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Missions & Complexes

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NPC Null players are also people! New stuff in NPC pirate LP stores!

Anthar Thebess
#1 - 2016-02-16 09:36:24 UTC
This is more petition, than a idea.
At each module balance CCP create new faction items that fill some gap or can be replacement for module from other race.
Sometimes people see new True Sansha or Shadow Serpentis module, but for NPC nullsec players this change nothing.
We got hit hard when the reprocessing changes where introduced - value of belt ratting dropped by around 40%.
Next hit to NPC space was when chance for anomaly escalation was increased - all scanable sites across NPC space where affected, and value of dropped items reduced to 1/4. This change affected also LP stores.
Final nail where the Burner missions. They affected last place that provided some income - pirate missions - flooding market with cheep LP.

Problem with pirate LP is that it have very limited market.
2-3 burner mission farmers can easily oversupply the market and reduce market value of items even more.
Useful stuff that can be pulled from pirate LP stores can be narrowed to XL ammo and pirate implants, ship BPC are some option in mordus and sister space, mining modules are the thing in ORE.

This stores need more variety, thing that can have at least similar stats to FW lp store items - simple example, non capital ammunition is worst than higsec faction versions.

Idea is to introduce to pirate LP stores items that have similar stats to those offered in higsec and FW stores, but named receptively : Sansha , Angel, Mordus , Serpentis (etc).

This items will need to compete with other faction items, but at least on equal terms, and can provide steady income in Burner era to players that don't run and cycle this missions on 6 alt frigate fleets.

I ask for support in mission running community, as i don't want to have stuff that is better simply equal value.
If you have any questions about pirate missions, feel free to ask - i will try to answer them, to keep this thread running and visible to CCP.
Arthur Aihaken
#2 - 2016-02-16 13:21:19 UTC
I would rather see missions nerfed into the ground in lieu of providing more dynamic PvE content. This goes for high-sec as well.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Anthar Thebess
#3 - 2016-02-16 13:31:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Anthar Thebess
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
I would rather see missions nerfed into the ground in lieu of providing more dynamic PvE content. This goes for high-sec as well.

Why limiting possible PVE options ?
PVE content ( involving shooting ) :
- incursions
- belts
- anomaly
- combat sites
- wh sites (they act similarly to anomaly/combat sites, but provide totally different type of game play)
- missions
- static sites (like cosmos, etc)

Missions for me are only income source, all fun (and isk sink) is in PVP activities.
Missions provide type of PVE (income) activity that suits free time that i have.
Anthar Thebess
#4 - 2016-02-23 09:52:58 UTC
Because CCP hate NPC nullsec players!