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How to auto logoff in case of falling asleep at the helm?

Dbars Grinding
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2012-01-11 03:12:40 UTC
toasting in a mining thread.

I have more space likes than you. 

XY Zed
#22 - 2012-01-11 03:26:09 UTC
Open command prompt and then navigate to system32.

for shutdown
  • shutown.exe -s -t xx

  • xx being time in seconds until shutdown

    for rebooting
  • shutdown.exe -r -t xx
  • Cur
    Back Door Burglars
    #23 - 2012-01-11 04:54:10 UTC
    Spaceships..... cars.... they're all the same right?

    Since i know you'll ask... i found a pisstake of this device on and it came to mind when reading the OP's post :)
    Vyl Vit
    #24 - 2012-01-11 05:22:48 UTC
    Here's a tried and true idea. Get a wife. She'll see you sleeping at the keyboard and yank the plug out of the wall for you.

    Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

    Akavhi Guard
    #25 - 2012-01-11 19:58:25 UTC
    Thanks for the helpful and amusing replies! As for mining during a wardec, I do it all the time. I have to since we almost always have a few wardecs going. They are mostly from lowsec corps fighting our lowsec PVPers that dont often venture into highsec where I mine. I glance at local every now and again as well. Ill probably switch back to a coveter for a bit though.
    Valei Khurelem
    #26 - 2012-01-11 20:03:47 UTC
    I can't play this game for that long, so sorry, I can't really see your point of view.

    "don't get us wrong, we don't want to screw new players, on the contrary. The core problem here is that tech 1 frigates and cruisers should be appealing enough to be viable platforms in both PvE and PvP."   - CCP Ytterbium

    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #27 - 2012-01-11 20:09:42 UTC
    Adonlude wrote:
    Thanks for the helpful and amusing replies! As for mining during a wardec, I do it all the time. I have to since we almost always have a few wardecs going. They are mostly from lowsec corps fighting our lowsec PVPers that dont often venture into highsec where I mine. I glance at local every now and again as well. Ill probably switch back to a coveter for a bit though.

    People fail to realize that the appropriate response to a wardec is NOT to shut down everything, NOT to stop making ISK. If you do this, then the people attacking you don't even have to lift a finger to destroy your corporation. They can simply declare war and pay 10 million ISK per week to sit back while your corporation slowly dies because nobody can play the game.

    Instead, you should continue mining, continue mission running, continue generating money/resources while you watch local and keep an eye out for war targets. If a war target jumps in, you dock/safe up.
    The Greater Goon
    #28 - 2012-01-11 20:12:37 UTC
    Taedrin wrote:
    Adonlude wrote:
    Thanks for the helpful and amusing replies! As for mining during a wardec, I do it all the time. I have to since we almost always have a few wardecs going. They are mostly from lowsec corps fighting our lowsec PVPers that dont often venture into highsec where I mine. I glance at local every now and again as well. Ill probably switch back to a coveter for a bit though.

    People fail to realize that the appropriate response to a wardec is NOT to shut down everything, NOT to stop making ISK. If you do this, then the people attacking you don't even have to lift a finger to destroy your corporation. They can simply declare war and pay 10 million ISK per week to sit back while your corporation slowly dies because nobody can play the game.

    Instead, you should continue mining, continue mission running, continue generating money/resources while you watch local and keep an eye out for war targets. If a war target jumps in, you dock/safe up.

    nobody has an issue with mining during a wardec that I'm aware of (corp rules notwithstanding)
    I'm mostly laughing about doing it while sleepy or afk
    My Neutral Toon
    #29 - 2012-01-11 20:30:22 UTC
    You could try not AFK mining while war dec'd... that might solve part of the issue. P

    ...Can't. Tell. If ...Troll? Or Serious....

    Butt Hurt about Harrasment? Read first GM post:

    We love Egg
    #30 - 2012-01-11 20:37:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Roscada
    The current game mechanic to send you home for free is working as intended.
    Zen Sarum
    Ministry of War
    Amarr Empire
    #31 - 2012-01-11 20:38:03 UTC
    DarkAegix wrote:
    1. Resize your local, so all pilots are visible
    2. Rebalance your monitor's colours, so red becomes much more prevalent
    3. Place a tub of water about one hand-length deep at your feet
    4. Buy a kitten

    Once you fall asleep, the kitten will begin to roam around the room, looking for things to play with/destroy.
    If a war target jumps into system, the kitten will eventually see a large red dot on your notebook's screen. This dot will bounce up and down as people enter and leave the system.
    The kitten will then attack the red dot on your display, knocking the notebook into the tub of water. The electronics will short-circuit, your notebook will break, and you will be logged off.


    Or train the kitten to fly your ships, it will probably be more effective in wardecs.
    The Waterworks
    #32 - 2012-01-11 20:41:12 UTC
    I like the screensaver idea.

    IIRC screensavers are just renamed .exe files (rename to .scr), so you could write a simple wrapper around shutdown.exe and use that as screensaver.
    Aurelius Valentius
    Valentius Corporation
    Valentius Corporation Alliance
    #33 - 2012-01-11 21:03:16 UTC

    I suggest you get some "Red-Eye" - see linky for explaination and use...


    Imagine what you could do with that Hulk under that - it's an uber-booster... Wham, Klobber, BANG!.... *KM: Hulk bearfists small Gank Fleet to death with bear hands while dodging multiple weapons barrage*


    Large Anvil (ACME kind), rope and pully, a lever with catch and a trip set for triggering it.

    1. you setup that the moment you passout, you will fall forward, face first on the laptop.
    2. this then triggers the lever to un-catch the rope.
    3. the rope is attached to the Anvil above and on a pully rig, it will release and fall
    4. it will hit you in the head and on the lappy - which will either wake you up, or kill you and or smash the lappy - if it kills you your problems are solved, if it wakes you, then you can react, and if it smashes the lappy again problem solved... Whallah!

    ...why people can't come up with simple solutions these days own there own... *shudders* Blink
    Jaffari Sin
    #34 - 2012-01-11 21:19:15 UTC
    DarkAegix wrote:
    1. Resize your local, so all pilots are visible
    2. Rebalance your monitor's colours, so red becomes much more prevalent
    3. Place a tub of water about one hand-length deep at your feet
    4. Buy a kitten

    Once you fall asleep, the kitten will begin to roam around the room, looking for things to play with/destroy.
    If a war target jumps into system, the kitten will eventually see a large red dot on your notebook's screen. This dot will bounce up and down as people enter and leave the system.
    The kitten will then attack the red dot on your display, knocking the notebook into the tub of water. The electronics will short-circuit, your notebook will break, and you will be logged off.

    I just pissed myself laughing.
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #35 - 2012-01-11 21:30:34 UTC
    I have an idea, but it employs the use of a complicated rude-goldberg machine.
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