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The Like and Get Likes Thread, Renewed

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Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#4961 - 2016-03-26 13:12:07 UTC
T -30 days.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#4962 - 2016-03-26 13:15:25 UTC
Kaaeliaa wrote:
Yiole Gionglao wrote:
Nana Skalski wrote:
Yiole Gionglao wrote:
It's been a long day but satisfying. Now I hope that te sleep for this night will be also long and satisfying.

Nighties LAGLers!

You tried to use non prescription melatonin? Maybe you have some useless pineal gland there if you have troubles sleeping.

Melatonin is not available legally in Spain; there's only one authorized medicine using it and it's a prescription medication for autist children.

I'm very reluctant to messing with the brain, anyway. I overcame depression without using medication and would hate using pills forever (or until my brain adapted to them) just for sleeping...

...but I really should consider doing something serious. My workplace haves plenty of natural light, so my exposure to sunlight is OK. Next suspect it's the computer screen, so will look for software that dims blue light after dawn... I spend lots of hours staring at computer screens, even after dawn.


f.lux is love, f.lux is life.

Listen to the doctor Kaae.
Yiole Gionglao
#4963 - 2016-03-26 14:26:09 UTC
Kryptik Kai wrote:
Yiole Gionglao wrote:

...but I really should consider doing something serious. My workplace haves plenty of natural light, so my exposure to sunlight is OK. Next suspect it's the computer screen, so will look for software that dims blue light after dawn... I spend lots of hours staring at computer screens, even after dawn.

Err... do you mean after sunset?

Probably! Lol

"Dawn" ressembles "(when sun goes) down" and its one of those words that sometimes trouble me, like "tuesday" and "thursday" which I need to think carefully to not mistake "thuRsday" with "maRtes"...

If English day names were built as in Spanish, your week would be "Dominede", "Mondy", "Mardy", "Mercudy", "Jovedy", "Versdy" and "Sabathe"... and if they were built as in Catalonian, they would be "Dadomine", "Damon", "Damars", "Damercur", "Dajove", "Daveners" and "Dasabath".

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Yiole Gionglao
#4964 - 2016-03-26 14:26:57 UTC
Kaaeliaa wrote:
Yiole Gionglao wrote:
Nana Skalski wrote:
Yiole Gionglao wrote:
It's been a long day but satisfying. Now I hope that te sleep for this night will be also long and satisfying.

Nighties LAGLers!

You tried to use non prescription melatonin? Maybe you have some useless pineal gland there if you have troubles sleeping.

Melatonin is not available legally in Spain; there's only one authorized medicine using it and it's a prescription medication for autist children.

I'm very reluctant to messing with the brain, anyway. I overcame depression without using medication and would hate using pills forever (or until my brain adapted to them) just for sleeping...

...but I really should consider doing something serious. My workplace haves plenty of natural light, so my exposure to sunlight is OK. Next suspect it's the computer screen, so will look for software that dims blue light after dawn... I spend lots of hours staring at computer screens, even after dawn.


f.lux is love, f.lux is life.

f.lux is in my computer since earlier today. Lol

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Yiole Gionglao
#4965 - 2016-03-26 14:28:52 UTC
Ria Nieyli wrote:
T -30 days.

For? Question

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#4966 - 2016-03-26 14:41:09 UTC
Yiole Gionglao wrote:

Joveminati confirmed.

Yiole Gionglao wrote:
Ria Nieyli wrote:
T -30 days.

For? Question

Last days as a young person.
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#4967 - 2016-03-26 22:10:29 UTC
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#4968 - 2016-03-26 22:41:02 UTC
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#4969 - 2016-03-26 22:49:34 UTC
LordOdysseus wrote:
Am I the only one who read the Odyssey?

Are you referring to Homer's 'Odyssey' telling the story of Odysseus travels while trying to return home after the Trojan War?

If so then yes, I read it in high school Literature Class after reading the Iliad which told the story of the Trojan War. I also read all of the Greek, Roman, Norse and Egyptian Mythology stories as well.

Yiole Gionglao
#4970 - 2016-03-26 23:07:31 UTC
On to sleep! One hour less sicec it's the end of DST, but doesn't matter much... I don't work on Monday, so I will have two days to get off bed when I please.

Nighties, LAGLers.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#4971 - 2016-03-27 03:20:40 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
LordOdysseus wrote:
Am I the only one who read the Odyssey?

Are you referring to Homer's 'Odyssey' telling the story of Odysseus travels while trying to return home after the Trojan War?

If so then yes, I read it in high school Literature Class after reading the Iliad which told the story of the Trojan War. I also read all of the Greek, Roman, Norse and Egyptian Mythology stories as well.


Our Literature teacher in high school gave us the option: Odyssey or Iliad. Since everyone else was reading the Odyssey, I read the Iliad.

So, you're a bounty hunter. No, that ain't it at all. Then what are you? I'm a bounty hunter.


Eve Vegas 2015 Pub Crawl Group 9

Houston EVE Meet

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#4972 - 2016-03-27 06:17:03 UTC
I have read the Odyssey and Iliad only fragmentarilly, but from every medium out there, film, mentions in literature and basically from everywhere I know major who, where, why, somehow. Its like you would have lore dripping onto you from oversaturated culture sponge.
Yiole Gionglao
#4973 - 2016-03-27 08:08:27 UTC
Mornings LAGLers!

I haven't read any of the Greek or Latin classics, but I have read the Quixote (unabridged and in the original old Spanish) and the complete plays of William Shakespeare in Spanish, in one of its best translations (dated 1927 and still reprinted).

I've read little Literature, as my interests have always been elsewhere in matters of reading.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#4974 - 2016-03-27 08:11:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Ria Nieyli
Yeah, I read the Oddysey in elementary. Couldn't really make sense of it back then.
Yiole Gionglao
#4975 - 2016-03-27 08:46:51 UTC
Oh dammit: I've seen a trailer of a remake of Ben Hur and it started with action scenes from the naval battle under a overcast, gloomy sky and absolutely 0% CG lifelikeness. Then the trailer becomes worst (do they talk about crucify Ben Hur's mother and sister???) and I just stopped seeing it and start pretending that film doesn't exists...

(BTW, I've read Ben Hur)

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#4976 - 2016-03-27 10:09:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Ria Nieyli
So the system I was in just went offline and now I can't log back in, stuck at character select...
So, I tried turning it off and on again, and it got worse

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#4977 - 2016-03-27 10:37:08 UTC
Yeah, I get the same message too.

I was docked in Rens going through some assets when I saw a Cluster Shut Down notice pop up in the notifications box. I checked it which said DT would begin in 1 hr.

5 mins later I lost server connection and now keep getting the handshake fail message. EveMon says Tranquility is offline.

Also the forums are showing 'We got ganked' message when posting and it seems I missed CSM voting.


Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#4978 - 2016-03-27 10:40:12 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Yeah, I get the same message too.

I was docked in Rens going through some assets when I saw a Cluster Shut Down notice pop up in the notifications box. I checked it which said DT would begin in 1 hr.

5 mins later I lost server connection and now keep getting the handshake fail message. EveMon says Tranquility is offline.

Also the forums are showing 'We got ganked' message when posting and it seems I missed CSM voting.



Well guess what. Someone forgot to adjust daylight savings time and the server ran its cleanup scripts while it had almost 23,000 people connected to it. All that corrupt data...
Yiole Gionglao
#4979 - 2016-03-27 11:26:29 UTC
Ria Nieyli wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Yeah, I get the same message too.

I was docked in Rens going through some assets when I saw a Cluster Shut Down notice pop up in the notifications box. I checked it which said DT would begin in 1 hr.

5 mins later I lost server connection and now keep getting the handshake fail message. EveMon says Tranquility is offline.

Also the forums are showing 'We got ganked' message when posting and it seems I missed CSM voting.



Well guess what. Someone forgot to adjust daylight savings time and the server ran its cleanup scripts while it had almost 23,000 people connected to it. All that corrupt data...

Yay, people is a virus! All those inputs and outputs! Turn on this, tun off that, now I blow up, now jump me through that gate, hour after hour, day after day after day!

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#4980 - 2016-03-27 12:12:25 UTC
Yes,I'm referring to Homer's "The Odyssey". In the second chapter,when they are gathering for a council,they see two eagles flying above and the soothsayer interprets it as Odysseus's return after 20 years.