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Living in Low Sec as a solo pir... pilot. (Advice)

Carn Uta
In From The Cold
Pandemic Horde
#21 - 2016-04-10 09:59:35 UTC
Chris Hallen wrote:

I will say I did jump into Null for a bit in my Vexor and totally hit a gate camp. I was immediately in a warp bubble. And since that meant my inevitable death, I put up a fight against 6-8 ships for fun.

Null sec, in certain areas, is rather 'busy' at the moment and there are gate camps all over the place. You should check the sov of where you are jumping into first.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2016-04-10 11:47:40 UTC
You probably already know this. But it's good to be familure with the systems you are in. Physically where the gates and stations are so if you see someone warp off but don't get a good look at where to, you can guess where they went. You also want to make umdock, overlook, and safe spot bookmarks as much as you can. It also helps to create a couple of book marks right on the docking ring of stations. One that will land you right where people are undocking, and an instadock on the other side of the station so people can't bump you off.
Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2016-04-10 16:13:06 UTC
As mentioned already, you want friends... You really do.

I can tell from personal experience. I used to live in the deadend system of Partod in Genesis, until a corporation by the name of "Tigers in the Snows" rolled in and ruined my little isk faucet scheme. If I had friends who dared go to lowsec, I would perhaps (Very big perhaps) have been able to survive for a bit longer.
Royal Assent
#24 - 2016-04-10 16:25:09 UTC
Chris Hallen wrote:
Kharamete wrote:
Chris Hallen wrote:
The issue I see with being solo in Null sec is not having a POS, so being stationless. And the fact that transporting things back and forth would become yet again more difficult. You guys really think I should just skip low sec?

Most my fights so far have been in Low or WH space.

There is a section of nullsec that's like a half-way house between lowsec and nullsec. NPC space. There are regions of space, such as Venal Syndicate and Outer Ring that have NPC stations that anyone can dock in. As someone said above, you should find friends, though, who share your interest in PVP.

Eve is a terrible single player game.

So I've heard about these spots in null, but I heard because of these options they are generally gate camped and populated. But I agree, some people in my current Corp like to pvp and they will with me. But seems no one really wants to move to low at the moment and I generally find myself doing solo pvp. I'd love groups to fly with, but at the same time I find solo pvp quite thrilling. I'll have to try and make some friends.

During the age of Dominion sov, NPC space was my favourite part of nullsec. No silly sovereignty wars with structure grinding and endless NPC grinding. I've lived in the most busy NPC regions - Syndicate, Venal, and Stain - and in some not so busy ones like Outer Ring. Like many things in Eve, NPC space has its own flavour and its own challenges. NPC space is smaller scale, smaller engagements, and more nomadic. Player owned space is the closest things we have to arenas in Eve, and it's definitely not for solo play. NPC space is smaller scale, more like a 5-man raid. But, it's still not for solo play - although many actually manage, through effort, to play solo. But then that becomes the challenge, to survive solo despite the need for friends.

CCP FoxFour: "... the what button... oh god I didn't even know that existed. BRB."

My little youtube videos can be found here

Chris Hallen
Camp Gatecamp
#25 - 2016-04-11 04:12:39 UTC
Yeah it seems like I have a few choices. Get my corpmates to come to low sec with myself, stay in corp and find a group to play with, or lastly find a new corp. I really do like the corp I am in though, good people and good friends. They are just not currently doing the kinds of things I want to do in the game.

Also on the safe spot note, I sadly have my map littered with safespots. Literally something like 1200 safe spots right now. Makes it fun to jump into j-space and be like "I've been here!"
Cidanel Afuran
Grant Village
#26 - 2016-04-11 17:53:29 UTC
I lived in a C1 WH with a LS static with just me and my alts for a while and really enjoyed it. You can get PI and some gas harvesting going for income when you need it, and you can jump around the surrounding WHs or whatever your current LS is to try and find fights. You also then have WH chains for trade runs. At least once/week I had a connection into HS less than 7 jumps from one of the trade hubs.

Virtually no one lives in C1s, so you always have a quiet home to retreat to if need be.
Chris Hallen
Camp Gatecamp
#27 - 2016-04-11 18:09:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Chris Hallen
Cidanel Afuran wrote:
I lived in a C1 WH with a LS static with just me and my alts for a while and really enjoyed it. You can get PI and some gas harvesting going for income when you need it, and you can jump around the surrounding WHs or whatever your current LS is to try and find fights. You also then have WH chains for trade runs. At least once/week I had a connection into HS less than 7 jumps from one of the trade hubs.

Virtually no one lives in C1s, so you always have a quiet home to retreat to if need be.

For sure. I'd actually love to live in WH space and plan to sometime. The only thing I really would need is a POS and that is something I don't have at the moment. I've definitely noticed what you're talking about though, I tend to get lost in WH space for a bit and find tons of connections all over the place. I appreciate the feedback!

Edit: totally realized you're saying a low sec system with a static worm hole. That could be a lot of fun.
Cidanel Afuran
Grant Village
#28 - 2016-04-11 23:02:26 UTC
Chris Hallen wrote:
For sure. I'd actually love to live in WH space and plan to sometime. The only thing I really would need is a POS and that is something I don't have at the moment. I've definitely noticed what you're talking about though, I tend to get lost in WH space for a bit and find tons of connections all over the place. I appreciate the feedback!

Edit: totally realized you're saying a low sec system with a static worm hole. That could be a lot of fun.

No, I'm saying the other way, a C1 wormhole to live in with a static to lowsec. Just train your second account slot to decent scanning skills and keep it logged off in a safe spot in the wormhole in case you get locked out. that way you can always scan down a exit.

You would need a pos though.
Royal Assent
#29 - 2016-04-11 23:09:06 UTC
Cidanel Afuran wrote:
[quote=Chris Hallen]
You would need a pos though.

Well, with two weeks to go until the expansion, it's probably not wise to buy a POS now. It's better to wait for the citadels; which will make life so much easier for the wormhole dweller.

CCP FoxFour: "... the what button... oh god I didn't even know that existed. BRB."

My little youtube videos can be found here

Chris Hallen
Camp Gatecamp
#30 - 2016-04-12 03:43:19 UTC
Kharamete wrote:
Cidanel Afuran wrote:
[quote=Chris Hallen]
You would need a pos though.

Well, with two weeks to go until the expansion, it's probably not wise to buy a POS now. It's better to wait for the citadels; which will make life so much easier for the wormhole dweller.

This is exciting. It will be a bit till I'm doing a citadel or POS for that matter. But I think the new changes will be rad.
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2016-04-12 08:43:04 UTC
Chris Hallen wrote:
Though I may really enjoy Faction Warfare. I find myself more not doing Faction Warfare while in FW space and just picking fights with whoever. But I do enjoy PvP right now in frigates and destroyers. I was recently attacked due to sec status in my Vindi and it handled extremely well, made the aggressor warp off. But it's going to be a while before I fight in ships with that price tag. I would love to rat in my Vindi mostly, but once again $$$.

Also luckily I already have my cov ops cloak. I use a combat fit Astero with a mobile depot for exploration. That way I can hunt, fight, and hack all in one ship. But I really need Gallente Frigates V as it will open up a lot of opportunities. Including a SB which would be great for ratting in Null or simply just hunting ships. And as mentioned, a Helios would be much easier to lose while scouting than an Astero, so I might as well get one.

I think as far as living right now, I want a more calm system that is very close to Null. And also close to either FW space or just more populated areas. I think I found a nice area last night with a med bay I will be staying at for a bit to see how it goes.

I will say I did jump into Null for a bit in my Vexor and totally hit a gate camp. I was immediately in a warp bubble. And since that meant my inevitable death, I put up a fight against 6-8 ships for fun.

Once again, I really appreciate all the feedback and I will keep checking back for more. All of this will help me as I am moving about in the universe.

Anything bigger than a destroyer in non-FW lowsec eventually will see a tackle T3 decloaking 5k off followed by hot drop o'clock. In my experience "quiet" lowsec is full of bored pirates with pimpfit hunter killer T3's, recons, and black ops on standby. A vindicator is a huge target and taking one out solo is almost certain to end in an inglorious death.

You need small, mobile ships for solo. And honestly links/scout/other support alts make a huge difference and most veterans have them. Anything bigger than a destroyer is going to get blobbed, hot dropped or hit a gate camp. Better off finding friends.
Calima Arzi
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#32 - 2016-04-12 11:29:19 UTC
Low sec logistics: move valuable loot out via wormholes, covops, interceptors or blockade runners. Blockade runners are also great for resupplying ammo, and moving bulkier loot out to market. Deep space transports can move a single packaged battleship or multiple packaged cruisers. Cloaky MWD trick and a bit of scouting, or use quiet times - or those wormholes you found for loot runs - for moving the DST around.

As Demerius says, 'anything bigger than a destroyer in non-FW lowsec eventually will see a tackle T3 decloaking 5k off followed by hot drop o'clock.' As a sole player, you and the local gangs will quickly spot each other. They will be keen to kill you. As a member of such a gang until recently, the local solo players we tended to ignore were the 'always cloaky' ones. Oh him, yeah, he's always in a Stratios, or a Pilgrim, or a cloaky something-or-other. That means you need to pick your targets, hit-and-run, and kill before the gang takes notice. They will try to bait you with out of corp cyno alts until you learn who's who and leave bait untaken.

TLDR; Solo pvp in lowsec is possible but you'll have to fit in around the local groups unless you're willing to join one.

-- C
Cidanel Afuran
Grant Village
#33 - 2016-04-12 12:18:23 UTC
Kharamete wrote:
Well, with two weeks to go until the expansion, it's probably not wise to buy a POS now. It's better to wait for the citadels; which will make life so much easier for the wormhole dweller.

Definitely true, I should have been more clear. I just wanted to say it's a whole lot easier with a base to live out of.

I know some people who have multiboxed roaming in WHs out of an orca, but that's a bit too risky for my taste
Chris Hallen
Camp Gatecamp
#34 - 2016-04-12 19:31:20 UTC
Cidanel Afuran wrote:
Kharamete wrote:
Well, with two weeks to go until the expansion, it's probably not wise to buy a POS now. It's better to wait for the citadels; which will make life so much easier for the wormhole dweller.

Definitely true, I should have been more clear. I just wanted to say it's a whole lot easier with a base to live out of.

I know some people who have multiboxed roaming in WHs out of an orca, but that's a bit too risky for my taste

One thing I was looking into as well is the price of Citadel vs POS. For right now a POS might be a rather good idea rather than having something larger and more expensive than a station.
The Congregation
#35 - 2016-04-13 12:56:43 UTC
The best advice I can give for your extremely small low sec operation, is don't be dicky in local.

The low sec pvp "community" is more of a reality than many would have you believe. A lot of people will help a fellow solo pvper out with fits, advice and even moving ships. Since everyone does it for the same reason. Hunting that ever illusive good fight.

Get to know the locals wherever you are. You don't want to be blue to them, but get that hint of friendship and respect going. Join some local public chat channels. Get into some intel channels. Before you know it you will be randomly invited to help kill something tackled somewhere, fleeting with local corps and having intel about gate camps sent your way.

The fairer you fight and the friendlier you are in local, the more pvp opportunities present themselves and the less likely you are to be ganked.

We will randomly be asked to join fleets, and randomly ask others to join ours. Also we have been known to courier down people's stuff since we are bringing a JF anyway, so if there's space it might as well be filled.

So anyway. That's my advice. Get involved in the local community wherever you decide to settle. Make some friends, see what happens. Don't be fixed on the plan of going to go it alone.

Minmatar....we are generally unpleasant to be around....

Always recruiting

Ashlar Maidstone
MoonFyre BattleGroup Holdings
#36 - 2016-04-14 03:05:30 UTC
Kharamete wrote:
Chris Hallen wrote:
The issue I see with being solo in Null sec is not having a POS, so being stationless. And the fact that transporting things back and forth would become yet again more difficult. You guys really think I should just skip low sec?

Most my fights so far have been in Low or WH space.

There is a section of nullsec that's like a half-way house between lowsec and nullsec. NPC space. There are regions of space, such as Venal Syndicate and Outer Ring that have NPC stations that anyone can dock in. As someone said above, you should find friends, though, who share your interest in PVP.

Eve is a terrible single player game.

Don't forget Curse! NPC Nulsec as well....
Professor Humbert
Project Fruit House
#37 - 2016-04-20 04:58:55 UTC
JackknifedII wrote:
The best advice I can give for your extremely small low sec operation, is don't be dicky in local.

The low sec pvp "community" is more of a reality than many would have you believe. A lot of people will help a fellow solo pvper out with fits, advice and even moving ships. Since everyone does it for the same reason. Hunting that ever illusive good fight.

Get to know the locals wherever you are. You don't want to be blue to them, but get that hint of friendship and respect going. Join some local public chat channels. Get into some intel channels. Before you know it you will be randomly invited to help kill something tackled somewhere, fleeting with local corps and having intel about gate camps sent your way.

The fairer you fight and the friendlier you are in local, the more pvp opportunities present themselves and the less likely you are to be ganked.

We will randomly be asked to join fleets, and randomly ask others to join ours. Also we have been known to courier down people's stuff since we are bringing a JF anyway, so if there's space it might as well be filled.

So anyway. That's my advice. Get involved in the local community wherever you decide to settle. Make some friends, see what happens. Don't be fixed on the plan of going to go it alone.

I second this.
Being a Local really helps, even if you are not actively socialising with the other local regulars.
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