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EVE Online after 9 years is... Disappointing.

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2016-05-08 07:37:45 UTC
Responding to your solo part ... IMO EvE is a great game for solo players, BUT you need to make your own game and fun and interact with other players. Just waiting for content coming to you does not work in New Eden, which is probably the main reason a lot of players quit.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#22 - 2016-05-08 09:25:18 UTC
Sustrai Aditua wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
...there are no good reasons for that, it is just how it was made.... it was made. Priceless. I don't think millions of anyones have looked at this game, much less downloaded it. Oops. I said game. Maybe that's a problem. It's not a game. You bring the game. It's more a facility.

Yeah, that's the ticket. It's like a basketball gym with the balls provided (bastetballs, not cahoneys). You bring the game if you "got game". When I started roundball I couldn't hit the goal with the ball. I was five. It was quite apparent that game would take a few years just to be able to play it, and another few to start getting good at it.

EVE has always struck me like that. In the end as with basketball, there's a lot more people watching the game than can play it. Maybe if CCP fails at something, it fails at being honest about that. This is something you learn to do. You become an EVE player. You don't just download the game and hey presto, you're an EVE player.

just sayin.

In a sandbox, the only sand is the one that the creator puts in. So yes, EVE's sandbox was made in a certain way and that way limits what you can do in the sandbox.

Using your analogy, you can't play chess with a basketball court no matter how hard you try to bring your game with you. The reason why there are no boards and piece sets for chess it's because somebody made it that way.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#23 - 2016-05-08 09:42:42 UTC
violator2k5 wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Over the years I've come more or less used to being reminded constantly what kind of social misfit I am, and instead of blaming myself for not fitting into EVE-the-awesone-social-game I've come to blame CCP for not making the game more suit to solitary misfits with the kind of time and pasion required to live EVE instead of enjoying their (our?) real life. Straight

theres nothing wrong with being a social misfit even in this game, wouldnt you say that a lot of people in this game or any other game are anyway? why else would they be spending time on a game instead of being outside enjoying the sun, the eye candy, chilling with the opposite sex and or same sex if you're into that. I feel sorry especially for those who have partners who walk around butt naked trying to get them off of the game to have a little fun and they ignore them due to playing a game.

I'm also a social misfit and i care not what others think only of what i think myself. Eve in general is supposed to be a mmo where you play with others, however you are not forced to. you can play the game however you want and have a lot more freedom to do things here compared to any other mmo. The amount of solo play in this game is limited I agree but even then there is still enough to enjoy the game just not to the fullest like many of the others are doing.

As a social misfit, sooner or later you'll hit a glass ceiling made of "you should have friends and rejoice griefing and being griefed". How much will hurt to hit that ceiling depends on your speed at the moment of impact, and how many times you think that you have a chance to bypass the ceiling and find some other niche, just to crash against a different section of the ceiling.

Socal misfits are bound to fail and suffer in EVE. This is how the game was made, it's nothing personal that CCP haves against the millions of suckers who paid, and pay, and will pay in the future, to be griefed one way or another by people who are better socially skilled and rejoice inflicting suffer on other human beings.

"Wreck their dreams", as succintly states the current slogan. Or "EVE is a griefing sandbox", as Ripard Teg put it*.

* wrote:

Small-gang PvPers grief solo PvPers.
Big-gang PvPers grief small-gang PvPers.
PvP corps grief industrial and mission corps.
Big alliances grief small alliances.
Big coalitions grief big alliances.
Smart-ass forum posters grief serious forum posters.
Big "media sites" grief little "media sites".
Gankers grief solo players.
Big miners grief little miners.
Smart industrialists grief dumb industrialists.
Rich station traders grief poor station traders.
Bullies grief newbies and other ignorant players.
Scammers grief absolutely everybody.

And on and on and on and on and on, throughout any aspect of the game you care to name. EVE Online is a griefing sandbox. It's all PvP if you care to look at it that way. It's the only shared experience that every single one of us have.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#24 - 2016-05-08 09:49:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Sustrai Aditua wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
...there are no good reasons for that, it is just how it was made.... it was made. Priceless. I don't think millions of anyones have looked at this game, much less downloaded it. Oops. I said game. Maybe that's a problem. It's not a game. You bring the game. It's more a facility.

Yeah, that's the ticket. It's like a basketball gym with the balls provided (bastetballs, not cahoneys). You bring the game if you "got game". When I started roundball I couldn't hit the goal with the ball. I was five. It was quite apparent that game would take a few years just to be able to play it, and another few to start getting good at it.

EVE has always struck me like that. In the end as with basketball, there's a lot more people watching the game than can play it. Maybe if CCP fails at something, it fails at being honest about that. This is something you learn to do. You become an EVE player. You don't just download the game and hey presto, you're an EVE player.

just sayin.

In a sandbox, the only sand is the one that the creator puts in. So yes, EVE's sandbox was made in a certain way and that way limits what you can do in the sandbox.

Using your analogy, you can't play chess with a basketball court no matter how hard you try to bring your game with you. The reason why there are no boards and piece sets for chess it's because somebody made it that way.

That just means its blindingly dump to expect a chess game on a basketball court.

But that's what many of you do, then you look at CCP as if they did something wrong. They didn't, the real problem is your unrealistic expectations. You are the source of your own eternal unhappiness.

What's irritating is how people like you see those of us who are happily playing basketball on a damn basketball court (instead of whining about chess) as somehow "deranged".
Galactic Rangers
#25 - 2016-05-08 11:04:26 UTC
cilayin wrote:

I'm not expecting there to be an expansion that all of a sudden, you can now play Dust 514, and Valkyrie all in EVE! AND... You can also go seamlessly from being on the planet surface raising livestock to Space Combat and omg DD's everywhere.


oh but you are and sound pretty salty that it hasn't happened Roll

cilayin wrote:

There's a lot of things in EVE that I want to do as a player, however the game itself, how it is designed keeps me from doing so.

so wrong, nothing but the restrictions you've placed on yourself are at fault.

honestly sounds to me like you seem to be hung up on EVE not being a single player game that drip feeds you reinforcements that lead you to being the hero and saving the galaxy.

a better question you could have rasied is why do people come to a mmorpg and expect single player content?

Romana Tash-Keram
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2016-05-08 11:34:17 UTC
And now, do this mean that we're all psychotics, paranoids, social misfits who are in need of a therapy? Big smile

And EVE is our therapy Big smileBig smileBig smile
I Love that kind of therapy room
The Golden Serpent
A Drunken Squirrels' Conspiracy for Revenge
#27 - 2016-05-08 13:38:42 UTC
You can raise livestock in Eve, just train PI, load a planet, open Facebook, load Farmville, when you're done go back into Eve. Oh and make sure it's an Oceanic or Temperate planet so you can raise genetic mutant cattle for immersion.

That's what I do all day every day

-:¦:-•:'":•.-:¦:-•* K H A N I D •-:¦:-•:''''*:•-:¦:-

Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#28 - 2016-05-08 16:24:59 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Eternus8lux8lucis wrote:
The real reason most people dont like it is.... Its WAY too much like real life. Thats it. Nothing else. You have to figure things out and deal with people you like, dont like, tolerate, and do things on your own just like life. Most people dont want a real world simulator set in space. As real life sucks solo too. Its hard and most people dont do hard at all. They want a "game" to escape real life. Mostly cuz theyre real lives suck. For some this allows them to vent their frustrations by shooting miners and harvesting tears, for others its space mafia online and for still others its building a lil empire for themselves somewhere in the stars.

And CCP does nothing BUT force people to interact, most often explosively with cannon fire and pew pew lazors.

Well, to put it somehow... if I had the social skills required to fully enjoy EVE, I would be using them IRL, not in some stupid MMO. What?

Over the years I've come more or less used to being reminded constantly what kind of social misfit I am, and instead of blaming myself for not fitting into EVE-the-awesone-social-game I've come to blame CCP for not making the game more suit to solitary misfits with the kind of time and pasion required to live EVE instead of enjoying their (our?) real life. Straight

Actually a lot of functioning social misfits DO have a vibrant and varied life outside in the real world. Others simply choose to not do so which is looked down upon in the real world but is very much a choice one can make and live happily with these days.
I would look at it as this game might be a good way to help you learn better social skills if you wish. Remember any and all human interaction is a result of social skills being put into effect and carry the same risk/reward as if it was face to face and in the real world. Sure some would say the repercussions arent there online, aka you can turn off the computer, but you can also walk away in real life too. It might be harder but never impossible to "shut down". Blink

But to blame anyone or anything else for short comings in ones own life that one can see themselves is, Im sorry, terribly silly in every respect. Now learning how to fix such an issue for oneself is often a lot harder than it might seem and has about the Eve noob learning curve attached to it as well. In that respect life is the most original procedurally generated, infinite sandbox with some really interesting and unique "AI" in other people. Life, like Eve, is what you make it for yourself. Solo or in a group. You choose your "race", you choose your player "cultural tastes", you choose what you "do" in game. You can build or destroy and everything inbetween. Everything is up to you and you alone. It is the truest definition of freedom and true freedom is a daunting task once one realizes just how open and lonely it can be upon this landscape.

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#29 - 2016-05-08 16:36:31 UTC
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
Eternus8lux8lucis wrote:
The real reason most people dont like it is.... Its WAY too much like real life. Thats it. Nothing else. You have to figure things out and deal with people you like, dont like, tolerate, and do things on your own just like life. Most people dont want a real world simulator set in space. As real life sucks solo too. Its hard and most people dont do hard at all. They want a "game" to escape real life. Mostly cuz theyre real lives suck. For some this allows them to vent their frustrations by shooting miners and harvesting tears, for others its space mafia online and for still others its building a lil empire for themselves somewhere in the stars.

And CCP does nothing BUT force people to interact, most often explosively with cannon fire and pew pew lazors.

TLDR: Catharsis is painful, and EVE is a cathartic experience? You can sure solo things, but if you ain't no genius, or prodigy, don't expect the world if you aren't willing to work your butt off for it.

Yup, Eve like life is work. Effort doesnt equate to success nor do brains or brawn equal winning all the time. Its a strange environment but having brains, brawn and a lil balls to take some risks just might pay off.

The reality is that anytime you get a group of people together you get the same relative relational interaction as you do in real life. At first its very theme parked, like in kindergarten, but as the restrictions are lifted you see all sorts of new and interesting interactions and group dynamic changes happening all over the place. What CCP calls "emergent gameplay" is the summation of this reality upon the gaming world of Eve. Yet people are people are people, so in many ways you will always get the same sort of patterns emerging which is a truly interesting phenomena all on its own. There will always be a direct correlation in all social groups, from dyads to the collective human totality, and Eve is no exception there. And to control, manipulate or interact on any level will always create some sort of need to apply effort. This is where the risk vs reward ideology really comes into play. Some CCP controls directly at capping dps or isk/hr in different fields and in others they simply tweak with nerfs or buffs as they see fit to continue the gameplay without unbalancing the whole system entirely.

And for me to sit and watch and interact has been a truly interesting and uniquely exhilarating experience for the past 13 years. Whos a good chimp?!?!!? Aww thats a good chimp!!Lol

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#30 - 2016-05-08 17:28:38 UTC
i had many fun hours playing solo in lowsec. o/
Ka Plaa
#31 - 2016-05-08 17:41:12 UTC
Romana Tash-Keram wrote:
And now, do this mean that we're all psychotics, paranoids, social misfits who are in need of a therapy? Big smile large part, yes. :)

Brokk Witgenstein
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2016-05-09 07:29:35 UTC
Romana Tash-Keram wrote:
And now, do this mean that we're all psychotics, paranoids, social misfits who are in need of a therapy? Big smile

But fear not.
I offer therapy sessions for 880 mil per 4 hours.
Sunset Airguitar
#33 - 2016-05-09 09:23:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Sunset Airguitar
Demica Diaz wrote:
II have lost all friends I used to fly with, eleven of them and none left because EVE was hard. They left because it was boring.

That is actually what separates EVE Online from other MMOs. With other games it is the developer's responsibility to make the game less boring; with EVE, it's mostly the player's responsibility to make the game less boring.

In fact, if there is anything that newbies should take away from the New Player Experience, it is this: It is up to you to make the game less boring.

Which, to be fair, ain't the greatest tagline.
Demica Diaz
#34 - 2016-05-09 12:03:02 UTC
Sunset Airguitar wrote:
Demica Diaz wrote:
II have lost all friends I used to fly with, eleven of them and none left because EVE was hard. They left because it was boring.

That is actually what separates EVE Online from other MMOs. With other games it is the developer's responsibility to make the game less boring; with EVE, it's mostly the player's responsibility to make the game less boring.

In fact, if there is anything that newbies should take away from the New Player Experience, it is this: It is up to you to make the game less boring.

Which, to be fair, ain't the greatest tagline.

I understand your point of view. There lie small problem though. Eventually, no matter how creative player you are. You will run out of content to make in area you enjoy EVE most. Knowing that no matter how much you wait. The game will not change for you, ever. All you are left with is the dream.

Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#35 - 2016-05-09 17:27:36 UTC
Demica Diaz wrote:
I understand your point of view. There lie small problem though. Eventually, no matter how creative player you are. You will run out of content to make in area you enjoy EVE most. Knowing that no matter how much you wait. The game will not change for you, ever. All you are left with is the dream.

Kind of my debacle as well. I managed to actually complete my objectives in Eve. I'm done. There are no remaining objectives in which I, as a person, have any further interest. I'm simply put, no longer willing to put in as much effort as I used to to progress, mainly because there is nothing left to progress towards that isn't completely redundant by now, or riddled with problems that somehow come down to: I have a job and a social life and I can't be arsed with demanding video games. I stepped down as CEO due to a lack of motivation to do this mountain of work for a slight increase in epeen. However, I still admire the interconnectivity of systems within Eve and how social it is, and thoroughly enjoy it's lore and setting although I'm no expert on the matter. It remains the best MMO I ever played... it's the sole MMO I played for more then a few weeks and the only video game I played for more then 3+ years.
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#36 - 2016-05-09 18:00:58 UTC
To the OP, go and jump in a carrier, my god it rocks, even this player who was jaded and upset with CCP over the Medium Citadels having no market has had a great big smile put back on my face by the awesome changes to carriers. You need to try it, its that good.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Logan Revelore
Symbiotic Systems
#37 - 2016-05-09 19:53:54 UTC
People should stop being so defensive about suggestions for changes in EVE. Clearly there's room for two worlds in EVE, one that appeals to the current niche crowd, and one that the average guy can get involved with. Both player types can even coexist and benefit from having the other type in their game.
Sustrai Aditua
#38 - 2016-05-10 02:56:38 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
In a sandbox, the only sand is the one that the creator puts in. So yes, EVE's sandbox was made in a certain way and that way limits what you can do in the sandbox.
Ahz jus' yankin' yer chain. RAWR! Blink

If we get chased by zombies, I'm tripping you.

Drake Valteric
Nightfall Syndicate Incorporated
#39 - 2016-05-10 12:30:11 UTC
I agree with a ton of your points. A solo player beginning to join and experience Eve early on can easily be lost in the train of thought that the player-to-player experience is nonexistent. And in many ways, it's on the player to have to move outside their comfort zone and commit to a corporation's schedule in order to find friends or comrades to fly around with and enjoy the game.

Overall though, I still find my early-game experience to still remain to be enjoyable, just a few gray areas to pass through first. My own opinion though, Eve is the game it is due to the drive and community in the path it's been going. And being new, I don't see that much of a reason to change it. Speedbumps in the road, that is all.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#40 - 2016-05-10 13:27:22 UTC
eve is eve, what are you trying to say, OP?
If Eve isnt for you, you woundnt play it.
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