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Terrible wardec idea

Iain Cariaba
#21 - 2016-02-27 15:41:25 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
Allowing a war to be ended over a single battle is a terrible idea which is incredibly punitive to smaller groups. This will make wars even less balanced and push aggressors into larger alliances so they can protect their beacons and effectively be the only ones capable of using the mechanic.

Though he will deny it, this is obviously the intended goal of this suggestion. Make small groups incapable of enacting wardecs, and there will be fewer wardecs that he has to worry about.
Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#22 - 2016-02-27 16:08:46 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:

This will never happen. The carebear's nature is to be scared, so carebears will never actually take any action that could possibly cause them to risk their pixels.

I find your comment invalid as it has already happened before. and if so then what are you scared off?

Iain Cariaba wrote:

They find it far, far easier to ask for repeated nerfs to those who are their only real risk, rather than take the steps necessary to reduce their risk.

no.. 99% of them find it easier to leave the game. and that is what they do... they leave. again puting you into the role of a bad boy that will not let anyone play in his sandbox.
what nerfs are you talking about? you just stated that they will never counter you.
Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#23 - 2016-02-27 16:18:41 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:

The citadel already has three reinforcements to allow defenders and attackers to fight.

How safe do you want to make these structures?

this is a proposal not a compleate solution... and this is why I want an open discussion about it.

Black Pedro wrote:

All this does is make it so only the large mercenary groups can pursue wars (and thus kill citadels). Any big group will just steam roll the beacon of a small group at the first opportunity ending any war started by the small group.

how do you expect to take down a citadel if you cant defend your structure? dont you think you will get steamrolled while you are attacking the citadel even without this change?

Black Pedro wrote:

Allowing a war to be ended over a single battle is a terrible idea which is incredibly punitive to smaller groups. This will make wars even less balanced and push aggressors into larger alliances so they can protect their beacons and effectively be the only ones capable of using the mechanic.

what single battle? please read my responce where I have proposed a reinforce mode for the WDU.

Black Pedro wrote:

Wars need to be made more accessible, not less. Better to just remove wars completely and tie all corporation benefits into structures (which can then be attacked without a wardec) than to make it so only the largest groups in the game can use them.

no.. war are absolutely valid and I even agree the need to be accessible. but lets make sure that if you wardec me you will actualy show up and not just wardec 400 corporations and hope someone will show up on a hub, because this is just stupid.
Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#24 - 2016-02-27 16:27:04 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Black Pedro wrote:
Allowing a war to be ended over a single battle is a terrible idea which is incredibly punitive to smaller groups. This will make wars even less balanced and push aggressors into larger alliances so they can protect their beacons and effectively be the only ones capable of using the mechanic.

Though he will deny it, this is obviously the intended goal of this suggestion. Make small groups incapable of enacting wardecs, and there will be fewer wardecs that he has to worry about.

well lets be reasonable if you are a small group and you wardec someone who has 2x more people what can you expect it will happen? will you be able to kill a citadel with 10 people if there is 20 people defending it? I presume you will be overpowered and you will not be sucessfull. the only thing you will achieve is that noobies in that corp will stay docked for a week because they are the only possible targets.
Black Pedro
#25 - 2016-02-27 17:06:33 UTC
Han Rova wrote:
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Black Pedro wrote:
Allowing a war to be ended over a single battle is a terrible idea which is incredibly punitive to smaller groups. This will make wars even less balanced and push aggressors into larger alliances so they can protect their beacons and effectively be the only ones capable of using the mechanic.

Though he will deny it, this is obviously the intended goal of this suggestion. Make small groups incapable of enacting wardecs, and there will be fewer wardecs that he has to worry about.

well lets be reasonable if you are a small group and you wardec someone who has 2x more people what can you expect it will happen? will you be able to kill a citadel with 10 people if there is 20 people defending it? I presume you will be overpowered and you will not be sucessfull. the only thing you will achieve is that noobies in that corp will stay docked for a week because they are the only possible targets.
If the "noobies" are too small or too scared to undock, how are they going to destroy this structure? What makes you think they will suddenly find the numbers or the fortitude to challenge this beacon successfully?

The only way it would help them is if the beacon's owners are offline and they can ninja their way out of the war and how is that good game design? And as a result of this terrible idea, they themselves are locked out of declaring war on any group larger or stronger than themselves. Why shouldn't new players be able to declare war on Goonswarm? Or Marmite? Or any group larger them themselves. With this beacon idea, Marmite will just fly over on the first vulnerability window after the war is declared with an overwhelming fleet and end it leaving their structures invulnerable to any corp smaller than themselves.

Seriously, I know wars can be scary, but you don't want to give the power to declare wars and remove structures only to the large mercenary groups. Being active during wars is easily possible even if you don't want fight them, and wars are completely consensual to you, the player. Just drop to the NPC corp and play the game as you want.

Iain Cariaba
#26 - 2016-02-27 17:13:33 UTC
Han Rova wrote:
Iain Cariaba wrote:

This will never happen. The carebear's nature is to be scared, so carebears will never actually take any action that could possibly cause them to risk their pixels.

I find your comment invalid as it has already happened before. and if so then what are you scared off?

Iain Cariaba wrote:

They find it far, far easier to ask for repeated nerfs to those who are their only real risk, rather than take the steps necessary to reduce their risk.

no.. 99% of them find it easier to leave the game. and that is what they do... they leave. again puting you into the role of a bad boy that will not let anyone play in his sandbox.
what nerfs are you talking about? you just stated that they will never counter you.

Apparently you don't completely read the replies to your posts. I am a PvEer, not a carebear, not a wardeccer. I go on occasional PvP roams, but my main play style is missioning. Your suggestion would do nothing but benefit me, because I'm the type of player that would grab a couple corpmates and steamroll a small wardec corp to end a war early. Still, I am against your idea. Your idea is an unnecessary punishment to small and one man wardec corps, for no reason than you don't feel their "reason" for the wardec is valid. Your idea is entirely counter to the spirit of a sandbox game.

Han Rova wrote:
well lets be reasonable if you are a small group and you wardec someone who has 2x more people what can you expect it will happen? will you be able to kill a citadel with 10 people if there is 20 people defending it? I presume you will be overpowered and you will not be sucessfull. the only thing you will achieve is that noobies in that corp will stay docked for a week because they are the only possible targets.

No, what is reasonable is for a small group of skilled players to be able to pursue a war against a larger force. Your idea does nothing but encourage the N+1 meta that has caused nullsec to become as stagnant. Your "think of the newbies" justification is fairly lame, and the most often used excuse for bad ideas.
Moonlit Raid
#27 - 2016-02-27 17:21:23 UTC
Free ships for defenders in wars? No risk for the defender, why WOULDN'T they fight? All kills are recorded as normal.

I think I just solved the problem.

If brute force isn't working, you're just not using enough.

Please Note: Any advice given comes with the caveat that nothing will be suitable for every situation.

Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#28 - 2016-02-27 17:54:21 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:

If the "noobies" are too small or too scared to undock, how are they going to destroy this structure? What makes you think they will suddenly find the numbers or the fortitude to challenge this beacon successfully?

well the noobies will clearly stay docked still while the rest of the corp will deal with the threat, that will most likely never change.. but there is a chance they will not have to stay docked for as long.

Black Pedro wrote:

The only way it would help them is if the beacon's owners are offline and they can ninja their way out of the war and how is that good game design?

so they will get it to reinforce mode... so?
then if you are realy interested in the war then you will come to repair the unit as it comes out of reinforce. if they can still kill you then you clearly have no power to do what ever to them anyway or if you dont come to repair it then you are not interested in the war anyways and you dont deserve nothing else than to lose the unit and war anyways.

Black Pedro wrote:

And as a result of this terrible idea, they themselves are locked out of declaring war on any group larger or stronger than themselves. Why shouldn't new players be able to declare war on Goonswarm? Or Marmite? Or any group larger them themselves. With this beacon idea, Marmite will just fly over on the first vulnerability window after the war is declared with an overwhelming fleet and end it leaving their structures invulnerable to any corp smaller than themselves.

why shouldnt a small corp be able to wardec? just do it... but expect your but get kicked.
anyways how would you do it now? wardec a large corp and if they actualy go looking for you with superior force then you dock and logoff? this is only prooving my point.

Black Pedro wrote:

Seriously, I know wars can be scary, but you don't want to give the power to declare wars and remove structures only to the large mercenary groups. Being active during wars is easily possible even if you don't want fight them, and wars are completely consensual to you, the player. Just drop to the NPC corp and play the game as you want.

believe me we have went multiple times over this. and while the link you have posted is absolutely valid for some. its not working for everyone.
1) haulers, do you want to isolate people in NPC corp just because they like hauling?
2) new recruits, try explaining to a 6 day old player they cant go to the hubs and not to do several other things. well I know what answer Im geting: "and you guys pay $30 a month for not being able to use half of the game? well good luck with that Im off to fallout 4"

and this is the main reason why Im doing this... if wouldnt care about corpmates I can just move to null and leave you and your sily HS wars and not care about them. but I do care about people and I do want people to play together. unfortunetly the war system as it is now is jud deviding people.
so please help me to come up with a solution/suggestion how to make it better for everyone.
Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#29 - 2016-02-27 18:12:26 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:

Apparently you don't completely read the replies to your posts. I am a PvEer, not a carebear, not a wardeccer. I go on occasional PvP roams, but my main play style is missioning. Your suggestion would do nothing but benefit me, because I'm the type of player that would grab a couple corpmates and steamroll a small wardec corp to end a war early. Still, I am against your idea. Your idea is an unnecessary punishment to small and one man wardec corps, for no reason than you don't feel their "reason" for the wardec is valid. Your idea is entirely counter to the spirit of a sandbox game.

well, true I have missed that sorry.
but still I dont see a single reason why a single member corp should pin down for a week all the newbies in a corp that would otherwise deal with this relavicely fast securing the space for them thus forming a stronger bond in the corp.
in a way you can say that CONCORD is countering this spirit as well. there is lots of sandbox space in LS and null, why destroy the sandcastles of the youngest ones even in HS?

Iain Cariaba wrote:

No, what is reasonable is for a small group of skilled players to be able to pursue a war against a larger force. Your idea does nothing but encourage the N+1 meta that has caused nullsec to become as stagnant. Your "think of the newbies" justification is fairly lame, and the most often used excuse for bad ideas.

I was talking about equaly skilled people (I have intentionaly not mentioned the 10 noobies in the larger corp). and this is something that is the same right now... if your 10 guys fight 20 equaly skilled guys then you will get your but kicked no matter the war system.
my idea is simply intoducing same condidions on both sides.. you have something I want to kill / I have something you need to kill if you want to stop me.
Black Pedro
#30 - 2016-02-27 18:53:02 UTC
Han Rovaw wrote:
so please help me to come up with a solution/suggestion how to make it better for everyone.

Two sensible ideas to make your perceived problem with wardecs better:

1) Implement a social corporation for your new players that is not allowed to deploy structures or collect taxes, but is immune to wardecs.
2) Remove wardecs completely and move all corporation bonuses to structures (i.e. you need a structure to collect taxes or share a hanger) so corporations with no in-space assets (or any benefits over the NPC Corp) are immune to attack. Then make structures vulnerable to everyone like the MTU, and just give a suspect flag.

But honestly, your concern for new players is noble but misplaced. CCP Rise told us last year at Fanfest that new players who experience (and die in) wars are more likely to stay with the game than those for which nothing interesting happens in that first month. I am sure wars can be tweaked to be made better, or even completely revamped, but making it so small corps cannot use the mechanic because they cannot hold a specific grid against a more powerful opponent is not the way to do it. Small groups need to be able to engage in a guerrilla war against larger opponents if you want interesting things to happen in the sandbox other than the biggest force just blobbing a win each time.
Lisa von Neuental
No Expectatlons
#31 - 2016-02-27 19:07:47 UTC
idk how to fix the wardec system, but since I joined EvE It felt a bit weird and from pretty much week 2 I saw the following:

- HS war is not fun and it's mostly station/gate camps with off-corp scouts that target mission runners and haulers, running away or staying docked when targets fight back
- the targeted corp either does hauling/ pve using alts or leaves the game for a week (new players without alts)
Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#32 - 2016-02-27 20:01:18 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:

Two sensible ideas to make your perceived problem with wardecs better:

1) Implement a social corporation for your new players that is not allowed to deploy structures or collect taxes, but is immune to wardecs.

I like this idea, we had a similar idea where a corp could chose if wants to be imune to wars but would lose any rights to deploy or own structures.
Black Pedro wrote:

2) Remove wardecs completely and move all corporation bonuses to structures (i.e. you need a structure to collect taxes or share a hanger) so corporations with no in-space assets (or any benefits over the NPC Corp) are immune to attack. Then make structures vulnerable to everyone like the MTU, and just give a suspect flag.

I was thinking about this idea as well but sometimes the corp bonuses are the thing that forms new bonds in a fresh corp. for example the corp I have started as a few months old char would never make it past 4 members and wouldnt last if we didnt have a shared hangar. and deploying structures would probably not be an option for corps formed by young chars where every isk is turned twice before spent.

Black Pedro wrote:

But honestly, your concern for new players is noble but misplaced. CCP Rise told us last year at Fanfest that new players who experience (and die in) wars are more likely to stay with the game than those for which nothing interesting happens in that first month. I am sure wars can be tweaked to be made better, or even completely revamped, but making it so small corps cannot use the mechanic because they cannot hold a specific grid against a more powerful opponent is not the way to do it. Small groups need to be able to engage in a guerrilla war against larger opponents if you want interesting things to happen in the sandbox other than the biggest force just blobbing a win each time.

I know my experience with new players maybe isnt the best but more than 200 people went thru my hands in the last 16 months and the biggest number killer was always the inactivity that is true.. but that in my experience the inactivity has always started to settle in when we got wardeced and we were not able to generate events for these players.

I agree that even small groups should be able to do wars IF they are able to handle it.
I want to get rid of wars where the attacker only camps hubs and ocasionly roam thru systems.
I want to get rid of wars where there is no real target or goal and the only reason is that the attacker was bored and WD all corps that have offices in amarr stations or all corps that have a corp ad

if there are ideas how to refine my proposal, I will gladly change it. and if a different better idea apears I will even thow my proposal into the trash.
Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#33 - 2016-02-27 20:07:48 UTC
Lisa von Neuental wrote:
idk how to fix the wardec system, but since I joined EvE It felt a bit weird and from pretty much week 2 I saw the following:

- HS war is not fun and it's mostly station/gate camps with off-corp scouts that target mission runners and haulers, running away or staying docked when targets fight back
- the targeted corp either does hauling/ pve using alts or leaves the game for a week (new players without alts)

yes this is exactly my point here.and I dont think this is right.
this is why I suggested a way to force the attacker to make his presence... in the spirit of eve.. if you want to achieve something you need to be ready to risk something.
not all people can/want to have out of corp alts just to avoid wars.
Iain Cariaba
#34 - 2016-02-27 20:36:28 UTC
Han Rova wrote:
Lisa von Neuental wrote:
idk how to fix the wardec system, but since I joined EvE It felt a bit weird and from pretty much week 2 I saw the following:

- HS war is not fun and it's mostly station/gate camps with off-corp scouts that target mission runners and haulers, running away or staying docked when targets fight back
- the targeted corp either does hauling/ pve using alts or leaves the game for a week (new players without alts)

yes this is exactly my point here.and I dont think this is right.
this is why I suggested a way to force the attacker to make his presence... in the spirit of eve.. if you want to achieve something you need to be ready to risk something.
not all people can/want to have out of corp alts just to avoid wars.

This is all untrue. Just because people choose not to use the options available to them to avoid losses from a wardec does not mean they don't exist. I've played every day of the, so far, 6 days of my current wardec, still running l4 missions, and have had zero losses. I haven't logged most of my alts on, and none of them near my normal stomping grounds.

Just simply fly smarter than your wartargets. It's not rocket science, and it doesn't need more nerfs.
Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#35 - 2016-02-27 21:11:06 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:

This is all untrue. Just because people choose not to use the options available to them to avoid losses from a wardec does not mean they don't exist. I've played every day of the, so far, 6 days of my current wardec, still running l4 missions, and have had zero losses. I haven't logged most of my alts on, and none of them near my normal stomping grounds.

Just simply fly smarter than your wartargets. It's not rocket science, and it doesn't need more nerfs.

its not untrue.. its happening alot.. in multiple corporations
Im happy for your clear war report but please understand not everyone is like you. and for them the smart way of not losing a ship is not to undock it. for example my 3 freighters cant undock because if they will reach theyre destination they will have 80% chance to get killed. and we lost 6 new people because they got bored of the wars in the last 3 weeks.
believe me its preaty real.

also your corp war report only proves my point... war dec for no real goal...
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#36 - 2016-02-27 23:36:17 UTC
Han Rova wrote:

no.. 99% of them find it easier to leave the game. and that is what they do... they leave

Got a citation for this, or are we just accepting it as a fact because you said so?

well lets be reasonable if you are a small group and you wardec someone who has 2x more people what can you expect it will happen? will you be able to kill a citadel with 10 people if there is 20 people defending it? I presume you will be overpowered and you will not be sucessfull. the only thing you will achieve is that noobies in that corp will stay docked for a week because they are the only possible targets.

So, since the odds are so clearly in favor of the large group, there's actually no need to provide some arbitrary McGuffin for them to shoot at to "win" the war, then, right?

for example my 3 freighters cant undock because if they will reach theyre destination they will have 80% chance to get killed. and we lost 6 new people because they got bored of the wars in the last 3 weeks.

First of all: Attrition warfare is real, and legitimate. Preventing someone from earning a billion in new assets is pretty much just as good as destroying a billion in existing assets. There's a huge conflict in Fade right now in which the primary goal of the aggressors (TISHU and Pandemic Horde) is to destroy the earning potential of SpaceMonkeys Alliance. And they're doing so quite effectively.

Secondly, if your members are getting bored and leaving over wardecs - particularly wardecs by smaller entities - it's because of ****** leadership. One half-awake FC and some newbs in T1 cruisers can generally, at least, come out ahead, ISK wise. Fielding a few blackbirds can be supremely obnoxious.

If they're bored, it's not because of the game mechanic, but because incompetent leadership hasn't given them an option better than ship-spinning.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Han Rova
Shield Nation
Rising Dominion
#37 - 2016-02-28 00:44:03 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:

Got a citation for this, or are we just accepting it as a fact because you said so?

its a statistic from multiple corps +-10% precision. if you want more details on how many people never logged on after a war then ask CCP

SurrenderMonkey wrote:

So, since the odds are so clearly in favor of the large group, there's actually no need to provide some arbitrary McGuffin for them to shoot at to "win" the war, then, right?


SurrenderMonkey wrote:

First of all: Attrition warfare is real, and legitimate. Preventing someone from earning a billion in new assets is pretty much just as good as destroying a billion in existing assets. There's a huge conflict in Fade right now in which the primary goal of the aggressors (TISHU and Pandemic Horde) is to destroy the earning potential of SpaceMonkeys Alliance. And they're doing so quite effectively.

what do you think that a earning potencial of a newbie in HS is? few mil a day? now that is realy going to stop my opreations... not. HS is not where the morey is earned... HS is when newbies should be able to have fun until they grow up and be able to move to lower sec systems.

SurrenderMonkey wrote:

Secondly, if your members are getting bored and leaving over wardecs - particularly wardecs by smaller entities - it's because of ****** leadership. One half-awake FC and some newbs in T1 cruisers can generally, at least, come out ahead, ISK wise. Fielding a few blackbirds can be supremely obnoxious.

If they're bored, it's not because of the game mechanic, but because incompetent leadership hasn't given them an option better than ship-spinning.

again this single side PVPer view? realy? please acknowledge that not everyone is or wants to be a PVPer.
anyways you are not trying to tell me that a 5 days old char doing well in a cruiser. (skill injector is not an option)

so tell me if Im so bad at this, what would you do to keep entertained 6 characters under 20 days old that are not interested in PVP, not willing to move to null and are spread in TZs -3 to +8.

Im trying to come up with a solution. so if you are not willing to provide constructive feedback then pls just be quiet.
StickyCrystals Crystalian
State War Academy
Caldari State
#38 - 2016-02-28 00:46:40 UTC  |  Edited by: StickyCrystals Crystalian
I honestly dont notice HS war decs i live in null i see a target i shoot a target everyone wants to pop me so i try not to let political matters get to me an i guess if say a null sec corp war decs then i guess they go from shoot the nuet to shoot the star?Pirate

Well after a coffee an summit to eat plus a debate with my corp leader I feel I have posted and not really made my point... all of the above does applie to me as a solo player, from day 1 I have pretty much been going at it alone forging friends here and there I have out of corp alts so for me HS war decs dont bother me they are just another aspect of the game I dont get involved in.

For a corp of any size big and small being war dec'd for the sake of easy kills/lolz and with out purpose ie to force small corps single tax dogding players into doing nothing "because you can" is a needless burden and gains both parties nothing for the trouble.
For our corp recruitment becomes more difficult, most of us live in null there are no rookie systems in null so during HS war against us we dont recruit fresh blood, we dont grow, and we dont provide added content for the community.
For a newbro like me when i first started i searched for a corp using the search option i tailored it to my needs and applied, shortly after joining we were war dec'd which I thought awesome... turns out it wasnt so awesome being told I was stupidly out gunned as sitting just outside of system was a 40 man gang waiting to hit us few out of a few more active players, I spent that first week a month into eve sat in station with nothing to do i got great advise but when your new you want content not a friendly chat sadly or gladly?! i left corp and moved away from the area, my rl friends didnt stick it out past the first month all bitchin about blops or no understanding of the game as new players on my own a year ago i wouldnt take us all out to null to get a handle on things and get used to operating in eve.

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#39 - 2016-02-28 01:38:40 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Han Rova wrote:

its a statistic from multiple corps +-10% precision. if you want more details on how many people never logged on after a war then ask CCP

I have to ask CCP to confirm or refute a claim that you apparently can't support? I don't think you understand how burden of proof works.

Provide a citation or I'll just assume it's anecdotal, at best, or something you made up on the spot, at worst.

SurrenderMonkey wrote:

So, since the odds are so clearly in favor of the large group, there's actually no need to provide some arbitrary McGuffin for them to shoot at to "win" the war, then, right?


You've been advocating for a structure which is, in effect, a McGuffin. Its purpose is manufactured. It has no actual function, besides providing a defender with something to shoot to "win" (because reasons) which, as Iain pointed out, effectively eliminates the feasibility of any sort of asymmetric or guerrilla style warfare in favor of the-biggest-blob-always-wins.

So, why does the bigger blob - which clearly has the innate advantage - need a magic end-war button that serves no actual purpose for the attacker?

what do you think that a earning potencial of a newbie in HS is? few mil a day? now that is realy going to stop my opreations... not. HS is not where the morey is earned... HS is when newbies should be able to have fun until they grow up and be able to move to lower sec systems.

People earn upwards of 200 million an hour running high sec missions. Furthermore, high sec is very specifically not the "new player area". You don't get to just redefine what everything is for the sake of your argument.

again this single side PVPer view? realy? please acknowledge that not everyone is or wants to be a PVPer.
anyways you are not trying to tell me that a 5 days old char doing well in a cruiser. (skill injector is not an option)

Eve is a game that allows non-consensual PvP. This is commonly regarded as one of its defining features. Even if you're not actually shooting at anyone, you're pretty much always engaged in some form of PvP. Chrissy Carebear the mission farmer is a market competitor for every other mission farmer. It doesn't matter if he doesn't "want" to PvP, he is PvPing. Others are free to PvP him back in a slightly more direct fashion.


so tell me if Im so bad at this, what would you do to keep entertained 6 characters under 20 days old that are not interested in PVP, not willing to move to null and are spread in TZs -3 to +8.

Im trying to come up with a solution. so if you are not willing to provide constructive feedback then pls just be quiet.

Give them ships, tell them to HTFU, and go blow up some bad guys. There's always room for a hero-tackler in a frigate. Failing that, teach them to operate safely in a war without staying docked at all times. If they're completely disinterested in ever having to deal with any form of player combat, even at no cost to themselves, this probably isn't the game for them.

And, finally, claiming that people who disagree with you aren't being "constructive" is laughably infantile. You haven't actually presented a compelling argument that there is a problem to be solved. Nobody is obligated to actually contribute to this. We're entirely within our rights to actively oppose it, in fact. Grow up, get over it.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Iain Cariaba
#40 - 2016-02-28 02:13:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Iain Cariaba
Han Rova wrote:
its a statistic from multiple corps +-10% precision. if you want more details on how many people never logged on after a war then ask CCP

Sorry, but your inability to produce evidence of your assertions is not proof of their validity. The evidence CCP has released in the not to far distant past actually shows a positive correlation between higher player retention and unwilling exposure to PvP. The people who actually have the numbers seriously tried to find validity in claims similar to yours, and stated they were quite surprised to find they could not.

Han Rova wrote:
what do you think that a earning potencial of a newbie in HS is? few mil a day? now that is realy going to stop my opreations... not. HS is not where the morey is earned... HS is when newbies should be able to have fun until they grow up and be able to move to lower sec systems.

Earning potential of a newbie in highsec is irrelevant. During my current wardec, I've seen no appreciable decline in my earnings simply by using the 24 hour build up to the war starting to move a single mission ship a good distance away from my normal territory. Very few wardecers are going to fly 20+ jumps away to look for a target. Several others in my corp, including some newbies, have gone to play with exploration, and the miners did the same as I, moved operations to an area removed from the usual operations area.

Oh, and if you really think HS is not where the money is earned, you really need to dig more into the various regions of the game and how they work.

Han Rova wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:

Secondly, if your members are getting bored and leaving over wardecs - particularly wardecs by smaller entities - it's because of ****** leadership. One half-awake FC and some newbs in T1 cruisers can generally, at least, come out ahead, ISK wise. Fielding a few blackbirds can be supremely obnoxious.

If they're bored, it's not because of the game mechanic, but because incompetent leadership hasn't given them an option better than ship-spinning.

again this single side PVPer view? realy? please acknowledge that not everyone is or wants to be a PVPer.
anyways you are not trying to tell me that a 5 days old char doing well in a cruiser. (skill injector is not an option)

so tell me if Im so bad at this, what would you do to keep entertained 6 characters under 20 days old that are not interested in PVP, not willing to move to null and are spread in TZs -3 to +8.

Im trying to come up with a solution. so if you are not willing to provide constructive feedback then pls just be quiet.

1. SurrenderMonkey is spot on here. My corp's little wardec has cost us a small handful of players, because the leadership and other vets, like myself, took it upon ourselves to show the newbies what other options they had besides hiding in station for a week, options other than PvP. Good leadership and supportive vets who understand that not all PvP is consentual make a huge difference. Leadership who view wardecs as something bad, rather than an opportunity to get outside the box and experience more of what EvE has to offer, are truly a cancer on the player base.
2. Single sided PvPer view? If that's the case, then why do I, who spends 99% of his online time doing PvE, not support your idea which would only benefit me? Perhaps it's because I have a better understanding of the game and its possibilities?
3. You are entirely focused on what you cannot do. You cannot do this, you cannot do that, etc. What I want to know is, why the **** can't you? Put aside laziness and fear and really look at the reasons you're stating. The mechanics are there, the aggressors are using them, and so can you. The risk is there, but that's intended to be part of the fun, and it is quite easy to marginalize. If you really don't want to PvP, then ask yourself why the hell you're playing a game where nearly every single aspect of it is some form of PvP. From jockeying for rocks in a belt, to selling LP gear on the market, to blowing up a freighter full of loot, there's far, far more PvP in EvE than strictly PvE.
4. You're trying to come up with a solution to a problem that doesn't actually exist. The problem is that you're looking at EvE in a way that doesn't mesh with the game, and trying to make it conform to the way you want it to be. SurMonk and I are giving constructive feedback, we're telling you what you can already do using the established tools. The negativity here is only coming from you and your "can't do" outlook.

P.S. If you really want, feel free to convo me in game or invite me to your corp's public chat. I will happily go over the options you and your corpmates have when dealing with a wardec.