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Terrible wardec idea

Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#41 - 2016-02-28 02:36:26 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:

I have to ask CCP to confirm or repudiate a claim that you apparently can't support? I don't think you understand how burden of proof works.

Provide a citation or I'll just assume it's anecdotal, at best, or something you made up on the spot, at worst.

do you expect me to give out recruitment data of those corporations? are you mad? and even if I did you would say its crafted anyways. CCP is the only eve wide source of information. but if its so importaint to you I will ask them for the data.

SurrenderMonkey wrote:

You've been advocating for a structure which is, in effect, a McGuffin. Its purpose is manufactured. It has no actual function, besides providing a defender with something to shoot to "win" (because reasons) which, as Iain pointed out, effectively eliminates the feasibility of any sort of asymmetric or guerrilla style warfare in favor of the-biggest-blob-always-wins.

So, why does the bigger blob - which clearly has the innate advantage - need a magic end-war button that serves no actual purpose for the attacker?

the structure is a proposal to solution and I have stated before I will gladly abandon this idea if someone will present a better one.
guerrilla ops against recruitment corps? realy? how low can you go.
it needs the magic button because it needs to take care about newbros and not fool around with wars that someone declaired because he was bored and is too lazy or scared to go to null to get some PVP.

SurrenderMonkey wrote:

People earn upwards of 200 million an hour running high sec missions. Furthermore, high sec is very specifically not the "new player area". You don't get to just redefine what everything is for the sake of your argument.

and I presume you have evidence for that. you are stating the people and since you have not provided any volume then I will just presume that you mean all of them earn 200M an hour. but I will settle with evidence that 50%+ of the people in HS make that money. I presume you understand how burden of proof works.

but I asure you a character upto 6 months will not be making a regular income of 200M an hour.

also you are then saying there is no room for new players then?

SurrenderMonkey wrote:

Give them ships, tell them to HTFU, and go blow up some bad guys. That's always room for a hero-tackler in a frigate. If they're completely disinterested in ever having to deal with any form of player combat, even at no cost to themselves, this probably isn't the game for them.

congratulations you have just lost 6 people to your ignorance of theyre needs

SurrenderMonkey wrote:

And, finally, claiming that people who disagree with you aren't being "constructive" is laughably infantile. You haven't actually presented a compelling argument that there is a problem to be solved. Nobody is obligated to actually contribute to this. We're entirely within our rights to actively oppose it, in fact. Grow up, get over it.

the argument that there is a problem to be solved is right there in front of everyones eyes take a look
you want more data? take a look a war statistic 70% of the wars have no record of engagements, not because the defenders are hiding but because the atackers are camping a hub and hoping some less skilled unfortunate person will show up. and because there is every day less of those then we are starting to see corps with 330+ wars the have declared blindly making gameplay less enjoyable for lots of people.
and again you are wrong there are people in this thread already agreeing with me that there is a problem.
so pls check your facts befor stating something.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#42 - 2016-02-28 03:28:16 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
do you expect me to give out recruitment data of those corporations? are you mad? and even if I did you would say its crafted anyways. CCP is the only eve wide source of information. but if its so importaint to you I will ask them for the data.

I expect you to support your arguments with actual data.

the structure is a proposal to solution and I have stated before I will gladly abandon this idea if someone will present a better one.
guerrilla ops against recruitment corps? realy? how low can you go.
it needs the magic button because it needs to take care about newbros and not fool around with wars that someone declaired because he was bored and is too lazy or scared to go to null to get some PVP.

Oh, god, you literally just threw out, "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" Lol Plenty of well-known "newbro" centric organizations have survived and thrived under these conditions. You're failing where Eve Uni, Brave Newbies, etc., have succeeded, and you figure this is the game's fault, and not the fault of incompetent leadership in your recruiting organization?

and I presume you have evidence for that. you are stating the people and since you have not provided any volume then I will just presume that you mean all of them earn 200M an hour. but I will settle with evidence that 50%+ of the people in HS make that money. I presume you understand how burden of proof works.

but I asure you a character upto 6 months will not be making a regular income of 200M an hour.

also you are then saying there is no room for new players then?

I like how you call out your own straw man. "You didn't state a volume, so I'll just put words in your mouth!" Small wonder your newbros are having a rough go of it with this kind of braintrust speaking on their behalf. Roll

The ability to do so is fairly well documented
common knowledge
. It is not dreadfully skill intensive, though it does require some capital to set up.

New players are welcome anywhere in Eve. Barring the handful of Rookie systems, however, there is no area of the game specifically delineated as being the "new player zone".

congratulations you have just lost 6 people to your ignorance of theyre needs

Did I need them? I'm pretty sure I didn't need them.

Han Rova wrote:

the argument that there is a problem to be solved is right there in front of everyones eyes take a look

Ah, yes. The login numbers. You know damn near everyone with some personal pet peeve cites those numbers? Doesn't matter what the pet peeve is. Every one thinks their thing is THE thing.

Things responsible for PCU decline, according to the forums:

Wars make newbs sad
Wars are too easy to avoid
High sec ganking
High sec ganking nerfs
Jump fatigue
Plex prices
OGB's impending demise
Odyssey Scanning
Holiday gifts that don't inclue remaps, geckos, or genolution implants
Concord response time is too short
Concord response time is too long
The Door

Here's the thing about your little pet peeve: It has existed, with only slight variation, since the beginning of the game. So explain, if you would, the basis for your claim when the mechanic you're whinging about has existed through both Eve's (frankly unprecedented) growth, and the subsequent decline in numbers.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#43 - 2016-02-28 03:35:46 UTC
Whilst i am an advocate for a structure based dec (see my sig), han rova, you are barking up the wrong tree.

-First, EVE is a full time pvp sandbox. Non-consensual PVP is not just allowed, its integral to EVE. So anyone who hates being attacked by other players enough to leave is most certainly playing the wrong game. We appreciate not everyone likes wardecs, but by joining/starting a player corp you are declaring to the server that you are ready to suffer wardecs. There is an idea that has gained some traction concerning social corps that may make a more appropriate recruiting corp.

-Second, wardecs do not have valid or unvalid reasons behind them. They are just a tool and the devs said themselves they want to allow players to dec for whatever reasons they like. This is the most elegant solution to a problem that probably doesnt exist (Last time CCP checked, grief decs were 'not rampant'.) the server cannot comprehend the meta game. It cannot understand why corp A decs corp B to prevent them from mining so corp C gets a better choice of roids. It does not understand when Corp A hires Corp B to wardec corp C because their friend Corp D was a douche to Corp A.

If a 100 man corp full of veterans wants to dec a 2 man noob corp then thats fine. The noob corp made themselves vulnerable to decs by forming a corp. Doesn't matter how abhorrent you think the play style is. If the noobs dont like it, they can stay in an NPC corp and add their support to the social corp idea.

-Third, hi-sec is not the noob area. Its just an area with CONCORD. Its populated by older players as much as newer ones. You should get your noobs used to the idea that they are going to be shot at. And seeing as PVP is an excellent way to get players more active, a weekly low sec **** fit frig roam is a good way to keep your noobs interested and teach them about PVP at a low cost. Wardecs can also be approached this way but yeah station games can be a bit 'ugh'.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#44 - 2016-02-28 03:45:10 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:

Earning potential of a newbie in highsec is irrelevant.

yes that is what I have wrote. are you even reading it?

Iain Cariaba wrote:

1. SurrenderMonkey is spot on here. My corp's little wardec has cost us a small handful of players, because the leadership and other vets, like myself, took it upon ourselves to show the newbies what other options they had besides hiding in station for a week, options other than PvP. Good leadership and supportive vets who understand that not all PvP is consentual make a huge difference. Leadership who view wardecs as something bad, rather than an opportunity to get outside the box and experience more of what EvE has to offer, are truly a cancer on the player base.

you have just acknowledged that a war is keeping your players from doing what they would usualy want to do so what are you trying to pull here.
please stop lieing to me, what noobies. you have only 3 chars younget than 3 months in your corp and one has left allready, another one is an alt given it has joined the corp the same hour the char was created and the 3rd one is most likely and alt as well.
Iain Cariaba wrote:

2. Single sided PvPer view? If that's the case, then why do I, who spends 99% of his online time doing PvE, not support your idea which would only benefit me? Perhaps it's because I have a better understanding of the game and its possibilities?

tell me how many recruits went thru your hands in the last 16 or so months? I have handled over 200 people, yes some of them clearly werent made for this game, some have adapted realy fast and are in null now, but most of them left because they were limited by wars that were actualy pointless and they cound have been good players by now but all they needed was a bit more time to prepare.
Iain Cariaba wrote:

3. You are entirely focused on what you cannot do. You cannot do this, you cannot do that, etc. What I want to know is, why the **** can't you? Put aside laziness and fear and really look at the reasons you're stating. The mechanics are there, the aggressors are using them, and so can you. The risk is there, but that's intended to be part of the fun, and it is quite easy to marginalize. If you really don't want to PvP, then ask yourself why the hell you're playing a game where nearly every single aspect of it is some form of PvP. From jockeying for rocks in a belt, to selling LP gear on the market, to blowing up a freighter full of loot, there's far, far more PvP in EvE than strictly PvE.

again.. if it was only me then I dont care I can fly by the WT and laugh in his face... but its about the people who are not able to do this. why? simply because they dont have this skills, they cant handle the controlls yet, they dont know how yet, they need a quiet place to leard if they want to. and sicne new chars cant use SISI there is no safe way to test it out. and for many people its simply not fun to lose stuff over and over, its frustrating for them to even be forced to borrow of receive ships from others.
the problem is the risk is forced on people and there is no way to get out of it but wait and if the wars stack then people dont want to wait a month for the risk to decrease to a level they can accept.

Iain Cariaba wrote:

4. You're trying to come up with a solution to a problem that doesn't actually exist. The problem is that you're looking at EvE in a way that doesn't mesh with the game, and trying to make it conform to the way you want it to be. SurMonk and I are giving constructive feedback, we're telling you what you can already do using the established tools. The negativity here is only coming from you and your "can't do" outlook.

P.S. If you really want, feel free to convo me in game or invite me to your corp's public chat. I will happily go over the options you and your corpmates have when dealing with a wardec.

the cant do outlook is coming from the people that were realy not able to do because of the wars and quit the game. not me.
even the CSM thinks there is something wrong with the wardec system so why are you all turning againts me?
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#45 - 2016-02-28 03:56:31 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
again.. if it was only me then I dont care I can fly by the WT and laugh in his face... but its about the people who are not able to do this. why? simply because they dont have this skills, they cant handle the controlls yet, they dont know how yet, they need a quiet place to leard if they want to.

I bet they love being infantilized like that.

Han Rova wrote:

the cant do outlook is coming from the people that were realy not able to do because of the wars and quit the game. not me.
even the CSM thinks there is something wrong with the wardec system so why are you all turning againts me?

About the only comment re: wars in the recent CSM minutes were by a candidate who, in part, ran on an anti-wardec platform. Clearly a major issue for them. Roll

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#46 - 2016-02-28 03:56:50 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
You're failing where Eve Uni, Brave Newbies, etc., have failed,

so we are all bad at this only you are golden.. I get it...

SurrenderMonkey wrote:

you are avoiding supporting your evidence with data and if you are presented with data you ignore them or bend them to your likeings
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#47 - 2016-02-28 03:58:05 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Han Rova wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
You're failing where Eve Uni, Brave Newbies, etc., have failed,

so we are all bad at this only you are golden.. I get it...

SurrenderMonkey wrote:

you are avoiding supporting your evidence with data and if you are presented with data you ignore them or bend them to your likeings

Clearly just a typo. Roll They've obviously been very successful, with Brave growing into an entire alliance and spinning off some others. Eve Uni is a fixture in the community.

Apparently they went out and got **** done instead of whining on the forum.

But, sure, go ahead and build an argument around a sentence I fat-fingered. That's bound to be persuasive stuff, and does not at all appear to be desperate or pathetic.

Anyway, how about that data you don't have because you're making things up?

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#48 - 2016-02-28 04:22:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Han Rova
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Han Rova wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
You're failing where Eve Uni, Brave Newbies, etc., have failed,

so we are all bad at this only you are golden.. I get it...

SurrenderMonkey wrote:

you are avoiding supporting your evidence with data and if you are presented with data you ignore them or bend them to your likeings

Clearly just a typo. Roll They've obviously been very successful, with Brave growing into an entire alliance and spinning off some others. Eve Uni is a fixture in the community.

Apparently they went out and got **** done instead of whining on the forum.

But, sure, go ahead and build an argument around a sentence I fat-fingered. That's bound to be persuasive stuff, and does not at all appear to be desperate or pathetic.

Anyway, how about that data you don't have because you're making things up?

the data about how we are losing people to pointless wars? what do you expect? that I will give you APIs of all the corps I have recruited people for? are you mad or what?

so far I have provided equal or more data than you. thank you very much.
also so far I have got more **** done than you from what I can see.

I dont want to be rude guys but from what I can see I have far more experience with interacting with new players than you. and some of them simply dont want to go hide to null/station/different region for the money they have spent on the game.. all because of some nonsence random war with no goal.

also if you are all refering to the fact that most of the new players will stay because of the wars let me remind you that Im fighting special against these random wars where there is no goal. and attackers usualy stay docked of log off.. so not even the defender gets any content out of this.

also I would be interested to see these data and how many of these people were actualy in a corporation that was wardeced and how many were simply participating in a roam. because these are 2 different things.
roams will make your numbers go up, wars will make them go down.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#49 - 2016-02-28 04:40:04 UTC
Han Rova wrote:

the data about how we are losing people to pointless wars? what do you expect? that I will give you APIs of all the corps I have recruited people for? are you mad or what?

You said:

no.. 99% of them find it easier to leave the game. and that is what they do... they leave.

This is the statement for which I asked you to provide data. If you go back and read it in context, the discussion in which you furnished this response was not limited in scope to members of your specific organization. Now you're trying to pretend as if it were.

I can only assume you're engaging in this wanton dishonesty because you cannot provide the requested data. You should have simply said so.

No matter, we can subsequently ignore your unsubstantiated opinions regarding player retention as precisely that. ;)


I dont want to be rude guys but from what I can see I have far more experience with interacting with new players than you. and some of them simply dont want to go hide to null/station/different region for the money they have spent on the game.. all because of some nonsence random war with no goal.

Really, even relocating is simply too much to expect? So the game should be changed for the convenience of people who will not make the absolute least effort to reconcile their own problems?

What happens when they encounter the next little bit of adversity? Do we change the game some more so the poor little snowflake won't have to face that challenge, too?

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Shae Tadaruwa
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#50 - 2016-02-28 05:35:06 UTC
Han Rova wrote:
...but most of them left because they were limited by wars that were actualy pointless and they cound have been good players by now but all they needed was a bit more time to prepare.

That would suggest that leadership in that Corp doesn't know what it is doing.

Dracvlad - "...Your intel is free intel, all you do is pay for it..." && "...If you warp on the same path as a cloaked ship, you'll make a bookmark at exactly the same spot as the cloaky camper..."

Vic Jefferson
Rote Kapelle
#51 - 2016-02-28 06:47:22 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Han Rova wrote:
remember that Im trying to come up with a solution that would stop the type of wars where there are no encounters between the attackers and defenders at all.

This will never happen. The carebear's nature is to be scared, so carebears will never actually take any action that could possibly cause them to risk their pixels. They find it far, far easier to ask for repeated nerfs to those who are their only real risk, rather than take the steps necessary to reduce their risk.

Oh here we go.

Thing is, at this current time in game, the majority of major null alliances are wardecced by two or three major wardec alliances and corps. They aren't full of 'carebears' as you'd call them - they are full of people who would gladly fight. Thing is, one does not wardec for fights: you do it to hide behind Hisec mechanics and collect killmails free of risk. There's no effective way to fight a wardec. I've said it once, and Ill say it again, wardeccers calling anyone else a carebear is the pot calling the kettle black.

Essentially, wardeccers have no skin in the game. Wardeccers can't ask for more nerfs, or else they would; they already have every single mechanic to hide behind, guaranteeing almost perfect target selection and immunity from actually putting their ships at risk.

You can complain about carebears once Wardeccers actually have something to defend, or a way for people to actually end the war. Wardecs are absolutely part of New Eden, but in their current form, they are as broken as incursions; wardecs give risk free kills where incursions give risk free isk. If wardeccers actually had to defend something to keep the war going, things would be well balanced, as it is, they hold all the cards.

Vote Vic Jefferson for CSM X.....XI.....XII?

Black Pedro
#52 - 2016-02-28 07:53:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Vic Jefferson wrote:
Oh here we go.

Thing is, at this current time in game, the majority of major null alliances are wardecced by two or three major wardec alliances and corps. They aren't full of 'carebears' as you'd call them - they are full of people who would gladly fight. Thing is, one does not wardec for fights: you do it to hide behind Hisec mechanics and collect killmails free of risk. There's no effective way to fight a wardec. I've said it once, and Ill say it again, wardeccers calling anyone else a carebear is the pot calling the kettle black.

Vic, take a step back here.

If you make it so that any entity can just end a war by blobbing a button, you completely remove the possibility for asymmetric war. Goonswarm would never have to face a wardec again. They could fly their freighters through highsec with impunity, even set up an XL citadel and not bother to fit weapons, because at the first opportunity they would just blob the beacon and end the war.

Basically, wardecs would be useless against any group stronger than you. This is why I suspect you are instinctually for it, because on a gut level you do not like the fact you can be harassed by a group smaller and weaker than yourself. Look what would happen:

Your corp decs Goonswarm to shoot their XL citadel in highsec -> Goonswarm stomps your beacon and is 100% safe.
Marmite decs your corp -> You stomp Marmite's beacon and are 100% safe.
Any random highsec corp decs another -> The defender hires Marmite and they end the war.

It would just make large low/null entities immune to wardecs, and give Marmite (or the equvalent top dog highsec mercenary) the power to dictate who can declare wars for everyone in highec. Giving safety as a reward for PvPing in this game is not a way to promote content and conflict.

A mechanic to ending wars by blobbing is a terrible idea, and I urge you to delete it from your head right now. If you want to make wardeccers put some skin in the game, then come up with some other way. Maybe they need to deploy a structure to declare a war that doesn't end it if destroyed, but costs something significant to deploy. Or maybe, you can remove wars entirely and just move corporations benefits into stations, but giving the ability to pursue wars only to the largest blob is not the solution.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#53 - 2016-02-28 08:07:46 UTC
While wardecs have issues on both sides, how about waiting to see what the new Meta does to wars, with Citadels.
They are going to bring significant changes to the highsec meta, (Though I'm not optimistic they will be good changes to highsec with CCP's current numbers of their defences), so trying to push for wardec changes while changes are already incoming is silly.
Vic Jefferson
Rote Kapelle
#54 - 2016-02-28 13:09:27 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
They could fly their freighters through highsec with impunity

Eh, this is a little bit of an exaggeration. There's still nothing stopping them from taking out freighters the old fashioned way.

Black Pedro wrote:
If you want to make wardeccers put some skin in the game, then come up with some other way.

I agree that encouraging blob tactics are bad, but at least you are willing to see part of the problem here; a new player corp, or a dedicated mining corp, or a incursion corp won't fight back, but neither will or do corps like, say, Rote Kapelle (small gang), Goonswarm (Sov Scale warfare), or various FW and other assorted PvP-ish corps. This is largely because there is not an effective way to fight in high sec when the aggressors will only take ganks, not fights. Last I checked, AFFIRMATIVE. was wardecced as well, and you can't get much more 'good guy mom and pop shop sov' than that, yet they don't appear to be taking to the fight to the deccers, largely because they have no means to, even though they love fighting. Fighting wardeccers in high sec is like being the criminals in Home Alone.

Target selection is a huge part of the game as you know, and is what gives EvE some flavor; it's not just the battle where decisions are made, but the set up is equally important and nuanced. Honestly if you are going to openly wardec an alliance that is 50x the size of your alliance, there should be some risk to the deccers, but as it is, there really isn't.

Both parties lose when the best solution to wardecs is avoidance.

Vote Vic Jefferson for CSM X.....XI.....XII?

Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#55 - 2016-02-28 13:09:48 UTC
we if you all think that this deployable is so bad then lets get back to the original idea of this thread.

if no kills are scored in the first 48 hours of the war then it will be invalidated instantly.
-it still does not force the attacker to show up but atleast it will not bother people for an entire week

Germany simply did not declared war on Soviet Union and did not show up... this is BS guys....
Black Pedro
#56 - 2016-02-28 14:00:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Vic Jefferson wrote:
Black Pedro wrote:
They could fly their freighters through highsec with impunity

Eh, this is a little bit of an exaggeration. There's still nothing stopping them from taking out freighters the old fashioned way.

Except almost no one but Minluv and their kindred spirits in CODE. shoot freighters in highsec. And Fozzie is about to make it require 20-30% more people to do so making it unlikely anyone will ever bother. Although maybe this recent activity of PL means they are planning to get into the business too.

But to the main point, I have no problem making wardeccers have to use something that leaves them vulnerable to counter-attack. Perhaps making a structure mandatory to declare more than 3 wars, or maybe tempt them with free locators or a watchlist replacement from an observation array. But I bristle when people propose that adding a way to absolutely, 100% stop conflict as a way to encourage PvP. It makes no sense to end a war because one side loses a single battle, at least if your goal is to promote and stimulate conflict in a PvP sandbox game. It's actually so counter-productive, I am not overly worried that CCP would ever implement it, but it is raised again and again by well-meaning people, frustrated that they cannot effectively counter wardeccers.

I am sorry, but if you show up with an overwhelming fleet on the doorstep of some highsec mercenaries they are not going to undock, just like pretty much anyone else in this game. You can call them cowardly, or abusing mechanics, or whatever you'd like, but everyone does this in every space when they think they cannot win a fight. Maybe there should be a 'button' you can ring in the form of something on the line you can explode of theirs, but tying the very existence of the war to it just means small groups would never be able to harry a stronger opponent, structures owned by the big boys would become uncontestable, and wardecs would become even less relevant than they are today. The small fry already just dodge the wardecs, and now the big boys would just blob their way out.

If you really think wardecs are broken, I suggest you look at a complete rework. But as Nevyn said, the new structures are about to give more meaning to the current mechanic and something to really fight over in highsec. Evasion, at least for corps with in-space assets, is no longer going to be an option, so there is something to fight for. Perhaps the problems you perceive with the mechanic will fix themselves.
Vic Jefferson
Rote Kapelle
#57 - 2016-02-28 14:41:30 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
Except almost no one but Minluv and their kindred spirits in CODE. shoot freighters in highsec. And Fozzie is about to make it require 20-30% more people to do so making it unlikely anyone will ever bother. Although maybe this recent activity of PL means they are planning to get into the business too.

This is a separate issue, which while very important, is a wee bit tangential. A casual perusing of the last few weeks of non-dec freighter kills reveals there are a few other groups out there. Goons and their pets seem to be feeding the wardeccers exceptionally well though. Pirate

I just think it's telling that even people who like to fight as their main in game gimmick generally don't fight wardeccers, because wardeccers won't and don't have to fight persay. Honestly they should just let covert cynos be used in Hi Sec. Pirate

Vote Vic Jefferson for CSM X.....XI.....XII?

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#58 - 2016-02-28 16:47:57 UTC
Han Rova wrote:
we if you all think that this deployable is so bad then lets get back to the original idea of this thread.

if no kills are scored in the first 48 hours of the war then it will be invalidated instantly.
-it still does not force the attacker to show up but atleast it will not bother people for an entire week

Germany simply did not declared war on Soviet Union and did not show up... this is BS guys....

How about, "If no kills are scored in the first 48 hours of the war, it is assumed the defenders refused to defend themselves and their corporation is immediately dissolved in surrender."

Makes as much sense.

No, you're not going to get a "win" by refusing to log in for two days.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#59 - 2016-02-29 18:10:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Han Rova
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Han Rova wrote:
we if you all think that this deployable is so bad then lets get back to the original idea of this thread.

if no kills are scored in the first 48 hours of the war then it will be invalidated instantly.
-it still does not force the attacker to show up but atleast it will not bother people for an entire week

Germany simply did not declared war on Soviet Union and did not show up... this is BS guys....

How about, "If no kills are scored in the first 48 hours of the war, it is assumed the defenders refused to defend themselves and their corporation is immediately dissolved in surrender."

Makes as much sense.

No, you're not going to get a "win" by refusing to log in for two days.

how can you fight when the attacker is only looking for a freighter and if a drig shows up he docks?

so in your eyes its better if there are people who dont want to defend because they are not able to or dont have anything to defend then they will by todays mechanics stay docked for 7 days... yes.. much better... please...

if you are not able to score a kill in 2 entire days then you should probably not be declaring a war.
and if you know they will hide then there is no point in it anyway is it.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#60 - 2016-02-29 19:01:07 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Han Rova wrote:

how can you fight when the attacker is only looking for a freighter and if a drig shows up he docks?

Baiting him with a freighter comes to mind as one possibility. That said, I sincerely doubt that war aggressors who just won't come out to fight is an actual concern for you, instead of just a contrivance you're employing in an effort to make your position seem more reasonable.

so in your eyes its better if there are people who dont want to defend because they are not able to or dont have anything to defend then they will by todays mechanics stay docked for 7 days... yes.. much better... please...

The inability to defend is an entirely self-imposed restriction. You don't get to just opt out of normal game mechanics because they don't mesh with your personal playstyle. Your corporation has 60 members and the backing of an alliance with ten times that in total. This should be more than enough to give most high-sec wardec corps a licking.

And, on that note: It is your entire alliance that is under the war dec. Why are they not assisting you in this matter?


if you are not able to score a kill in 2 entire days then you should probably not be declaring a war.
and if you know they will hide then there is no point in it anyway is it.

Again, if we're making up arbitrary rules, it makes just as much sense to say that if a defender is unable to score a kill in 2 entire days, it should just be assumed that they are surrendering, and their corporate assets should be liquidated and transferred to their victorious conquerors. In fact, it can be assumed, as well, if nobody scored any kills. The defenders must have logged out/left corp/remained docked/otherwise retreated.

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