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States Divide - What if the Confederacy won?

First post
Robert Sawyer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2016-02-20 11:43:36 UTC
Being an American citizen, although I currently frown upon the States' foreign policies, that is no excuse to not open US History for Dummies and stock up on knowledge. Out of all the parts, the Civil War interested me the most - cultural differences between the North and South, indignation, secession and war. However, the Union gains the upper hand in the waning days of the war, and in 1865, the Confederate States dissolve. But what if...

The Confederates won the war? I know, they were outnumbered, had little to no industry and no trade, but let's say that through some deus ex machina, the South starts creeping towards the North. Battle after battle, the South deals cutting blows, and, at last, the Union is disbanded, and the States come under the name of the Confederate States of America.

Now, fast-forward that to the year 2016. You imagine a country where slavery and racism runs rampant, where people starve and disease is in the streets.
You see a country that is similar to nowadays United States. Only that there are a few differences:

1) The capital would be Richmond, Virginia, not Washington DC.
2) Slavery would be virtually inexistent at this point due to modernization, industrialization and the CSA constitution being modified to exclude the slavery amendments.
3) States would have more influence. The CSA grants each state more power, meaning that each state is more of an independent entity, although this does mean that there is a lack of centralized federal government.
4) The country would be more neutral and isolated from the international community - trade would exist, the country would be normal, but it wouldn't involve itself in conflicts.

What would your vision of the modern-day CSA be?

"And when, at last, the moment is yours, that agony will become your greatest triumph."

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#2 - 2016-02-20 12:48:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
I think the slavery would be more prevalent, they would breed more and more of them, untill you would have more black people than white people. Then the blacks would revolt few times under the influence of Marxist-Leninist Black Panhers movement, financed by USSR, and in the end the country would collapse economically due to a revolutionary war between Black Panthers and CSA. The slaves would win and murder a lot of white people, and those who would survive, would try to flee to Canada and Mexico. In the end CSA would look like today Zimbabwe looks.
Jacques d'Orleans
#3 - 2016-02-20 15:05:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Jacques d'Orleans
Robert Sawyer wrote:

1) The capital would be Richmond, Virginia, not Washington DC.
2) Slavery would be virtually inexistent at this point due to modernization, industrialization and the CSA constitution being modified to exclude the slavery amendments.
3) States would have more influence. The CSA grants each state more power, meaning that each state is more of an independent entity, although this does mean that there is a lack of centralized federal government.
4) The country would be more neutral and isolated from the international community - trade would exist, the country would be normal, but it wouldn't involve itself in conflicts.

What would your vision of the modern-day CSA be?

1. That's most possibly, otoh the constitution of the CSA was originally created in Montgomery, Alabama and the Alabama State Capitol served as Capitol of the CSA until May 1861.

2. The Constituion of the CSA already abolished the overseas slave trade.
CSA Constitution Article 1, Section9 (1):
" The importation of negroes of the African race from any foreign country other than the slaveholding States or Territories of the United States of America, is hereby forbidden; and Congress is required to pass such laws as shall effectually prevent the same."
IMHO, I'm pretty sure that slavery would have been ended anyways when the economic pressure would have become to big.
England as the major market of southern cotton and tobacco would surely have been the driving power behind that.
Also the industrial revolution would have eliminated the need for slaves, as it was a steamroller that would have changed the South as it did everywhere else. Just the lower maintenance costs and higher efficiency of machine labor would have outcompeted slave labor pretty fast. That process was already well advanced by the time the Civil War started.
Asking for a time line, I would say not later than 1880.

3. I don't know, every federal government has the tendency to gain as much power as it can, it's a vicious cycle. I'm pretty sure even when the CSA would have won the Civil war the CSA today would be pretty much the same as the USA is today.

4. IMHO, the Great War, the rise of Comunism, the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War and so on, also would have had their influence on the CSA the same way it had on the USA.
Adunh Slavy
#4 - 2016-02-20 17:15:31 UTC
Hard to know what it would be like.

We do know that the war was not necessary and the real motivating issues could have been resolved with far less death and tyranny.

I am sure that the mis-guided, state educated drones will now whine and bleat.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

ISD Buldath
#5 - 2016-02-21 06:42:26 UTC
7. Discussion of real life religion and politics is prohibited.

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As well written this Post is, Its having to be locked to avoid issues. They always get out of control.

~ISD Buldath

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