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New camera now in opt-in Beta on TQ

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Asgrim Ragnarsson
Ragnarok Demolition Crew
#261 - 2016-02-15 18:45:21 UTC
CCP Optimal wrote:

  • While detached, the camera zooms toward the cursor instead of the center of the screen.

  • Playing on 3840x1080 with the Camera shifted 50% towards the right (So I have my ship on one monitor and the other for scanning and other windows) and my Tactical View does not zoom towards the cursor, instead it seems to zoom towards the spot where my cursor would be if I did not shift the camera. I don't have hard evidence on this but it's my suspicion since all zooming skews towards the right.
    Interstellar Machinery and Military
    #262 - 2016-02-15 23:01:52 UTC
    I was told to post here by an ISD in the help channel.

    The box selection tool selects -everything-, no matter what my current overview or bracket settings are. It would be nice if we at least could make a priority setting for it (Ships first, then wrecks, then asteroids, then collidables) or just filter stuff out completely.
    DJB Alpha
    #263 - 2016-02-16 06:33:57 UTC

    yo devs can you PLEASE give us the option to turn certain sounds off without turning ALL sounds off
    i want to hear my alarms but not the "ambient" NOISE on the "new" tactical camera mode (and the sansha "talking" sounds in incursion areas)

    i know immersion is nice but when it really distracts from what your doing and cant HEAR PEOPLE (or even think) because of the "noise" its bad design
    Aoi Litvyak
    #264 - 2016-02-16 13:52:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Aoi Litvyak
    One major negative thing about the new camera, especially for us PVE oriented

    It exposes some extremely outdated assets, playing a mission against drones and there is a drone structure? Enjoy very large blurred backgrounds with extremely large jags for edges. As those assets were made to look good from a distance with the old camera, the new one by default blows them up and exposes the lack of fidelity. Terrible concidering more than often you have to fly into the middle of them/right up to them.

    Its kind of a wierd contrast to have a really good looking ship and then just, a 100x100 pixel texture stretched over half the background the ship covers. More or less. Its so clear they need it just for citadels, but there are a lot of assets in the game that will look 2003'ish graphics due to it. Citadels will look fine with the current camera right? But all the old assets will look like garbage with the new one, that includes ships that hasnt been updated.
    Eros Elanor
    Astral Mining
    Astral Industries
    #265 - 2016-02-16 16:39:32 UTC
    New Camera:
    Added tracking camera toggle (enable with Shift + C) to the Orbit mode
    Added a new way to D-Scan: hold V and click (V can be changed to other keys via the settings menu).

    Omg I just want to thank you for making this New Camera Tracking Twisted
    Shift+C Loving it !!!!
    The Drift and camera transitions just looking GORGEOUS!!! ShockedShockedShocked
    I can see the beauty of my ship with the new skins and speeding up closing to it target ....
    Brapapapapa !!! BigbadaBOOM!!!Like in the MOvie Cool
    Hold V and Click surely make my life in Eve aloot easier Big smile

    Thanks CCP for making all of this o7

    Best Regards,
    Eros Elanor
    Gommel Nox
    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #266 - 2016-02-16 17:00:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Gommel Nox
    I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, and I apologize profusely if it already has been beaten to death, but here's my big issue with the new HUD/camera changes. For those of you who do not know, I am a quadriplegic capsuleer. What this means is that I do not have the physical ability to type on a keyboard at all, I cannot feel anything below my chest, and I cannot move my fingers, wrists, or even arms in a meaningful way. In spite of all of these things, I have still managed to keep my eve career going since 2008, adapting with every new change to the UI since.

    However, the recent changes to the HUD/game camera are very concerning to me. The reason behind this is that, with the new UI, it is completely impossible for me to zoom in and out. I'm not sure what exactly happened to the zoom buttons, and while CCP Punkturis successfully managed to CCPass_The_Buck to CCP Goliath, not knowing that he was no longer on the team involved with the UI changes. While I should be concerned that, within CCP, people don't know exactly what other people are doing, I'm even more concerned that the new UI changes will be shoehorned in, with disabled people being told to "just bind buttons to zoom in and out" as if it were a feasible option for everybody who plays. I assure you that it isn't.

    If you don't know at this point, in addition to being a disabled gamer, I also stream and occasionally write for, and I would absolutely love to be able to pick your brain about Eve online being what I would consider one of the most accessible games available for people with disabilities, in a TMC feature for my column, Access:Granted. I really hope you will consider an interview.

    Thank you very much
    AMARR CITIZEN 11151215
    Amarr Empire
    #267 - 2016-02-16 22:36:30 UTC  |  Edited by: AMARR CITIZEN 11151215

    since my turrets also fire backwards just as effectively, please enable me to flip the camera facing backward.

    this way, i can actually effectively minimize my radials, and maximize distance, albeit manually. i still would REALLY like new ship controls: approach, keep at range, and retreat in min/max radial options, but the camera flip would finally allow me to dps properly!!!!

    as is now, i can approach at >0m/s, from far away, and min rads manually for a small time. but closeness means more rads, and for me more rads means less dps, and quickly none

    but 1st person camera... fantastic! almost perfect! also, look around maybe? obviously, reticle must stay centered to turrets

    *edit* supercool, an outline that makes it look like a viewscreen ala star trek, with a command consol on the bottom where the info is!!! *swoons*

    My posts are here for me to cite when debating in chat, or as a record to devs should they wish or require them. With rare exception, i do not monitor, or reply to posts.

    please take this in consideration, reply sparingly, cite your answer. thanks

    Suzanne Khale
    Hoplite Brigade
    #268 - 2016-02-17 14:21:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Suzanne Khale
    Sorry I disabled the new camera. For the following unpratical reasons:

    -It keeps twisting in many situations, making me feeling literally seasickness;

    -When undock, the camera is centered inside my ship. I need to zoom out every time;

    -When warping, for some reason it keeps vibrating for all the warp session;

    -I generally felt uncomforable with it. Probably due my minimalist behaviuour, but the original camera mode pretty much satisfied my request and was solid stable, so I went back to that.

    Good luck for the future.
    Stoli Holdings
    #269 - 2016-02-17 18:13:55 UTC  |  Edited by: warbds
    Well warping wasn't fun anymore I see glithes. Let's say I see myself flying through boxes amd triangles. Believe me nausea or seasicknes YES is that nice NO.

    Even with bobbing out and trying to keep the camera still. No it will move
    Could it be possibe to keep the third person view without the camera moving so let's say a fixed angle without it moving?

    Zoom level well is there a possibility to keep it without switching to whatever?

    To be honest on my alt account I did go to the extreme all new features in map, scan and camera toggled off , I found that to be a better option then the new ones.

    I do play games to be distracted not to get sick.

    Btw there is a possible bsod issue with older nvidea graphic cards and wormholes with the new camera. I didn't wait to get a picture or write down the code as expected when you fly a 1.5 billion ship with about 1 bil in cargo and about 900m worth of implants.
    You just want it to work again as fast as possible. Seen it 4 times now and it starts when certain overlays in screen are no longer displayed. After that you will get a black screen and the message that the nvidia driver was restored. If I see that now I normaly try t get save and log off savely.

    Will try to recreate that one on sisi, if I can I will make a bugreport.
    Heidi Franklin
    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #270 - 2016-02-18 04:16:13 UTC
    So I just found out that this new camera will be completely replacing the old camera on or around march 9th and I am HIGHLY disappointed. WHY when using the tracking camera in orbit mode does the ship slide off to the side. WHY cant we pick where the object tracks instead of you doing it for us like you think you know what we want.

    Honestly Im tired of people (read developers) designing something they think we want. You know what I liked, the OLD CAMERA. It was functional and my ship didnt slide all over God's creation. This really needs to be fixed. You already have had plenty of people mention that the camera has a certain motion sickness issue as well. So what happens, you just push on and ignore them.

    I think you (read CCP) need to really think this switch through. Especially when the functionality everyone has come to love is fixing to go out the window.
    Captain Campion
    Campion Corp.
    #271 - 2016-02-19 22:38:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Campion
    I'm holding V and clicking where I want to scan, and nothing happens - am I missing something?

    EDIT: fixed this, you need the beta d-scan turned on - wasn't obvious to me as V+click was under Camera in the patch notes.
    Nicola Romanoff
    Tannhauser C-Beam
    #272 - 2016-02-19 22:47:42 UTC
    OK, so I have turned on offset interface with camera, ship speed offset, dynamic field of view and advanced camera menu, camera speed set to 3, so I click on a pos array i am orbiting

    I have 2 camera icons on my seelcted item, track and look, if I hit track it shows the array which is fine, if I hit track again it doesnt cancel it and go back to my ship, to get back to my ship i have to click look at and then cancel look at, why the sodding around to get back to my ship?
    Zarek RedHill
    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #273 - 2016-02-21 16:39:04 UTC
    Once again DSCANing with the new camera is UNWORKABLE. If you have center tracking on, selecting another item in your overview should center the camera on the thing you just selected. Having to press 'c' twice to get the camera to focus on your focus is super annoying and makes it much harder to be a fleet scout.
    #274 - 2016-02-21 17:17:13 UTC
    look at and track should be moved little lower in the right click menu for the autopilot route ..
    kinda used with right click - jump for some reason as select and click the jump icon in selected item windows always isisnt the fastest ... and sometimes the next system is pre-selected after jumping thro gate and sometime its not ..

    or could add another tweaking option for all of us and let us customize the right click menu :)

    EVElopedia < add this to your sig to show u WANT it back

    Sobaan Tali
    Caldari Quick Reaction Force
    #275 - 2016-02-21 21:09:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Sobaan Tali
    Really would love a more traditional tracking camera than what is currently on the beta camera mode. I know you guys love the idea of making Eve look cool and all, but it really kind of makes using the tracking cam pretty functionally useless if I'm, well you know, playing the game instead of filming for a movie. I can't move where the tracking cam keeps the center of focus on screen and I have to literally zoom in until my cam is up my ship's ass before it's fully on screen. This might make things look better on a Youtube channel or Twitch, but it sucks for us players.

    PS: and for Aura's sake, please add a toggle for that infuriating camera deceleration effect. That and please add the ability to free-pan the cam with right-click-and-drag.

    There's cake and pizza in it for you guys if you do Blink...


    "----in' A, right?"

    "Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

    "----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

    Genesis Dextius
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #276 - 2016-02-21 21:17:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Genesis Dextius
    This new camera system is awesome! Love the scrolling and different view options.

    However the only concern I have with it (and the ONLY reason why I opt'd out of the new camera) is due to the lack of automatic tracking.

    I like to be able to click on something in overview and then the camera moves in line it to the position I have it configured at. Great for getting my bearings in large fleet fights. Don't get me wrong, for certain engagements I like to turn it off but it is all with one toggle button.

    It would be nice to simply introduce a toggle button (exactly like the old camera) to turn auto-tracking on and off. None of this button stuff (even if I had to remap the button to one key: not worth it).

    Nevermind I'm a silly person. The toggle for auto-tracking is right-clicking the orbit view icon.
    Panda Solette
    Roving Guns Inc.
    Pandemic Legion
    #277 - 2016-02-21 23:30:14 UTC
    The new camera does not seem smooth when spinning or zooming in and out. It has this horrible sort of lag where it keeps going for a bit as it slows down. Can this please be made more precise, when I stop spinning or zooming I want me camera to stop then, not half a second later.

    And please get rid of those sounds that are made when entering tactical or first person camera. Is there another option to turn them off?

    Would it not be possible to leave the current camera view in for those that prefer it?
    Vic Jefferson
    Rote Kapelle
    #278 - 2016-02-24 02:53:51 UTC
    Please retain an option to keep the old camera in. The new one is nauseating, distracting, and completely useless.

    Vote Vic Jefferson for CSM X.....XI.....XII?

    Hra Neuvosto
    Party Cat Enterprises
    #279 - 2016-02-24 20:54:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Hra Neuvosto
    I liked it for a while but had to change back to old camera because in a big fight it started spazzing out (moving side to side rapidly) to the point where I couldn't look around or wrangle it under control.

    Also the old camera is more responsive especially close up. It is as of right now superior to this new one.

    + the FOV effects
    - responsiveness
    The Executioners
    #280 - 2016-02-24 22:54:30 UTC
    Tried it for the last week or so. Feel constrained by it to be honest.

    Prefer the default setting, by all means add the First person etc, but retain the current camera as the default please.

    I suspect there weill some unhappy folks if the default setting does not stay in the game as an option.. however given CCPs 'throw out the old for the new' I have to say this is a bit worrying.