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[December] Missile Disruptors and Tweaks to Missile Guidance Mods

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Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#541 - 2016-01-14 22:04:18 UTC
klana depp wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
klana depp wrote:
kinda unrelated, but still throwing this idea out there..

can we get a buff to the "firewall" concept?

these disruption modules are probably maybe useful in small scale warfare, but not for 50v50 fights.

what about creating a ship (more like role) that can fit large smartbombs at reduced fitting/cap cost? much like logis can fit large reps, a t2 cruiser that can fit both 3-4 large smartbombs (and ~perma run them) as well as a decent local tank (like a huginn maybe?)..

bring a few of those to big fights and piloting skill becomes a whole new thing....

As soon as we get a damage denial module to counter turrets in the same way.

sig tanking and actually moving around? i know its not a perfect counter, but neither is firewalling, even if you have good pilots
dont get me wrong im not saying it should be possible to easily kill 99% of the missiles.. thats not what i want either..

then again, yeah, maybe defender missiles could actually do this a lot better...

Having a small sig and moving is also a counter to turret tracking except it's easier against missiles because a straight line will do to fight the explosion velocity while it can have a rather small effect VS tracking.

So again, can we get a real damage denial system against turret before buffing the already existing one for missiles?
Brokk Witgenstein
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#542 - 2016-01-15 07:09:56 UTC
I attacked a Dramiel yesterday with my Crow. He was in half structure and decided to bail, so he burnt away in a straight line until he got out of my point range.

My light missiles could no longer hit him because he OUTRAN them. This is a LIGHT MISSILE. A caldari navy, top of the line anti-frig missile shot from a top of the line Caldari missile interceptor.

Surely you can figure out what is broken here?

CCP - for the love of god: a missile is supposed to be Fast enough to catch up with its target!!! I don't care how the game engine works; please *make* it work or apply the damage anyway and don't care about the visuals ;-)
Aeryn Maricadie
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#543 - 2016-03-07 20:54:34 UTC
I get not wanting to make the one module do both because it would be OP, but how about one that does both with reduced effectiveness? This would be like the ECM module, you can choose to jam specific targeting systems better (Ladar/gravimetric/etc.) but at reduced effectiveness of others, or you can choose the general purpose jammer which is middle of the road on everything.
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#544 - 2016-03-29 03:43:21 UTC
I am confused why Missile Disruptors exist. Who would even use such a thing? No one uses missiles anyway!

Missiles are absolute trash as they stand. They do insanely low damage compared to guns since they are easily countered by speed and signature radius, they already can be destroyed by smart-bombs, defender missiles can destroy many more ways can we nerf missiles?
#545 - 2016-03-29 13:32:24 UTC
from what i observe, in pvp, missiles exept light missiles and rockets are quite unpopular.
i hoped that the guidance computers would at least allow medum missiles perform well against cruiser sized targets. but it does not seem so. even with computers a ham fitted cruiser has to bad damage application as everything goes so fast. 30% debuff for both explo size and velocity and they proably wont even apply dmg vs battle cruisers anymore.

under this light... cant break whats already broken, and at the very least this will make it possible to counter rlml kiting cruisers - if one can prepeare for the fight.

still, i think it was a good idea to look at all the missile weapons when introducing these disruptors.
Brokk Witgenstein
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#546 - 2016-03-29 13:50:50 UTC
on bonused hulls (Cyclone, Sacrilege, Typhoon, Cerberus, Caracal, Orthrus, ...) they work quite well. (HAMs and Heavies I mean)

Still feel missiles should at least be able to catch up with the targets though. Nothing a friendly web can't fix, but the punishment is harsh don't you think? Going from reasonable DPS to none at all, despite the target being well in range?

That's sooo nineties Blink
Arthur Aihaken
#547 - 2016-05-09 19:25:14 UTC
So when are we finally going to see:
1. Remote missile guidance computers?
2. Faction and Officer variants of missile guidance computers and missile guidance enhancers and Faction variants of guidance disruptors and remote missile guidance computers?

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Idame Isqua
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#548 - 2016-05-10 10:54:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Idame Isqua
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
on bonused hulls (Cyclone, Sacrilege, Typhoon, Cerberus, Caracal, Orthrus, ...) they work quite well. (HAMs and Heavies I mean)

Still feel missiles should at least be able to catch up with the targets though. Nothing a friendly web can't fix, but the punishment is harsh don't you think? Going from reasonable DPS to none at all, despite the target being well in range?

That's sooo nineties Blink

A HAM cyclone applies non-significant DPS to a t1 cruiser hull...
I had a cyclone it died (to a gila) the only damage I ever did was to BS hulls
Caracal Navy Issues are great for HAMs HMs however

Also confirmed none uses missile disruption ever
Ormarr Kai
Pator Tech School
#549 - 2016-06-15 18:27:21 UTC
Will it shoot off flares ? Now that would be cool!
Poranius Fisc
State War Academy
Caldari State
#550 - 2016-06-16 20:25:16 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
So when are we finally going to see:
1. Remote missile guidance computers?
2. Faction and Officer variants of missile guidance computers and missile guidance enhancers and Faction variants of guidance disruptors and remote missile guidance computers?

Forget the guidance computers unless your long range.. short range, Target Painter's soundly beat the missile guidance computers.