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First Maxed Eve account.

First post
Caldari State
#661 - 2016-04-28 10:59:01 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

Regardless of experience, a player with max skills and top of the line ship fit will dominate and slaughter anyone in 1v1 encounters.

To think otherwise is just foolish.



No Vacancies
No Vacancies.
#662 - 2016-04-28 11:16:15 UTC
It is interesting how many ppl are affected by this what happened. Yes he maxed out skills, but he's actually not even really playing anymore afaik, but only doing some non-ship-based stuff ...

And he did it probably not even because to show you how good he is, but maybe just because he's so bored of the game, that there was literally nothing anymore that he could do to make the evening exciting in eve. Just an assumption ...

At the end, there is a limit with all the injectors that can be done. There is this one and there might be some others. But since SP is lost, everytime someone is injecting or extracting, except of some very low-SP cases, even money cannot buy everything at the end. There is a limit of how much SP can be extracted in a short amount of time, as there will be a moment, nobody has anything more to extract, and from that moment, they either need to create new chars to gain SP ... which then ... take time ... or accounts need to be destroyed that were not planned to be destroyed in the first place, so someone else can put that SP into his account.

So ... Pay2Win ... maybe ... but only for the time, until there are no injectors left.

From that moment ... everything works as usual. And the "some" guys that did inject to get ALL the skills ... will probably not be seen on the field and we might just know "there is one ..." but we more appreciate those ppl anyways that write in reddit or forum something like "yay \o/ i did it ... Minmatar Dread V after ... many months or whatever" ... and life goes on from that moment and we all know "that is the eve we like and play" :)

Chopper Rollins
#663 - 2016-07-17 00:55:22 UTC
Scott Dracov wrote:
will degrade their product any way they can to get more it seems.

Ideal Capitalism is where you are under pressure from competitors to improve your product and so out-do the competition.
Real Capitalism is where you work to abolish both the employee and the customer, as far as they are involved with profit.
Ideal Capitalism is where your product becomes necessary to the consumer so much so that it is in your interest to degrade the customer, forever receiving more for less.
The best food is made by the person dedicated to making good food. The most profit is made by the schmuck who figures "hell people gotta eat" and so wrings a buck out of that need, with no real motivation to make food.
Marketing is how you are informed that the second guy is a genius and a great man.

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#664 - 2016-07-17 05:04:07 UTC
Chopper Rollins wrote:

Ideal Capitalism is where you are under pressure from competitors to improve your product and so out-do the competition.


Real Capitalism is where you work to abolish both the employee and the customer, as far as they are involved with profit.


Ideal Capitalism is where your product becomes necessary to the consumer so much so that it is in your interest to degrade the customer, forever receiving more for less.


The best food is made by the person dedicated to making good food. The most profit is made by the schmuck who figures "hell people gotta eat" and so wrings a buck out of that need, with no real motivation to make food.
Marketing is how you are informed that the second guy is a genius and a great man.


You started out so well, then went totally off the rails.

Oh...and why exactly are you necroing this thread?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Valkin Mordirc
#665 - 2016-07-17 05:30:29 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

Regardless of experience, a player with max skills and top of the line ship fit will dominate and slaughter anyone in 1v1 encounters.

To think otherwise is just foolish.



As EVE stands right now. Even with Max skills, it's entierly possible a player who understand the mechanics of combat for EVE would or could easily kill a maxxed SP player.

I've personally met a large amount of players who still think all you do is orbit at 500 and press F1.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#666 - 2016-07-17 19:38:52 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Valkin Mordirc wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

Regardless of experience, a player with max skills and top of the line ship fit will dominate and slaughter anyone in 1v1 encounters.

To think otherwise is just foolish.



As EVE stands right now. Even with Max skills, it's entierly possible a player who understand the mechanics of combat for EVE would or could easily kill a maxxed SP player.

I've personally met a large amount of players who still think all you do is orbit at 500 and press F1.

Experience can be gained real quickly whereas skill points take time to accumulate. Well, it use to take time, now all it takes is money and anyone can have a max skilled character using top of the line equipment in less than a week. Which is exactly what this thread is all about.

Anyway as for your statement, gotta call BS on it. That same old story, same old song and dance propaganda crap is constantly told to new players on their first day in game. By the end of their Trial period they quickly realize it's just BS..

Chopper Rollins
#667 - 2016-07-17 23:52:05 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:

You started out so well, then went totally off the rails.

You must think so because you disagree with something i said. Single word contradictions have to be ignored, since a valid response would be to answer No with Yes. Opinionated people yelling yes and no at each other is a version of hell best avoided.

Teckos Pech wrote:
Oh...and why exactly are you necroing this thread?

I read a post by someone, looked at their other posts, saw one i just had to quote because i thought it important. In a way, forums are for venting neuroses and not really important.

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Shallanna Yassavi
qwertz corp
#668 - 2016-07-18 00:34:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Shallanna Yassavi
CCP is getting more aggressive in the harpooning of whales.

EVE has been P2W ever since the first multiboxed mining fleet happened.
There are a lot of players out there who will see P2W, turn, and leave. We don't get to scam them, we don't get to blow them up. They see the game tried to sell them an in-game advantage for money, and they're just gone. They don't get to see the insane cross-play of all the toys we can put on our ships. They've seen what this does to games, and they know better to get into another one which even looks like it does this.

tl;dr: P2W makes a lot of content log off and uninstall.

A signature :o

Valkin Mordirc
#669 - 2016-07-18 12:50:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Valkin Mordirc

Experience can be gained real quickly whereas skill points take time to accumulate. Well, it use to take time, now all it takes is money and anyone can have a max skilled character using top of the line equipment in less than a week. Which is exactly what this thread is all about.

Knowledge on how to properly use mechanics and the understanding of mechanics is independent to the person trying to apply them. Multiple factors act as hindrance, or promotion in how an individual learns and uses the knowledge to great or dismissed effects.

I've seen players who have been told multiple times that a certain idea is bad, that what they are trying to accomplish is better done with something else. One of which was around my area of SP, but he was dual tanking Ravens and another player trying to run a Charon into lowsec, not matter how many times people told him he wouldn't listen.

Regardless of these factors these types of players are in EVE. Don't discount stupidity.

So in extreme, A player with maxxed SP, could easily be bested by another simply because he hasn't had the time to learn about the game proper. Or he's just plain stupid. Or ignorant and stuck on his own ideals. Since you seem to thing that what I say is Propaganda and Bullshit. It should be fairly easy for you to believe that one may be so stuck in his own ideals that he would refuse to see logical reason.

Also a player who has been around long enough to have 100mil SP, will undoubtable destroy the newbie who buys is way into 100mil SP. You seriously can not believe that literal Day Zero Player will have the ability to beat a 10-year BitterVet.

Even if both are give a local tanked thorax. Are told to fight. Do you honestly thing Day Zero will know how to handle cap management? Or how to use Orbit and Keep at range effectively? Do you think his reactions to DPS and Drones will be fast enough to keep up with a bittervet?

Anyway as for your statement, gotta call BS on it. That same old story, same old song and dance propaganda crap is constantly told to new players on their first day in game. By the end of their Trial period they quickly realize it's just BS..


Same old Story, Same old Dance. People repeat what they believe. Just because you have a disagreement with such does not turn it into propaganda.

It's just a certain majorities opinion, or a few vocal minorities.

I honestly from my time in EVE, that after 25mil SP a player can accomplish anything he wants just as long as he makes sure his cards are set in his favor.
Jean Luc Clermont
Gallente Federation
#670 - 2016-07-18 13:39:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Jean Luc Clermont
You know...

It's a lot of ISK to wave your e-peen about really, after all.. Very few Keepstars in the game so far so, being able to fly all those Supers is next to pointless currently.

I'm a jealous of his ISK, well yeah.. to be honest I am. Would i spend it like this, if i had it? Nah, not really, cos like i said, i don't see that point.

I'd still fight this toon 1v1, cos skill points and money don't make you a better player. A year old 12mil sp toon could match him in any frig, dessie or cruiser, I have toons that would match him in BSes too

I guess some folks will spend money just to show off, we see this all day, every day in RL.

One other thing that i would like to make comment on having read many of the replies..

Eve is now and has always been a game where wealth increases your chance of a win... from year dot.

More over it has been P2W ever since they introduced PLEX to the game.

Let's be straight about it, the only real winner here is CCP
Roenok Baalnorn
Baalnorn Heavy Industries
#671 - 2016-07-18 14:27:21 UTC
SP definitely has an affect on a players ability to survive and win in a fight. Sometimes it is enough alone to give that player an edge over their opponent(s). Sometimes it isnt. It is similar to blobbing. Sometimes blobbing is enough to give an edge over an opponent and sometimes it isnt.

In all cases, more SP is an advantage. It is still not god mode though. A 500 mil sp character can be beat by a 20 mil sp character. You can only max out so many skills that apply to your particular situation, so in the grand scheme of things having 500 mil sp doesnt make you any more special than the next guy because you dont use all 500 mil of that sp at the same time in the same situation.

I actually have a good example for this. I am currently training a noob up to be a ratter so my main doesnt havent to JC back and forth between my own space and deployment systems. I am training him very specifically for this task. When i am done training him he will have the same ability to do this task using the same ship as my main. In this situation they are equal even though my main will have 10-15 times more SP than him when all is said and done.

SP only matters to the point that it applies to the situation. All that other SP my main has doesnt apply to this situation, so he has no added benefit over my noob. At this point it comes down to the actual skills of the person and the decisions they make.

Now if my main was actually a new player who injected to that level. And my noob was me who just started a new character to play with that player. I can guarantee you, that i will perform better than he will because i have the experience and knowledge of game mechanics. Where as he has little to no clue. And experience is something you can only buy with time.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#672 - 2016-07-18 17:59:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Chopper Rollins wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

You started out so well, then went totally off the rails.

You must think so because you disagree with something i said. Single word contradictions have to be ignored, since a valid response would be to answer No with Yes. Opinionated people yelling yes and no at each other is a version of hell best avoided.

Teckos Pech wrote:
Oh...and why exactly are you necroing this thread?

I read a post by someone, looked at their other posts, saw one i just had to quote because i thought it important. In a way, forums are for venting neuroses and not really important.

First off, one word responses were sufficient because the vapid nature of what you wrote. Such as abolishing the customer. No customer no sale, no sale no money, no money no firm. Pretty simple really.

Also under capitalism trade is mutually beneficial, or is at least perceived to be a priori. If it were not why are you so stupid to engage in the exchange?

Also, one of the biggest things one can do to improve profitability is to be innovative. Innovation results in alot more output in general than merely engaging in standard cost cutting. Firms that are innovative tend to be much more profitable than firms that are just doing the usual cost cutting, producing the same old thing.

Edit: Hell, your first paragraph/sentence is contradicted by your last paragraph.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Pandora Carrollon
Provi Rapid Response
#673 - 2016-07-18 18:40:17 UTC
Robin wrote:
Holy Zombie-Thread Batman!

To those talking about Capitalism, please stop, you're making my brain hurt. There's no such thing as ideal Captialism because it's a free market and free means just that, open to everything. If there were any such thing as ideal Capitalism it would be "the trading of goods and services based upon agreed to terms and conditions". That's it. Anything else is perception based spin.

To those wanting to still discuss a Max-Out fluff toon... please, let this thread die again. Skill injectors are a fact of existence now. Let this thing go to bed. Start a different thread to debate toon skill vs. player skill.
Chopper Rollins
#674 - 2016-07-19 00:12:50 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:

First off, one word responses were sufficient because the vapid nature of what you wrote.

Ok, sounds like a cool game. No. Your turn.

Teckos Pech wrote:
Such as abolishing the customer. No customer no sale, no sale no money, no money no firm. Pretty simple really.

The customer and the employee are drains on profit and can be abolished insofar as they impact profit. You are simple, read different books.

Teckos Pech wrote:
Also under capitalism trade is mutually beneficial, or is at least perceived to be a priori. If it were not why are you so stupid to engage in the exchange?

If i own the town you live in, the factory you work in, the hospital you were born in, every school, store, library, bank and water supply you use, you are not being stupid when you pay me for what you made, with your labor, using worthless tickets i issued to you as payment. You're just at a massive disadvantage.

Teckos Pech wrote:
Also, one of the biggest things one can do to improve profitability is to be innovative. Innovation results in alot more output in general than merely engaging in standard cost cutting. Firms that are innovative tend to be much more profitable than firms that are just doing the usual cost cutting, producing the same old thing.

Now who's being vapid? " of the biggest things...a lot more output in general..." Innovation is a buzzword, profitability improves much more if you monopolize markets, destroy competitor's ability to operate and collude with others to behave like a cartel. Ever wonder why there's so many laws against things like that? Actually give it some thought, no snappy answer please, and remember that money is a form of rationing.

Teckos Pech wrote:
Edit: Hell, your first paragraph/sentence is contradicted by your last paragraph.

McDonalds does more business and makes more profit than any 5-star resaurant, VHS was never as good as BETAMAX, the list of inferior products that pushed superior ones out of business is long, showing the difference between Ideal and Actual.

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

John Volan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#675 - 2016-07-19 04:20:17 UTC
Oh look a huge yellow skillboard.

What an enormous waste of isk... couldn't he just go fly a leopard filled with a thousand plexes around Jita or something?
Epic Ganking Time
#676 - 2016-07-19 05:28:56 UTC
Wow. I think it's pretty impressive.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#677 - 2016-07-19 06:09:37 UTC
Chopper Rollins wrote:

[snip due to too many quotes]

Customer's are the source of profits, and labor is a factor of production. You cannot do without both right now, no matter what.

If you owned the town I lived in? Seriously? How about this, I move. Exchange is mutually beneficial. I only engage in a trade if it benefits me. If I cannot and I have to engage in the trade anyways that is NOT capitalism, it is called feudalism.

No, you are just plain old vanilla ignorant as to understanding economic growth. If one looks at things like cost minimization and population growth it explains about 20% of economic growth. What explains the other 80%? Innovation. If you knew anything about this field you'd know that there is a problem with economic growth theory because it explains so little. In fact, the notion of innovation was basically ignored.

Do you know what is perhaps the most innovative company in the world right now? Wal-Mart. One of their innovations was realizing they could put loading docks on 2 sides of the building, so that trucks with inventory for the produce/grocery section could have its own dedicated loading dock and the other half the store could it's own dedicated loading dock. Meaning that instead of having to move half the inventory across the store they could move it a much shorter distance. Wal-Mart also has the fewest patents of a corporation of its size. When a company turns to patents and intellectual property protection it is entering a phase when it is less innovative and sclerotic.

As for monopolies that is the exact OPPOSITE of competition. Further monopolies can only be sustained via government diktat or if the firm has a very unique cost structure. Further, what looks like a monopoly in 10-20 years will look alot less like a monopoly. Examples:

Standard Oil, at its height it controlled over 95% of the oil refining. When it was finally broken up it was down to about 65% of the refining market....and Ironically, Standard Oil has largely reformed under Exxon-Mobil, but it is still nowhere near a monopoly. Oh, and breaking Standard up made J. D. Rockefeller one of the richest men in the world.

IBM, which was sued by the US Justice Department, but by the time the case actually went to court IBM was no longer a dominant player in the computer market thanks to the rise of Microsoft.

Microsoft and the internet browser...again, by the time the case made it to court there was already a significant competitor, Firefox, and today there are several other competitors.

As for McDonalds, maybe you should stop reading whatever idiotic things you are reading and look at McDonalds closely. They are in trouble. They are struggling to stay in existence. They ditched their last CEO and brought in a new guy because things were going badly. McDonalds is facing alot of competition. For example, here in California if you want an awesome and affordable burger you go to In-n-Out a chain the makes fantastic burgers and amazing french fries at a very reasonable price. Again, an example of an innovative company. In-n-Out controls their entire supply chain thus internalizing lots of costs and reducing them. Now, is In-n-Out a five star restaurant? No, but it is a damn good burger. Some "mom-n-pop" establishments might beat it, but unless you are familiar with an area you go with In-n-Out because you know the quality will be at a certain level...way above McDonalds.

As for Betamax vs. VHS there is alot more there than you are letting on. For example Betamax could only offer up to 60 minutes of recording. VHS came in at 120 then later 240 minutes. So while Betamax had somewhat better picture quality on the dimension of recording time it was clearly inferior.

And I am still trying to figure out what any of this has to do with a maxed out epeen toon owned by a fairly dubious player in the game....oh wait, capitalism is bad and this is one more example. Roll

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Chopper Rollins
#678 - 2016-07-19 08:42:36 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
If I cannot and I have to engage in the trade anyways that is NOT capitalism, it is called feudalism.


Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#679 - 2016-07-19 17:17:30 UTC
Chopper Rollins wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
If I cannot and I have to engage in the trade anyways that is NOT capitalism, it is called feudalism.


So you purposefully conflated feudalism with were being deliberately dishonest? Okay, good to know.

And this has what to do with a maxed out show character? That CCP is some sort of feudal lord? Roll

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#680 - 2016-07-19 17:32:24 UTC
Not maxed, he doesn't have the "Black Market Trading " skill they never enabled (I do P ). So I'll get pretty close to that over time. I was logged on last night and looking for skills to train. It is getting to the point where I am jut training new skills just to have something to train. I might not get there this year but in a few years I will have gotten mostly maxed. No skill injectors were involved. Just time and boredom.