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[Citadels] Carriers

First post
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#381 - 2016-04-13 23:14:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Sgt Ocker
Anhenka wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
elitatwo wrote:
Marranar Amatin wrote:
...I think you are note quite getting the point of a rebalance.
A rebalance does not mean to change everything equally... you could actually say it means the opposite of that.
When the price of T1 ships doubled, then probably because it was too low before. So carrier prices should only be inreased if their price is too low, not because T1 shops got that treatment. And looking at their current status and price, then I am quite sure that it is not too low.

And I can have you permanently removed from planet Earth if you insult me again.

Anyhow, when I look back at the battleship rebalance that is what actually happened. Battleships got worse than ever before and because they are worse they got their price tags doubled.

Makes sense, doesn't it?

I think your just a little unbalanced and have forgotten the reasons behind the mineral increases for subcaps.

But just because other ships were balanced to take CCP's changes to reprocessing and minerals etc into consideration, doesn't mean capitals should be treated the same way. You could never reprocess a capital hull and make a profit - Which is why subcaps had the mineral consumption increased. It had nothing to do with balancing their usefulness on a battlefield, it was about the profit in reprocessing them.

Eh... both wrong.

Elitatwo is wrong because battleships were substantially buffed at the time that the mineral costs increased as a result of Battleship tieracide. Battleships used to be sorted into multiple tiers, with the lower tier BS hulls being both substantially worse, and far cheaper to construct.

CCP buffed tier 1 and 2 hulls to match the power of tier 3 hulls, and then increased the mineral requirements to match. I dunno where you got the "Battleships got worse than ever before" bit from.

Ocker, you are wrong here because that was not the reason they increased the mineral consumption. Battleship tieracide and the changes to mineral consumption were a result of the early 2013 BS tieracide passes.

The "Extra Materials" system was added in from there until the Crius patch of 2014 which added in the base 50% refine rate to all ships and modules. While the two are connected, the first reprocessing changes followed the BS tieracide and not the other way around.

And yes, you could reprocess a capital for profit indirectly. It was fairly common to buy carriers, jump them out, reproc them into their capital components, and then use those components to build Supers in areas without the industrial base to support production otherwise.
Yes, my bad I had forgotten the order of the battleship changes.
And yes carriers were often reprocessed but not for isk profit (like so many subcaps were), it was for convenience, like the freighter loads of 425 mm railguns shipped to nulsec.

NB; While the history lesson is interesting, it is not addressing the issues with the coming changes - Carriers need to be looked at and it would be really nice to hear some feedback from a Dev.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Zansha Expansion
#382 - 2016-04-14 07:12:43 UTC
Anhenka wrote:
Eh... both wrong.

Elitatwo is wrong because battleships were substantially buffed at the time that the mineral costs increased as a result of Battleship tieracide. Battleships used to be sorted into multiple tiers, with the lower tier BS hulls being both substantially worse, and far cheaper to construct.

CCP buffed tier 1 and 2 hulls to match the power of tier 3 hulls, and then increased the mineral requirements to match. I dunno where you got the "Battleships got worse than ever before" bit from.

Ocker, you are wrong here because that was not the reason they increased the mineral consumption. Battleship tieracide and the changes to mineral consumption were a result of the early 2013 BS tieracide passes.

The "Extra Materials" system was added in from there until the Crius patch of 2014 which added in the base 50% refine rate to all ships and modules. While the two are connected, the first reprocessing changes followed the BS tieracide and not the other way around.

And yes, you could reprocess a capital for profit indirectly. It was fairly common to buy carriers, jump them out, reproc them into their capital components, and then use those components to build Supers in areas without the industrial base to support production otherwise.

I wouldn't say wrong but incomplete. Remember battleships were not the only ships getting buffs at the time, well some battleships did, not all of them.
Now if we leave pirate ships out of the battleship debacle, since they are fine, they way we travel got a nerf at the wrong time too.

And when you speak of buffs, who is your understanding of a buff when you take a boat like the almighty Abbadon into dangerous space with your scary blood raider skin and get pinned by a jet-sky and then pondered by a minmatar destroyer or two all the while you are waiting until your armor finally runs out and you see the error of your ways and never fly one again?

Anyhow, my question was about the pricetag of carriers, I was just making an observation about the recent past.

The past year have laid the stone for future reference, so while carrier and other capitals getting better, so should their pricetag.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Miss 'Assassination' Cayman
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#383 - 2016-04-14 07:39:27 UTC
elitatwo wrote:

carrier ... getting better

hahaha, funny.
The Sinister
#384 - 2016-04-14 12:44:34 UTC
OK so now carrier have no triage so there wont be good at logi roll right.

Now they are useful for what?

Can someone please tell me what can a SOLO carrier kill? because with fighters alone YOU WONT BE ABLE TO KILL **** !
Anthar Thebess
#385 - 2016-04-14 13:41:01 UTC
The Sinister wrote:
OK so now carrier have no triage so there wont be good at logi roll right.

Now they are useful for what?

Can someone please tell me what can a SOLO carrier kill? because with fighters alone YOU WONT BE ABLE TO KILL **** !

Rats. Rats my friend.
The Sinister
#386 - 2016-04-14 13:49:52 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
The Sinister wrote:
OK so now carrier have no triage so there wont be good at logi roll right.

Now they are useful for what?

Can someone please tell me what can a SOLO carrier kill? because with fighters alone YOU WONT BE ABLE TO KILL **** !

Rats. Rats my friend.

OOOOhhhh I see!

Never thought of that! Thnx mate...

New Ratting Carriers why didn't they say that from the beginning
Anthar Thebess
#387 - 2016-04-14 13:52:54 UTC
I know that this is sad, they made carriers so.... flat in terms of solo pvp game play - that it will be no longer possible.
But people can abuse it - if they have time, and pos on the lowsec station.
They can just deploy fighters sitting on the edge of the shields and harass every thing that will be docking or undocking.
Back Door Burglars
#388 - 2016-04-14 15:38:11 UTC
The Sinister wrote:
Anthar Thebess wrote:
The Sinister wrote:
OK so now carrier have no triage so there wont be good at logi roll right.

Now they are useful for what?

Can someone please tell me what can a SOLO carrier kill? because with fighters alone YOU WONT BE ABLE TO KILL **** !

Rats. Rats my friend.

OOOOhhhh I see!

Never thought of that! Thnx mate...

New Ratting Carriers why didn't they say that from the beginning

Actually I'm here to spoil the party on that one. Your fighters will be targeted by rats and ECM won't stop it. Because the fighters are so slow, they'll melt before they even get home.

On the bright side, the size of carriers makes them excellent for placing at the edge of bubbles to de-cloak incoming ships.
Order of Celestial Knights
#389 - 2016-04-14 20:38:29 UTC
Looks like they made some updates recently. Nid picked up 75 cpu, but lost 105k power. Good step in the right direction, brining it to ~980 cpu and 625k power with skills.
Marranar Amatin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#390 - 2016-04-14 21:19:43 UTC
you guys are too pessimistic.
Carrier were super broken a few weeks ago, but they really got better.

I tested ratting few fays ago and it was fine. Damage was lower than before, but application better, that evened out.
Fighters targeted by rats was not a big problem since they are fast, have good regeneration, got a little more hp, and usually are not targeted anyways (only did one haven though; if you actually tested it too and got worse results please report, but only recent tests).

In pvp they are great for killing smaller stuff. You have lower damage, but better burst and application. Many small ships can be simply alphaed with a rocket salvo. Even a little bigger ones can be quickly killed.

You just have to get used to the fact that carriers are crap against big and tanky targets now. Because then neither the burst nor the application are useful.

My main problem with carrier is still that supers are so much better at everything, taking the role of carriers away.
Lulzsec Space
#391 - 2016-04-15 00:22:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Donedy
edit : wrong topic
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#392 - 2016-04-15 03:17:18 UTC
Marranar Amatin wrote:

My main problem with carrier is still that supers are so much better at everything, taking the role of carriers away.

Well that's always been the case and it should be... you show me a carrier that's worth 20 bill Isk for the hull and I'll agree with you that a carrier should be compare able to a super carrier. I'm not saying I don't disagree with you but supers have their downsides verse the carrier... size, align time, cost.... it's a risk verse reward difference. Carriers are a lot easier to replace than a super is.
Miss 'Assassination' Cayman
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#393 - 2016-04-15 03:46:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Miss 'Assassination' Cayman
Side1Bu2Rnz9 wrote:
Marranar Amatin wrote:

My main problem with carrier is still that supers are so much better at everything, taking the role of carriers away.

Well that's always been the case and it should be... you show me a carrier that's worth 20 bill Isk for the hull and I'll agree with you that a carrier should be compare able to a super carrier. I'm not saying I don't disagree with you but supers have their downsides verse the carrier... size, align time, cost.... it's a risk verse reward difference. Carriers are a lot easier to replace than a super is.

That has most certainly not always been the case. Carriers can currently do triage and use subcap drones while supers can't. That gives them a different role; not necessarily equal or better, but different. They're losing both abilities, thus having their entire remaining role filled by supers. And since supers have stronger bonuses and the ability to launch more squadrons, they do everything a carrier does but better. As for the downsides, 20% longer align time isn't going to mean very much when you're in a fleet and have 25 warp core strength. I'm not sure how being bigger is supposed to be a significant disadvantage either.

We're not saying that carriers should be comparable to supers. We're saying carriers should have some role they fill better than supers so price and docking concerns aren't the only reasons to use one. Keep in mind we're not talking about a T1 hull vs a T2 or faction hull. We're talking about different classes of ships where one went from being different and better at some things to being roughly the same and better at everything.

Nowhere else in Eve do you find an entire class of ships that are strictly better than another class, except for possibly T3Ds and assault frigates, which people have been complaining about for ages. It feels like carriers are supposed to be used against subcaps, but when supers can use exactly the same fighters with better bonuses and more tubes for other stuff, why bother?
Lugh Crow-Slave
#394 - 2016-04-15 18:47:05 UTC
The Sinister wrote:
OK so now carrier have no triage so there wont be good at logi roll right.

Now they are useful for what?

Can someone please tell me what can a SOLO carrier kill? because with fighters alone YOU WONT BE ABLE TO KILL **** !

.... its a capital its not supposed to kill anything alone
Lugh Crow-Slave
#395 - 2016-04-15 18:52:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
Marranar Amatin wrote:
you guys are too pessimistic.
Carrier were super broken a few weeks ago, but they really got better.

I tested ratting few fays ago and it was fine. Damage was lower than before, but application better, that evened out.
Fighters targeted by rats was not a big problem since they are fast, have good regeneration, got a little more hp, and usually are not targeted anyways (only did one haven though; if you actually tested it too and got worse results please report, but only recent tests).

In pvp they are great for killing smaller stuff. You have lower damage, but better burst and application. Many small ships can be simply alphaed with a rocket salvo. Even a little bigger ones can be quickly killed.

You just have to get used to the fact that carriers are crap against big and tanky targets now. Because then neither the burst nor the application are useful.

My main problem with carrier is still that supers are so much better at everything, taking the role of carriers away.

their application has stayed the same neither exp rad or vel has been tweeked since these came out

the only ships fighters kill faster than a supported dread are faster than the fighters themselves.

in pvp we have found it very easy with a small destroyer group to spread out and kill fighters they may get one of us but by the time they are thinking of flying to the next guy most are dead and they have to go back to the carrier.

the reload time has now actually brought their range lower than that of a dread

so have they gotten better? yeah a little bit but they are far from being viable even if you don't count the super carrier issue

i'm still in support of giving them an extra support fighter and a bonus to local e-war make them an e-war capital at that point them having this low dps makes seance as its not their main role.

if ccp does want their main role to be anti sub cap then they need to do it as good or better than dreads


Minmatar and amarr fighters got their racial ranges will caldari also be getting its range changed?

so they did get a range change sort of... but it puts them between amarr and gal

now not only is this not racial range its not good for ballance as the differance does not give a reason to use caldari over gal

if they got their range there would be a slow long range and a fast long range as well as a fast short range and a slow short range each also balanced with damage where you trade range for speed
Marranar Amatin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#396 - 2016-04-15 20:30:34 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
their application has stayed the same neither exp rad or vel has been tweeked since these came out

It has changed indirectly through tracking comps.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#397 - 2016-04-15 22:52:06 UTC
Marranar Amatin wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
their application has stayed the same neither exp rad or vel has been tweeked since these came out

It has changed indirectly through tracking comps.

O.o those worked for me since week one
Lugh Crow-Slave
#398 - 2016-04-16 06:03:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
one way to give carriers the range they need is let them on grid warp

they still need a fleet member/bm and its done just by selecting the fighter group and warping


by grid warping i mean warp to things on the same grid not warp from grid to grid
Marranar Amatin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#399 - 2016-04-16 07:00:00 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Marranar Amatin wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
their application has stayed the same neither exp rad or vel has been tweeked since these came out

It has changed indirectly through tracking comps.

O.o those worked for me since week one

They started with a laughable 3% on explosion velocity and radius. Not its 8.5% on the T2 variant.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#400 - 2016-04-16 08:00:16 UTC
Marranar Amatin wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Marranar Amatin wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
their application has stayed the same neither exp rad or vel has been tweeked since these came out

It has changed indirectly through tracking comps.

O.o those worked for me since week one

They started with a laughable 3% on explosion velocity and radius. Not its 8.5% on the T2 variant.

well either way like i said they have gotten better but even with out theses by the time they are appling more damage than a supported HAW the target they are shooting at is outrunning the fighters. This is even if you don't take into account the 48 second reload and the flight time