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[Citadels] Carriers

First post
Back Door Burglars
#461 - 2016-04-20 18:29:56 UTC
I think the real question you need to be asking is why would you want to use them anymore?
Kirito Kid
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#462 - 2016-04-20 18:53:10 UTC
Krevnos wrote:
I think the real question you need to be asking is why would you want to use them anymore?

Exactly what everyone wants answered, why use a carrier over a dread, they are both in the same class of ships ie Capitals, but the dread has more of a role and is more effective at killing subcaps with its HAW. If they were to give carriers a role that they are well at or multiple roles that they can be used for that would be great but atm we haven't seen much progress or change.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#463 - 2016-04-20 19:42:12 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:

Adding an Ewar bonus to Carriers achieves nothing - Your still giving up 1/3rd of your Dps to field 3 easily destroyed, slow as a wet week fighters.

like i said adding a t1 ewar bonus so not to the drones but to local e-war turning them into capital e-war



7.5 to TD

15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
25% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal range and falloff
25% bonus to ECM Burst range

7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness
7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener optimal range and falloff

7.5% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness

basically they become e-war with moderate burst dps but capital tank
Why would you want to do such a horrible thing to carriers? For a start 2 of the 4 carriers would be unable to use their "bonus to ewar" - Mid slots on shield carriers are needed for shield not rubbish Gimmick bonus's. When considering things like hull bonuses you need to take support ships into consideration too - Devs can't do it so it is up to players to not suggest silly things Devs might think are good.

Reason no carrier can have an ewar hull bonus - Fax's suck unless in triage and even then they won't rep as much as a triage archon does now. So if your happy to see your carrier killed by a few assault cruisers while your deciding which one to jam, good for you but please don't risk forcing it on those who want carriers to be useful on a battlefield.

I can see it now - Capital remote sensor dampener - 100,000 pg 65 cpu. Do you really want to give up 1/5th of your PG for an ewar module? You can be as sure as, Bob lives, Devs won't give ewar bonuses without also giving the "benefit" (benefit = huge drawback) of capital ewar modules.

Carriers are about fighters (see that devs, carriers need fighters) - Don't risk screwing them worse than Devs already have by suggesting silly things.

Sorry if this is a bit harsh - But Devs have screwed carriers enough, please don't add to their demise with silly suggestions. Get on SISI and try to fit out carriers with what is available, you'll find it is just one compromise after another.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Kirito Kid
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#464 - 2016-04-20 19:59:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Kirito Kid
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:

Adding an Ewar bonus to Carriers achieves nothing - Your still giving up 1/3rd of your Dps to field 3 easily destroyed, slow as a wet week fighters.

like i said adding a t1 ewar bonus so not to the drones but to local e-war turning them into capital e-war



7.5 to TD

15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
25% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal range and falloff
25% bonus to ECM Burst range

7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness
7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener optimal range and falloff

7.5% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness

basically they become e-war with moderate burst dps but capital tank
Why would you want to do such a horrible thing to carriers? For a start 2 of the 4 carriers would be unable to use their "bonus to ewar" - Mid slots on shield carriers are needed for shield not rubbish Gimmick bonus's. When considering things like hull bonuses you need to take support ships into consideration too - Devs can't do it so it is up to players to not suggest silly things Devs might think are good.

Reason no carrier can have an ewar hull bonus - Fax's suck unless in triage and even then they won't rep as much as a triage archon does now. So if your happy to see your carrier killed by a few assault cruisers while your deciding which one to jam, good for you but please don't risk forcing it on those who want carriers to be useful on a battlefield.

I can see it now - Capital remote sensor dampener - 100,000 pg 65 cpu. Do you really want to give up 1/5th of your PG for an ewar module? You can be as sure as, Bob lives, Devs won't give ewar bonuses without also giving the "benefit" (benefit = huge drawback) of capital ewar modules.

Carriers are about fighters (see that devs, carriers need fighters) - Don't risk screwing them worse than Devs already have by suggesting silly things.

Sorry if this is a bit harsh - But Devs have screwed carriers enough, please don't add to their demise with silly suggestions. Get on SISI and try to fit out carriers with what is available, you'll find it is just one compromise after another.

Its just a suggestion, not like it will come to fruition, they have a week left to fix carriers. I am new to piloting carriers but from what I have seen on test server they need to be tweaked more, give them more of a role to fulfill instead of being cannon fodder till you get more capitals like dreads on the field
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#465 - 2016-04-20 21:12:41 UTC
Kirito Kid wrote:
Krevnos wrote:
I think the real question you need to be asking is why would you want to use them anymore?

Exactly what everyone wants answered, why use a carrier over a dread, they are both in the same class of ships ie Capitals, but the dread has more of a role and is more effective at killing subcaps with its HAW. If they were to give carriers a role that they are well at or multiple roles that they can be used for that would be great but atm we haven't seen much progress or change.

Yeah about Haw's - Interesting concept, until you are Haw fit and Dreads that aren't land on grid - Then you die a nice slow death with no way to refit to defend yourself - Devs thought that one out nicely, suicide Dreads are nearly as bad as Carriers.

Devs like adding new things (which is good) but really just don't think their usefulness through very well.

Dreads and Carriers both got PG and CPU nerfed, yet Every new Capital module has high CPU and PG requirements.
Try fitting a triple extender buffer fit (recommended for buffer tanking) on a shield carrier

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Lugh Crow-Slave
#466 - 2016-04-20 21:44:29 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Kirito Kid wrote:
Krevnos wrote:
I think the real question you need to be asking is why would you want to use them anymore?

Exactly what everyone wants answered, why use a carrier over a dread, they are both in the same class of ships ie Capitals, but the dread has more of a role and is more effective at killing subcaps with its HAW. If they were to give carriers a role that they are well at or multiple roles that they can be used for that would be great but atm we haven't seen much progress or change.

Yeah about Haw's - Interesting concept, until you are Haw fit and Dreads that aren't land on grid - Then you die a nice slow death with no way to refit to defend yourself - Devs thought that one out nicely, suicide Dreads are nearly as bad as Carriers.

Devs like adding new things (which is good) but really just don't think their usefulness through very well.

Dreads and Carriers both got PG and CPU nerfed, yet Every new Capital module has high CPU and PG requirements.
Try fitting a triple extender buffer fit (recommended for buffer tanking) on a shield carrier

the HAW are not that bad and the risk/reward is there its the same as today if you fit a blap dread you tend to be screwed if a standard fit cynos into feils

for the e-war there is no need to add capital e-war mods in order to do that and the only carrier that can't get a decent armor tank is the chimera who gets enough shield tank that it can give up a mid or two. again i don't think this is the best way to fix them but it's better than they are now and i worry if ccp puts them onto tq as is then they will not be fixed for years.

as for the tripple extender fit a chimera pulls that off easy along with a DCU 3 DDA 3 FSU a heavy nuet and a NSA its the FAX that have fitting issues with PG and CPU carriers are fine unless you want to fit the new mwd/ab but thats becaues those are way to expencive
Alexis Nightwish
#467 - 2016-04-20 22:41:15 UTC
CCP Larrikin wrote:
Francisco Vazquez Garcia wrote:
Why are all resistance profiles the same?

Fixed :)

No, the shield resistances are still the same on every ship:

Base shield resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 0 / 20 / 40 / 50

CCP approaches problems in one of two ways: nudge or cludge

EVE Online's "I win!" Button

Fixing bombs, not the bombers

Lugh Crow-Slave
#468 - 2016-04-20 22:44:45 UTC
Alexis Nightwish wrote:
CCP Larrikin wrote:
Francisco Vazquez Garcia wrote:
Why are all resistance profiles the same?

Fixed :)

No, the shield resistances are still the same on every ship:

Base shield resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 0 / 20 / 40 / 50

i think they were talking about the fighters

the carriers are all t1 so the resists should be 0/20/40/50
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#469 - 2016-04-21 00:33:09 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Kirito Kid wrote:
Krevnos wrote:
I think the real question you need to be asking is why would you want to use them anymore?

Exactly what everyone wants answered, why use a carrier over a dread, they are both in the same class of ships ie Capitals, but the dread has more of a role and is more effective at killing subcaps with its HAW. If they were to give carriers a role that they are well at or multiple roles that they can be used for that would be great but atm we haven't seen much progress or change.

Yeah about Haw's - Interesting concept, until you are Haw fit and Dreads that aren't land on grid - Then you die a nice slow death with no way to refit to defend yourself - Devs thought that one out nicely, suicide Dreads are nearly as bad as Carriers.

Devs like adding new things (which is good) but really just don't think their usefulness through very well.

Dreads and Carriers both got PG and CPU nerfed, yet Every new Capital module has high CPU and PG requirements.
Try fitting a triple extender buffer fit (recommended for buffer tanking) on a shield carrier

the HAW are not that bad and the risk/reward is there its the same as today if you fit a blap dread you tend to be screwed if a standard fit cynos into feils

for the e-war there is no need to add capital e-war mods in order to do that and the only carrier that can't get a decent armor tank is the chimera who gets enough shield tank that it can give up a mid or two. again i don't think this is the best way to fix them but it's better than they are now and i worry if ccp puts them onto tq as is then they will not be fixed for years.

as for the tripple extender fit a chimera pulls that off easy along with a DCU 3 DDA 3 FSU a heavy nuet and a NSA its the FAX that have fitting issues with PG and CPU carriers are fine unless you want to fit the new mwd/ab but thats becaues those are way to expencive
So I think we are on crossed paths here - You seem to be talking about A dread fit with Haws, where I am looking at possibly squads of them in a fight. So your not just losing 1 blap dread who should not have been alone to start with - Your going to lose a fleet of them AND none have the capability to fight back, they literally just sit and wait their turn to die.
Of course there is the rare occasion where a bunch of Haw fit Dreads may kill a Dread that is fit to fight capitals but I wouldn't be betting on the survival of my dread on that outcome.

There was no capital shield extenders or neuts or many other new capital modules either - But if Devs were to give carriers hull bonuses to Ewar, you can be sure Capital sized mods would be right there at the same time.
Simple fact is - Devs do not want carriers to be good at anything, except to have the ability to create lossmails for their owners. That one they will surpass every other ship in Eve.

Triple extender Chimera - My apologies, I hadn't played around with the Chimera in a while, when I 1st tried you couldn't fit it. Now all you need do is drop the DSU's to the best meta so you have enough CPU.
2.5 million EHP is nothing to be sneezed at - As long as you've got Fax's (one won't rep enough to keep you alive long) close by.
Shame about the shield doctrines really - They would have a lot to offer, 1 if done right, 2 the Archon wasn't just better at everything than the Chimera.

You right, Fax's are in terrible shape - But I've given up on those (as it seems have Devs)

It is a shame Devs are unable to think outside the box and couldn't make capital warfare something other than - Get as close to the Fax's in fleet and stay put till you die or win.
Emergent game play, strategy, tactics - Yep capital fights will have it all - Land on grid (emergent) anchor up, bubble up (strategy) kill stuff till you die (tactic)....

CCP has designed a whole new meta for capitals - That requires exactly the same things it did before. More in fleet and on grid is the only reliable offense.
Supers will be great except - They will never get used unless you know you have the enemy outnumbered by at least 2 or 3 to 1.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Lugh Crow-Slave
#470 - 2016-04-21 00:42:13 UTC
not really sure you should ever have a large group of HAW dreads even now on TQ that is still not a good idea and the largest fleets of blap dreads you see are in WH where they still die honorably if you enemy brings dreads fit to kill dreads. only diferance now is its very very hard to refit to something that can defend against that.

and ccp hasn't changed the meta into something with the same game play they have drastically reduced it by nerfing the hell out of combat refitting.

and idk if they have given up as they were making progress and listening in the beginning i think they have just prioritized fan fest over this who know maybe they think they can get them fixed in a week :/
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#471 - 2016-04-21 01:00:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Sgt Ocker
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
not really sure you should ever have a large group of HAW dreads even now on TQ that is still not a good idea and the largest fleets of blap dreads you see are in WH where they still die honorably if you enemy brings dreads fit to kill dreads. only diferance now is its very very hard to refit to something that can defend against that.

and ccp hasn't changed the meta into something with the same game play they have drastically reduced it by nerfing the hell out of combat refitting.

and idk if they have given up as they were making progress and listening in the beginning i think they have just prioritized fan fest over this who know maybe they think they can get them fixed in a week :/

Now all that is needed to refit a blap dread is tank, a mobile depot, a friendly carrier or nestor and refit.
In a week it would require a whole different set of guns AND tank mods.
Only problem is - You can't carry a spare set of guns so no matter what happened with refitting, your screwed. *Except for the Naglfar, it is capable of carrying 2 guns to refit.

Combat refitting aside - The existing meta is, everyone as close together as possible - Nothing changing there, in fact it will be more crucial than ever before.

Yes Fanfest is the priority, so any real "fixes" will likely come a few months from now, if not longer. CCP like the "wait and see how this plays out", then we will make slight adjustments if needed. Fax's - Don't really have a decent starting point for the "wait and see" period, which renders all the other changes pretty mute.

To do a capital upgrade like this, it has to incorporate more than just micro management and nerfed EHP. It requires a whole new thinking on how capitals could and should be used.

I always admired game developers as being extremely smart, creative, out of the box thinking people - Why is CCP being the exception to this rule with capitals?

There are so many possibilities, so many opportunities - All wasted.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Kirito Kid
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#472 - 2016-04-21 01:05:54 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
not really sure you should ever have a large group of HAW dreads even now on TQ that is still not a good idea and the largest fleets of blap dreads you see are in WH where they still die honorably if you enemy brings dreads fit to kill dreads. only diferance now is its very very hard to refit to something that can defend against that.

and ccp hasn't changed the meta into something with the same game play they have drastically reduced it by nerfing the hell out of combat refitting.

and idk if they have given up as they were making progress and listening in the beginning i think they have just prioritized fan fest over this who know maybe they think they can get them fixed in a week :/

Jeez its starting to look more and more grim when it comes to the update. Its gonna be a squeeze for them to address all these issues.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#473 - 2016-04-21 01:19:51 UTC
Kirito Kid wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
not really sure you should ever have a large group of HAW dreads even now on TQ that is still not a good idea and the largest fleets of blap dreads you see are in WH where they still die honorably if you enemy brings dreads fit to kill dreads. only diferance now is its very very hard to refit to something that can defend against that.

and ccp hasn't changed the meta into something with the same game play they have drastically reduced it by nerfing the hell out of combat refitting.

and idk if they have given up as they were making progress and listening in the beginning i think they have just prioritized fan fest over this who know maybe they think they can get them fixed in a week :/

Jeez its starting to look more and more grim when it comes to the update. Its gonna be a squeeze for them to address all these issues.

untill release i'm still going to have faith but once the 27th hits it will be lost we all know how long it takes ccp to come back to ships after a pass
Lugh Crow-Slave
#474 - 2016-04-21 06:29:21 UTC
wow maybe sgt was right about ccp not wanting carriers to be a thing anymore

i just looked at the artwork of the citadel fight ccp is using as their offline image on twitch

every type of capital is represented in it other than standard carriers....
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#475 - 2016-04-21 09:59:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Nevyn Auscent
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
wow maybe sgt was right about ccp not wanting carriers to be a thing anymore

i just looked at the artwork of the citadel fight ccp is using as their offline image on twitch

every type of capital is represented in it other than standard carriers....

Random question for you. Mainly relating to the static blob meta.
What if they removed the stationary penalty from Siege & Triage? (& Bastion to match as a result also but irrelevant to caps)
So they are about being local tank rather than remote tank, but don't lock you into a single place.
They would have to be vulnerable to webs & tackle if that was the case obviously, but since CCP now have the ability to vary resistances to different things like that, they could actually do that.

I know it doesn't solve the carrier problem still, but it solves the stationary blob at least. Which means Carriers can be mobile with FAX escorting them.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#476 - 2016-04-21 10:17:25 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
wow maybe sgt was right about ccp not wanting carriers to be a thing anymore

i just looked at the artwork of the citadel fight ccp is using as their offline image on twitch

every type of capital is represented in it other than standard carriers....

Random question for you. Mainly relating to the static blob meta.
What if they removed the stationary penalty from Siege & Triage? (& Bastion to match as a result also but irrelevant to caps)
So they are about being local tank rather than remote tank, but don't lock you into a single place.
They would have to be vulnerable to webs & tackle if that was the case obviously, but since CCP now have the ability to vary resistances to different things like that, they could actually do that.

I know it doesn't solve the carrier problem still, but it solves the stationary blob at least. Which means Carriers can be mobile with FAX escorting them.

hmm it is an interesting idea and while i myself would not be opposed however coming from a time back when cycles were still 10 minutes and missing the value that added i'm not sure that game play would be good.

what i mean is mostly stemming from dreads and triage you were given amazing power but became very vulnerable losing this would defiantly be a lose. I do recognize this as a feeling i have from b4 even some of the strongest groups in eve could support large super fleets or even large fleets of standard capitals.

carriers still can be mobile FAX do have a decent range and we have already experimented with carriers being suported by sub cap logistics(it worked rather well but had little benefit do to the carriers short comings) then the ABs and MWDs worked very well and made us think it could work if only carriers were ironed out. Now they have changed ABs and MWDs to a point that they are not worth it for mobility and it would appear their intent is purely sig tanking.


that was mostly a long winded way of saying it would change the game play but i don't think it would be in a positive way at best it would be a lateral move

one thing that could help is if CCP increased minimum warp range and raised the cap on lock ranges this could add a use for long range guns and change capital fights in some areas (probably only for a short time untill we the players found the best way to break or utilize the mechanic)
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#477 - 2016-04-21 10:20:47 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:


that was mostly a long winded way of saying it would change the game play but i don't think it would be in a positive way at best it would be a lateral move

Cheers, was an interesting thought brought on by the comments about stationary meta. I think increasing the warp range has to occur with carriers the way they are. And isn't the lock range cap going away, or are they just giving carriers & citadels a special exception to that.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#478 - 2016-04-21 10:33:10 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:


that was mostly a long winded way of saying it would change the game play but i don't think it would be in a positive way at best it would be a lateral move

Cheers, was an interesting thought brought on by the comments about stationary meta. I think increasing the warp range has to occur with carriers the way they are. And isn't the lock range cap going away, or are they just giving carriers & citadels a special exception to that.

well atm on sisi carriers and cits are the only ones :/

with carriers the way they are warp range changing would be irrelevant as their effective range is not beyond 150km you're already pushing a carriers limits at 80km some fits may be able to get 100km
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#479 - 2016-04-21 10:45:12 UTC
Hmmm, What if fighters could short warp on the battlefield only? Avoids them being too fast when chasing something, they warp to 100 from their target then fly the rest of the way or something like that. While we are on mobility ideas.

The fighter speed seems ok once they are inside that range belt for chasing things, but getting across the battlefield seems the issue?

Then they can also warp back to the carrier at the same range for recall, so not instant recall, but not wait 10 minutes either.
Interdiction immune to get through bubbles could be a possible.
Makes interceptors and the like really matter for locking down fighters to kill them to prevent warp.
Might be restating an idea mentioned in the thread but didn't think I'd seen it yet.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#480 - 2016-04-21 11:03:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Hmmm, What if fighters could short warp on the battlefield only? Avoids them being too fast when chasing something, they warp to 100 from their target then fly the rest of the way or something like that. While we are on mobility ideas.

The fighter speed seems ok once they are inside that range belt for chasing things, but getting across the battlefield seems the issue?

Then they can also warp back to the carrier at the same range for recall, so not instant recall, but not wait 10 minutes either.
Interdiction immune to get through bubbles could be a possible.
Makes interceptors and the like really matter for locking down fighters to kill them to prevent warp.
Might be restating an idea mentioned in the thread but didn't think I'd seen it yet.

i brought up the idea of them being able to be warped just like ships so long as the target is on grid (meaning you would need a BM fleet mate or another warp-able object) it would be done the same way as giving commands to fighters is now (using r-click menue or selected items so long as you were controlling a fighter group)

fighter speed is also bad even when they reach their target there are a lot of cruisers and most frigs that out run the fighters once their MWD hits cool down