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Allow triple character training for 1 subscription

Tian Toralen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#21 - 2016-03-25 09:44:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Tian Toralen
Be polite. I opened this thread mainly for CCP.
The current model in my view is based on getting max $ from plex and subs from an ever decreasing number of players, and this does not help with new players, or with long term profits.
Well I said what I wanted. EVE does not require grinding it's true, but it requires either waiting - or (with skill injectors) paying for another character to grow. And beyond that, the new character requires another subscription. And alts are almost mandatory in the end game - at least a cyno alt. I am sure the EVE manual does not mention this: you need at least 2 subscriptions for the end game, else you are a "casual". End game being capital ships.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#22 - 2016-03-25 11:07:47 UTC
But caps aren't the endgame?my dedicated hel pilot is going to end up with roughly 23 million SP when she's finished, does that sound like endgame to you? (for reference, Dani here has 125)

Thing with EVE is that there IS no endgame. You make your own goals and targets.

On to your actual idea, why do you want to tank the skill injector market and the character bazarr into the ground? Why do you hate the PLEX trade?

Why do you feel you're entitled to something, for free, that others have been paying for since 2003?

Hell. Keep an eye out for the next time CCP do a power of two offer and get yourself an alt for six months for half price.
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#23 - 2016-03-25 12:30:18 UTC
The basics of your idea have come up time and time again and my response now is the same as it has always been.

No, the current system works extremely well to balance the things in the game it was implemented to balance.

If the system bothers you so much that you need to post a terrible idea like this then my only question is why are you still paying to play a game you obviously do not like?
Tian Toralen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#24 - 2016-03-25 14:43:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Tian Toralen
Donnachadh wrote:
The basics of your idea have come up time and time again and my response now is the same as it has always been.

No, the current system works extremely well to balance the things in the game it was implemented to balance.

If the system bothers you so much that you need to post a terrible idea like this then my only question is why are you still paying to play a game you obviously do not like?

I am paying for 1 character, and I like the game. Would like it even more if I were able to train 2 characters.

Don't know why this idea bothers people so much, do you own stock in CCP? Are you concerned about CCP finances if my idea were to be implemented? Yes, I am also concerned and wish this game to continue, EVE is a great concept with lots of potential, and I think they would do better with more players paying less.

I am curious, how much income do they make from alts. I presume that people with alts are usually players who are rich in-game and pay their accounts buying plex with isk. Someone else (new players?) buys plex for $ and puts it on the market, and these are not the veteran players, that by now have lots of alts and isk. This is my thinking. With my idea - everyone would get a subscription, because it would be the most advantageous. Plex would still be there as I said.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#25 - 2016-03-25 15:32:32 UTC
The idea bothers us because there is no logic in it. And you don't know what you're talking about.

- CCP make more money from players who plex than those who pay for their sub.
- there are so many alts in EVE that if you made them free, the lost revenue would eclipse any gain from new players. This idea is far from the lifesaving idea you think it is.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

#26 - 2016-03-26 00:34:32 UTC
I dont agree with the OP at all! you should have to pay to ge the benefit of the second/third toon. The only thing I dont like is that multiple char training certs cost MORE than a second account! doesnt this create clutter on the servers CCP? wouldnt it be better to sell the multiple training certs for like 10$ USD or a new option for like 40$ a month that gets you all 3 training queues?
That is something I could get behind.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2016-03-26 00:59:12 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
I really don't see the problem with this request..
I mean, you're paying for an account that has 3 character slots, yet you're locked out of functionality on two of them even though you can only use one at a time...
You're paying for a single training queue and login as part of an account. You get to chose what slot to use them and there is no restriction on the ability to switch which is active. Just because there are 3 slots doesn't inherently support the idea that you're paying for 3 training queues so the argument doesn't explicitly follow as stated.

It's like saying the reverse functionality on a motor vehicle is limited because it can't be used at the same time as drive.
Tian Toralen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#28 - 2016-03-30 18:42:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Tian Toralen
Then allow skills to bring the clone jump timer to 8 hours. Trying to PVP and PVE (exploration or ratting) with the same character, with 20 hours between jumps is not cool, a lot of times I find myself in the wrong place. Or is it designed this way exactly to make people pay for alts? It feels this way. Alts are almost mandatory for any fun to be had.

Good luck with subscription numbers when everything in this game feels like "for another 14.99 you can in fact get to fly the ship you bought with the first 14.99, and for another 14.99 you can even shoot with it!".
Iain Cariaba
#29 - 2016-03-30 19:02:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Iain Cariaba
Tian Toralen wrote:
Then allow skills to bring the clone jump timer to 8 hours. Trying to PVP and PVE (exploration or ratting) with the same character, with 20 hours between jumps is not cool, a lot of times I find myself in the wrong place. Or is it designed this way exactly to make people pay for alts? It feels this way. Alts are almost mandatory for any fun to be had.

Good luck with subscription numbers when everything in this game feels like "for another 14.99 you can in fact get to fly the ship you bought with the first 14.99, and for another 14.99 you can even shoot with it!".

Jump clone timers are the way they are to make you have consequences for your decision. You jump into your PvP clone, then proceed to blue ball the **** out of the enemy fleet? Well, go do some other form of PvP for the next day. Just jumped into your PvE clone when the ping goes out? Up to you whether to interceptor over to staging in your PvE clone or to sit this one out.

According to CCP's numbers, fully 2/3 of the playerbase only has one account, and a very large majority of the remaining 1/3 only has 2 accounts. People like me, with 4 accounts, are in the vast minority. Your supposition that you cannot play EvE with a single account is not supported by fact. The facts support just the opposite.

Suggest you try keeping up to date with the goings on in your coalition. Unless a lot has changed since I left a few months ago, the important stuff is usually announced well over 20 hours in advance over on the goon forums. Your lack of awareness as to the proper time to be jump cloning around is not the fault of CCP.
Sephiroth Clone VII
Brothers of Tyr
Goonswarm Federation
#30 - 2016-03-31 02:30:41 UTC
If you want to try something new train it on main, Just train everything on one character, more convenient anyway.

Many skills overlap anyway especially for fitting ships and flying them.

not supported.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#31 - 2016-03-31 03:01:37 UTC
Tian Toralen wrote:
Allow triple character training on the same account for the subscription fee. Not being able to play another character if I don't pay another subcription fee, feels like a scam. 15 Euro should be enough for three characters. If you want EvE to thrive that is. First time I tried to start a second character, and saw I need to pay again - it felt like a scam. Somehow - the game attracted me enough to ignore that.

There are too many mechanics in this game that feels like they are there just to make players pay more. This is the main one.

Technically you are correct. The idea is to make people work together by creating deficits in capabilities locked behind time gates. People like to bypass this obstacle however and create alts.

What's worse for the game?
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#32 - 2016-03-31 04:09:35 UTC
Caleb Seremshur wrote:

Technically you are correct. The idea is to make people work together by creating deficits in capabilities locked behind time gates. People like to bypass this obstacle however and create alts.

What's worse for the game?

Allowing triple passive training on one account for one fee is worse for the game by a massive margin.
Zimmer Jones
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2016-03-31 04:49:57 UTC
There seems to be a theme that has been repeated in not only my posts but others: CCP is in this whole MMO business to make money.

Extra training requires plex, which costs more than your sub does. Skill transfers cost you plex, and gives diminishing returns.

I could add your idea to the bad idea thread, but add to it all the other bad ideas that go with it, such as mandatory training for all 3 characters per account, at 1/3rd the learning rate so you mush use injectors to get the "full" SP your traning currently enjoys, or use 2 plex to train all at full XP.

Increased skill multipliers based on plex per month. More plex, less multiplier.

I can go on all day, The gist is, take away money from CCP in one way, expect them to make the game more P2W in others. This is an idea worthy of torches, pitchforks and monument shooting in jita if implemented.

Use the force without consent and the court wont acquit you even if you are a card carryin', robe wearin' Jedi.

Beta Maoye
#34 - 2016-03-31 05:53:34 UTC
You want to destroy the market of PLEX and skill points? Do you really think there is any remote chance the community and CCP will agree with that? LOL
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#35 - 2016-03-31 06:12:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Joe Risalo
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Caleb Seremshur wrote:

Technically you are correct. The idea is to make people work together by creating deficits in capabilities locked behind time gates. People like to bypass this obstacle however and create alts.

What's worse for the game?

Allowing triple passive training on one account for one fee is worse for the game by a massive margin.

I disagree.

Unlocking the alt on a single account is no where near as detrimental to the system as multiple alt accounts.

A single player making a mining Op that null entities rarely organize, a single player farming WH systems, neutral alt scouts, neutral alt logi, and neutral alt fleet boosts.

I understand that the system has always performed this way, but the cause doesn't make the effect righteous.

However, as mentioned, paying $20 to train 2 toons on the same account is redundant when you can pay $15 to have another account entirely that serves more benefit.

Regardless of how the PLEX is attained, it's still worth $20...

Being able to train a second character, on a single account, at the same time, shouldn't cost more than $5.

However, as far as the person you are quoting, I don't think CCP ever had the intent of players maintaining using a single character, or even a single account.
CCP knew what they were doing when they set this game up the way they did.
In a game where you can successfully manage multiple toons at once, wouldn't it make sense Financially to only allow full utility of a single toon on an account at a time?
It seems as the system was built specifically so that players WOULD attain multiple accounts.
Not to compare, but in pretty much ever other MMO you can have multiple toons on a single account.
Sure, you can't grind XP on all the toons at once, but XP is the equivalent to ISK and not SP.

SP is relatively meaningless in Eve and everything revolves around your wallet.
Now, unlike other MMOs, Eve gives the player the ability to attain SP in a passive nature.
Locking us out of being able to perform this action with multiple toons on a single account unless a monetary exchange is made that is more costly than starting another account limits CCP's chance at financial gain.

There are players, like myself, that cannot afford multiple accounts.
My main toon is also dedicated to pvp with little isk gain, so the ability to retain a second account through PLEX, without first establishing that account with the means for isk attainment, is impossible.
This means that I operate on a single toon and a single account.

How is this bad for CCP bottom line?
Well, many times I have found myself bored of chasing Isk in Eve and have put the game away. With a toon from '08, I only have approx 65-70 mil SP when I should have significantly more.
If I would have had a second toon, on the same account, to fund a pure pvp toon, I likely wouldn't have un-subbed as I would have been more entertained/engaged with activities within Eve.

Basically, without multiple toons and multiple methods of play, players become bored of the game and either quit or take a long break WITHOUT PAYING.

If it were unlocked so that players could train on multiple toons at once, without having to pay, it would be better for the game not only on a monetary level for CCP, but in the case of this being a PVP focused sandbox in which we need more people who want to PVP. Having a second toon dedicated to PVP would have great effect.

Now, those that use multiple accounts would not be effected by such a change, as the use of multiple accounts provides much more opportunity to an individual, many of those opportunities being listed above.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#36 - 2016-03-31 06:38:32 UTC
Beta Maoye wrote:
You want to destroy the market of PLEX and skill points? Do you really think there is any remote chance the community and CCP will agree with that? LOL

The market for PLEX has been destroyed for a long while.
When they were first introduced, a PLEX cost 400 mil.

As far as destroying the market for SP, that's laughable.
The INCLUSION of PLEX into the game, in and of itself, regardless of which came first, is the SOLE destroyer of the SP market.
PLEX is used to finance alt toons/accounts that are used to farm SP. Those PLEX are used yet again to pull the SP out of said toons.

Eventually, the push of RW wealthy people flooding the market with PLEX will die down, while the demand for SP will not.
PLEX pricing will go up and SP pricing will go up with it.

It's a never ending cycle of increased burden on the player in game and actually helps to fudge the market completely.

Unlocking alt toons for free SP would actually help to avoid this bubble.
Less demand for PLEX to fund alt accounts/alt toons for farming, thus more/cheaper PLEX for purchasing SP extractors.

IMHO, it will help to alleviate the inflation bubble that has been forming since the introduction of PLEX into the game.

Right now, the hype train is running over skill extractors and players have flooded the market with PLEX because they know, now is the time to make isk.
Eventually, many players will stop purchasing PLEX to put on the market.
When that happens, the PLEX prices will likely shoot up over 1.5 bil as the demand will remain, but the supply will dwindle.

Basically, my opinion is that PLEX were likely already sending Eve in the wrong direction. Now that SP has been introduced to the market, it's only a matter of time until it fails.
I say this because, unlike other games, Eve is a sandbox in which everything effects the system.
CCP has effectively allowed real world currency to manipulate the system.

Take a perfectly enclosed environment, introduce some outside interference, and boom; You've got yourself chaos.
Point in case - Bailouts, stimulus packages, and subsidies that were intended to fix problems but instead made things worse for the international and local economy.

CCP needn't bother hiring anymore economic strategists/analysts for the Eve market, as they will likely tell them "Who knows what's going to happen now."
Sigma Sagittarii Inc.
#37 - 2016-03-31 11:49:42 UTC
Tian Toralen wrote:

Don't know why this idea bothers people so much, do you own stock in CCP? Are you concerned about CCP finances if my idea were to be implemented? Yes, I am also concerned and wish this game to continue, EVE is a great concept with lots of potential, and I think they would do better with more players paying less.

I don't own stock in CCP

I'm not concerned about CCP finances.

But I don't like people being unreasonable and want free stuff for no good reason and dress it up as a proposal and try to justify their own undeserved selfish interest as something that is good for the community/player base/other subscribers/good for the game/good for CCP/whatever.

Objectively though, we are not in position to say 'they would do better with more players paying less', because we do not have financial data to base such statement on. But just think of any other industry - would Ferrari 'do better selling more cars cheaper'? Would McDonald 'do better selling more burgers for cheaper'?

Maybe yes, maybe no. These things involve very complicated and thorough data analysis and calculations and marketing strategies. In the above example, Ferrari have to consider and be wary of devaluing their own product by selling their cars cheaper. For McDonald, who sells millions of burgers per day around the world, decrease in the sale price vs. predicted increase in the sales volume calculation would require some serious market analysis on major scale.

Unless you believe you'd just phone Ferrari/McDonald HQ and tell them 'sell more cars/burgers for cheaper! You will make more money!' and expect them to take you seriously even for one second, don't expect CCP to do the same.

I've seen this too many times before. Just because the developers of games frequent forums and look for community feedback and such, it doesn't make a 'casual gamer' suddenly a must-listen-to business consultant for the company. Please respect the game developers like you would respect any other business operators. If you own and drive Ferrari and give feedback on your driving experience, I'm sure they may take a note. But don't expect you to make better business call in automotive industry than the manufacturers themselves.

Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#38 - 2016-03-31 14:21:03 UTC
Tian Toralen wrote:
Im a casual player, no intention to pay for more than 1 account. I got myself 2 accounts once, thinking I will do industry with one - but soon I realized I did not use the industry one.

The current system does not allow me to try other stuff in a casual way - unless I pay for it. And I don't want to pay for it exactly because I am casual, if I pay for it I feel I am forced to play 2 characters fully, doubling my playing time, and I have no intention for that.
EVE is unique in this, imagine another MMORPG requiring another subscription for each character. To me this system feels like some "get the full experience for another 9.99!" scam. I think it would be good for the game in the long run.

a hardcore and a causal play is not a difference in the number of accounts but the number of hours spent playing.

I have 1 account and have spent mass amount of hours playing this little game

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Aaron Raus
Whispering Pines Golf Club
#39 - 2016-04-01 08:17:25 UTC

As it will destroy role playing spirit of this game even further. It was already blown almost to non-existent with skill injectors (you do not build your char - you buy it, with name you like, skills you choose, clean history etc...) and there is no need to add split personalities to this.
Wimzy Chent-Shi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2016-04-01 09:31:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Wimzy Chent-Shi
Well change wouldn't hurt anyone.
But if your problem is branching out and trying new things go for trials.
I suppose most tears are motivated by that more money in CCP wallet means stuff gets done faster and better without random branching out into whole new games and such which obviously we have no say in and neither we should.
But it is a direct attack on the CCP income and as such will probably not pass.
I am just dazzled how some people get all salty over the suggestion as if it was their income in question.
Alts with training are real. It changes nothing.
The only difference proposed is whether they are to be available to everyone for free or not.
Sure it's stupid to ask for free stuff and call it a feature or an idea, but you can always ask.
No need to unleash a sea of tears just because back in your day you did not get to do it.

Come get some cancer @ my blog !

"This clash of opinions is like cutting onions. We are creating something here, that's productive, ...and then there is also salt." -Wimzy 2016

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