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Recurring Opportunities coming soon

First post
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#401 - 2016-04-09 01:25:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Drummond
Personally, I really like the idea.

But a couple suggestions / ideas to consider.

1) The NPCs to be killed to qualify for SP have to be in Low Sec.
- Encourages more Low Sec Activity

2) Daily Opportunities are for New Players not Vets.
- The SP gained from completing a Daily Opportunity stop accruing on Characters with more than X Million SP. (Say 10,000,000).

Okay, so #2 doesn't accomplish what CCP is trying to do here, encourage people logging in and being active with their accounts. But it should make New Players feel like the SP gap is less insurmountable.
Absolute Order
Absolute Honor
#402 - 2016-04-09 01:26:08 UTC
It appears that CCP is continuing to expand the concept of making everything (goods, services, territory, isk, power - and even time itself {aka SP}) more directly within control of, and competed over by, players.

Very brave move for a vernable, successful MMO that needs to truly differentiate itself in a diverse and aggressive market while growing an active player base. These micro-transaction machines don't scale themselves - you gotta BUILD IT!

But CCP learned a lot about all of this with DUST. As sad as many are to see DUST fade into... well dust, that was a laboratory of progress and learning about everything from micro-transactions to how to balance a more complex skillpoint stream and keep players playing. And paying.

Good Job CCP - Forge ahead into this new territory and do new stuff!

I needed a way to get these alts up to 5mil faster. And we're all PI farming for the new markets anyway. Good times, noodle salad.
Yuna Yamamoto
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#403 - 2016-04-09 01:26:47 UTC
Please do not do this. It will be one of the worst things to happen to Eve, it is taking away a HUGE CHUNK OF SANDBOX.

What about my Alt that is sitting in a stationless NS backwater system as a scout, I have to move him to HS or something in a combat ship to kill an NPC rat now? What about an Alt I have that is staying in a station so I can undock and evacuate a bling ship when I have a useful WH connection?

Eve is a game with long planning and the FREEDOM to do what you want, not be forced to do something that might be very very different from your personal grand plan.

Back Door Burglars
#404 - 2016-04-09 01:28:24 UTC
Dailies were a vile idea in every other MMO, which leaves me curious as to how CCP devs came to the conclusion that it's a good idea for Eve?

Aside from that, it alienates professions other than ratting and mining. Nice job there!

For the record I am a ratter and still hate the cheap feel of this 'feature'.

I'm disappointed in your team, Rise. How about instead of adding tawdry features to the defunct system, redesign the bloody awful PvE experience in Eve to actually encourage players to engage without the thought of grind?
Khan Wrenth
Amarr Empire
#405 - 2016-04-09 01:30:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Khan Wrenth
You know, I check the forums several times a day. I'm a nerd like that.

When I go to work, come back, and in that few hours' time, a new DEV thread was created that already has 20 pages of replies? I can tell right off the bat that something seriously bad just happened. The people on the forums don't take that much time and energy out of their day to create 20 pages worth of replies to something they like. So I check this thread and confirm it, overwhelmingly negative responses. And I'm with them.

No matter what, dailies are probably a really bad idea. Despite what I am about to say, I want to be clear that I do not support this feature. However I think making one simple change would make it a lot more palatable to the playerbase. Instead of rewarding SP, reward Concord LP. Concord LP reward makes sense in this regard, doesn't it? That one person posted a screenshot that indicated Concord was the entity behind the initiative, so it makes sense to me to have them dish out their LP. Plus, LP is an isk sink. You might have to tone down the LP awarded as I think 10k is a bit much (maybe just 1k?), but if you are already going to go in this direction, making this an isk-sink activity is probably the best way to go.

Plus, then the reward has much more limited appeal, meaning people feel less obligated to do it for grind.

Edit 1: forgot the most important part....

Rena Monachica wrote:
we make sure there is one single mechanism that brings new skillpoints in to the system – training.

thats a quote from your skill injector dev blog, only a few weeks ago


Edit 2:
Annemariela Antonela wrote:

And per account, not per character.

Seems reasonable to me. I'd go further and say that we could utilize the "redeemable items" utility on the character login screen. So, your LP accumulates to your account that way, and you simply redeem it to whichever character on that account you need to. To ease the strain on the servers, maybe make the payouts update weekly on downtime.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#406 - 2016-04-09 01:32:12 UTC
CCP, dailies are the bane of every other MMO's model, its what everyone is doing. One of the shining parts to EVE that (In my opinion) has kept it alive for so long is how different it was from the main stream MMO's... Again this is my opinion.

One of the only reasons that player activity has moved up recently is prob more to do with the residents of EVE banding against goons and less due to skill injectors. I would ask that the team go back to some of EVE's original principals and stop following suite.

Flynn Starfire
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#407 - 2016-04-09 01:33:01 UTC
I also rat sometimes and I hate this idea.

SO i have to now log on 3 Chars on EACH of my accounts to do this? (I will get FOMO if I do not do this if implemented)

This is making me feel very bad about eve, its like WoW or any other MMO that forces you to do stuff, where is my sandbox now?
SeVenNight Deng
#408 - 2016-04-09 01:36:27 UTC
I login the forum and told you frankly rather than shitpost in Reddit, listen: This is the ******* stupid idea after your 'fleet warp' change proposal.

Daily Mission? come on, we are not playing Korean MMO.
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#409 - 2016-04-09 01:40:07 UTC
Resi Richthofen wrote:
What is tiericide? I have not heard that term before.

In practice it's an ongoing effort on CCP's part to go through the ships and modules to increase viable options for players. A game being a series of interesting choices and all. It used to be, for example, that for each category of module, you really only ever fit one or two; the t2 variant or the meta 4 variant. The others were just plain worse. They're working through that as we speak, usually going over a couple of categories with each release.

So tiericide refers to that kind of major overhaul.

If you want to read more about it this is a good start:
Avalloc Solaros
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#410 - 2016-04-09 01:40:55 UTC

Well lets not be so anti - maybe just sell skillpoints created out of thin air? 30USD for 500k SP seems a good idea imo. And 500 SP for every hour you are logged in, in addition to the SP you get when not logged in.

TO BE $%^@in& SERIOUS... in my personal opinion it does not seem WISE for CCP to kill their own game with a psychological trick that is trying to make people log in for OTHER REASONS than I want to play some EVE. This is why I quit EVERY other game that has this implemented.

Annemariela Antonela
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#411 - 2016-04-09 01:43:07 UTC
Khan Wrenth wrote:
You know, I check the forums several times a day. I'm a nerd like that.

When I go to work, come back, and in that few hours' time, a new DEV thread was created that already has 20 pages of replies? I can tell right off the bat that something seriously bad just happened. The people on the forums don't take that much time and energy out of their day to create 20 pages worth of replies to something they like. So I check this thread and confirm it, overwhelmingly negative responses. And I'm with them.

No matter what, dailies are probably a really bad idea. Despite what I am about to say, I want to be clear that I do not support this feature. However I think making one simple change would make it a lot more palatable to the playerbase. Instead of rewarding SP, reward Concord LP. Concord LP reward makes sense in this regard, doesn't it? That one person posted a screenshot that indicated Concord was the entity behind the initiative, so it makes sense to me to have them dish out their LP. Plus, LP is an isk sink. You might have to tone down the LP awarded as I think 10k is a bit much (maybe just 1k?), but if you are already going to go in this direction, making this an isk-sink activity is probably the best way to go.

Plus, then the reward has much more limited appeal, meaning people feel less obligated to do it for grind.

Edit: forgot the most important part....

Rena Monachica wrote:
we make sure there is one single mechanism that brings new skillpoints in to the system – training.

thats a quote from your skill injector dev blog, only a few weeks ago



And per account, not per character.

“Culture is like a smog. To live within it, you must breathe some of it in and, inevitably, be contaminated.”

― Richard K. Morgan, Altered Carbon

the Goose Flock
#412 - 2016-04-09 01:44:50 UTC
And this would only be the first...

In the end we will have to pvp in our miners,
start industry jobs on our titan pilots,
scan down sites with the market toons,
and more. to not feel that we miss out on stuff.

New players will be forced to train and do stuff all over the place to not miss out on this, as this will be a huge deal for low sp chars.
And gone is the Idea that you should train into something specialized fast and be usefull in a group...

first monocles,
then pay to win with skill injectors,
and now this.

remember to give me the teleport my ship to jita button that I can use once per day

Remove T2 BPOs

Ludi Burek
The Player Haters Corp
#413 - 2016-04-09 01:46:00 UTC
Terrible idea. I re-subbed recently because I thought some the recent implementations you did were good and you scrapped the awful notion of magic wands killing citadels. But seeing this idea automatically deflated my enthusiasm.

It's grindy game play that contributes nothing to the experience and in one swoop devalues SP and a host of activities in eve.

How many times do you have to be told people play your game because it is different?
Marion Elara
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#414 - 2016-04-09 01:47:47 UTC
I want to log in cause I want to play Eve, and if you have a 2 digit number of characters, this will make me cringe having to log on every single one of them or MISS OUT ON FREE SP.

This is making my tummy feel uneasy. Slippery slope is getting more slippery.
Elinara Yamamoto
Latex Entosis
#415 - 2016-04-09 01:53:36 UTC
Cajun Waffles wrote:
So for some reason having more Skill Points would make flying in space less meaningful to you lol? I find that interesting.... Could you explain please? When content is what we create by building and blowing things up in space but you feel skill points is somehow a direct correlation to content and meaningfulness... May I ask what content that is?

To create these skillpoints you will have to do forced tasks that do not correlate to what you would normally be doing. Which means you get FOMO if you do not do them (some of us do) and if you do get these extra SPs, you will do less of what you want to do.

Like creating content. Like PvP pewpews which many of us agree are plenty fun.

Direct correlation between SP and content, and less meaningfulness by these extra SP, did I explain that to your contentment?
New Eden Tank Testing Services
#416 - 2016-04-09 01:54:39 UTC
Maruku Asanari wrote:
This isn't going to be the only daily added...

I have a lot of trouble with this argument. EVE development is littered with examples of features which were supposed to be iterated on after release and were just dropped.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Exotic Dancers Union
#417 - 2016-04-09 02:00:42 UTC
Can't you at least make it an NPC kill in Low and 0.0 Space? Because of that "Risk-vs-reward"-thingy...
Bobb Bobbington
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#418 - 2016-04-09 02:01:25 UTC
Zappity wrote:
Maruku Asanari wrote:
This isn't going to be the only daily added...

I have a lot of trouble with this argument. EVE development is littered with examples of features which were supposed to be iterated on after release and were just dropped.

The problem is that it opens the door for similar themepark-style features to be implemented into the game... they specifically said in the OP that they were planning on expanding on all of this.

This is a signature.

It has a 25m signature.

No it's not a cosmic signature.


Btw my corp's recruiting.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#419 - 2016-04-09 02:02:06 UTC
People that know me know I generally oppose things like this. I think there are unintended consequences CCP doesn't take into account, and moves like this take EVE further away from it's core principles and move it more towards the "meh" most of the mmo world is. I'm even generally opposed to small incremental changes like this , even if it isn't earth shattering, it's going in the wrong direction.

I can't work up a whole bunch of hate for this idea though. The SP gain is super small and at least its' not a direct isk/wealth injection (even though skill points do have more value now). It helps people who actually play the game progress a bit faster skillwise without (IMO) going full on "grind for XP" like normal mmos do.

So while I won't be standing on any chairs cheering about this, it could have been worse (it cold have been millions of isk instead of 10k sp) so I can say I'm ok with it.

Neadayan Drakhon
Heuristic Industrial And Development
#420 - 2016-04-09 02:05:23 UTC
After reading some (but no where near all) of this soon-to-be-threadnaught, I'd like to look at some of the key points that have been brought up against this idea:

- Devaluation of SP (some would say further devaluation, after all, skill trading devalued it too). This ties in with other points.

- Feeling left out if you don't do your dailies. SO MUCH THIS. This is what sucks about dailies, you feel like you have to do them or you're missing out on important progression or payouts. One poster took it to an extreme with examples of ratting in mining ships, doing industry jobs from titans, etc. I cannot stress this factor enough, with dailies, you have to do them. If you don't, you're missing out on whatever it is the daily gets you. I absolutely HATE the idea of adding dailies to EVE, but I'd still end up doing them because after all, I'd be missing out on (in this case) SP if I didn't. Much as I hated skill trading, that is at least ignorable, as you have to spend isk on it (or buy is with cash then spend the isk), so there's a consideration of is it worth the cost. For dailies? Nope, no such consideration, not really. Sure you can try to justify to yourself not to do it, but in the end if you don't, you're still missing out on that extra SP.

- What happened to the only source of SP being training (aside from the occasional gift SP from CCP for severe downtimes or whatnot). This game had the appeal of having a passive real time training system, one that you could not grind like xp to race to "max level." This concept was core to the game, it took a serious blow with skill trading, which at least didn't create extra SP, and in fact created a significant SP sink, both in diminishing returns, and the occasional lossmail with injectors in cargo. However that SP sink doesn't justify adding in daily SP grinds. Not by a longshot.

Seriously CCP, don't do this, EVE does not need dailies. It should not have dailies. As others have said, dailies are the bane of many an MMO. Many came to this game in part because it did not have dailies.

Just say no to dailies.