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Starting In PVP/PVE - Need Advice/Help

Dark Fiber Utama
#1 - 2016-04-26 20:59:51 UTC
If anyone can help me that would awesome.

I sold my 6 yr old Mining Character and decided to start PVE/PVP.

My question is on tactics and how do more then stand there.

I did do some missions in a Drake but only with Corp mates and that was just warp in put on shield boosters and fire missiles. This time around I decided to go with Gallente and try Turrets. They problem Im having is that im not used to anything armor and or turrets.

1. So do I get close and orbit as fast as I can and use turrets - will that drain cap and leave no room for armor repair?

2. Use mostly Drones and only turrets if they are close?

3. Do I stay put and pray?

4. Is there a basic rule of thumb for using Gallente and turrets? <<<< Basic tactics

5 RUN ?

Im using a Vexor now and it feels like in missions that ship will fall apart after one hit. I know im wrong in saying that but I have no idea how to fight and survive or be successful without warping out and back in, just feels like I should be able to last the mission. Im sure every situation is different but are there some basic standard tactics/rules to follow?

Any help would be appreciated.

Iyokus Patrouette
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2016-04-26 21:25:25 UTC
Sharing a fit is probably helpful. . you are speaking about Gallente, they have both Blasters and Railguns one is super close range and the other is long range.

Generally on a vexor your drones are the main source of damage and the turrets are secondary. If you feel you are having trouble living in the missions drop the turrets and fit a better tank (just assuming your turrets are hogging powergrid) Otherwise more information is required.

---- Advocate for the initiation of purple coloured wormholes----

Illicit Expo
#3 - 2016-04-27 08:29:34 UTC
Dark Fiber Utama wrote:
1. So do I get close and orbit as fast as I can and use turrets - will that drain cap and leave no room for armor repair?

You are basically looking for a role as a tackler at this stage. Tacklers basically, yes, orbit and survive while keeping a target webbed AND warp SCRAMMED. Im not sure if its safe to assume anymore that most high sec and low sec pvpers use afterburners more than microwarp drives, but it used to seem that way. Cap is life, Active tank is a must, a nos and cap booster FTW... :)

Dark Fiber Utama wrote:
2. Use mostly Drones and only turrets if they are close?

Like most answers to most Eve Online related pvp or fitting or even market questions is, depends... I like to use both. More DPS, the better.

Dark Fiber Utama wrote:
3. Do I stay put and pray?

If you are a frigate, you are small signature, a sphere in space, you should not sit still and pray. pilot your ship, double clicking instead of orbiting, but maintain an orbit. you can use orbit if you arent getting much aggro. you could also zig zag too and away from your target... by double clicking away, and gaining a little range and then approaching your target. you can kite them... keeping him at a specfic range away from you, likely out of his guns range, but within your range... so you can deal damage to him but he cant to you, and you keep a point on him and web... stay aligned to celestials too, so you can warp off if anything gets too close that you dont want to engage.

Dark Fiber Utama wrote:
Is there a basic rule of thumb for using Gallente and turrets? <<<< Basic tactics

Not likely? But I will make one up, "Optimal Range... " Hybrids are great close up, and dont work well in falloff, and have a short falloff to add. So keep in mind hybrids come in two flavors, short, and med to long range... rails are great for kiting... blasters are great for brawling...

you may want to consider a fitting application like EFT or PYFA and get used to them. Doctrines and Concepts can be created, theory crafting is fun and you can even find apps for your android Eve related.

Dark Fiber Utama wrote:
5 RUN ?

Maybe... so three phases of a fight, the initiation of the engagement, then the engagement itself, and lastly the disengagement. You want to be able to quickly assess your target, use zkillboards, evewho, or dotlans even... look at his ship, what is he flying, what guns are on his ship, are they close range, long range? (become familiar with combat ships in market, and show info, read them all... and learn the weapon systems as well. just what they basically look like etc.) then you have to decide to commit or not to. either or, at some point you may need to disengage cause you were wrong in you assessment. :) learning to spiral into your targets area and ... out of his range is helpful. Dual propping your ship, fitting a web, over heating your web for better range to slow an incoming tackler down sooner...

Start small, start with frigates, and even consider an alt, and faction warfare... Red VS Blue is also a great way to get instant pvp fleets and such and tbh at this point, getting into a good speed tanked atron and in a fleet isnt hard now, and is the best thing for you. you will learn the fastest by doing. you can research later at night or when its quite. Eve university has a great wiki. I suggest you getting on their public mumble server during lectures available to the public, see link here >
and this too...

Youtube is a great way to learn pvp... also... start by watching the Alliance Tournament videos from CCP youtube page, its another great way to be surrounded by the lingo and all that. I know when I started out I was a scout, then a tackler, and I really liked that. Best of luck to you.

RaVeN Alliance
#4 - 2016-04-27 15:05:05 UTC  |  Edited by: RavenPaine
PvE: You will learn it as you go. It's pretty straight forward and progressive, up through the mission levels. It starts to teach you about tank, and targeting, and some weapon platforms. The skills you train will cross over for PvP. And, the ISK can add up fast.

PvP: Hopefully you can get into a corp with other PvP pilots. The #1 thing you have to get used to, is losing ships. Then you just need experience. After maybe a hundred fights, you have a good understanding of what your ship can do, and what other ships do.

Congrats on giving it a shot. It's hard to explain how fun it can be.
Good luck!
Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#5 - 2016-04-27 15:50:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Oreb Wing
My rule of thumb in a close range brawler:

* are you fast enough to close range for optimal conditions?
* can you dictate range once committed (I.e. double webs/dual prop)?
* can you out tank/out dps their tank/dps? Your capacitor is always taken into account here as both tank AND dps, as you will not be doing much with hybrids or an active fit on a drained capacitor.

That is the battle arithmetic, as they say, which only experience can give you. To judge how much time you have until you cap out and manage your modules/engagement more efficiently or differently.

Introducing a capacitor booster, a mwd/mjd, ranged or destructible weapon systems (drones) create so many variables that analysis becomes circumstantial, along with the human factor (which tilts heavier on the scales with every second and detail), that it's impossible to accurately give any information without specifics.
Syn Shi
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#6 - 2016-05-02 14:02:18 UTC
Train other weapon type needed.
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2016-05-03 06:54:54 UTC
Hello Dark !
Let me first say congrats on choosing to partake in PVP. Let me also take this opprotunity to tell you that , you will more than likely face alot of getting blown up and podded in the near future! Enjoy it.

1. So do I get close and orbit as fast as I can and use turrets - will that drain cap and leave no room for armor repair?

2. Use mostly Drones and only turrets if they are close?

3. Do I stay put and pray?

4. Is there a basic rule of thumb for using Gallente and turrets? <<<< Basic tactics

5 RUN ?

These are very good questions. i will try to enlighten you as much as possible here. You said you are currently running missions in a vexor , My suggestion would be to look up the type of rats that you ar4e seeing in your missions and tank you damage resistances accordingly to the types of damage the rats are dealing. You will more than likely need an active rep of some kind to survive in your missions. PVE is pretty straight forward, like in most game. Simply know the damage that the rats will deal, Tank against that damage type, and know the damage types that the rats will be weakest against, and try to use that kind of Damage.

PVP on the other hand , is a whole different ball game.
I will start by saying that PvP above all else is entirely situational. Meaning that the tactics employed at any given time are different according to the way the current situation is playing out. PVP is a dynamic environment, things are constantly changing.
I would highly suggest against using a vexor to PvP in right off the bat. While they are cheap, they will begin to get somewhat pricey after losing 10+, 30m isk cruisers per day. So in this regard i would highly suggest you start from the bottom with frigates.
I would highly recommend getting into something like faction warfare, yes you will be at war with alot of other people , but you will also learn a ton about fitting your ships properly , as well as be given the chance to make loads of isk while PvPing.

As for tactics, This is going to depend entirely on the ship you are flying and the fit it is running. For example , Ships like the stron , are super fast, but don't tend to do a great deal of damage, this makes them better suited to either act as tacklers, Or anti-tacklers. Ships like the incursus , you will want to run active reps and get right in someone's face with guns blazing and drones going.

Orbit Vs stand still VS Keep at range. this again is dependant on circumstances. If you for example get the chance to tackle a tornado, You will most certainly want to be orbiting it to throw off its tracking so it can't hit you. however, if you are say a railgun fit atron and you tackle a federation navy comet, you will more than likely want to keep him at range > 10km so that you keep out of range of his scram / web / guns ( we have totally ignored the drones he has here though ) Standing still , typically its not done a whole lot unless you have two ships that are pure brawl going at it with one another, In such a case both pilots will usually just approach each other and sit nose to nose slugging it out. In 9/10 circumstances you will want to be moving in some way or another.

The best advice i can give you mate, is just find a group of guys to take you under their wing and show you the ropes. Other than that Knowledge is power. The more you know, The more you know about someone else, and the more you know about their fits. The more likely you are to be able to effectively counter their fits and win. Always Try to fight on your own terms as well, as this will give you the best advantage in most scenarios.
Dark Fiber Utama
#8 - 2016-05-03 12:15:42 UTC

Thanks for the advice.

I will take it all in and try my best.

Zathra Narazi
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2016-05-08 14:26:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Zathra Narazi
Dark Fiber Utama wrote:
Im using a Vexor now and it feels like in missions that ship will fall apart after one hit.

The Vexor is the ultimate cruiser for level 2's. They're mostly frigates and the occasional cruiser so you should be instagibing everything with a drone boat. If you want you can kite around and do the missions without taking a single point of damage.The Myrmidon can fit a cap stable dual rep tank and is bonused for rep amount. It's nearly unkillable in level 3 missions. Most of the time you won't even have to turn on the second rep. Your problem is definitely not the ships. Are you using the correct drones and hardeners for the mission? Killing triggers too soon? Download this. Then check here before running the mission to find out the triggers and what scrams and such.
Illicit Expo
#10 - 2016-05-13 05:12:56 UTC
keep us updated :) let us know how things work and dont work for you. Create and share a blog or log, captains log if you will... :) make it a story even. Thats what is great about Eve and its community. Creative and all that stuff. :)