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Wine support for Mac

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#161 - 2016-04-04 23:53:40 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:
Make sure you don't have the dev versions of Wine enabled.

Ah ha, that did the trick! Thanks!
Mad Mabata
Sturmgrenadier Inc
Pandemic Horde
#162 - 2016-04-05 03:46:55 UTC
Overall, the game 'feels' smoother and less laggy using the wine client.

Switch to wine went easy (but was hard to find), maybe it should be under the launcher settings?

However, I have two problems / bugs:
- Game crashes when I jump from gate to gate in high-sec. This has also been the case in cider
- My tripwire through the IGB does not work. I am in contact with the tripwire developer, here's a link to the issue:

The latter is kind of a pain... because it makes wormhole life very miserable and actually makes me consider going back to cider.
CCP Snorlax
C C P Alliance
#163 - 2016-04-05 10:43:50 UTC
Mad Mabata wrote:
Overall, the game 'feels' smoother and less laggy using the wine client.

Switch to wine went easy (but was hard to find), maybe it should be under the launcher settings?

However, I have two problems / bugs:
- Game crashes when I jump from gate to gate in high-sec. This has also been the case in cider
- My tripwire through the IGB does not work. I am in contact with the tripwire developer, here's a link to the issue:

The latter is kind of a pain... because it makes wormhole life very miserable and actually makes me consider going back to cider.

I'm guessing this has to do with https, I'll investigate.

CCP Snorlax - Software Architect - Team RnB - @CCP_Snorlax -

Arlyn Nightblade
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#164 - 2016-04-06 01:03:51 UTC
Amarisen Gream wrote:
CCP Snorlax,

Any idea on when the patch will be that fixes the resolution changes upon start up?

I am using Wine version, latest

I don't think that fix made it into the latest patch (2016-04-05) as the windows are still growing/resizing each time you launch a new client.
Amarisen Gream
#165 - 2016-04-06 02:54:04 UTC
Arlyn Nightblade wrote:
Amarisen Gream wrote:
CCP Snorlax,

Any idea on when the patch will be that fixes the resolution changes upon start up?

I am using Wine version, latest

I don't think that fix made it into the latest patch (2016-04-05) as the windows are still growing/resizing each time you launch a new client.

I don't think it did ether, as I use the latest wine and it still has the same issue.

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

#NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

State War Academy
Caldari State
#166 - 2016-04-06 08:38:18 UTC
will try some of these tweaks when I get home this evening, never played eve on a Mac before and im not having much fun at the moment after installing and re subbing 2 days ago.
Mad Mabata
Sturmgrenadier Inc
Pandemic Horde
#167 - 2016-04-07 03:45:53 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:
Mad Mabata wrote:
Overall, the game 'feels' smoother and less laggy using the wine client.

Switch to wine went easy (but was hard to find), maybe it should be under the launcher settings?

However, I have two problems / bugs:
- Game crashes when I jump from gate to gate in high-sec. This has also been the case in cider
- My tripwire through the IGB does not work. I am in contact with the tripwire developer, here's a link to the issue:

The latter is kind of a pain... because it makes wormhole life very miserable and actually makes me consider going back to cider.

I'm guessing this has to do with https, I'll investigate.

Yes, zkillboard seems to have similar issues.

"Unable to process the website's SSL certificate" - Error Code: -207
State War Academy
Caldari State
#168 - 2016-04-07 08:15:50 UTC  |  Edited by: ashahara
Had a much better experience with the game last night. selected the wine wrapper as detailed in the OP and followed the instructions to the letter, I did not have a single IGB crash, not a single game freeze.

Sitting in station and flying in normal space, I get a steady 60FPS, when entering mission space, it drops to circa 40 FPS.Graphic settings are maxed out with no AA.

my only issue now seems to be the "Connection Lost, the Socket was closed" message I get. Tried re-setting my modem & router as mentioned in another thread I found which worked ok for a bit, but then I got the message again. definitely not as bad as the night before, but the problem still remains.

have upgraded my trial account to full sub based on my new experience on my imac Big smile
Amarisen Gream
#169 - 2016-04-07 12:12:58 UTC
ashahara wrote:
Had a much better experience with the game last night. selected the wine wrapper as detailed in the OP and followed the instructions to the letter, I did not have a single IGB crash, not a single game freeze.

Sitting in station and flying in normal space, I get a steady 60FPS, when entering mission space, it drops to circa 40 FPS.Graphic settings are maxed out with no AA.

my only issue now seems to be the "Connection Lost, the Socket was closed" message I get. Tried re-setting my modem & router as mentioned in another thread I found which worked ok for a bit, but then I got the message again. definitely not as bad as the night before, but the problem still remains.

have upgraded my trial account to full sub based on my new experience on my imac Big smile

welcome to full-time EVE.

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

#NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

Gallente Federation
#170 - 2016-04-08 17:54:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Azeta
ashahara wrote:

my only issue now seems to be the "Connection Lost, the Socket was closed" message I get. Tried re-setting my modem & router as mentioned in another thread I found which worked ok for a bit, but then I got the message again. definitely not as bad as the night before, but the problem still remains.

If you are not using an Apple Airport Extreme I would like to recommend them (since you are clearly a Mac person). I suffered from unreliable connections and devices for years with d-link, linksys, etc. before I finally gave up and figured I'd try the Apple device if only so I wouldn't have to re-boot the thing once (or more) a day. The difference was night and day. It only goes down when there is a power outage, I never get disconnected at random, and all my network access seems faster.

That said, if your provider has upstream problems there isn't much you can do but complain. I may be able to walk you through some network tests to help isolate the problem if you feel that would help you.
Drago Shouna
#171 - 2016-04-09 20:35:44 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:
Invisusira wrote:
I randomly get sessions where I have to use my control key instead of my command key as a modifier for things like select all, copy, paste, etc. Seems completely random and happens maybe 1 in 5 or 6 sessions? Submitted bug report.

Make sure you don't have the dev versions of Wine enabled.

The dev versions are built automatically from 3 different repos, only one of which has my changes. If you have the dev versions enabled, with Latest selected, you will be somewhat randomly jumping between the CCP fork of Wine (which has the keyboard mapping fixed) or the original Wine repo from either the development or the stable branch. The ability to select from these dev builds is primarily to enable us to test different versions.

Is this related in any way at all to the dev versions of Beer?

Solecist Project...." They refuse to play by the rules and laws of the game and use it as excuse ..." " They don't care about how you play as long as they get to play how they want."

Welcome to EVE.

CCP Snorlax
C C P Alliance
#172 - 2016-04-09 21:36:36 UTC
Drago Shouna wrote:
CCP Snorlax wrote:
Invisusira wrote:
I randomly get sessions where I have to use my control key instead of my command key as a modifier for things like select all, copy, paste, etc. Seems completely random and happens maybe 1 in 5 or 6 sessions? Submitted bug report.

Make sure you don't have the dev versions of Wine enabled.

The dev versions are built automatically from 3 different repos, only one of which has my changes. If you have the dev versions enabled, with Latest selected, you will be somewhat randomly jumping between the CCP fork of Wine (which has the keyboard mapping fixed) or the original Wine repo from either the development or the stable branch. The ability to select from these dev builds is primarily to enable us to test different versions.

Is this related in any way at all to the dev versions of Beer?

Those are only available at Fanfest :)

CCP Snorlax - Software Architect - Team RnB - @CCP_Snorlax -

Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#173 - 2016-04-10 19:37:10 UTC
First, the new Wine option runs very fine for me and my 5 year old iMac, made me subscribe from trial!

The only bug I could detect is that the market history graph's axes are no longer labeled. The graph is there alright, but you can't make heads an tails out of it without those labels.
CCP Snorlax
C C P Alliance
#174 - 2016-04-10 21:12:58 UTC
Weenheen wrote:
First, the new Wine option runs very fine for me and my 5 year old iMac, made me subscribe from trial!

The only bug I could detect is that the market history graph's axes are no longer labeled. The graph is there alright, but you can't make heads an tails out of it without those labels.

Yes, it's a known issue - it's on the top of my list.

CCP Snorlax - Software Architect - Team RnB - @CCP_Snorlax -

Darryn Lowe
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#175 - 2016-04-10 23:31:26 UTC
+1000000000 for this.

I tried it last night and frankly am now disturbed by the fact the voices in my head are not being drowned by the noise of my fans going mental.

Could you make this default because Cider is full of issues.
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#176 - 2016-04-11 09:18:10 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:
Weenheen wrote:
First, the new Wine option runs very fine for me and my 5 year old iMac, made me subscribe from trial!

The only bug I could detect is that the market history graph's axes are no longer labeled. The graph is there alright, but you can't make heads an tails out of it without those labels.

Yes, it's a known issue - it's on the top of my list.

Oh, sorry, must have missed it's a known issue.

Well, I'll let you get back to rocking on then :D
#177 - 2016-04-11 23:56:29 UTC
Didn't look too much into it, so not sure if it's Wine or the Mac client in general, but Citadel graphics on SiSi are pretty glitchy. Shadows rendering very poorly and flickering all over the place.
Darryn Lowe
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#178 - 2016-04-12 23:03:01 UTC
I had an issue the other day with scanning with probes.
I get the map show up but the spheres don't show up and I can control my probes.
I couldn't see if anyone else was having this problem and I have to admit I haven't checked it out since.
Mad Mabata
Sturmgrenadier Inc
Pandemic Horde
#179 - 2016-04-14 01:16:51 UTC
My bookmarks are sorted wrong / different to the Cider/Windows sorting.

That is really annoying when living in a wormhole and trying to have bookmarking schemes...

The game also crashes when jumping gates in high-sec. I had the same issue in Cider, but wine is no improvement there either.

With the SSL remaining a nasty issue that doesn't allow tripwire, I am rolling back to cider now.
CCP Snorlax
C C P Alliance
#180 - 2016-04-14 15:51:15 UTC
I'm working on the SSL issue, hope to have to resolved soon.

I'd love to see logs from crashes when jumping gates. If you run with LogLite (enable 'Run clients with logging' in launcher settings), then save the log and attach it to a bug report. Put my name in the title or send me the report id so I get it right away.

CCP Snorlax - Software Architect - Team RnB - @CCP_Snorlax -