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Grid Loading Issues

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-01-11 22:43:21 UTC
I keep running into some grid loading issues when I jump through systems.

The issue happens after a gate jump, and from my observations it happens when I change constellations/regions.
Overview will fail to load, system scanner works, fleet actions/warp to fleet member commands work, but no other warp to command works.
Overview lacks friendly/hostile/neutral info as well as the regular bottons.
Basically the client locks up for several seconds (from 20 and upwards to 1+mins).

The number of pilots in system and/or grid do no affect how fast or slow it takes to load. the overview/grid as this bug constistenly happens in both empty highsec/0.0/lowsec systems and mildly populated ones, I have not tried to reproduce this bug on a 100+ fight.

This bug/issue started occurring about a month ago after one of the early crucible patces.

My computer is not top of the line but more than sufficient to run EVE at max settings.

AMD FX4100
8gigs ram
Gyga Mobo
Win7 64bit

I have asked around and no one else that I know of seems to be having this issue.
My drivers/software is up to date.
Katie Frost
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-01-11 23:44:51 UTC
A few topics below yours:

This has already been discussed in detail and CCP has responded that it is indeed a bug that is being fixed currently. We can only hope that it doesn't take much longer.

Current workaround is to log-off every 20-30 minutes or before making a dangerous jump until this issue is resolved.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-01-11 23:53:43 UTC
thank you