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Wardec balancing

First post
Black Pedro
#301 - 2016-03-09 09:00:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Joe Risalo wrote:
Which why i refer back to one of my earlier statements:
People don't wardec for pvp, the wardec for targets.
These are the same thing.

Your problem in understanding why wardecs exist is you view Eve as a ship or fleet combat simulator. It is not. It is a single-universe/single-economy, competitive PvP game. The game isn't designed with a primary goal to produce balance fights. It is instead suppose to be a sandbox where players have the freedom to tell their own stories, to build and to destroy.

For this to work, players need to be able to affect other players. It is simple as that: Eve after all comes from Everyone vs. Everyone. Almost without exception, every single game mechanic is subject to disruption by other players. CCP is not going to break that by adding a make-your-corporation-immune button to the game, even if that button is earned by shooting something.

I agree, there should be a way to opt-out of wars but there already is in the NPC corp. I also think that adding a social corp, or some other accommodation for players who want to group up socially, but who are not actually competing economically would be a great thing for CCP to do. But the for the rest of us who are trying to earn wealth and power in the greater universe, we need to be vulnerable to our rivals, all our rivals. Not just rivals that have enough money, or the numbers to defend a beacon, or whatever other hoop you are proposing the attacker to have to jump through.

Highsec wars a just a microcosm of the greater universe of New Eden. Small groups get stomped by large groups all the time. Large groups get harassed and trolled by small groups all the time. None of it is especially balanced or fair. It amazes me that such a large swath of the player base has the misapprehension that highsec should somehow be different, a place full of honour and "gud" fights. It is not. Highsec is intended to be as much the harsh and unforgiving place as the rest of New Eden.

Wars can use some work. More importantly, corporations can use some work to make them more worth defending. But no iteration is going to include mechanisms for players to make themselves immune to other players based on whatever criteria self-interested players like to regularly propose on these forums. Corporations are intended to be at risk: deal with that or play something else.
Shalmon Aliatus
Bluestar Enterprises
The Craftsmen
#302 - 2016-03-09 11:06:33 UTC
The problem is that the only corporation that is at risk is the defender. Most of them reduce the risk by putting down any POS (or put them into deathsar/dickstar mode) and not logging in for a week. The agressor wil either steamroll them, wait for them at gates or in case the defender manages to form a fleet, just stay docked and play with their other accounts.

There is no mechanic that requires either side to be in space that isn't near a gate or a station.

The benefits of a corp are things like the ability to put down a pos and customs offices and thats pretty much it. So maybe we should limit wardecs to corps that actually have stuff in space that you can destroy.

If you want targets, you cast just gank. A catalyst costs less than a wardec.

NPC corps are an way to opt out of wars, but that means you leave a place you called home. It's like saying people in Syria can opt-out of the war by leaving the country.
Black Pedro
#303 - 2016-03-09 11:55:44 UTC
Shalmon Aliatus wrote:
The problem is that the only corporation that is at risk is the defender. Most of them reduce the risk by putting down any POS (or put them into deathsar/dickstar mode) and not logging in for a week. The agressor wil either steamroll them, wait for them at gates or in case the defender manages to form a fleet, just stay docked and play with their other accounts.

There is no mechanic that requires either side to be in space that isn't near a gate or a station.

The benefits of a corp are things like the ability to put down a pos and customs offices and thats pretty much it. So maybe we should limit wardecs to corps that actually have stuff in space that you can destroy.
Fine with me. Corps that don't have structures in space are practically NPC corps already. Just move all corporation benefits into player structures (like citadel modules/rigs for collecting taxes, shared hangers and the like) and only allow wardecs against corporations with deployed player structures.

That way, if players want the benefits of being in a player corp they can deploy a structure and accept the risk someone will start a war and shoot it. If they just want to hang out with friends, well they can then do that in relative safety.

Citadels will require 7-days to take down so it will soon be impossible to evade a wardec by rolling up your in-space structures and hiding in a station. You will have to defend your structures or lose them.

You can also make it so that declaring a war requires an in-space structure (say by fitting a module or rig) so that the attacker has something on the line that can be exploded. However, making it so that wars can be ended by the defender (if that structure is destroyed or by some other mechanism) is not going to work. Players need to be able to fight over structures unimpeded by CONCORD, especially given they have so many reinforcement windows and will take over a week to successfully explode.
Madd Adda
#304 - 2016-03-09 16:44:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Madd Adda
this idea is certainly not new, but it's still something

what if the system was changed to where wars can only be dec'd corp to corp, alliance to alliance, coalition to coalition?
let's say a lone corp is dec'd by GoonWaffe, the rest of goonswarm can't participate, unless each individual corp decs that corp themselves.

Alliance leaders can dec other alliances, and coalition leaders can dec other coalitions, etc.

Nothing stops X number of wars, it just allows for more equal opportunities for the defenders to fight rather than run from the bigger mob.

Carebear extraordinaire

Brokk Witgenstein
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#305 - 2016-03-09 17:02:24 UTC
Madd Adda wrote:
this idea is certainly not new, but it's still something

what if the system was changed to where wars can only be dec'd corp to corp, alliance to alliance, coalition to coalition?
let's say a lone corp is dec'd by GoonWaffe, the rest of goonswarm can't participate, unless each individual corp decs that corp themselves.

Alliance leaders can dec other alliances, and coalition leaders can dec other coalitions, etc.

Nothing stops X number of wars, it just allows for more equal opportunities for the defenders to fight rather than run from the bigger mob.

That'd be like ... only deccing the holding corp which holds the towers? Meh. Corps have different sizes as well. Wars don't need to be equal numbers staged events (you were expecting a fair fight?? LOL)

Alliances with an industry corp and several PvP corps are probably counting on the PvP corps to be involved in wardecs also -- this idea throws that out of the window and along with it, the reason for said indy corp to even have an alliance.

What's a coalition? *void()
Madd Adda
#306 - 2016-03-10 04:33:14 UTC
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
Madd Adda wrote:
this idea is certainly not new, but it's still something

what if the system was changed to where wars can only be dec'd corp to corp, alliance to alliance, coalition to coalition?
let's say a lone corp is dec'd by GoonWaffe, the rest of goonswarm can't participate, unless each individual corp decs that corp themselves.

Alliance leaders can dec other alliances, and coalition leaders can dec other coalitions, etc.

Nothing stops X number of wars, it just allows for more equal opportunities for the defenders to fight rather than run from the bigger mob.

That'd be like ... only deccing the holding corp which holds the towers? Meh. Corps have different sizes as well. Wars don't need to be equal numbers staged events (you were expecting a fair fight?? LOL)

Alliances with an industry corp and several PvP corps are probably counting on the PvP corps to be involved in wardecs also -- this idea throws that out of the window and along with it, the reason for said indy corp to even have an alliance.

What's a coalition? *void()

i did say that nothing prevents other corps within alliances from dec'ing

Carebear extraordinaire

sstabeler Echerie
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#307 - 2016-03-11 10:02:19 UTC
I have a suggestion- though I apologies if it's already been made.

If you want CONCORD not to interfere in your war, then if the war expires, you can't re-declare it immediately- there should be a (reasonable) length of time (say, a month or two) before you can declare war on that corporation/alliance again.
If, however, you don't care about CONCORD, than a) why are you using wardecs in the first place rather than simply suicide ganking and b) you can declare war all you like

Either that, or allow industrial/frieghter pilots to hire an escort (by this, I mean pay for protection that automatically follows you through warp- while you can escort a frieghter/industrial already, you can't have them warp together automatically) either from fellow players (which is a possible alternative source of revenue for gank corps) or from NPC mercenaries. However, hiring an escort should be expensive- I'm thinking of it costing ~10% of the cost to buy the ships you want to hire- with the idea that escorts would only be hired either by industrial/freighter owners that are that desperate, or have that high-value a load. (oh, and obviously, said mercenaries can be defeated by a sufficiently large force)
Iain Cariaba
#308 - 2016-03-11 16:31:57 UTC
sstabeler Echerie wrote:
Either that, or allow industrial/frieghter pilots to hire an escort

You do realize that you can already do this, right?

Contact one of the many merc corps and hire one of their pilots to web you into warp. Or, get a corpmate to do this.
Migool Beer
Drunkendis Order
#309 - 2016-03-11 21:12:31 UTC
CCP recommended I come and post something on these boards to voice my opinion on wardecs. I tried reading the entire thread first but found the amount of troll responses to be unbearable. And so if anything I write is repetitive, I apologize.

Crying about attackers vs. defenders and the "advantage" one vs. the other has is pointless. This is indeed a sandbox, and I think that wardecs add an interesting play style to the game. The point at which it becomes "unfair" is when a non-PvP corp gets constant war declarations week after week. I'll be the first to admit that there might be an obvious reason for some of these declarations (offline structures, excessive afk mining, etc.) but at what point does it become unfair to the non-PvPer to have to deal with PvP situations for months at a time? For those of you who are going to respond with "QQ don't play a PVP game then QQ", don't bother because you're wrong. EvE is much much more than just a PvP game.

There should be a fair way for high security corporations to thwart war declarations without having to completely relocate or close shop. The only thing a non-PvP player can do is stay docked. Seriously? I'd like to recommend that there be some sort of consequence to repeatedly declaring wars against a corporation. Or maybe add in a grace period after a war ends so that the peaceful corp can't be war declared for a month straight. Or, include standings with the Concord police so that if you do get war declared against you, the NPCs will help you out to a certain extent depending on your standing with them...

Either way, we need something to balance out the war declarations so that the high security game play style does not remain completely corrupted by blind war declarations.
Brokk Witgenstein
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#310 - 2016-03-12 00:13:39 UTC
Actually ..... it's better to get dec'ed imho.
(1) peeps *might* learn to PvP, but that's not the main reason.
(2) if they cannot dec, they will gank. Which one do you prefer?
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#311 - 2016-03-12 00:35:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Joe Risalo
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
Actually ..... it's better to get dec'ed imho.
(1) peeps *might* learn to PvP, but that's not the main reason.
(2) if they cannot dec, they will gank. Which one do you prefer?

That is literally the worst reasoning I have ever seen..

1) You have a better chance of learning pvp by going to low sec, null sec, and WH space.

2) I would prefer they gank.... Ganking has limited opportunity, is restricted by the tactics you take in order to avoid it, and doesn't allow your opponent to permanently lock you into a situation in which your opponent can freely kill you and has all the safety and benefits provided by HS in order to do so.

The only way to limit wardeccers is by not undocking or not joining a player corp.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#312 - 2016-03-12 00:53:15 UTC
@migool beer

Whilst it is more than a PVP game, it is a PVP game at its core (read the faq). The 'hi-sec playstyle' is no less pvp orientated than other areas for space.

If you dont want to be wardecced then npc corps/social corps. It really is that simple.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Brokk Witgenstein
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#313 - 2016-03-12 09:11:32 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:

The only way to limit wardeccers is by not undocking or not joining a player corp.

Considered shooting back? You're playing a competitive game here. While I agree that wardec'ing brand new corps may be bad practice, it's not the wardec that is at fault. It's the notion of an apparently utterly clueless CEO making a corp, and recruiting more of the same clueless players into that.

If said corp then fails..... working as intended.

Those who cannot shoot for themselves are free to get assistance -- and to be quite frankly, I believe the WAR ASSIST mechanic to be broken as hell because it puts all the risk on whoever decs first. But I guess this was done precisely to prevent never ending wars against poor poor miners. This mechanic is already in place - what more do you want?

Not joining a player corp IS a valid alternative; after all, if you do not need a POS (if you do need a POS you're ready to defend it, yes??) all you need is a chat channel. There is no argument that says you HAVE to be able to make a wardec-free corp. Because what you really mean is TAX free, right?
Iain Cariaba
#314 - 2016-03-12 11:18:51 UTC
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
Considered shooting back?

You must be new to F&I. No, that never entered Joe's mind. Twisted
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#315 - 2016-03-12 18:53:38 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
Considered shooting back?

You must be new to F&I. No, that never entered Joe's mind. Twisted

I've strongly considered shooting back.

The deccers ran and hid, while continuing the wardec 'because they can' with no intent on actually fighting me; Only destroying targets of opportunity.
You can't exactly fight what isn't there.

Also, attempting to fight back, with the current wardec mechanics, does nothing but provide the deccer with more targets and BY NO MEANS will help the defender end the dec.

With the way these wardeccers are, the current wardec mechanic is like handing a samurai sword to a 2 year old when they're mad.

NOT a good.
Migool Beer
Drunkendis Order
#316 - 2016-03-12 21:40:54 UTC
My point is that its currently a broken system. People shouldn't be able to non-stop declare wars against a corp without consequence. Some sort of diminishing returns or grace period needs to exist. I like the idea of declaring wars, I'm not suggesting removing them from the game. But at the same time, I'm a high sec industrial oriented player who can't play the game while a war is declared. Balance this mechanic.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#317 - 2016-03-12 22:09:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
Migool Beer wrote:
My point is that its currently a broken system. People shouldn't be able to non-stop declare wars against a corp without consequence. Some sort of diminishing returns or grace period needs to exist. I like the idea of declaring wars, I'm not suggesting removing them from the game. But at the same time, I'm a high sec industrial oriented player who can't play the game while a war is declared. Balance this mechanic.

The only issue is the impunity dec corps have (from defender point of view) there really is little to no risk when you wardec a small or new player oriented corp. Citadels will some what help this by making it riskier to camp people in their home station but it won't be enough.what needs to change here is the attackers need to be forced to put something at risk.

However you should never just stay docked up and not play is not hard to play safely around a war dec

From the attacker point of view is the impunity of dropping corp or never leaving npc corps is the main issue.

This is have a hard time thinking of a viable solution to

It would also help of the war dec cost formula was alerted so that it was more expensive to dec smaller corps but cheaper to dec larger ones
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#318 - 2016-03-13 00:29:37 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:

The only issue is the impunity dec corps have (from defender point of view) there really is little to no risk when you wardec a small or new player oriented corp. Citadels will some what help this by making it riskier to camp people in their home station but it won't be enough.what needs to change here is the attackers need to be forced to put something at risk.

However you should never just stay docked up and not play is not hard to play safely around a war dec

From the attacker point of view is the impunity of dropping corp or never leaving npc corps is the main issue.

This is have a hard time thinking of a viable solution to

It would also help of the war dec cost formula was alerted so that it was more expensive to dec smaller corps but cheaper to dec larger ones

Well, here's a few problems with that method of thinking.

Deccers do have problems with NPC corps and with players dropping from player corps when they dec them.
However, what they don't realize is that all of this is not a cause, but an effect.

Players don't join player corps and/or leave player corps because wardecs are a heavy imposition that cannot be thwarted.
If players had the ability to fight back in order to end the war, many corps would attempt to fight just because they can.

See, player corps are not arbitrary because of the way they're established.
They're arbitrary because wardecs can burden the system in a way that cannot be thwarted, thus denying players the ability to develop an attachment to the group.

Now, I'm in agreement that they can make establishing a corp and/or joining a corp to be more meaningful. However, until wardecs are changed, the only effect this will have is reducing the number of toons in player corps, as there is nothing about player corps that are worth the risk of being perma-decced.

Now, there was the mention of Citadels, and some people believe this will address some issues.
IMO, it will only make the issues worse.
Instead of dispersing deccing entities into smaller groups, it will actually greatly increase the size of the groups and/or the groups will start working together, as they will need each other in order to take down the Citadel.
You will see large mixed fleets of major war deccing entities and their combat ships will like only be outnumbered by their logistics ships.
While at the same time, the deccers will not be setting up their own Citadels.
Thus, it will only become a case of defenders having more targets in which deccers can shoot at.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#319 - 2016-03-13 01:37:08 UTC
Migool Beer wrote:
My point is that its currently a broken system. People shouldn't be able to non-stop declare wars against a corp without consequence. Some sort of diminishing returns or grace period needs to exist. I like the idea of declaring wars, I'm not suggesting removing them from the game. But at the same time, I'm a high sec industrial oriented player who can't play the game while a war is declared. Balance this mechanic.

Perhaps the reason there are no consequences for the players that dec you is because you sit in station everytime you are decced.

Even whilst being completely combat inept, there are ways to operate under a dec. Ask your leadership why they dont tell the alliance to consolidate during wardecs and run mining ops whilst scouts watch gates, or why they dont run **** fit cruiser roams during decs. When you say you cant play the game while a war is declared, it says something about your corp/alliance.

Im all for changing the mechanic. But im dead set against giving any lee way to players who wont even try to help themselves.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#320 - 2016-03-13 03:24:49 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
Migool Beer wrote:
My point is that its currently a broken system. People shouldn't be able to non-stop declare wars against a corp without consequence. Some sort of diminishing returns or grace period needs to exist. I like the idea of declaring wars, I'm not suggesting removing them from the game. But at the same time, I'm a high sec industrial oriented player who can't play the game while a war is declared. Balance this mechanic.

Perhaps the reason there are no consequences for the players that dec you is because you sit in station everytime you are decced.

Even whilst being completely combat inept, there are ways to operate under a dec. Ask your leadership why they dont tell the alliance to consolidate during wardecs and run mining ops whilst scouts watch gates, or why they dont run **** fit cruiser roams during decs. When you say you cant play the game while a war is declared, it says something about your corp/alliance.

Im all for changing the mechanic. But im dead set against giving any lee way to players who wont even try to help themselves.

The mechanic is broken every which way you look at it.

Cheaper to outnumber your target than to be outnumbered by your target - broken
Defender has no reason to fight - broken
Aggressor has no reason to fight - broken
70-80% of wars ending without a single kill - broken
Defender not being able to force an end to a wardec - broken
Ally mechanic - broken
Aggressor being able to freely drop the dec when it's made mutual - broken

Hell, the only thing that's not broken about the mechanic is the ONE thing that defenders of the mechanic have been using to keep it from changing; That being it allowing legal pvp in HS.

The mechanic has literally given up all manner of balance for the sole sake of legal pvp..
I'm not saying that everyone should fly the same ship, numbers should be balanced, or anything like that; I'm just stating that every aspect of Eve provides equal opportunity.
From HS ganks to null sec roams, there are ways in which both parties are presented with both positive and negative outcomes.

With wardecs, the only negative outcome that could be presented to the aggressor is if the war is made mutual.
However, in many cases, this is turned into a somewhat positive by either providing more targets, or allowing them to drop the dec when it doesn't suit them via the mutual mechanic.

Those against the structure idea have been stating such on the basis that it gives defenders a way to 'avoid' wardecs.
However, they fail to see the truth in the matter; They haven't avoided the dec AT ALL because they're in a dec when they go to bash the structure.
If they wish to end the war by bashing the structure, the aggressor standings in their way. The only thing allowing this to be an easy out was the aggressor's inability and/or unwillingness to stop them from doing so.
In which case, the aggressor has shown themselves to be the weaker of the two groups.

No one would accept a smaller fleet defeating a larger one solely on the basis of 'they started the fight, thus are the only ones who can end it.