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PI - Fake Extractor control unit amouts

First post
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-11-22 07:48:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Temilia

When im setting up a new PI colony i've noticed a serius problem and I dont know its an issue or not.

When I set up the Extractor unit heads I get an amout or raw mat that will I get after the time period but when I finist the setting and check its change and it have a much lower amout.
Ive tried to submit the changes but it doesn't help. Sad

Here are two picture from the two amout

Before Finishing

After Finishing

Its realy anoying when I cant count on the amouts and spend millions to get the best spot becouse i cant see the real scann results.

Is it an issue or what? Sad

(Sorry for my bad english)
#2 - 2011-11-23 00:51:01 UTC
I'm having the same problem. Also, my PI scans aren't updating and are showing hotspots in places where there is nothing left to extract. Very bad...

"To err is human", but it shouldn't be the company motto...

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#3 - 2011-11-23 23:25:57 UTC
Advanced planetology

I think these are the two "planet scanning" skills.

Raising them cuts down on the "deviation" caused from the before/after effect you're describing. Basically wysiwyg isn't quite true for PI, there is some deviation (and always will be even with perfect skills)
One of the things you can do to see the effect is move the extractor heads around and watch the numbers. This way, a very slow way, will allow you to get the best spots - if you then check there will be a difference as to where you put the heads compared to where the colours show that you should have put them.

It's a bit annoying, but as i don't min/max (i use a 4 day extraction and randomly reset it) then it doesn't really bother me.
#4 - 2011-12-15 16:19:57 UTC
This is happening again to me and it has nothing to do with skills (according to the nice GM that handled my petition about it). I'm at a complete loss as to why planet scans are no longer updating correctly. PI is like shooting at a target in the dark now.

"To err is human", but it shouldn't be the company motto...

Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#5 - 2011-12-15 17:29:21 UTC
How much does actually get mined, it might be a readout bug.

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#6 - 2011-12-16 05:06:43 UTC
Ok there was another report of this in another sub forum so I thought I'd bump this and add my further thoughts.

Either someone is also extracting from the same 'vein' and the extartor projection isn't proggramed to take that into account


Projections don't display current depletion properly


Projections have lost track of what sec space your in and are showing the wrong data


A million other things

Would be interesting to see some official input into this at least an indication someone is looking into it...

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

#7 - 2011-12-16 14:51:21 UTC
Here is exactly what's happening to me.

I scan a planet and see a hotspot (type doesn't matter as it does it with everything) so I plop down my command center, extractors, a couple of processors, and a spaceport. I set the extractors for 1 day 45 minutes (the max you can do for 15 minute cycles). The next day I see the hotspot hasn't moved at all so I continue extracting. Same for the next day and the next and the next. Then I start wondering why my processors are just sitting there half-filled and doing nothing when my extractors are clearly sitting on a bright white enormous hotspot (that looks exactly the same as it did the first day I started extracting). I start looking closely at the numbers on the extractors and see them barely pulling anything at all. I move them around to dead areas where the scans show almost nothing and see the extraction numbers increase hugely.

It does this on all my characters on all my accounts. It does it on my other computer and my laptop as well. Clearing cache (manually deleting the entire folder) doesn't fix it. Destroying and reinstalling everything including the command center doesn't fix it. Scanning the planet with another character shows different scan data but it's wrong as well.

If a dev is even reading this maybe this will help someone figure it out.

"To err is human", but it shouldn't be the company motto...

Tovil Hadras
Click Red
#8 - 2011-12-20 10:40:35 UTC
This is happening for me too. Somewhat irritating. I'm guessing it will get fixed sooner or later..
#9 - 2011-12-25 05:16:24 UTC
*tap tap tap*
Is this thing on?

"To err is human", but it shouldn't be the company motto...

#10 - 2012-01-07 18:47:37 UTC
Happened again today. Scan showed a hotspot bright white with over 700k. Same as yesterday and the day before. Clicked install and the extraction amount dropped to 56k (yeah seriously!). Moved the heads around to areas that showed nothing at all and installed them and started pulling 500k on completely blank spots in the scan. PI scans are now less than useless...

Is anybody looking into this? Bug report has been just sitting there for weeks now with no activity...

"To err is human", but it shouldn't be the company motto...

Marvinovi pratele
#11 - 2012-01-08 11:29:43 UTC
i have the same problem
Loki Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#12 - 2012-01-12 01:16:17 UTC
I observed the same issue today on one of my planets. Similarly I noticed it when instead of having an excess I was seeing an accumulation of one material and a shortage of the other. Put in a bug report.

I decided to tear down the ECU, sacrifice 1 head to allow for Power to make a longer link and setup on a different hotspot that seems to be working fine.

I am wondering if maybe someone else was harvesting the same resource hotspot and the "competition" wasn't being accounted for until after you refresh the ECU.

Would be really nice to get an answer though...
CCP Tuxford
C C P Alliance
#13 - 2012-01-13 09:52:27 UTC
I have a few comments about this.

When you are viewing the resource distribution of the planet you are working on a resource distribution with not all the information. (This is a spherical harmonic and unless you have perfect skills you are not seeing all the coefficients). When you click Install Program we go to the server and get the actual results. However the difference in the before and after shot is way to big for this to be the issue.

Sending the resource distribution is quite a bit of data so we do cache it for some time. It's possible that somebody just depleted your hotspot so you were working on a resource distribution that was outdated. However if you are seeing the same spot over a long period of time then its probably not the issue.

Some time ago we had issue with the harmonic being rotated on the client which isn't really obvious unless you happen to be at a planet with big differences in the resources (few bright hotspot for example). Can you guys tell me which planets this is happening at. If you feel uncomfortable saying it on the forums just eve mail me it.

p.s. I should really start checking the actual results on my program before I submit What?

#14 - 2012-01-14 16:51:57 UTC
CCP Tuxford wrote:
I have a few comments about this.

When you are viewing the resource distribution of the planet you are working on a resource distribution with not all the information. (This is a spherical harmonic and unless you have perfect skills you are not seeing all the coefficients). When you click Install Program we go to the server and get the actual results. However the difference in the before and after shot is way to big for this to be the issue.

Sending the resource distribution is quite a bit of data so we do cache it for some time. It's possible that somebody just depleted your hotspot so you were working on a resource distribution that was outdated. However if you are seeing the same spot over a long period of time then its probably not the issue.

Some time ago we had issue with the harmonic being rotated on the client which isn't really obvious unless you happen to be at a planet with big differences in the resources (few bright hotspot for example). Can you guys tell me which planets this is happening at. If you feel uncomfortable saying it on the forums just eve mail me it.

p.s. I should really start checking the actual results on my program before I submit What?

I finally gave up on trying to hit hotspots and just spread my heads around evenly over their ranges. I'm now pulling in a LOT more than I was when I was focusing on the hotspots.

I checked my installations today trying to find one for you to look at but they all appear to be roughly what you would expect from the visual scan data. This is probably because I haven't been focusing on the hotspots for a few days. Based on what you said I see a pattern now. My alts and I (and maybe others I dunno) seem to be depleting one or two hotspots very quickly but the client still shows them as bright white for several days even when they are bone dry. After a few days go by the scans suddenly change (and I mean very suddenly as in one day a bright white spot and the next day a dark depleted hole).

I sent you a mail with a system name where I see this a lot on multiple planets when I focus on hotspots.

"To err is human", but it shouldn't be the company motto...