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Test Server Feedback

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Balancing Feedback: Assault Ships

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Lili Lu
#741 - 2012-01-13 22:07:36 UTC
Why does the enyo only get one frigate bonus and all the rest have 2? Where did your consistency go?
Conventia Underking
Underking Family
Khimi Harar
#742 - 2012-01-13 22:14:53 UTC
If CCP Tallest is still listening, I would like to say: Unlike CCP Punkturis, who will almost always get universal praise for making changes, you're pretty much stuck with making someone's experience more annoying or harder or less fun. Game balance is hard and hopefully all of the feedback in the thread doesn't lower your enthusiasm for maintaining game balance. I'm sure everyone here thinks that your role is important and game balance needs to be addressed on a regular basis even if they don't like the particular changes that are currently being proposed.

For God; Salvation is Imperative, but not at the cost of our Humanity!

The Vitoc Problem - Conventia Underking

Korg Tronix
Mole Station Nursery
#743 - 2012-01-13 22:21:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Korg Tronix
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
Everyone who has tried to kill my Ishkur spends some time trying to kill my drones.
They are light drones with medium drone hp. I have more than enough time to recall and release them before they get popped.

Wasnt denying that, just saying rockets are a great weapon for killing Drones (derp) and certainly nothing like how they were described. Tbh shooting the drones on a blaster ranged ishkur flown by an experienced drone boat pilot is always fairly pointless.....problem is rarely are Ishkurs piloted by experienced pilots.

Evil: If I were creating the world I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One! [zaps one of his minions accidentally, minion screams]

Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#744 - 2012-01-13 22:27:37 UTC
Lili Lu wrote:
Why does the enyo only get one frigate bonus and all the rest have 2? Where did your consistency go?

5% bonus + 5% bonus
They could easily change the optimal to be frigate level and have the extra 5% as the AF level bonus.
My point is, it doesn't really matter P


Anja Talis
Sal's Waste Management and Pod Disposal
#745 - 2012-01-13 22:36:28 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
Everyone who has tried to kill my Ishkur spends some time trying to kill my drones.
They are light drones with medium drone hp. I have more than enough time to recall and release them before they get popped.

I'd hit them with 2 volleys, they'd then be in low armour, by that point they'd get recalled.
Lili Lu
#746 - 2012-01-13 22:51:44 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
Lili Lu wrote:
Why does the enyo only get one frigate bonus and all the rest have 2? Where did your consistency go?

5% bonus + 5% bonus
They could easily change the optimal to be frigate level and have the extra 5% as the AF level bonus.
My point is, it doesn't really matter P

Sure I saw that, splitting the 10% of damage bonus in two and shifting one bonus on the assault ships to a frig bonus.

Is fine, but then I ask why is the Hawk getting a 10% damage bonus, a 5% rof bonus, a 10% range bonus, and a tanking bonus? Seems to me it still leaves the enyo lacking in comparison (and no tanking bonus).

Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#747 - 2012-01-13 23:06:07 UTC
The Enyo is a really really capable ship.
You can fit a nice tank and match the dps of the rest of the ships, or if you feel like the piloting champion of the world, you can fit for damage and have double the damage output of the rest.
The Enyo is just fine compared to the rest Smile


Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#748 - 2012-01-14 00:54:07 UTC
Apart from enyo needing a cpu boost, the changes look good. nice job ccp
Bunzan Cardinal
The Salty Inquisition
#749 - 2012-01-14 03:26:59 UTC
Zircon Dasher wrote:
Bunzan Cardinal wrote:
Why not just a 25%-35% bonus to AB speed? TBH all i was expecting from a AF buff was a 4th bonus, didnt really see the extra slot and role bonus coming. An AB bonus would better suit the AFs imo as inty's are already the speed tanking T2 equivalent of frigates. Also would be nice if they looked at the Wolf's resists, i never understood why a armor tank ship would have better shield resists then armor resists. Ideally it would be nice to have the resists changed and instead of giving the wolf a low slot, give it a med slot.

We cannot have a 25% AB speed bonus because it creates the possibility of Jags going 3.1k m/s with 12k EHP and the agility of a a regular inty. Get over it.

i think you confused that "2" for a "7". If you can get anywhere near 3.1k m/s now without a small 25% boost then i'd like to see the fit. Otherwise with the current bonus you're already gonna get jags going 3.1k m/s with smaller sigs with a MWD. I still dont like the bonus, its more for inty's then AFs. I know it's been said that AFs already go MWD cruiser speeds atm with an AB, but isnt the point of tackling is to go faster then your target to catch them? A small boost to the current fits of AFs is better than giving them the role of another ship (effectively replacing the inty). The point of AF, i thought, was heavy tackle. What this does is make them fast-heavy tackle and really after this change we would need to see some changes to inty's, maybe give them the AB boost if AFs get the MWD.
m0cking bird
#750 - 2012-01-14 05:13:35 UTC
Bunzan Cardinal wrote:
Zircon Dasher wrote:
Bunzan Cardinal wrote:
Why not just a 25%-35% bonus to AB speed? TBH all i was expecting from a AF buff was a 4th bonus, didnt really see the extra slot and role bonus coming. An AB bonus would better suit the AFs imo as inty's are already the speed tanking T2 equivalent of frigates. Also would be nice if they looked at the Wolf's resists, i never understood why a armor tank ship would have better shield resists then armor resists. Ideally it would be nice to have the resists changed and instead of giving the wolf a low slot, give it a med slot.

We cannot have a 25% AB speed bonus because it creates the possibility of Jags going 3.1k m/s with 12k EHP and the agility of a a regular inty. Get over it.

i think you confused that "2" for a "7". If you can get anywhere near 3.1k m/s now without a small 25% boost then i'd like to see the fit. Otherwise with the current bonus you're already gonna get jags going 3.1k m/s with smaller sigs with a MWD. I still dont like the bonus, its more for inty's then AFs. I know it's been said that AFs already go MWD cruiser speeds atm with an AB, but isnt the point of tackling is to go faster then your target to catch them? A small boost to the current fits of AFs is better than giving them the role of another ship (effectively replacing the inty). The point of AF, i thought, was heavy tackle. What this does is make them fast-heavy tackle and really after this change we would need to see some changes to inty's, maybe give them the AB boost if AFs get the MWD.

Indeed, however you're going to be told you are wrong very soon. Apparently this thread has a babysitter. Someone who has no interest in other pilots opinions. I wonder where CCP Tallest is. Most likely he's tied up and locked in some closet somewhere.

What we're suppose to do is listen to a single pilots speeches and agree. Apparently no one else has access to the test servers. So, when someone points out any issues with these changes after flying these ships on the test sever. Don't listen, because even though they're using the test server they're not. P much anyone who post in this thread is wrong unless they agree with one pilot.

Kinda funny tbh. However, from what I'm being told. Alot of pilots do not agree with these changes and have almost given up on responding in this thread lol. P sure, they will complain later on and make sure CCP changes it in the future anyway. So, assault frigates will be looked @ again more than likely and changed(with these terrible changes for the most part).
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#751 - 2012-01-14 06:21:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Prometheus Exenthal
Proxyyy, please shut it.
You haven't posted anything constructive since you started, other than extreme niche EFT setups trying to provoke people into thinking the ships are overpowered. Every time you've been asked to prove your worth you've simply backed into your corner and then come back with some irrelevant idea or *awesome fit*. Just. Stop.

As for the AB nonsense again, this has been said a thousand times:
The middle ground would be somewhere around 1400m/s (ship depending), which is a 50% speed bonus:
- barely faster than a cruiser (1600mm thorax is 1200m/s, 1800 overloaded)
- still insanely overpowered if said ships actually get the tackle or combat missile boats

And for Proxyyy, since you seem to be a special one, let me make it very clear to you:
This has been beaten to death. In order for an AB arrangement to be viable it needs to be faster that 50%.
And when when you reach a bonus that's actually fast enough to be useful, you have now breached into overpowered territory. It's not rocket science, you're just too thick to understand it.

And as for the rest who still can't comprehend, go on the test server and try it out.
I've seen very few of you *actually* trying these things out, and those of you that are are either seeing the light or still trying to play "low-sec hero" afterburning around the battlefields and complaining that the ships suck.

As for the babysitting remark, please. If it weren't for people like me you'd have been eating paste your whole life.
It's like watching kids & Santa Claus. It's cute for a while, then you just need to tell them he doesn't exist. Grow up.


Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#752 - 2012-01-14 09:50:20 UTC

The old interceptor bonus was a 7.5% reduction in signature radius per level for a grand 37.5% reduction at level 5. Well when you crunch the numbers that is pretty close to the proposed MWD bonus' effect. Example:

40m assault frigate -
Current MWD proposal 40 x 3.5 = 140m
Old sig reduction 25 x 6 = 150m

It's within 10m if both use a MWD. And the latter bonus is useful for AB aficionados too. Twisted
Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#753 - 2012-01-14 10:57:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
m0cking bird wrote:
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
m0cking bird wrote:
Here are some conservative changes to assault frigates.


Role bonus: 50% bonus to Capacitor

Yea that looks pretty good for keeping the status quo.

What changes would you like to see to assault frigates?

I would like to see all frigates playing a larger role in PvP and approve of any changes that have a chance of achieving this. Starting with AFs. Your proposed 50% capacitor bonus doesn't achieve anything in this regard, it only makes them better (lowsec) soloers but doesn't bring them out of the gutter.
Extropic Industries
#754 - 2012-01-14 11:45:55 UTC
Minmatar Online, when will this **** end?

- Kem.
Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#755 - 2012-01-14 12:02:25 UTC
Zarnak Wulf wrote:
...It's within 10m if both use a MWD. And the latter bonus is useful for AB aficionados too. Twisted

Would make them way too hard to kill once you factor in the mandatory Loki .. that sig bonus worked for interceptors since you can often kill them just by looking at them, but on AFs that can field cruiser size tanks *shudder* .. Wolf would be a 200dps/10k EHP light drone Smile
Also shares the problem that any uniform combat related bonus has, it mainly benefits the few (ie. strong become stronger).

The only such bonus I can think of that would benefit all in equal measure is a heat resistance or efficiency bonus, but I think CCP said some time ago that it represents an advanced style of play so won't be used on "normal" ships or some nonsense like that.

The MWD bonus has such a limited use that any benefit already strong hulls may gain from it will be negligible, but that is about the only good thing there is to say about it.
Much better all-round if 1mn MWD's had their sig bloom halved instead as all frigates/dessies labour under the very problems that Prom seeks to solve for AFs .. bonus is that tackle in the form of interceptors would become phenomenal even in blobby weather.

Wonder how many of the Wolf/Jaguar/Ishkur BPO's are in Prom&Co's hands, bet it is most of them considering the arbitrary dismissals of any criticism.
Anja Talis
Sal's Waste Management and Pod Disposal
#756 - 2012-01-14 12:19:21 UTC
Kemhotep wrote:
Minmatar Online, when will this **** end?

- Kem.

How'd you reckon that? The Minmatar AF's pop nicely. Oh, let me guess, you haven't tried em?
Caldari State
#757 - 2012-01-14 12:23:00 UTC
Hirana Yoshida wrote:
[Wonder how many of the Wolf/Jaguar/Ishkur BPO's are in Prom&Co's hands, bet it is most of them considering the arbitrary dismissals of any criticism.

Funnily enough, the jag is easily the weakest of the SiSi AFs and the Wolf/Ishkur are decidedly middling.
Alex Medvedov
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#758 - 2012-01-14 12:30:29 UTC
Kemhotep wrote:
Minmatar Online, when will this **** end?

- Kem.

And your findings are based on what exactly?

Although the Wolf would be damn good ship after the changes, it still lacks a web and therefore Enyo, Vengeance, Hawk, Harpy, Ishkur are going to be far more effective in dealing with bigger ships.
After the changes, Jaguar would be actually one of the weakest AFs in terms of AF vs AF combat...
Axel Greye
Unlikely Suspects
#759 - 2012-01-14 13:43:45 UTC
A 25% AB bonus would be fairly harmless, but still useful.
a Hawk for instance would be gaining around 250m/s, and a jaguar would be gaining 366m/s. They would still be slow in comparison to say the dramiel which AB burns at well over 2km/s.
If Assault frigates had even a little AB Bonus, to say put them in the territory of 1500m/s - 2000m/s, I would actually be much more inclined to use dual prop setups like dramiels. But as most of them will barely hit 1100m/s with a non-faction Afterburner, the web is usually needed to dictate effectively.
the MWD sig reduction is useful for a number of setups, but I still think Assault frigates work better when their tank is assisted by an Afterburner Speed tank. 75% is too much, 50% too much still, but 25%-30% doesn't seem unthinkable.

Duchess Starbuckington
#760 - 2012-01-14 13:56:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Duchess Starbuckington
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
Stuff about an AB bonus.

We're 38 pages in, and this still needs to be reiterated for people?
Dear god.

A 25% AB bonus would be fairly harmless, but still useful.

Not really, no. As has been stated dozens of times across this thread, there is no middle ground on an AB buff. It's either overpowered, or useless. 25% bonus is useless.