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Why is people failing to see???

alindak Kahoudi
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2016-02-22 20:13:44 UTC
here's my take on what's happening:

If you have visited the character bazaar lately, you know what i'm talking about; price for characters has more than doubled since the injectors launch.

to understand where i'm trying to get some math is in order:

Before you could get a 70 mil. sp character for around 25 billion (I got a nice focused 20 mil.SP toon for 8.5 bill 2 weeks before intectors) now days, if you want a 70 mil.SP toon you need to bring 50 bil. to the table.

what was CCP's take on that? you're right 2 plex. no matter what was the amount of the transaction CCP's bite was always 2 plex (roughly 2.4 billion). now, players realized pretty soon they could get way more farming said characters. so here's CCP's take on that same 70 mil.SP toon once farmed = 130 injectors @ 280mil. avg. = 36BILLION (just for extractors). who sells extractors? you got it... CCP. so a transaction that before yielded CCP 2 plex (2.4bill) now yields them 15 TIMES MORE THAN BEFORE. of the resulting injectors, when sold, Tax/brokers fees are charged as well...

"to help new players develop their characters without having to wait" was supossedly the purpose of Injectors.

well, people could do that all right before by buying characters from the bazaar at reasonable prices, now it's just impossible if you go the injectors route, and if you want to get a toon, it's pretty steep too. so maybe CCP failed to state SP injectors purpose was to "help new players that make over 150k a year" and can dish out $1000.00 dollars to buy plex, sell it, and then go buy injectors (those are CCP's dreamed customers)

so here is where i think all this is going:

high sp characters are going to become more and more scarce as time goes by, 2003 characters are going to be relics and prices are gonna get unaffordable for anyone shorter than a millionaire. (I mean u can see lots of dealers in the bazaar paying ridiculous prices right now) in the mean time, CCP is gonna make a killing off of those farmed Characters selling extractors like hotcakes.

then when we have very few high sp characters left for sale, that's when CCP's gonna start creating SP out of thin air; and this is gonna be their reasoning: "since all that SP was lost during the farming process, we're gonna open a batch of CCP Produced injectors to balance out the SP pool and leave it the way it was before" (or something along those lines)

so in short, I think it comes down to what we all know, this is not/never been about helping new players (if it was, extractors would cost 10k ISK, and there would be no lost SP in the process) all CCP wants is to strip the game from HIGH SP Characters, and make a killing off of Player's multi-year subscription that has costed them an arm and a leg by leeching on the final product with the help of extractors.
Grauth Thorner
Vicious Trading Company
#2 - 2016-02-22 20:20:55 UTC
Better get your 2003 character today

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alindak Kahoudi
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2016-02-22 20:23:43 UTC
Grauth Thorner wrote:
Better get your 2003 character today

you got that right, prices are only going up.
Kerensky Initiatives
#4 - 2016-02-22 20:34:26 UTC
alindak Kahoudi wrote:

to understand where i'm trying to get some math is in order:

Sadly, though, you have failed to inject anything but hysteria in your post.

May I have your SP when you ragequit?

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

stg slate
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2016-02-22 20:36:24 UTC
alindak Kahoudi wrote:

Prehaps! I'm've was to make football often times. Play? Know. Best football results twice again. Every age I have seen out as a baby. I think I has the solution: width times height. As a wery old, I can fathom the scene to be with me. Looking always as I ever did. It was not came's. He borrowed mine.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#6 - 2016-02-22 20:43:45 UTC
stg slate wrote:
alindak Kahoudi wrote:

Prehaps! I'm've was to make football often times. Play? Know. Best football results twice again. Every age I have seen out as a baby. I think I has the solution: width times height. As a wery old, I can fathom the scene to be with me. Looking always as I ever did. It was not came's. He borrowed mine.

What he't of it was real words.

In any case. A solid post and a most apropos response to the OP..

Mr Epeen Cool
Grauth Thorner
Vicious Trading Company
#7 - 2016-02-22 21:01:55 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
stg slate wrote:
alindak Kahoudi wrote:

Prehaps! I'm've was to make football often times. Play? Know. Best football results twice again. Every age I have seen out as a baby. I think I has the solution: width times height. As a wery old, I can fathom the scene to be with me. Looking always as I ever did. It was not came's. He borrowed mine.

What he't of it was real words.

In any case. A solid post and a most apropos response to the OP..

Mr Epeen Cool

Prior to your post I thought he was drunk

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Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2016-02-22 21:05:28 UTC
What makes you think people fail to see?
#9 - 2016-02-22 21:19:22 UTC
If you think they are too much ISKs, wait until extractors go off sale on the AUR store and see what happen.
#10 - 2016-02-22 21:40:35 UTC
There's people that expected this to happen.

Once they noticed how ccp treated the feedback and proposals for changes tof the initial (and second) devblog's strategies/models, they probably came to the conclusion that "disussing" the topic was nothing ccp really considered at all.
Memphis Baas
#11 - 2016-02-22 21:52:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Memphis Baas
Sorry, but your "reasonable prices" in the Character Bazaar were ****, for sellers.

Also, high SP characters are created by injectors, so there should be more of them. I'm not seeing any Alliance complaining that they lost their capital pilots; on the contrary, now they have more, thanks to injectors. High SP characters aren't endangered.

Otherwise, yeah, the extractors and all the PLEX sales are making CCP a lot of profits. We all knew this 3 months ago; it's not something new.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#12 - 2016-02-22 22:14:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
alindak Kahoudi wrote:
Grauth Thorner wrote:
Better get your 2003 character today

you got that right, prices are only going up.

Until things stabilize. Basically, the SP on the character bazaar was under priced. When extractors/injectors came along there was an arbitrage opportunity that some people took advantage of and now the SP on the character bazaar is more reflective of the time spent to train that SP.

Markets working as intended. Competition working as intended.


Oh, and given the negative sum nature of using SP injectors past 5 million SP, SP being sunk out of game make the remaining SP in game more valuable.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2016-02-22 22:19:19 UTC
Memphis Baas wrote:
Sorry, but your "reasonable prices" in the Character Bazaar were ****, for sellers.

Also, high SP characters are created by injectors, so there should be more of them. I'm not seeing any Alliance complaining that they lost their capital pilots; on the contrary, now they have more, thanks to injectors. High SP characters aren't endangered.

Otherwise, yeah, the extractors and all the PLEX sales are making CCP a lot of profits. We all knew this 3 months ago; it's not something new.


Can you walk us through the math on this. Because SP injectors are at best a zero sum game, and almost surely a negative sum game.

Let's say I want to make a 100 million SP character...where are those SP coming from?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

stg slate
State War Academy
Caldari State
#14 - 2016-02-22 22:30:54 UTC
Grauth Thorner wrote:
Prior to your post I thought he was drunk

No not drunk, if I have to read 1000 separate threads about how skill injectors are killing our pets and raping our children and burning our lands and making our women lament then I am at the very least going to **** those threads up a bit.
Grauth Thorner
Vicious Trading Company
#15 - 2016-02-22 22:42:50 UTC
stg slate wrote:
Grauth Thorner wrote:
Prior to your post I thought he was drunk

No not drunk, if I have to read 1000 separate threads about how skill injectors are killing our pets and raping our children and burning our lands and making our women lament then I am at the very least going to **** those threads up a bit.

At least it gave me a good laugh, you know, when the coin dropped.

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Memphis Baas
#16 - 2016-02-22 22:51:28 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Let's say I want to make a 100 million SP character...where are those SP coming from?


You buy SP in the form of injectors from Jita.

Currently the SP come from "I didn't want that character anyway", and pretty soon they'll come from "oh those are my SP farm accounts, that's how I make my income."

Currently (prices will change, of course), you pay $10.95 per month (with a year subscription plan) and approx $10 for 3 extractors, and you get 1.8B ISK. Or you just pay the subscription ($10.95) and get 3 * (extractor - injector) price difference, 1B.

Vincent Athena
#17 - 2016-02-22 23:01:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Athena
People are not making high SP characters to sell on the Bazaar. They are buying high SP characters to strip down and fill injectors, for resale. That is why the prices in the bazaar went up: It's a cheap source of SP. Things will stabilize when the price per SP is about the same no mater how you get it, the three ways being:

Buy a PLEX and train an alt for a month
Buy injectors
Buy a character

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Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#18 - 2016-02-23 00:22:18 UTC
I wish CCP hadn't changed the original 50k sp per injector for chars > 80m sp Pirate.

Remove standings and insurance.

Kaivar Lancer
#19 - 2016-02-23 00:39:55 UTC
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#20 - 2016-02-23 00:53:43 UTC
Player driven economy my ass...
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