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Crime & Punishment

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Crime Charged with Misappropriating Billions in"Merc" Contracts.

First post
Northern Coalition.
#281 - 2011-11-30 00:06:08 UTC
Xolve wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

see how he makes fake killmails .This is what we deal with on a daily basis. People hate us that much they personally fake kill mails to make us look bad. good Job xvolve you know look pretty pathetic with this big pudry mouth of yours

Funny that:

1. Skyrim/TOR Beta was far more important than playing (or caring about) EvE this week.
2. BattleClinic is for faggots.
3. If i were posting fake killmails, your whatever would have dropped at least 100 Avatars and 100 Erebus.
4. Seriously.. who gives a **** about killboards?
5. Your Tears, Still Best Tears.

Spank for CSM.

Edit: WTF is a 'pudry'?

Edit 2: Seriously, a no prop-mod Rifter... what the **** is wrong with you? Biomass Please.

Terrible use of bullets, content is drivel with incoherent logic, so basically another fail post by Aerion Varr aka Xolve.

Why not use that GI bill and register for some remedial Adult educational courses.

no more games... it's real this time!!!

State War Academy
Caldari State
#282 - 2011-11-30 05:59:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Xolve
VegasMirage wrote:

Terrible use of bullets, content is drivel with incoherent logic, so basically another fail post by Aerion Varr aka Xolve.

Why not use that GI bill and register for some remedial Adult educational courses.

Why not visit the VA and get your penis reattached?

Get owned in one thread, necro another- typical Vegas bullshit.
Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#283 - 2012-01-10 01:27:52 UTC
Tried to read all that i missed but too many pages of Godsquad alt trying to defend godsquad while contridicting itself so many times that even I am confused as to where it stands...

Wanted to come in here and kill this thread off.
Godsquad talked alot of game, very little action.
Adopt laughed at godsquad
devils embrace and noir, and everyother merc group laughed with adopt
xvolve laughed at godsquad while masterbaiting furiously using godsquad tears.
rest of eve community asked "who the *** is godsquad?"

So here is my letter to god squad.

Dear God Squad,

You talked alot but never undocked or came within 5 systems of an adopt member that wasnt one of your spais.
You dropped your dec on adopt how long ago? was it because you got bored? Ran out of isk? didnt want to lose ships?
Anyways it doesnt matter.
While you attempted to regain your E-honor on forums and then not actually doing anything MOAR TEARS has been enjoying many wars against adopt with many kills.

If you were to look at MOAR TEARS killboard
and compare it to adopts killboard

you will notice :
that adopt is getting destroyed.
Adopt has fled from jita and moved to HEK and RENS.
Adopt does fly nice ships, and dies in them too.
The current member count in adopt is low. (corps leaving priesthood, members leaving izzy epic, myself, etc)
*whether or not these were cause of war with MOAR TEARS or not is unconfirmed nor am i claiming it to be*

But as you can see, when actions are done, you can actually hurt adopt, all you have to do is kill them. which requires you to leave your home system...

So thank you godsquad for making a farce out of yourself, and thank you adopt for allowing us to farm you.

I look forward to the collapse of each of your Merc groups.

Rommell Drako
Current MOAR TEARS pilot
EX ADOPT pilot
Otonashi Saya
Caldari State
#284 - 2012-01-11 01:58:20 UTC
I can Confirm 100% that Priesthood gave notice to Adopt before for Moartears wars, as we are looking to go Solo and do our own thing for a while. I have to say it was fun while it lasted in Adopt and will miss flying with Guys Like Izzy and Az, but life will go on and Adopt needs to change its tactics or it will continue to shrink.

My Views and not of Priesthood & Co.

"Do you expect me to talk?"........"No Mr Bond I expect you to die"

Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#285 - 2012-01-11 16:10:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Rommell Drako
Otonashi Saya wrote:
I can Confirm 100% that Priesthood gave notice to Adopt before for Moartears wars, as we are looking to go Solo and do our own thing for a while. I have to say it was fun while it lasted in Adopt and will miss flying with Guys Like Izzy and Az, but life will go on and Adopt needs to change its tactics or it will continue to shrink.

My Views and not of Priesthood & Co.

Good luck with the future, I hear good things from your future endeavors. Will be great to follow you on bc and watch the tears :)
Kahz Niverrah
Distinguished Johnsons
#286 - 2012-01-11 17:25:11 UTC
Who keeps letting Rommel out of his bed?

I don't always post on the forums, but when I do, I post with my main.

Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#287 - 2012-01-11 17:52:57 UTC
Kahz Niverrah wrote:
Who keeps letting Rommel out of his bed?

The problem is not the letting me out of bed. The problem is me finding the bed to begin with
Devils Embrace
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#288 - 2012-01-14 18:15:04 UTC
Rommell Drako wrote:
Otonashi Saya wrote:
I can Confirm 100% that Priesthood gave notice to Adopt before for Moartears wars, as we are looking to go Solo and do our own thing for a while. I have to say it was fun while it lasted in Adopt and will miss flying with Guys Like Izzy and Az, but life will go on and Adopt needs to change its tactics or it will continue to shrink.

My Views and not of Priesthood & Co.

Good luck with the future, I hear good things from your future endeavors. Will be great to follow you on bc and watch the tears :)

Confirming what Oto said, We were planning to leave before the Tears wars began. Adopt has changed and quite a few werent happy with the direction the alliance were going. I sincerely hope they change and soon

It's like they usually say about fantasy MMO's and men playing female characters: "If I'm going to spend alot of time watching this character, it might as well have a good looking ass".