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Recurring Opportunities coming soon

First post
Yarosara Ruil
#561 - 2016-04-09 10:32:09 UTC
You guys are complaining lowder now than when they announced Skill Extractors. And Skill Extractors didn't kill EVE.

I mean, sure, give us more variety to these daily opportunities. Scan a wormhole, do a mission, lose a ship, do an industry job, anything really. But this is way better than playing Skill Queue Online.
Pator Tech School
#562 - 2016-04-09 10:33:42 UTC
Gully Alex Foyle wrote:
To be fair, anybody with more free time can do more stuff in EVE (or any game, for that matter) than those of us who don't have/don't want to dedicate so much time.

Ruby's posting was implying that this was an issue of active new players vs inactive old players. baltec's point is that age doesn't come into it.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#563 - 2016-04-09 10:35:47 UTC
You know what. I would like to ask one question. WHY?

I'm not a vet (9 months) but I'm already bitter.

Another skill injector to farm every 50 days yay. Add that to the 3 you can currently get each month, the passive PI/semi passive market trading, there really is no need to be doing silly things like earning ISK or paying for subs anymore.

Think I'll cancel my 6 month/12 month subs next time round and just farm characters when I need to pay for my game time.
The Golden Serpent
A Drunken Squirrels' Conspiracy for Revenge
#564 - 2016-04-09 10:36:50 UTC  |  Edited by: The Golden Serpent
Excellent, CCP! More like this please.

Powercreep is a game killer, this will help retain the newbies by battling powercreep and dailies are VERY addictive and enjoyable as anyone who plays WoW can tell you. Having a little routine in Eve will make it worth staying subbed to.

Senior players have nothing to complain about here in my opinion, they don't know what life is like in Eve fighting people with vastly superior skills. Identical fit-to-fit you cannot win against someone with a decade of skills even if your twitch is greater. This is not fair, but fair is not the issue and never was, it just makes for a boring game for both sides.

-:¦:-•:'":•.-:¦:-•* K H A N I D •-:¦:-•:''''*:•-:¦:-

Dino Zavr
Shadow Owls
#565 - 2016-04-09 10:43:55 UTC
Ruby Gnollo wrote:
Dino Zavr wrote:

I no longer expect Eve Online to attract players. What players are interested in is fun and new exciting challenges. Instead I see some changes:
- learning scanning skills is boring – Okay here are SOE ships
- rising standings is boring – Okay install jump clones and set POSes (and upcoming Citadels will successfully eliminate the need of standings for trading)
- learning skills takes too long – well here are some injectors

Let's try to answer this one.

Every MMO keeps proving content by adding extensions to existing gameplay : not by changing or adjusting existing gameplay, just because it's far more efficient doing so.

If you want to keep your existing playerbase, you have to create new content where incoming players have more or less equal opportunities than elders : a thing at which CCP fails far too often.

Providing free SPs, but whatever various means helps incoming players to have more or less same opportunities than elders. Elders keep the most significant advantage : they fly ships quite better than newcomers would ever do.

Of course, we could also expect from CCP to do far better than anyone else in the industry. We know their commitment, for sure they might, but until they do, the more ways newcomers will have to catch on with elders, the better for the game. Getting for free skills you don't know how to use, like pvp skills, won't change anything to the existing in-game political situations.

Ruby, I post here not to argue with anyone, but to provide some (hopefully) constructive feedback, as I have my own opinion about proposed change and ideas how to implement this.

Of course, everything changes as the progress is inevitable. However, the direction Eve evolves really upsets me. Standings are no longer required, there are debates about eliminating learning implants and remaps. One see this as improving NPE, another as dumbing Eve down. The results may really happen frustrating: buy golden ammo and start grinding since day one. If no time left for your favorite activities, well, that's your problem. Sure, nobody forces me to grind, however, I still see the upcoming changes as removing sand from a sandbox. And, emotionally/irrationally, I don't like that.
Daily grinding is NOT what I expect from my favorite MMO. I mean it.

IMHO: Good gardening is getting rid of dead branches, but, well, why to replace that by some ugly new plants?

As for dailies solution: it is OK for me if CCP changes rewards to Aurum tokens.
Pator Tech School
#566 - 2016-04-09 10:50:28 UTC
The Golden Serpent wrote:
Excellent, CCP! More like this please.

Powercreep is a game killer, this will help retain the newbies by battling powercreep and dailies are VERY addictive and enjoyable as anyone who plays WoW can tell you. Having a little routine in Eve will make it worth staying subbed to.

Senior players have nothing to complain about here in my opinion, they don't know what life is like in Eve fighting people with vastly superior skills. Identical fit-to-fit you cannot win against someone with a decade of skills even if your twitch is greater. This is not fair, but fair is not the issue and never was, it just makes for a boring game for both sides.

this is some next level stuff right here
Drago Shouna
#567 - 2016-04-09 10:51:04 UTC
Man sooo many tears here, I'm loving it Big smile

Some of you have commented on my posts regarding wardecs, quite vigorously as well. Because my way of avoiding them and laughing at you is just to log on an alt and chuckle at the 50mil you just lost. For that I get constantly told that I'm in the wrong game, I'm a carebear, I'm not providing "content" by undocking and getting shot.

The way I see this (and i'm surprised nobody has mentioned it) is it's possibly a massive "content" creator.

You see, when you wardec just for the sake of it as you do now, players just dock up for the most part.

But now it's going to be very different, these docked up players will have to make a massive choice, stay docked up and miss out, or undock to find an anom, belt rat etc, therefore providing an enormous amount of targets and "content"

I see it as a massive content generator for the poor targetless hs wardec crowd. Or anyone in any space with more undocked targets for them.

So please don't come crying that there's nothing for you "elite" pvpers, this should provide plenty of potential targets.

As for the guys with 7 accounts and 21 characters, why you need so many accounts will always be beyond me, so tough, log them or not, it was your choice to have them.

Solecist Project...." They refuse to play by the rules and laws of the game and use it as excuse ..." " They don't care about how you play as long as they get to play how they want."

Welcome to EVE.

Pleasure Hub Node-514
Pleasure Hub Hotline
#568 - 2016-04-09 10:51:14 UTC
Neadayan Drakhon wrote:
Invalid comparison. EVE is a PC sandbox MMO, Dust is (soon to be was) a console FPS. EVE did not have SP dailies at initial launch. Dust did. EVE and Dust do not share the same player base, most people did not play both.

Just a quick point of clarification. Dust did not launch with daily missions. That feature didn't come until the end of 2014 after CCP reshuffled the prior teams who worked on Dust. CCP Rouge (Shanghai Executive Producer) and CCP Rattati (Sr. Director) certainly fixed and balanced a lot of features (helping the game actually become profitable), but it was a broken ship on a dead console when they arrived. There's only so much you can do with baked in Frankenstein Unreal 3 code to stave off lighting PS3 consoles on fire.

'One night hauler' The tell all story of a pleasure bot in Jita 4-4

Dave stark
#569 - 2016-04-09 10:57:30 UTC
The Golden Serpent wrote:
dailies are VERY addictive and enjoyable as anyone who plays WoW can tell you.


they were literally the reason i quit. i stopped playing the game because of daily quests. both literally and metaphorically.
Shooting Blues Everyday
Gimme Da Loot
#570 - 2016-04-09 10:59:20 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
For now it will be per character, even if they aren't actively training.

"how about a reward for either killing an NPC, hacking a Data/Relic thingy or popping a rock?" - Likely one of the first ways we would look to expand in a follow-up release.

Killing a miner?

Making New Eden a better place 8 rounds of Void at a time.

Funny, smartest, pretty and relevant. Pick 3.

Proud shareholder in Halaima MinerBumping

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#571 - 2016-04-09 11:03:26 UTC
CowQueen MMXII wrote:

What do i get for doing pvp kills?
How should someone who is living in some high class wormhole do this stuff?
What do I get for having logged in without any extra incentive for almost six years on a daily basis?

If such a mechanic existed when I started playing, I probably wouldn't have started playing at all.

Really. Living in a high class WH stops you from killing a single NPC every 22 hours to gain free SP.
Damn WH life must be so bad, why do you do it.

Try this; Use one of your statics to get to highsec or even lowsec, warp to any asteroid belt, lock up one npc frigate, press ctrl, wait 10 seconds, return to your high class WH.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Eli Porter
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#572 - 2016-04-09 11:05:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Eli Porter
Years ago: Let's add skill queues so players don't feel forced to log in.
Now: Let's add daily opportunities so players are forced to log in.
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#573 - 2016-04-09 11:09:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Trader20
Yesss raging vets is just one of the features Bear
Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#574 - 2016-04-09 11:11:14 UTC
i remember playing some crappy f2p/p2w mmo for a long time, these daily rewards models just encouraged account sharing, when you cant do the daily quest because you are on holiday just get your friend to login and do them for you, vice versa, it also encouraged botting, thats when it got to a stage where grinding was an activity which was a necessity not a choice and these daily tasks needed to be done to survive, i hope ccp doesnt go down this route

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#575 - 2016-04-09 11:12:17 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
Xenuria wrote:
Do NPCs in missions count towards this?

I don't think so. I do believe you actually have to make some effort to find a specific rat / npc to be able to gain the skillpoint award. And that's perfectly fine in my opinion if it will be that way.

Instead of sitting in station ship spinning, you actually get rewarded for doing something instead.

Not according to the OP, which states;

The version of the feature we are planning to deploy first will be a simple 10,000 skill point reward that a character will receive the first time they kill an NPC ship every 22 hours.
Nothing there to indicate these will be "special" npc's

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Thraex Aelius
Goonswarm Federation
#576 - 2016-04-09 11:23:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Thraex Aelius
Hey CCP.

How about making it a daily login reward.

- Every day (after cluster shutdown) that an account log in, it will get credited 10k SP to be used on any one character.
This will get more people to log in every day, and more players logged in = more activity in space.

But if you insist on the idea of giving out SP for being active in space itself, then at least come up with a better plan to implement it.
Thraex Aelius
Goonswarm Federation
#577 - 2016-04-09 11:24:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Thraex Aelius
#578 - 2016-04-09 11:25:14 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Ok. Bye.

I would be grateful for your stuff.
War StalkeR
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#579 - 2016-04-09 11:28:24 UTC
1 SP per 1 CONCORD ship killed by player. NOT!
Mister Ripley
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#580 - 2016-04-09 11:32:51 UTC
I'm still not sure if this is real or a joke...

Right now I can play the way I like whenever I want without missing anything. This makes EVE special for me, because I don't have to follow stupid weekly award bullshit XP boost crap.

If you give me the feeling that I miss something every time I don't do some stupid **** that you think is worth a reward, I don't think this will motivate me to play more but to play less and to let my sub expire.

My time is limited, like everyone else's is. You playerbase is not freaking 12year olds that have nothing better to do. If you want it that way, then say good bye to quality eve and hello to Shitgame No. 42542