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[Citadels] Dreadnoughts

First post
CCP Larrikin
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2016-04-25 16:15:07 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Fozzie
Hi M8s,

We're making huge changes to capitals with the Citadels expansion. Most of these changes are on Sisi now and we'd love you to get on there and help us with testing!

  • All combat capitals have reduced base Shields/Armor/Hull. There are now capital armor plates and capital shield extenders that you should use to increase the buffer of your capital ship.
  • We've introduced new High Angle Weaponry, these are the 'Quad Mega Pulse Laser', 'Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon', 'Triple Neutron Blaster Cannon' and 'Rapid Torpedo Launcher'.
  • Building requirements for all Dreads has changed. See here.

The siege module has been changed and now includes the following resistances/bonuses
  • 75-80% bonus to Sensor Dampener resistance (T1/T2)
  • 75-80% bonus to Weapon Disruption resistance (T1/T2)
  • 400-500% bonus to Sensor Strength (T1/T2)
  • 80% increase to Remote Electronic Assistance impedance
  • 100% increase to Remote Repair impedance
  • Siege no longer gives a Scan Resolution penalty
  • Siege no longer breaks locks on activation

All of these changes are on Sisi, and we'd appreciate you jumping on and helping to test them!

The current stats we're looking at:

Amarr Dreadnought bonuses (per skill level):
  • 5% bonus to Capital Energy Turret damage
  • 4% bonus to all armor resistances
  • 10% reduction in Capital Energy Turret activation cost
  • Role Bonus:
    • Can fit Siege modules
    • 5x penalty to Entosis Link duration
    Stats (before skills):
    • Slot layout: 5H, 4M, 8L
    • Hardpoints (turret / launcher): 3 / 0
    • Fittings: 780,000 PWG, 615 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 78,100 / 113,000 / 113,000
    • Base shield resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 0 / 20 / 40 / 50
    • Base armor resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 50 / 35 / 25 / 20
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge / cap per second) : 60,000 / 4400s / 13.63
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 75 / 0.042 / 1,350,000,000 / 78.6s
    • Fleet Hanger (bay): 10,000
    • Cargo Bay: 2,175m3
    • Ship Hanger: 1,000,000m3
    • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 97.5km / 80 / 7
    • Sensor strength: 41
    • Signature radius: 11,100

    Caldari Dreadnought bonuses (per skill level):
    • 5% bonus to XL Cruse, XL Torpedo and Torpedo damage
    • 4% bonus to all shield resistances
    • 10% reduction in missile launcher reload time
    Role Bonus:
    • Can fit Siege modules
    • 5x penalty to Entosis Link duration
    Stats (before skills):
    • Slot layout: 5H, 7M, 5L
    • Hardpoints (turret / launcher): 0 / 3
    • Fittings: 500,000 PWG, 965 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 104,200 / 86,800 / 104,200
    • Base shield resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 0 / 20 / 40 / 50
    • Base armor resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 50 / 45 / 25 / 10
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge / cap per second) : 52,500 / 3850s / 13.63
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 70 / 0.044 / 1,300,000,000 / 79.30s
    • Fleet Hanger (bay): 10,000
    • Cargo Bay: 2,750m3
    • Ship Hanger: 1,000,000m3
    • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 115km / 70 / 7
    • Sensor strength: 48
    • Signature radius: 11,200

    Gallente Dreadnought bonuses (per skill level):
    • 5% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret damage
    • 5% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret rate of fire
    • 5% bonus to Armor Repairer cycle time
    Role Bonus:
    • Can fit Siege modules
    • 5x penalty to Entosis Link duration
    Stats (before skills):
    • Slot layout: 5H, 5M, 7L
    • Fittings: 660,000 PWG, 750 CPU
    • Hardpoints (turret / launcher): 3 / 0
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 86,800 / 104,200 / 121,500
    • Base shield resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 0 / 20 / 40 / 50
    • Base armor resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 50 / 35 / 35 / 10
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge / cap per second) : 54,500 / 4000s / 13.625
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 75 / 0.045 / 1.250,000,000 / 77.98s
    • Fleet Hanger (bay): 10,000
    • Cargo Bay: 2,550m3
    • Ship Hanger: 1,000,000m3
    • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 105km / 75 / 7
    • Sensor strength: 44
    • Signature radius: 11,300

    Minmatar Dreadnought bonuses (per skill level):
    • 5% bonus to Capital Projectile Turret damage
    • 5% bonus to Capital Projectile Turret rate of fire
    • 5% bonus to Shield Booster cycle time
    Role Bonus:
    • 50% bonus to Capital Projectile Turret Damage
    • Can fit Siege modules
    • 5x penalty to Entosis Link duration
    Stats (before skills):
  • Slot layout: 4H, 6M, 6L
  • Hardpoints (turret / launcher): 2 / 0
  • Fittings: 460,000 PWG, 740 CPU
  • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 95,500 / 95,500 / 95,500
  • Base shield resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 0 / 20 / 40 / 50
  • Base armor resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 60 / 35 / 25 / 10
  • Capacitor (amount / recharge / cap per second) : 50,000 / 3660s / 13.66
  • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 80 / 0.044 / 1,280,000,000 / 78.08s
  • Fleet Hanger (bay): 10,000
  • Cargo Bay: 2,900m3
  • Ship Hanger: 1,000,000m3
  • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 92.5km / 85 / 7
  • Sensor strength: 39
  • Signature radius: 11,000

Game Designer | Team Phenomenon |

CCP Larrikin
C C P Alliance
#2 - 2016-04-25 16:15:15 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Larrikin

Q) Does 'Remote Repair impedance' include Remote Capacitor Transmitters?
A) Yes.

Q) Are you adding a weapons timer to Siege or Triage, like Bastion has?
A) No.

  • 6 x Capital Sensor Cluster
  • 6 x Capital Computer System
  • 7 x Capital Shield Emitter
  • 7 x Capital Propulsion Engine
  • 13 x Capital Construction Parts
  • 7 x Capital Capacitor Battery
  • 28 x Capital Armor Plates
  • 13 x Capital Power Generator
  • 9 x Capital Jump Drive
  • 16 x Capital Ship Maintenance Bay
  • 8 x Capital Corporate Hangar Bay
  • 37 x Capital Turret Hardpoint
  • 28 x Capital Siege Array

  • 6 x Capital Sensor Cluster
  • 13 x Capital Computer System
  • 28 x Capital Shield Emitter
  • 7 x Capital Propulsion Engine
  • 13 x Capital Construction Parts
  • 7 x Capital Capacitor Battery
  • 7 x Capital Armor Plates
  • 6 x Capital Power Generator
  • 9 x Capital Jump Drive
  • 16 x Capital Ship Maintenance Bay
  • 8 x Capital Corporate Hangar Bay
  • 28 x Capital Siege Array
  • 37 x Capital Launcher Hardpoint

  • 6 x Capital Sensor Cluster
  • 6 x Capital Computer System
  • 11 x Capital Shield Emitter
  • 7 x Capital Propulsion Engine
  • 13 x Capital Construction Parts
  • 7 x Capital Capacitor Battery
  • 24 x Capital Armor Plates
  • 13 x Capital Power Generator
  • 9 x Capital Jump Drive
  • 16 x Capital Ship Maintenance Bay
  • 8 x Capital Corporate Hangar Bay
  • 37 x Capital Turret Hardpoint
  • 28 x Capital Siege Array

  • 6 x Capital Sensor Cluster
  • 13 x Capital Computer System
  • 24 x Capital Shield Emitter
  • 7 x Capital Propulsion Engine
  • 13 x Capital Construction Parts
  • 7 x Capital Capacitor Battery
  • 11 x Capital Armor Plates
  • 6 x Capital Power Generator
  • 9 x Capital Jump Drive
  • 16 x Capital Ship Maintenance Bay
  • 8 x Capital Corporate Hangar Bay
  • 37 x Capital Turret Hardpoint
  • 28 x Capital Siege Array

  • Added Industrial Requirement changes

Game Designer | Team Phenomenon |

Crazy KSK
Tsunami Cartel
#3 - 2016-04-25 16:36:16 UTC
With all the new modules and the utility highs their fitting space feels a bit cramped I suggest giving all of them about one capital modules worth of cpu/pg.

Quote CCP Fozzie: ... The days of balance and forget are over.

#4 - 2016-04-25 16:46:37 UTC
Crazy KSK wrote:
With all the new modules and the utility highs their fitting space feels a bit cramped I suggest giving all of them about one capital modules worth of cpu/pg.

Going Critical
#5 - 2016-04-25 17:02:42 UTC
Are dreadnoughts gettnig a new build recipe? Can we have final confirmed details please?
Archeras Umangiar
Snuffed Out
#6 - 2016-04-25 17:05:45 UTC
Ok.... (Finally.... we get ~some~ infos, and now the industrial part of the infos please?)

I feel like we are having to litteraly read your minds to get any informations about the patch comming in two! (2) days
Half Empty
#7 - 2016-04-25 17:09:26 UTC
The revs and phoenix's 3rd bonus feels kinda useless...
Frontier Trading Company
#8 - 2016-04-25 17:09:57 UTC
Thats great having useless cap bonus on rev!

Why you can't put there something tangible? Like damage bonus (same as other dreads) or tracking bonus (to help poor lazer tracking)?
Vardec Crom
The Harpooner's Rest
#9 - 2016-04-25 17:22:48 UTC
The EHP reduction basically necessitates plates and LSE's, but that isn't even really the issue. As it stands now, with dreads being immobile, two titans with pikes could obliterate an entire dread fleet with ease. The DD changes have made this ship class completely obsolete in a combat role. Not to even mention the fact that SC's with shadows are going to be one shotting dreads as well.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2016-04-25 17:34:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Pathas
Anyone else get the feeling that this seems a little rushed?
Wulfy Johnson
NorCorp Security
#11 - 2016-04-25 17:53:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Wulfy Johnson
Rev and Phoenix still getting a third bonus based on bad balanse on weaponsystem/ hull, whilst the 2 others gets an accual bonus. Personally i think its a messed up balanse patch where such things should have been cleared up and put in line.

Edit: i see nag is Even getting a 4'th under role bonus.
Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#12 - 2016-04-25 18:09:18 UTC
Wulfy Johnson wrote:
Edit: i see nag is Even getting a 4'th under role bonus.

That is to compensate for the others all having 3 launchers/hardpoints while the nag only has 2.
Maraque Enterprises
Just let it happen
#13 - 2016-04-25 18:11:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Goldensaver
100% increase to Remote Repair impedance

Just curious because of the wording here; are dreads capable or not capable of receiving remote capacitor assistance in siege now?

Edit: to clarify I mean after patch.
Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#14 - 2016-04-25 18:16:46 UTC
Goldensaver wrote:
100% increase to Remote Repair impedance

Just curious because of the wording here; are dreads capable or not capable of receiving remote capacitor assistance in siege now?

They never were, that was the "balance" factor on siege mode, the other being you couldn't move or jump.

Combined with the new changes to refitting with a weapons timer, and a nerf to EHP, it basically means a lot more dreads will be dying.
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#15 - 2016-04-25 18:22:47 UTC
Crazy KSK wrote:
With all the new modules and the utility highs their fitting space feels a bit cramped I suggest giving all of them about one capital modules worth of cpu/pg.


It doesn't feel like they accounted enough for the added fitting requirements of not only the new capital mods but the introduction of T2 mods.
Maraque Enterprises
Just let it happen
#16 - 2016-04-25 18:23:03 UTC
Sentient Blade wrote:
Goldensaver wrote:
100% increase to Remote Repair impedance

Just curious because of the wording here; are dreads capable or not capable of receiving remote capacitor assistance in siege now?

They never were, that was the "balance" factor on siege mode, the other being you couldn't move or jump.

Combined with the new changes to refitting with a weapons timer, and a nerf to EHP, it basically means a lot more dreads will be dying.

I know they aren't right now. I'm asking because the vague wording does not imply capacitor assistance. So after this patch can you have cap chaining dreads? CCPls clarify. I will nitpick this because it is a very important distinction.
Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#17 - 2016-04-25 18:57:15 UTC
Well GG Amarr/Caldari your dreads have just been nerfed into uselessness.
Why would anyone bother with them anymore when the Gallente Moros is vastly superior? The 3rd racial bonus for Rev/Phoenix is totally useless.


My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

Khaelian Osiris
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2016-04-25 19:03:19 UTC
Panther X wrote:
Well GG Amarr/Caldari your dreads have just been nerfed into uselessness.

I wasn't aware that the rev was useful to begin with.

Apparently the reason for the Phoenix's reload bonus is because otherwise it'd be viable running normal torpedo launchers. I'm still mad about the Rev's bonus, considering every other dread technically gets a damage and rate bonus.
Tatsuj Khan
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2016-04-25 19:04:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Tatsuj Khan
CCP Larrikin wrote:

...Most of these changes are on Sisi now and we'd love you to get on there and help us with testing!

CCP Larrikin >
when (rough date is ok) does CCP plan to mirror to Singularity?

According to CCP Falcon's post:
"When were the last mirrors taken from TQ:
Singularity: March 9th, 2016"

My wormhole corp is interested in testing out these capital, citadel, and high class combat site changes, so we like to prepare ourselves for the next mirror over.

Exploration Frontier inc
#20 - 2016-04-25 19:14:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Altrue
Oh wow, I'm sorry to be so blunt but, this is absolutely stupid to have the Phoenix and the Rev get a bonus that's only there due to poor stat attribution on the weapons themselves.

It's like if IRL I increased the price of my goods right before having them on sale, this stuff isn't only frowned upon, it's plain old illegal... Well that's the same twisted logic you're doing here, and frankly, that's something I'd have expected from 2006 EVE, not 2016 EVE.

Not to mention, guess what, that they also get the useless resistance bonus... On a ship that doesn't have the ability to receive remote assistance 90% of the time!

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