX while they are at the lowest price they will ever be in the game's forseeable future. If null quietens down I will sell them when they hit 1600m, if null stays at war, 1300m is the goal price.

I think PLEX dropped to around 1 Bil mainly due to the skill injectors. Then it dropped to around 900 mil mainliy due to people liquidating for the patch, and there was a PLEX sale.

I doubt it'll go to 1600 any time soon, there's always gonna be a premium that people place on 2 x Skill Injectors for not having to wait.

Yep, there was 24.9T spent on BPOs and skillbooks since the patch.

Some of this was pre-saved, but, people forgot modules/rigs etc for the citadels (some forgot structure bpos too) and then the non-refund of SP for FAX played into it, as well as the 2 sales on PLEX on at the same time
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#12 - 2016-05-03 13:36:43 UTC
InterStellar Architect wrote:
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
The PLEX crash I was expecting to see since the announcement of Citadel happened.

Or, more precisely, the value of ISK increased as I had predicted. Other PLEX-linked goods stayed at about the same price in PLEX (so a lower price in ISK).

So I sold a lot of stock (most was sold long before the patch) and bought into PLEX while they are at the lowest price they will ever be in the game's forseeable future. If null quietens down I will sell them when they hit 1600m, if null stays at war, 1300m is the goal price.

I think PLEX dropped to around 1 Bil mainly due to the skill injectors. Then it dropped to around 900 mil mainliy due to people liquidating for the patch, and there was a PLEX sale.

I doubt it'll go to 1600 any time soon, there's always gonna be a premium that people place on 2 x Skill Injectors for not having to wait.

Injectors are not relevant to the longer term PLEX values.

PLEX are the fundamental currency of EVE. Three years ago, a PLEX was worth a month's game time. Next year, it will be worth a month's game time. PLEX do not change in value.

ISK is a secondary, less important currency - less important because it has less intrinsic value (outside the player economy it only lets you buy skillbooks and blueprints, and usually demand for those is far below the ISK supply). Because 3% of the ISK in the game was just destroyed (~28T of 980T in Citadel BPOs), there is a shortage of ISK right now and so ISK is temporarily trading for more than it is worth, as people overcompensate. ISK has increased in value from 0.8 nanoPLEX, up to 1.1 nanoPLEX, a 40% increase.

This 40% increase is a massive overreaction to the 3% of the ISK in the game being destroyed - an increase that is fundamentally unsustainable. I expect to see ISK fall in value back to near 0.8 nanoPLEX in the short to medium term; and if nullsec gets quiet and ISK gets vomited into the game again from 50-80 thousand ratting hours per day, ISK will become oversupplied again.

Anyways believe what you want. I'm the person that stated publically many times in this forum that come Citadel release day, PLEX would trade for under 1000m ISK - and I said this when many people said 'no, they'll be >1300m by then and keep going up from there'.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

InterStellar Architect
InterStellar Architects Corporation
#13 - 2016-05-13 14:47:40 UTC  |  Edited by: InterStellar Architect
Looks like they're still dropping. I'd say it's gonna get stuck at the 800 mil - 1 bil range for a long time. I think it's healthy for the game for PLEX to stay in the 800 - 1 bil range.
Isaac Schwartz
Caldari State Venture Capital
#14 - 2016-05-13 17:23:59 UTC
Ultimately my usual activities have not been affected, as many others have stated it really makes no difference as demand/supply carries on as normal.

If anything I've seen very slightly reduced profit on average, but because of decreased competition - this is kind of irrelevant as some margins are quite high.

Long-term I see it being more of an opportunity, as CCP wants us to move our operations to player owned structures.
Plleasure Hub
#15 - 2016-05-14 05:07:20 UTC
I noticed the margins starting to narrow a week or two ago on at least two of the items I produce regularly. I did the maths and found that even with the tighter margin, I'd still turn a decent profit. I tend to target items with strong demand and at least 10% ROI. I'm currently doing just fine conducting business as usual. I'm at record levels of growth, and I will celebrate hitting the 50 billion ISK net worth milestone this or next month.

I am excited about citadels popping up. I might make a religious pilgrimage to the first one that appears in high sec. Whoever builds it should set the vulnerability window to a weekend so folks can make the trip while off work and before it gets blown up! I love that there is now a good incentive to break up the traditional hub locations. There is a huge amount of ISK to be gained for both market-goers and the faction who controls the citadel market hubs of the future.

"There's no meaningful difference between a real and a virtual world. It's pointless to ask anyone who they really are. All you can do is accept and believe in them, because whoever they are in your mind, is their true identity." — Kazuto Kirigaya

Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#16 - 2016-05-16 08:12:13 UTC
As a vertically integrated manufacturer working in one of the smaller trade hubs, it's been business as usual. A couple of percent one way or the other makes little difference to my business.

It is interesting to consider the overall game context:

Velocity of money has increased substantially - some of this will be the Northern war, some Citadel investment and some skill injectors but money is moving. This is good for the economy.

The new market fees represent a considerable ISK sink. This will increase the relative value of ISK by reducing supply. Reduced ratting in the warzone has also likely contributed to this.

It is likely that a lot of PLEX were cashed in to finance the war and Citadel investments. This will reduce the relative value of PLEX.

Citadels have a substantial bill of material which has put upward pressure on PI and mineral prices. I don't see this accurately reflected in the market yet - I suspect there is a lot of old inventory built before the patch coming to market.

The next few months will be interesting. Will markets start moving to Citadels? I don't know, or particularly care. As long as CCP maintains a level playing field I'll figure out how to prosper within the new set of rules. For me that's part of the fun. Eve is a complex adaptive system and the landscape is dancing!
Ministerstvo na otbranata
Ore No More
#17 - 2016-05-16 10:27:28 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
The PLEX crash I was expecting to see since the announcement of Citadel happened.

Or, more precisely, the value of ISK increased as I had predicted. Other PLEX-linked goods stayed at about the same price in PLEX (so a lower price in ISK).

So I sold a lot of stock (most was sold long before the patch) and bought into PLEX while they are at the lowest price they will ever be in the game's forseeable future. If null quietens down I will sell them when they hit 1600m, if null stays at war, 1300m is the goal price.

I too bought big quantity, except I did not wait long enough, PLEX dropped even more than I thought, so I ended up locking most of my ISK, now I am waiting...

Makeleth Riatu Solette wrote:
Now that we're in the age of Citadels and increased market fees, share your story:

How are you adapting (or already adapted) to the increased fees of market trading and the new addition of market content?
What have you done or are doing to continue your growth?
Have you even been affected, or are you just doing more of the same?

Let's have story time in here Smile

Two things: one - I put all my PLEX for sale just before patch while broker fees were still low, and two, for future trading I made a little formula in excel to calculate prices after my fees and how much exactly am I making profit. I did not need it before, because ~1% was easier for me to calculate, plus I got lazy now... For flipping that would be broker fee for buy orders and broker+transaction tax for sell orders, so the minimum would be 5% in taxes as opposed to 1.13% before. Quite the change, and CCP said this is just the beginning, they might increase it further more in the future if they are satisfied with the results...But we will manage as always, I mean thats the concept of being a trader, yes? To be adaptable.

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2016-05-16 11:24:45 UTC
Crazy time since the patch, I switched from almost only PvP+explorer to an industrialist with manufacturing slots running round the clock (thanks I trained those indu skills 2 years back ...). Before the patch, I collected and sold all the valuable loot scattered around New Eden (150+ jumps in my trusty travel ceptor), also all my spare PLEX hit the market ... cash is king in these times. Will ride the wave as long as it lasts ...

I'm my own NPC alt.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2016-05-17 00:17:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Gilbaron
i have always only traded in high margin items.

lost a bit of profit, but not too much.

i also reaaaaally want a fortizar now.

it's a big plan. might keep me playing for a few more years, i need to check how they do in highsec before making the investment. especially when it comes to people looking for a juicy killmail.

i'm not hesitating to pay a couple mercs to defend it, but first i need to know if quality mercs are actually available.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#20 - 2016-05-17 11:06:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarucin
I am in an industrial corp we have miners, ore refiners, people who can manufacture items and haul to stations for profit.

Pre Patch:

Our group was mining belts out, refining the ores and manufacturing ships, ammo, modules, components, etc. We had a POS set up and made a good profit.

I was trading items at Jita, Amarr, Dodixie. I was using 2 accounts and training up 6 alts for production purposes.

I had no problems making a profit off most items, our CEO was making contacts to contract manufacturing services out to in return for protection from wardeccing pirates. We had a decent group of 110+ active players.

Post Patch:

POS was torn down and put in storage, manufacturing activity stopped other than ammo I would say, not sure my slots are not active other than researching BPO's. Most of my corp mates have quit eve because they don't care for PVP they love trading, manufacturing, and in general making items, the new taxes have essentially made high sec manufacturing a loss the margins were so slim before that now they are gone. We are now down to about, 15 players, my play time has dropped significantly.

I love EVE, but in order to make decent ISK I need to either mine and refine for hours ( no thanks ) do Level 4's ( not really my cup of tea ) or skill queue for half a month to do PVP ( I can fit most tier 2 tank modules but can't quite use tier 2 weapons and EWAR yet.)

The fun I had in mining was in massive ops we had, the stories we shared in chat, making money through trade and commerce.

Now? I am nothing but a damn dirty pirate scrounging for isk, while I update my skill queue.


The reason for PLEX to be dipping so much is to the PLEX wall incident, if you have not read up on it I recommend it. IMHO I think the tax increases, and pushing people to move from JITA 4-4 is a huge mistake.
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