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Bilbert for CSM XI- Lowsec supporter, null sec fighter, and wormholer

Bilbert lashlily
Toad Whipper's United
#1 - 2015-11-15 19:43:57 UTC
O7 space friends!

I would like to announce my candidacy for CSM XI. I have experience in all areas of space with a major focus on low sec and null sec mechanics as well as high sec a effect on player retention. I am currently aspiring to be a worm holer so I can learn to understand the ways of the great and mysterious BOB!

Eve experience-

I technically started playing eve in 2010. I was a young newbro in a Tristan, fresh off the tutorials, when I found out that you cant just open fire on any ship in high sec. Then Concorde dunked me and I proceeded to winder what happened for a few minutes, then was podded home. I saw then that I had only a velator again so I said screw this im out. I didn't try again for 2 years, and never again on that account . I then came back as a miner and bounced around for a while. then moved to Amarr Factional warfare, joined Loaded dice for a while until after the I-hub defense at ardar. After which I join Calibrated chaos and began doing Fac war with them. After a month or two we joined DT (Dead Terrorist Alliance) which was fun for a little while. I then moved to null sec, which is where I have been since just before the Fountain Invasion, and then the subsequent Delve defense. I bounced from The Kadeshi to G-Club, to NC. After which time I moved to wormholes and began a new life of honorable wormholing.

Plans and ideas that I will be championing for each area of space.

High sec Because that's where I started
1. Mining is a rather brainless or boring afking task.
A) I don't honestly mind belt mining being this way, because it allows those who cant completely focus on the game to still participate. However anything else that is added needs to be interactive and fun
.1- Comet mining could be a fun way to do this. Make the comet continuously moving and un approachable/ keep at range. Then make chunks of the comet fly of at random times and explode like bombs, doing aoe damage, Make the asteroid itself worth the effort, maybe something mineral found in null sec that would just destroy a market.
-Pve: not including incursions
A) Missioning is boring currently because of its cyclical nature.
.1- I believe that every level 4 missioning agent should have its own epic arc or at least something more then save the damsel 13 times.
.2- I enjoyed the Blood Raiders event that took place recently and hope to see more of these types of events take place
1. Exploration
B) in High sec is something im not well versed in as I tried it once and couldn't find anything to run. I think the biggest issue here is over population
.1- If you disagree feel free to contact me, I truly want to know more about this area.
1. War decs
A) I love the war dec system but it is not conducive to helping small new player corporations.
.1- I believe the stacking bonus for per member in the corporation actually needs to be a reverse stacking. Meaning the less people a corp or alliance has, the more it costs to war dec them
.2- I also feel the need for a war dec stacking cost penalty.
EXP: Marmite dec small corp #2 for 1 week, then proceeds to re war dec small corp #2, but this time instead of only costing 50 million isk, the cost doubles to 100 million. and the penalty doesn't have a maximum . however the % it doubles is more a negotiating point.
.3- If a corp wants to surrender a war without getting permission from the war deccing entity, ll they need to do is pay the war dec cost and 10% extra, again a negotiating point
1. Risk-Reward
A) I know most people think that incursions don't need to be touched, but their cost to benefit is to high to ignore the ramifications it has.
.1- High sec Incursion income needs to be nerfed. Currently it provides to much safety for too much reward. Especially when you compare it to low and null sec incursions.
.2- Low sec incursions should get a slight buff in payouts and a higher % chance to drop the shadow bpo. The revenant bpo also would have a slightly increased % to drop as well
.3 -Null sec would have a much higher % to drop the revenant bpo and shadow bpos, but would have lees of a payout from low sec. mainly because you cant honestly say low sec it 100% safer then null, and you wont be running incursions outside of your own space
.3.a- I would like to see the incursions allow the use of capitals in low and null, but that isn't an option because then you have capital escalations in space that can be very easily defended.

Low Sec
A) I will advocate for ventures to be barred from all plexes. The ship is not built for combat and should be permitted to troll away.
B) I would also like for all Plex to have an anomaly like effect that either disables or gives a debuff to all warp core stabs in the plex.
.1- if you're not in a and willing to fight you should have some major disadvantages.
C) I would like to see maybe plexes changed so larges are only battle cruisers and down, and an x-large that allows all ship types.
1. I never did low sec mission so please feel free to contact me through eve mail and discuss it with me if you have experience.
1. Mining is never a good idea in low sec,
A- unless you have a scout and are in a 1 gate system. Then you can mine, but its just not as useful or smart as high sec or low sec.
1. Exploration in low sec seemed ok, but I couldn't get into running data and relic sites, the payouts didn't seem worth the effort ever.

Bilbert lashlily
Toad Whipper's United
#2 - 2015-11-15 19:44:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Bilbert lashlily
Null sec
-Sov. warfare
1. Entities don't fight each other because they have no reason too.
A) another isk faucet is not going to solve this problem, this is an issue that needs to be addressed, I have head of forced scarcity, moon goo randomly moving. unfortunately, these would just cause the little guy to get steam rolled.
.1- Got any ideas, I'd like to hear them!
2. Entosis
A) The concept is a good one. Make it so a small entity doesn't have to have supercaps to take sov.
.1- I would have liked to see this feature implemented as a way to either capture a structure or just to shut it off/ destroy it. or make it a way to cause a self destruct, but if you want to do it with capitals and destroy it with holes, you can.
3.Phoebe jump changes
A) Jump fatigue is a great plan that still needs some work done and some balance fixes. im glad they brought the maximum fatigue down to 5 days. I honestly would like to see it become 2 days, because unless you know a fight is happening, you cant just appear in 2 days.
B) Jump ranges need to be buffed. or at least reset to post phoebe levels and balance the ranges from there. I understand not wanting everyone and their mother on you in 2 minutes, but jump ranges don't need to be capped at 5 ly.
C) However, if jump ranges are also too long at post phoebe to keep the world from dog piling into one system in a matter of minutes, then they would need to be rebalance, but not a double nerf like phoebe was.
D) Remove fatigue from jump Bridges. Im sorry but that is the most annoying thing for me about phoebe. Trying to catch up to a group in your space, and the second you take a short cut, you are immediately punished and slowed down for it. if im chasing somebody through my neighbor hood, and I knew I could cut him off by jumping the fence I would, but this makes it so you jump the fence, and immediately break your own leg.
-NPC Null
1. Leave it be for now. I doesn't appear anyone in NPC null is having any major issues. If it isn't broke, don't fix it.

-Im learning these right now so feel free to send messages to me.
Bilbert lashlily
Toad Whipper's United
#3 - 2015-11-15 20:02:46 UTC
Kerensky Initiatives
#4 - 2015-11-23 14:30:27 UTC
Bilbert lashlily wrote:
A) I love the war dec system but it is not conducive to helping small new player corporations.
.1- I believe the stacking bonus for per member in the corporation actually needs to be a reverse stacking. Meaning the less people a corp or alliance has, the more it costs to war dec them

Err...why is this necessary? If you go down this route, it seems all you want to do is shield 1 man vanity corps, don't you think?

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

Bilbert lashlily
Toad Whipper's United
#5 - 2015-11-26 13:56:13 UTC
Bumblefck wrote:
Bilbert lashlily wrote:
A) I love the war dec system but it is not conducive to helping small new player corporations.
.1- I believe the stacking bonus for per member in the corporation actually needs to be a reverse stacking. Meaning the less people a corp or alliance has, the more it costs to war dec them

Err...why is this necessary? If you go down this route, it seems all you want to do is shield 1 man vanity corps, don't you think?

Hmm, I see what your saying, I was thinking it would help smaller, newer corps, but I forgot this is eve and anything that can be, will be abused. Do you have a better idea to suggest? I'd love to hear you're thoughts on this.
StupidGenius Charante
Alea Iacta Est Universal
Blades of Grass
#6 - 2016-02-16 14:08:52 UTC
Here is the CSM Watch interview with Bilbert lashlily for the CSM 11 election.