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CCP, surprise us.

Sigma Sagittarii Inc.
#1 - 2016-03-26 12:03:44 UTC
These days eve evolves with pretty regular development cycles, and there's always new contents and balancing factors being implemented.

Overall, CCP has done good job at keeping players updated on what's happening with eve and let us know in advance about big changes coming up, through dev. blogs, then through feedback forums, SISI testing, and final implementations on Tranquility, etc, etc.

In a way, this is great and I appreciate the developer's willingness to listen to the player base and shape the game in a way that its loyal player base would like to see, shared visions and all that.

However, with many of us players having played this game for like a decade now, sometimes things are too smooth, too pedestrian, and we feel like we are too settled and well established in the game.

So I was thinking, wouldn't it be nice for CCP to 'surprise' us sometimes, with random spectacular things.

I know there have been some goodies introduced to game as surprise 'gift', such as ship skins, new rat/anom spawns with new rewards to get players out into low-sec/null, which I guess lead to some more content.

But I'm not talking about such 'gift' or 'bonus rewards'. I'm thinking more in lines of 'disasters' that shake us out of our comfort zone, and "force" us to adapt.

I thought of two such ideas, they are in no way perfect examples, but this will give you an idea of kind of 'surprise' events I'm thinking of.

1. Black hole, super nova or such cosmic disaster

Imagine a black hole appearing in one of the trade hubs, or in some home system of a null alliance, or in a busy FW system, or in a high-sec mission hub, wherever. Totally unannounced and unexpected, and totally destructive.

All the stations and ships and assets - everything in that system will get sucked into the blackhole, and yes, be lost forever permanently.

****? yes, it will cause outrage. People will lose so much stuff they have been hoarding thinking they would be 100% safe (because nothing can ever happen to your personal assets in high-sec station right?).

But that is the whole point. To introduce the sense of hopelessness to the player base. That **** can happen to anyone, no matter how powerful you/your corp/your alliance/whatever is. **** can happen that make you lose very valuable stuff, totally out of your control.

Would I be upset? Yes. If I was flying my most blingy ship in space and suddenly got sucked into a blackhole only to wake up in a new clone on the other side of the galaxy (with possible SP loss too lol), or if a trillion of asset someone amassed in a tradehub got wiped out, that would suck big time. But then again, that's the point.

Eve is supposed to be harsh, but if you've played this game for long time, and know the game mechanics and follow all the development news religiously, it is very hard to be surprised or make a big enough mistake that actually hurt. Make this happen, to remind us that space is dangerous, to bring back the paranoia again even to the oldest and fattest cats in New Eden.

2. Empire Blockade

Something like a Caldari vs Gallente war, some rogue rebellion in Amarr space, riot in Minmatar space, whatever. This does not have to be permanent, but make it last some time enough to disrupt the geopolitical scenery. Something like an unexpected escalation of war between Gallente & Caldari, and ALL travel routes/borders between Caldari and Gallente being closed. No player ship allowed to move between two empires. Don't tell people when this will happen, and don't tell people how long this will last.

Make a Minmatar Riot breakout in some highsec empire system, mission hub or even tradehub like Rens or whatever. Station will be inacceissible. You cannot retrieve your goods from certain systems, whatever.

You can weave these events to chronicles, make them part of the development/progress of New Eden's history, which could give it more context.

Well, I'm sure there are much more creative people out there who can think of more/better scenario like this. But the main point is as I said earlier, to make eve unpredictable, to give us that 'oh ****' moment, make it arbitrary so we feel like we have no control over the disaster, put the capsulers down to remind them no matter what demi-god we have become now, space is very big, and powerful, and terrifying.

Pleasure Hub Node-514
Pleasure Hub Hotline
#2 - 2016-03-26 12:12:33 UTC
Chaos and SISI pretty much ruin any surprise.

The unveiling of Drifter Boosters and Augmentations may lead to something like player diseases for those who chose to be early adopters despite the veiled warnings.

'One night hauler' The tell all story of a pleasure bot in Jita 4-4

Sigma Sagittarii Inc.
#3 - 2016-03-26 12:17:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Pookoko
Pleasure Hub Node-514 wrote:
Chaos and SISI pretty much ruin any surprise.

The unveiling of Drifter Boosters and Augmentations may lead to something like player diseases for those who chose to be early adopters despite the veiled warnings.

Yeah, that is a problem.

So I think these things should come straight into TQ with no SISI testing or player feedback gathering.

Something like ship balancing or new module introduction needs player feedback/balancing so I guess they need to be on SISI. But some kind of a disaster whose main function is just pure destruction probably don't need to be tested.

Maybe this will make some people rage quit, but I don't care. I'm prepared to take big personal losses if that means it brings fear into New Eden.

This doesn't even need to happen regularly. Just let it happen once, somehwere, unannounced, in a big scale. The next such event could happen the day after or four years later, but once it happens, and it leaves its disastrous mark in the universe, this will be a permanent feature in the lore and in player's experience, because although very very very unlikely to happen, we know that it CAN happen.

edit: btw, I like the 'player disease' idea, very much!
Lugh Crow-Slave
#4 - 2016-03-26 12:22:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
No ccp is bad at surprises and the eve community is bad at being surprised

Add for skipping the sisi step that's also bad if you have ever been on sisi you'll know that when a dev is working on one part of a game it causes some other unrelated area to break and since ccp does not have the man power to check every miner thing in the game when they want to add something they use is to do it.

If you really want to be surprised stay off the forums and reddit and sisi
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2016-03-26 21:39:34 UTC
If you blew up jita and everything in it with no announcement, warning or testing at all, how many people do you think would unsub and never return?
Zansha Expansion
#6 - 2016-03-26 22:53:11 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
If you blew up jita and everything in it with no announcement, warning or testing at all, how many people do you think would unsub and never return?

If I may make an educated guess, too many for CCP's taste.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Iain Cariaba
#7 - 2016-03-26 23:26:59 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
If you blew up jita and everything in it with no announcement, warning or testing at all, how many people do you think would unsub and never return?

Can we try it and find out?
Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2016-03-26 23:27:33 UTC
What the actual **** are you talking about?

1st idea: This would make the majority of the EVE playerbase quit instantanous. Nobody wants to lose their stuff to random chance. Your idea of "harsh" is too mild to even describe how insane this idea is.

2nd idea: Minmatar create blockades? Please... That would slaughter their economy lorewise, especially since the Minmatar republic are a bunch of savage cowards who need the aid of their dear Gallente Federation all the time.

Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#9 - 2016-03-27 02:12:40 UTC
I think the game would be just fine if 4-4 got swallered up by a black hole. Outrage? Sure! I'm qitting eve threats? Sure. Quitting eve for reals? Totally!

But let's examine the real 'damage' this would cause.... Beyond "I lost all my stuff" what would the 4-4 black hole event actually do to the game? The long term game, not the short term. Seriously, if the 10 year vets that are ultra rich were black holed into starting over or quitting - would that really be a bad thing?

Overall I think it would be healthy if CCP added more risk/loss into the game in lieu of safeguarding stuff. I think the game is kind of at a crossroads. CCP will either make changes to keep it's unique and awesome game (the part that makes your heart pound because your game gear is actually on the line) growing stronger and better, or they will follow the 'make eve more wowlike' to pull in those subs (wow players) and chase a quick buck. The past several years of caving to the safety of the player base has the game leaning further and further to stale, stagnant and dying. Sure - you get to keep all your stuff, but you can do THAT in every other game on the planet.

A 4-4 black hole event is obviously over the top, but the game could use a bit more uncertainty.

Take a step way back and look at the big picture. The human condition is based on clawing our way to the top. Once there we fall into decadence and sloth, then things topple and renew.

Games are the same way. It's all about the struggle. Truly bad games die immediately (of course). Good games hold our attention as we strive to be on top. Once the game is mastered it loses it's appeal and players move on. If CCP makes eve into spacewow, then they will lose. At this point in gaming trying to outwow wow is folly - they own it. Once a players hangar/citadel is all full up - where is the joy in the struggle. Getting your first merlin (enyo, curse, tempest, archon) is pretty sweet. Adding a 4th backup archon is pretty meh. (Woo Hoo I have 3 to 5 backups of everything)

I'll give you my current place in eve. My corp recently got burned out of our C5 WH. It was glorious. We lost everything. What is everything? Well, it's all the stuff we had in there. After losing all that it was time to rebuild. I took stock of what I had left after losing everything. It's pretty staggering. 50+ BS I didn't even remember I had. 20 something logistics that I will probably never fly. Hics, inty, AF in stacks and piles - the inventory was crazy. Other assets in stations - 10s of billions. Liquid isk - 10s of billions. That's on just on this character. Basically I lost 'everything' and can still plex all my accounts for 3 years without undocking.

I'm at the point where I'm having trouble logging into the game. I have little purpose. PVP has lost it's meaning. Null stuff has been stale for several years. It's all fake or for the luls. Empire pvp got patched into garbage w/ the free assist stuff - it's pretty much pve, but you farm players instead of npc. FW is pretty much reduced to complex farming manipulation. Incursions - I'll just say wtf were you thinking??? So I did WH, but that's pretty much been carved up by a few large groups w/ like 3 viable indy groups hanging in there.

Citadel space magic was a huge blow to my hopes for the future of the game. What's the point of playing eve right now??

Piling assets really really high? Check
Meaningful PVP? Hell yeah, but where is it???

So, 4-4 black hole is funny but over the top. Surprising me w/ some worthwhile and meaningful pvp would be great.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#10 - 2016-03-27 02:32:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Nevyn Auscent
Uncertainty is different from RNG screwing you over.

Uncertainty could be created by fuzzy intel for instance.
Currently local tells you exact systems people are in, Dscan tells you exact ships, range & direction (with a touch of Dscan skill).
Change that to Constellation rather than Local, & a rough number/class idea rather than exact details and you now have uncertainty.

Slowing down stockpiling could be impacted by slowly introducing a 'use it or lose it' soft limit on hanger size & isk balance. Whereby large hangers get billed for 'excessive space use', and large isk wallets get raided by pirate groups (NPC's, basically a 'tax') hacking banks for funds. Obviously keep a decent limit, you want people to be able to buy a titan without feeling they keep getting robbed while saving for it, but having enough personal isk to buy 20 or 100 titans.... that should get impacted.

Yes, it sucks to have stuff vanish just because you are doing well, but you want a reason to not stockpile and instead go out and use the stuff, you have to implement some kind of system like that. Otherwise exactly what you said, you can just store & store and store.

Random destruction simply because your number came up and your station blew up while you were offline. That's RNG screwing you over and no-one wants to play that sort of game for long.
Sigma Sagittarii Inc.
#11 - 2016-03-27 03:40:37 UTC
Thanks for the feedback guys.

Like I said, maybe blackhole or blockade ideas are not exactly the best ideas technically or lore-wise, but you all understood the intention behind it anyway so it's ok.

The main point is that IRL, stuff can happen in catastrophic scale such as earthquakes, etc. And such disasters often reshape the way people think about their lives as well as give incentives to prepare for the unexpected.

But I understand and accept that just pure 'RNG screwing you over' may not be a good game design. So some revisions could be made to my original idea, such as following.

1. Give 'hints'

Let's say before a cosmic disaster, let there be small signs over preceding period. Such as appearance of some cosmic anomalies (no not the ratting kinds...) we can observe. A slow development of tell-tale signs over the preceding weeks, that can be found/scanned or whatever by players to give others warning (if they want to). A bit like how geologists these days give warning about potential major natural disaster based on data they collect and analyse regularly. Explorers could be encouraged to report when they see something abnormal developing during their journeys. This could give rise to player driven 'observation and early warning system' type of thing.

2. Same could happen with blockade lore wise. Give more updates and means for the players to connect with what's happening in the empires/pirate factions lore wise. News flashes, chronicles, in game bill board or whatever. Let the political situation develop over time, so that players, if they are keen and keep an eye on the political situation of the empires, can sense that something may be coming up which could disrupt the 'normal life' in New Eden.

So this is how I think my original idea could be modified to make it a better game feature.

Having said that, Serendinpity Lost explained my idea better than I originally did perhaps. Yes, some ideas may be OTT, but possibility of disaster/event/whatever that could shake up the game and lead to player reactions is what I want. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket", "don't horde on to everything you ever bought", "give reasons for players to spread their assets out", etc, kinda idea.

I too experienced great losses during my eve career of course. Some due to player actions, some due to my own stupidity, whatever. But some of the great losses were 'awesome', and often forced me to adapt the way I play and do things in the game. Change the direction of corp, change the way I fly ships, change the way I run my operation, etc, etc. Some of my early experiences with Wormhole when they first came out really brought back the feeling of exploring a new harsh universe just as I felt when first starting eve.

Maybe my currently proposed idea is ok/good/bad/sh!t, whatever. But the main point is to bring back that unknown danger and 'oh sh!t' moments back to eve.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2016-03-27 03:55:13 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Uncertainty is different from RNG screwing you over.

Uncertainty could be created by fuzzy intel for instance.
Currently local tells you exact systems people are in, Dscan tells you exact ships, range & direction (with a touch of Dscan skill).
Change that to Constellation rather than Local, & a rough number/class idea rather than exact details and you now have uncertainty.

Slowing down stockpiling could be impacted by slowly introducing a 'use it or lose it' soft limit on hanger size & isk balance. Whereby large hangers get billed for 'excessive space use', and large isk wallets get raided by pirate groups (NPC's, basically a 'tax') hacking banks for funds. Obviously keep a decent limit, you want people to be able to buy a titan without feeling they keep getting robbed while saving for it, but having enough personal isk to buy 20 or 100 titans.... that should get impacted.

Yes, it sucks to have stuff vanish just because you are doing well, but you want a reason to not stockpile and instead go out and use the stuff, you have to implement some kind of system like that. Otherwise exactly what you said, you can just store & store and store.

Random destruction simply because your number came up and your station blew up while you were offline. That's RNG screwing you over and no-one wants to play that sort of game for long.

Some things like this would be neat. Especially with intel. See the fuzzy cloaking thread in my sig, although I didn't explain it very well apparently.

Something else that would be neat, and more in line with the OP, is cosmic events that are like incursions but they actually matter.

Citadel or other stuff gets sucked into a wormhole, you have to go bash a lot of drifters or stuff (scaling with Citadel size maybe) to get it back.

Sansha or Drifters attack a system, shutting down market, impounding assets, trying to kill people (like the drifter ais) until they are defeated. AKA incursions that are nasty.

Wars between factions. Same as the above system. Except some things (killings, impounding) only affect "opposed" factions. Maybe allow alliances to make "treaties" with empires?

More stuff that is random, but recoverable/defeatable. And maybe mitagatable/avoidable in certain regions/areas. The poorest/worst ones of course.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#13 - 2016-03-27 14:07:52 UTC
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#14 - 2016-03-27 18:20:14 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
I think the game would be just fine if 4-4 got swallered up by a black hole. Outrage? Sure! I'm qitting eve threats? Sure. Quitting eve for reals? Totally!

But let's examine the real 'damage' this would cause.... Beyond "I lost all my stuff" what would the 4-4 black hole event actually do to the game? The long term game, not the short term. Seriously, if the 10 year vets that are ultra rich were black holed into starting over or quitting - would that really be a bad thing?

Okay, not a 10 year vet, but still if my character disappeared in this kind of event, I would almost surely stop playing. I would not look forward to the idea of spending another 8 years getting back to where I was. And no I would not want to pay a premium to CCP to skip those 8 years either.

This would be a huge ****-punch to a large number of players.

Also, taking out that much real economic output out of the game in a single event. A huge ****-punch to the economy too.

Inducing paying customers into saying screw this and walking away is a ****** ****** ****** business model.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#15 - 2016-03-29 13:57:36 UTC
Celthric Kanerian wrote:
What the actual **** are you talking about?

1st idea: This would make the majority of the EVE playerbase quit instantanous. Nobody wants to lose their stuff to random chance. Your idea of "harsh" is too mild to even describe how insane this idea is.

2nd idea: Minmatar create blockades? Please... That would slaughter their economy lorewise, especially since the Minmatar republic are a bunch of savage cowards who need the aid of their dear Gallente Federation all the time.

1 I agree, I think OP want to see people quit, We once had stations destructible, Yulai system I think is where the attack happened as it was like jita before every one moved to jita, an alliance attacked the station and all stock/market/hangers all lost.

also people would not like logging in to finding their character died in 1 system and their home system also destroyed un able to clone which would make more people quit.

2 the Minmatar are shifting that aid to a unknown base rebuilding their attack fleet that was loss to the empress to keep freeing other slaves in another massive attack.

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#16 - 2016-03-29 16:39:06 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
If you blew up jita and everything in it with no announcement, warning or testing at all, how many people do you think would unsub and never return?

Can we try it and find out?

I would quit but not even for the loss of assets but for the sheer stupidity of the act. I not gonna state it as a fact but I'm pretty sure I am not alone thinking that way.
Ghaustyl Kathix
Rising Thunder
#17 - 2016-03-29 16:52:44 UTC
Pookoko wrote:
So I think these things should come straight into TQ with no SISI testing or player feedback gathering.

There's a pretty good example of something disastrous happening in an MMO that didn't quite go through proper testing.
Sigma Sagittarii Inc.
#18 - 2016-03-29 16:58:54 UTC
Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
Pookoko wrote:
So I think these things should come straight into TQ with no SISI testing or player feedback gathering.

There's a pretty good example of something disastrous happening in an MMO that didn't quite go through proper testing.

well it all depends on perspectives. I was actually big into WoW at that time and experienced the epidemic first hand. I loved it.

Overall though it seems many don't really like my idea. Maybe I'm just masochistic. :p
Ghaustyl Kathix
Rising Thunder
#19 - 2016-03-29 17:50:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghaustyl Kathix
Pookoko wrote:
well it all depends on perspectives. I was actually big into WoW at that time and experienced the epidemic first hand. I loved it.
Yeah, there are a few cases of unintended side-effects turning out okay. Not just the Corrupted Blood Plague, but players living in wormhole space in towers was completely unintended gameplay as well.

Though as a temporary event, that plague turned out okay, but for long-term gameplay that was disastrous.
Damjan Fox
Fox Industries and Exploration
#20 - 2016-03-30 20:27:22 UTC
Pookoko wrote:
But the main point is as I said earlier, to make eve unpredictable, to give us that 'oh ****' moment, make it arbitrary so we feel like we have no control over the disaster, put the capsulers down to remind them no matter what demi-god we have become now, space is very big, and powerful, and terrifying.

Just wait for the day, when the stargates in all of known space go offline (like the Caroline's Star incident in Jove Space).
Traveling through New Eden will be limited to wormholes and cynos until we players start to build our own stargates and reshape the map as we see fit.
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