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Balancing Feedback: Assault Ships

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Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#501 - 2012-01-11 02:45:57 UTC
Take your AB AF out to 00 and try to kill something other than a stupid interceptor pilot.
Take your MWD AF out to 00 and try to kill something other than a stupid interceptor pilot.
Better yet, fit an MWD to an Enyo, go out to 00, and try to kill Cruiser.

You will find that:
  • You can't catch frigates that don't want to engage
  • You can't run out of bubbles camps, and are incredibly unlikely to make it back to the gate
  • You can't maintain tackle or tank against even the simplest of T1 PVP Cruisers, nevermind the rampant T2 ships.

  • @Michael
    Up until last month, I was in GENOS for 2+ years.
    You don't need to tell me what is and isn't possible with frigates, nevermind our rare BattleHelios Lol

    In regard to why you would fly a Navy ship over a T2 ship. For one, they are faster and much better at killing fast tackle than other Interceptors or even AFs. CCP stated themselves that Navy ships are merely better T1 variants, and lesser than T2.

    I don't generally use AB AFs in 00. I did on a short stint as it was proved exceedingly difficult.
    Running gate camps was impossible.

    Good AF pilots can kill bad Cruiser pilots. The opportunities to kill and number of which are much much higher in Empire space.
    This doesn't make it any more relevant as I was personally able kill bad battlecruisers and battleships with T1 frigates and faction frigates (before they were boosted).

    The new AFs definitely have less trouble killing Cruisers & Destroyers. But less trouble is a far cry from saying it's easy.
    Well flown & fit Destroyers & T1 Cruisers still wipe the floor with AFs.

    Fast mobile gangs are those which consist of Interceptors, Faction Frigates, Nano Cruisers/Battlecruisers, EAFs, Bombers, and Cov Ops. Typically..

    As for boosting more stuff. T1 (and 3 Pirate) frigates & cruisers have needed their lower tier ships boosted for a while now They need it done, and it doesn't depend on AFs get buffed or not.


    #502 - 2012-01-11 02:46:00 UTC
    Axel Greye wrote:
    as I said, T1 frigates can be mastered just like all other ship classes, and an expert T1 frigate pilot can achieve incredible things.
    Fights that many would say are not possible, become obtainable goals.


    Nice kill. Double web Rifter or did he just plow in? Lol

    You were, however, screwed by the Loot Fairy.
    Axel Greye
    Unlikely Suspects
    #503 - 2012-01-11 02:48:45 UTC
    Plutonian wrote:
    Axel Greye wrote:
    as I said, T1 frigates can be mastered just like all other ship classes, and an expert T1 frigate pilot can achieve incredible things.
    Fights that many would say are not possible, become obtainable goals.


    Nice kill. Double web Rifter or did he just plow in? Lol

    You were, however, screwed by the Loot Fairy.

    All of my Rifters are cookie cutter. ;)
    AB (Sometimes Faction) / Web / Scram and no Gang Links.
    Prometheus Exenthal
    Gallente Federation
    #504 - 2012-01-11 03:12:44 UTC
    Within themselves, here's whats wrong (imo):

  • Enyo: 2 mids, no range control and the closest range weapons. Outperformed in every way by its counterpart, the Ishkur
  • Ishkur: 1 of the only good AFs.

  • Vengeance: damage output is far too low and tank is too weak (when not injected). The *good* AFs outperform it
  • Retribution: 1 mid slot makes this ship worthless.

  • Jag: Currently one of the good AFs. Nothing terribly wrong with it beyond AFs being crap overall.
  • Wolf: Currently decent, but suffers greatly against smaller/faster ships. I routinely kill these with rocket Maledictions.

  • Hawk: low damage output, and 4 mids which further limits its damage output and tanking ability
  • Harpy: very similar to the Enyo, only it's insanely difficult to fit well and doubly as fat making it more useless.

  • All AFs suffer from lack of survivability. They are only useful against (relatively) noob/oblivious targets in empire space.
    AB fits are popular in low-sec because you don't have gate hazards or grid spanning fights (generally). They also make it really easy to tank plexes and such. The benefits of low-sec are spread equally for each class (ie: plex camping) but are more relevant for AFs because you can do such things without a really need for mobility.

    As for the boosting spiral, the other ships have needed fixing for a long time, and need them if AFs get changed or not.
    Pirate frigates are the most awkward. The DD & Dram are great, but the Succubus was nerfed some time ago, the Cruor doesn't have the cap, tank, or gank needed to use that neut bonus, and the Worms only advantage is it's total lack of cap and decent tank.

    Destroyers won't need a boost. Interdictors perform better and act as the step up for T1.
    I'm sorry if you think a skilled pilot in a sub 1-mil hull should be able to absolutely obliterate AFs without batting an eye.

    T1 Cruisers have needed a look for a while. The lower tier ships are generally crap for all the races, and the entire amarr lineup is pretty bad overall.

    HOW those ships get changed would be up for debate I'm sure, and it's unlikely that theyd see a similar turnaround that AFs are getting. For example, the Amarr cruisers would be made a whole lot better if they just had some fitting Lol


    Axel Greye
    Unlikely Suspects
    #505 - 2012-01-11 03:27:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Axel Greye
    Prometheus Exenthal wrote:

  • Enyo: 2 mids, no range control and the closest range weapons. Outperformed in every way by its counterpart, the Ishkur
  • Agreed
  • Ishkur: 1 of the only good AFs.
  • Meets the 'Standard' for good AF.

  • Vengeance: damage output is far too low and tank is too weak (when not injected). The *good* AFs outperform it
  • where I agree the damage output is low, the tank, even uninjected, is one of the strongest frigate sized tanks available. Yes you can be neuted with no cap inject, but thats the price you pay for gaining a web to dictate with.
  • Retribution: 1 mid slot makes this ship worthless.
  • Agreed

  • Jag: Currently one of the good AFs. Nothing terribly wrong with it beyond AFs being crap overall.
  • Meets the 'Standard' for good AFs
  • Wolf: Currently decent, but suffers greatly against smaller/faster ships. I routinely kill these with rocket Maledictions.
  • Wolf(s) serve as fantastic anti-frigate boats if used correctly. their ability to effectively apply their entire DPS within scram range combat nullifies some of the need for a web that say the enyo suffers from.

  • Hawk: low damage output, and 4 mids which further limits its damage output and tanking ability
  • If you consider that rockets now hit frigates perfectly and consistently, with no tracking requirements, the 200DPS a Hawk puts out is Outstanding. Used correctly you can defeat most other assault frigates using rockets.
  • Harpy: very similar to the Enyo, only it's insanely difficult to fit well and doubly as fat making it more useless.
  • Agreed

    You must remember that, particularly in lowsec, roaming is not always required, nor is catching prey. Alot of times, I find sitting in one popular system and letting fights come to you is just as successful as system hopping to find your own.
    That being said, MWD would not be necessary for all styles of assault frigates, particularly if you are waiting for a fight to come to you.
    I would much rather Ab fit a jaguar and be oppurtunistic, getting into fights that come my way, than MWD fitting, chasing down and catching a target, only to find I cannot dictate once I get there and die because of it.
    Zarnak Wulf
    Task Force 641
    Empyrean Edict
    #506 - 2012-01-11 03:34:29 UTC
    My favorite AF is the Wolf. Right now on TQ I fly one that uses 200mm, a small nuet, a TE, and the equivalent of two gyros. (rigs) With implants and faction ammo my DPS overheated comes in around 309 and 12km of falloff. Gank fit - only 5.8k EHP. Currently also on TQ - I can create a Gank Enyo with 357 DPS. That sounds exciting - but 20 of it is a hobgoblin Drone. Turret to turret the Enyo has a 26 DPS advantage over the Wolf. And that 'massive DPS' is limited to under 5km for optimal + falloff. That DPS is completely impractical though. Most of the poor Enyo's fights are in the 5km - 9km range due to no web. If I switch to Null? The Wolf outdamages at ever part of the Enyo's limited engagement range. 309 and 12km of falloff to 269 and 4.22km + 3.91km falloff.

    And yet there are those who insist that AF are "fine" and need no changes. I'll repeat what I said a while ago - as it stands right now the Enyo is a steaming pile of crap. If it doesn't have a second damage bonus there's no reason to fly it over the Wolf. And I agree with most of the analysis Prom gave of individual AF above. My wolf over the past has been able to do the DPS beatdown on most of the others. Overwhelming DPS + a small nuet = win. The AF field belongs to a few ships that don't suck as hard as the other ones.

    These changes allow the current losers in the field to rise to a higher level. The Hawk, Enyo, Vengeance, and Harpy can all do more damage. The Wolf no longer comes across as total 'Winmatar.'

    The only bit I don't agree with Prom on is destroyers. I think the Corm and Catalyst need more fitting to be competitive with the Thrasher.
    Prometheus Exenthal
    Gallente Federation
    #507 - 2012-01-11 03:40:32 UTC
    That's all well and good, and nobody is stopping you from doing that very thing.
    You need to keep in mind that the *good* AFs are still not very good. The are not only completely and unrelentingly obliterated by Destroyers, but some simply flown interceptors & frigates.

    My Malediction (mwd fit) was able to get under the guns, tank, and kill a Wolf with 2x tracking enhancers:
    It's not that impressive, no, but the Malediction is generally a terrible *combat* ship and you've just told me the Wolf is currently a great support platform.

    The Hawks & Vengeances tanks/damage are also worthless on TQ, as are rockets without a web.
    The Veng doesnt do enough dps, and a single rep tank is weak.
    The Hawk doesnt do enough dps, and it cant tank if it has a web and it cant do dps without the web.
    Both are easily killed by a Taranis.

    And Zarnark, I agree with you about the Cormorant. The rail fit Catalyst stings like a *****!
    My comment about Destroyers was more about the hull type in general Smile


    Kahega Amielden
    #508 - 2012-01-11 04:03:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Kahega Amielden
    There's a stickied thread for comments on the AF changes.
    Bigger than Jesus
    #509 - 2012-01-11 04:07:16 UTC
    @ Prom

    That wolf fit is what I would call terrible. I should hope you can beat it with almost any ship.
    Prometheus Exenthal
    Gallente Federation
    #510 - 2012-01-11 04:08:13 UTC
    I'm not saying it's good, but he couldn't hit me with 2 TEs. That's the point I was trying to make P


    Bigger than Jesus
    #511 - 2012-01-11 04:14:01 UTC
    no wolf would ever be able to hit your ceptor with that set up. He has not done a proper job at plugging his weakness. A point that you exploited expertly. My point is that you can not use this to say that the wolf needs work.
    Michael Harari
    Genos Occidere
    #512 - 2012-01-11 04:21:35 UTC
    You caught a kiting ship with a scram interceptor. You should win that fight.
    Axel Greye
    Unlikely Suspects
    #513 - 2012-01-11 04:29:06 UTC
    Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
    That's all well and good, and nobody is stopping you from doing that very thing.
    You need to keep in mind that the *good* AFs are still not very good. The are not only completely and unrelentingly obliterated by Destroyers, but some simply flown interceptors & frigates.

    My Malediction (mwd fit) was able to get under the guns, tank, and kill a Wolf with 2x tracking enhancers:
    It's not that impressive, no, but the Malediction is generally a terrible *combat* ship and you've just told me the Wolf is currently a great support platform.

    The Hawks & Vengeances tanks/damage are also worthless on TQ, as are rockets without a web.
    The Veng doesnt do enough dps, and a single rep tank is weak.
    The Hawk doesnt do enough dps, and it cant tank if it has a web and it cant do dps without the web.
    Both are easily killed by a Taranis.

    And Zarnark, I agree with you about the Cormorant. The rail fit Catalyst stings like a *****!
    My comment about Destroyers was more about the hull type in general Smile

    Destroyers are not the be all and end all of frigate sized combat, If I can kill thrashers with Rifters, I can certainly do it with Jaguars.

    As for the wolf, It's a nice kill, but that wolf is fit for kiting which never works well, wolf is best with a 200mmplate tank + rep, or a 400mm plate buffer, either setup makes them very hard to kill. Now assuming the wolf pilot has the foresight to use 150mm ACs for better tracking and a neut in the utility high, you will have a hard time out-tracking it.

    Damage Control II
    Ballistic Control System II

    Gistii B-Type Small Shield Booster
    Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
    Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
    Gistii B-Type 1MN Afterburner

    Rocket Launcher II, Thorn Rage Rocket
    Rocket Launcher II, Thorn Rage Rocket
    Rocket Launcher II, Thorn Rage Rocket
    Rocket Launcher II, Thorn Rage Rocket
    Corpii C-Type Small Nosferatu

    Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
    Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II

    183 rocket DPS, 134 DPS cap-stable omni tank (No Implants), 1200m/s
    Has Web, Has Faction Nos to work outside neut range, can apply damage at any part of scram range.

    Damage Control II
    Coreli C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating
    Coreli C-Type Small Armor Repairer
    Ballistic Control System II

    Coreli C-Type 1MN Afterburner
    Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
    Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I

    Rocket Launcher II, Gremlin Rage Rocket
    Rocket Launcher II, Gremlin Rage Rocket
    Rocket Launcher II, Gremlin Rage Rocket
    Rocket Launcher II, Gremlin Rage Rocket

    Small Anti-Thermic Pump I
    Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I

    152 rocket DPS, 121 DPS cap-stable omni tank (no Implants), 1100m/s
    Not as good as hawk.

    But the Hawk I linked is a beast, and if piloted correctly should never lose to a Taranis.

    ↑ one engagement and the Hawk killed them both.
    from what you are saying, I think you need to re-try the hawk, it has become so much better since the rocket patch and they literally scare the **** out of me on D-Scan cause I know what they can do.

    The Tuskers
    The Tuskers Co.
    #514 - 2012-01-11 04:45:24 UTC  |  Edited by: DARKSTAR POWNYOUALL
    If I'm in a small frig gang and someone asked whether they should bring Enyo or Wolf, I'd immediately say Enyo. It has its role.

    In fact, while I'm on that train of thought. if I had a small frig gang set up and someone asked could they come along as well, and what ship class to bring, I would say Assault Frigate. They excel here.

    Sure, not every single AF can have the title of BEST Assault Frigate. They can't all be AS versatile, as the MOST versatile ones for solo'ing. But the bulk of them have their place, and their use. A few tune ups is whats needed. A megabuff for every single AF including the already dominant solo ones, is really stupid.

    Prometheus - AFs are fundamentally flawed in that they have poor performance operating offensively (4th bonus/slots), and exceedingly poor performance operating evasively and defensively. The former being for things like running back to gates or through camps, and the latter being in regard to actual combat mobility.

    LOL and you have the nerve to label other peoples sensible reasoning in this thread as "hearsay", and then post this ridiculous crap. AF's are not underpowered. They are very dominant in lowsec combate. And that isn't "hearsay", or an "opinion with no evidence backing it up", its a fact. It's basically agreed upon by every single poster in this thread bar you, even the majority of people who agree with your changes also agree that AF's are already the go-to ship, they just want there toys to be even more high tech, without thinking about the actual repercussions of doing so.

    If you want to get more use out of AF's rather then just complaining that they don't do well enough in null sec, then come to Low and start flying one. If you can't do well in low sec with an AF, while others like Miura Bull and Wensley's killboards are thriving off solo'ing in rifters, then I don't know what else to tell you - you must be a terrible PVP'er and until you learn more about broader aspects of this game, your opinions should hold little weight. These decisions should be made by PVP'ers who will take into account both null sec AND low sec, not just willingly nerf one to give themselves a new toy in the area of the game that THEY personally play the most. Just because you chose to use ships where they don't excel and refuse to use them where they dominate, doesn't make that ship underpowered. You don't go missioning in a Falcon, you don't go PVP'ing in null with a full set of Slave implants, and you don't try to get your moneys worth pirating lowsec systems in Flycatcher or a Broadsword. This doesn't mean any of the aforementioned need buffs - it means you are using them wrong, and are restricting yourself of their true strengths by not using them where they belong.
    Prometheus Exenthal
    Gallente Federation
    #515 - 2012-01-11 04:49:23 UTC


    Axel Greye
    Unlikely Suspects
    #516 - 2012-01-11 04:53:16 UTC
    lol darkstar, prometheus has been solo roaming lowsec for years, he is one of the most well known pvpers in eve.
    He has many valid points about AFs, but all opinions are personal and biased based upon your own experiences and combat preferences.
    the only way we can justify our opinions is to post killmail evidence, something which prometheus has no trouble doing.
    He has one of the most experienced opinions in this thread, so rather than slate him, I would listen and discuss with some decorum. =P
    The Tuskers
    The Tuskers Co.
    #517 - 2012-01-11 04:56:56 UTC  |  Edited by: DARKSTAR POWNYOUALL
    Axel Greye wrote:
    lol darkstar, prometheus has been solo roaming lowsec for years, he is one of the most well known pvpers in eve.
    He has many valid points about AFs, but all opinions are personal and biased based upon your own experiences and combat preferences.
    the only way we can justify our opinions is to post killmail evidence, something which prometheus has no trouble doing.
    He has one of the most experienced opinions in this thread, so rather than slate him, I would listen and discuss with some decorum. =P

    My bad, he just seems a little bit stumped for a valid reply after my last post. But maybe you are right. Link me some of his low sec AF combat experience, killmails will be fine.
    Prometheus Exenthal
    Gallente Federation
    #518 - 2012-01-11 04:59:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Prometheus Exenthal
    I'm sorry, but that deserved its own post.

    So you've spent (about) a hundred mil (hull included, market prices) to make a Hawk/Veng usable in low sec, which still gets swatted out of the sky by a Slicer, plated Rifter/Punisher, any Destroyer. Great work there Roll

    If someone wanted to bring an AF on a frigate roam outside of Empire's padded cell, I would laugh in their face and not reimburse their loss. Your right, not every AF can be called the best, but more than half are god awful within their own circle, and even worse in actual hazardous conditions.

    PVP is more than sitting on a beacon waiting for someone to show up in your tackle range, or trying to sneak a gank on the station undock. Sure, those are valid playstyles, but that is all AFs are good at. The changes are looking to expand on that, not replace it.

    I'm allowed to call it hearsay because the claims that AFs **** Destroyers and Cruisers is patently false. That's the only claim with value, because trying to say that a T2 combat frigate should be catered to the balance of T1 frigates is a downright hilarious notion. If there were an actual balance issue, then yes, tweaks would be discussed. But frankly, it still takes a few frigates to effectively take down a well flown Cruiser. No different than a T1 frig gang, and no different than a couple Taranis doing it.

    And as for me living in low sec, I left 2 years ago when FW became battle of the rich-boys, and the days consisted of avoiding one poorly orchestrated FW/pirate blob after the other.


    Michael Harari
    Genos Occidere
    #519 - 2012-01-11 05:04:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Michael Harari
    Axel Greye wrote:
    lol darkstar, prometheus has been solo roaming lowsec for years, he is one of the most well known pvpers in eve.

    This is true, but equally, so are some of the other posters in this thread. Alex Medvedov iprobably has more experience with jaguars than any other person in eve. I have never seen sylvous outside of a frigate. Etc etc
    The Tuskers
    The Tuskers Co.
    #520 - 2012-01-11 05:30:28 UTC  |  Edited by: DARKSTAR POWNYOUALL
    Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
    If someone wanted to bring an AF on a frigate roam outside of Empire's padded cell, I would laugh in their face and not reimburse their loss. Your right, not every AF can be called the best, but more than half are god awful within their own circle, and even worse in actual hazardous conditions.

    So what would you take instead on a frigate roam? a fleet of daredevils and drams Roll? how practical. how bout faction frigs? ceptors? T1's? i dont understand this af hate at all, wheres your reasoning before i label this as hearsay

    Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
    PVP is more than sitting on a beacon waiting for someone to show up in your tackle range, or trying to sneak a gank on the station undock. Sure, those are valid playstyles, but that is all AFs are good at. The changes are looking to expand on that, not replace it.


    Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
    I'm allowed to call it hearsay because the claims that AFs **** Destroyers and Cruisers is patently false. That's the only claim with value, because trying to say that a T2 combat frigate should be catered to the balance of T1 frigates is a downright hilarious notion.

    not once has anyone said that a t2 combat frigate should be balanced with a t1. YES HAR HAR HAR WHAT A HILARIOUS NOTION YOU'VE CONCOCTED THERE. But to say that its irrelevant to compare the strength of an AF with a T1 is stupid. They are the same size group and there needs to be a well conceived level of strength between them, not just saying "WELL 1 RIFTER CANNOT SOLO A JAGUAR EITHER WAY SO IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT THE HELL WE DO IF WE CHOOSE TO BUFF THE **** OUT OF IT RITE??" . That's no reason to throw sense out the door and not put wise thought towards avoiding overbuffing a ship that already beats out most of its own size already